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<html><head><title>2023-08-03 Vac weekly</title><meta charSet="utf-8"/><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/><meta property="og:title" content="2023-08-03 Vac weekly"/><meta property="og:description" content="NOTE: This is a first experimental version moving towards the new reporting structure: Last week vc vc::Deep Research milestone (15%, 2023/11/30) paper on gossipsub improvements ready for submission related work section milestone (15%, 2023/08/31) Nimbus Tor-push PoC basic torpush encode/decode ( 1 ) milestone (15%, 2023/11/30) paper on Tor push validator privacy (focus on Tor-push PoC) vsu::P2P admin/misc EthCC (all CCs) vsu::Tokenomics admin/misc Attended EthCC and side events in Paris milestone (30%, 2023/09/30) Codex economic analysis, Codex token utility, Codex collateral management Kicked off a new approach for Codex collateral problem milestone (50%, 2023/08/30) SNT staking smart contract Integrated SNT staking contracts with Python milestone (50%, 2023/07/14) SNT litepaper (delayed) milestone(30%, 2023/09/29) Nomos Token: requirements and constraints vsu::Distributed Systems Testing milestone (95%, 2023/07/31) Wakurtosis Waku Report Add timout to injection async call in WLS to avoid further issues (PR #139 139) Plotting &amp; analyse 100 msg/s off line Prometehus data milestone (90%, 2023/07/31) Nomos CI testing fixed errors in Nomos consensus simulation milestone (30%, …) gossipsub model analysis add config options to script, allowing to load configs that can be directly compared to Wakurtosis results added support for small world networks admin/misc Interviews &amp; reports for SE and STA positions EthCC (1 CC) vip::zkVM milestone(50%, 2023/08/31) background/research on existing proof systems (nova, sangria…) (write ups will be available here: zkVM-cd358fe429b14fa2ab38ca42835a8451) Solved the open questions on Nova adn completed the document (will update the page) Reviewed Nescience and working on a document Reviewed partly the write up on FHE writeup for Nova and Sangria; research on super nova reading a new paper revisiting Nova (969) milestone (50%, 2023/08/31) new fair benchmarks + recursive implementations zkvm Researching Nova to understand the folding technique for ZKVM adaptation zerokit Rostyslav became circom-compat maintainer vip::RLNP2P milestone (100%, 2023/07/31) rln-relay testnet 3 completed and retro completed milestone (95%, 2023/07/31) RLN-Relay Waku production readiness admin/misc EthCC + offsite This week vc vc::Deep Research milestone (15%, 2023/11/30) paper on gossipsub improvements ready for submission working on contributions section, based on X1DoBHtYTtuGqYg0qK4zJw milestone (15%, 2023/08/31) Nimbus Tor-push PoC working on establishing a connection via nim-libp2p tor-transport setting up goerli test node (cont’) milestone (15%, 2023/11/30) paper on Tor push validator privacy continue working on paper vsu::P2P milestone (…) Implement ChokeMessage for GossipSub Continue “limited flood publishing” (911) vsu::Tokenomics admin/misc: (3 CC days off) Catch up with EthCC talks that we couldn’t attend (schedule conflicts) milestone (50%, 2023/07/14) SNT litepaper Start building the SNT agent-based simulation vsu::Distributed Systems Testing milestone (100%, 2023/07/31) Wakurtosis Waku Report finalize simulations finalize report milestone (100%, 2023/07/31) Nomos CI testing finalize milestone milestone (30%, …) gossipsub model analysis Incorporate Status control messages admin/misc Interviews &amp; reports for SE and STA positions EthCC (1 CC) vip::zkVM milestone(50%, 2023/08/31) background/research on existing proof systems (nova, sangria…) Refine the Nescience WIP and FHE documents research HyperNova milestone (50%, 2023/08/31) new fair benchmarks + recursive implementations Continue exploring Nova and other ZKPs and start technical writing on Nova benchmarks zkvm zerokit circom: reach an agreement with other maintainers on master branch situation vip::RLNP2P maintenance investigate why docker builds of nwaku are failing [zerokit dependency related] documentation on how to use rln for projects interested (console) milestone (95%, 2023/07/31) RLN-Relay Waku production readiness revert rln bandwidth reduction based on offsite discussion, move to different validator blockers ."/><meta property="og:image" content="https://roadmap.logos.co/static/og-image.png"/><meta property="og:width" content="1200"/><meta property="og:height" content="675"/><link rel="icon" href="../../static/icon.png"/><meta name="description" content="NOTE: This is a first experimental version moving towards the new reporting structure: Last week vc vc::Deep Research milestone (15%, 2023/11/30) paper on gossipsub improvements ready for submission related work section milestone (15%, 2023/08/31) Nimbus Tor-push PoC basic torpush encode/decode ( 1 ) milestone (15%, 2023/11/30) paper on Tor push validator privacy (focus on Tor-push PoC) vsu::P2P admin/misc EthCC (all CCs) vsu::Tokenomics admin/misc Attended EthCC and side events in Paris milestone (30%, 2023/09/30) Codex economic analysis, Codex token utility, Codex collateral management Kicked off a new approach for Codex collateral problem milestone (50%, 2023/08/30) SNT staking smart contract Integrated SNT staking contracts with Python milestone (50%, 2023/07/14) SNT litepaper (delayed) milestone(30%, 2023/09/29) Nomos Token: requirements and constraints vsu::Distributed Systems Testing milestone (95%, 2023/07/31) Wakurtosis Waku Report Add timout to injection async call in WLS to avoid further issues (PR #139 139) Plotting &amp; analyse 100 msg/s off line Prometehus data milestone (90%, 2023/07/31) Nomos CI testing fixed errors in Nomos consensus simulation milestone (30%, …) gossipsub model analysis add config options to script, allowing to load configs that can be directly compared to Wakurtosis results added support for small world networks admin/misc Interviews &amp; reports for SE and STA positions EthCC (1 CC) vip::zkVM milestone(50%, 2023/08/31) background/research on existing proof systems (nova, sangria…) (write ups will be available here: zkVM-cd358fe429b14fa2ab38ca42835a8451) Solved the open questions on Nova adn completed the document (will update the page) Reviewed Nescience and working on a document Reviewed partly the write up on FHE writeup for Nova and Sangria; research on super nova reading a new paper revisiting Nova (969) milestone (50%, 2023/08/31) new fair benchmarks + recursive implementations zkvm Researching Nova to understand the folding technique for ZKVM adaptation zerokit Rostyslav became circom-compat maintainer vip::RLNP2P milestone (100%, 2023/07/31) rln-relay testnet 3 completed and retro completed milestone (95%, 2023/07/31) RLN-Relay Waku production readiness admin/misc EthCC + offsite This week vc vc::Deep Research milestone (15%, 2023/11/30) paper on gossipsub improvements ready for submission working on contributions section, based on X1DoBHtYTtuGqYg0qK4zJw milestone (15%, 2023/08/31) Nimbus Tor-push PoC working on establishing a connection via nim-libp2p tor-transport setting up goerli test node (cont’) milestone (15%, 2023/11/30) paper on Tor push validator privacy continue working on paper vsu::P2P milestone (…) Implement ChokeMessage for GossipSub Continue “limited flood publishing” (911) vsu::Tokenomics admin/misc: (3 CC days off) Catch up with EthCC talks that we couldn’t attend (schedule conflicts) milestone (50%, 2023/07/14) SNT litepaper Start building the SNT agent-based simulation vsu::Distributed Systems Testing milestone (100%, 2023/07/31) Wakurtosis Waku Report finalize simulations finalize report milestone (100%, 2023/07/31) Nomos CI testing finalize milestone milestone (30%, …) gossipsub model analysis Incorporate Status control messages admin/misc Interviews &amp; reports for SE and STA positions EthCC (1 CC) vip::zkVM milestone(50%, 2023/08/31) background/research on existing proof systems (nova, sangria…) Refine the Nescience WIP and FHE documents research HyperNova milestone (50%, 2023/08/31) new fair benchmarks + recursive implementations Continue exploring Nova and other ZKPs and start technical writing on Nova benchmarks zkvm zerokit circom: reach an agreement with other maintainers on master branch situation vip::RLNP2P maintenance investigate why docker builds of nwaku are failing [zerokit dependency related] documentation on how to use rln for projects interested (console) milestone (95%, 2023/07/31) RLN-Relay Waku production readiness revert rln bandwidth reduction based on offsite discussion, move to different validator blockers ."/><meta name="generator" content="Logos Roadmaps"/><link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com"/><link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.gstatic.com"/><link href="../../index.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" spa-preserve/><link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.16.0/dist/katex.min.css" rel="stylesheet" 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c-0.829,0-1.5,0.672-1.5,1.5v3c0,0.828,0.671,1.5,1.5,1.5s1.5-0.672,1.5-1.5v-3C19,29.672,18.329,29,17.5,29z M17.5,7 C11.71,7,7,11.71,7,17.5S11.71,28,17.5,28S28,23.29,28,17.5S23.29,7,17.5,7z M17.5,25c-4.136,0-7.5-3.364-7.5-7.5 c0-4.136,3.364-7.5,7.5-7.5c4.136,0,7.5,3.364,7.5,7.5C25,21.636,21.636,25,17.5,25z"></path></svg></label><label id="toggle-label-dark" for="darkmode-toggle" tabIndex="-1"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlnsXlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="1.1" id="nightIcon" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 100 100" style="enable-background='new 0 0 100 100'" xmlSpace="preserve"><title>Dark mode</title><path d="M96.76,66.458c-0.853-0.852-2.15-1.064-3.23-0.534c-6.063,2.991-12.858,4.571-19.655,4.571 C62.022,70.495,50.88,65.88,42.5,57.5C29.043,44.043,25.658,23.536,34.076,6.47c0.532-1.08,0.318-2.379-0.534-3.23 c-0.851-0.852-2.15-1.064-3.23-0.534c-4.918,2.427-9.375,5.619-13.246,9.491c-9.447,9.447-14.65,22.008-14.65,35.369 c0,13.36,5.203,25.921,14.65,35.368s22.008,14.65,35.368,14.65c13.361,0,25.921-5.203,35.369-14.65 c3.872-3.871,7.064-8.328,9.491-13.246C97.826,68.608,97.611,67.309,96.76,66.458z"></path></svg></label></div></div><div class="center"><div class="page-header"><div class="popover-hint"><h1 class="article-title">2023-08-03 Vac weekly</h1><p class="content-meta">Aug 03, 2023, 3 min read</p><ul class="tags"><li><a href="../../tags/vac-updates" class="internal tag-link">#vac-updates</a></li><li><a href="../../tags/139" class="internal tag-link">#139</a></li></ul></div></div><article class="popover-hint"><p>NOTE: This is a first experimental version moving towards the new reporting structure:</p>
<p><strong>Last week</strong></p>
<li><em>vc::Deep Research</em>
<li>milestone (15%, 2023/11/30) paper on gossipsub improvements ready for submission
<li>related work section</li>
<li>milestone (15%, 2023/08/31) Nimbus Tor-push PoC
<li>basic torpush encode/decode ( <a href="https://github.com/vacp2p/nim-libp2p-experimental/pull/1" class="external">1</a> )</li>
<li>milestone (15%, 2023/11/30) paper on Tor push validator privacy
<li>(focus on Tor-push PoC)</li>
<li>EthCC (all CCs)</li>
<li>Attended EthCC and side events in Paris</li>
<li>milestone (30%, 2023/09/30) Codex economic analysis, Codex token utility, Codex collateral management
<li>Kicked off a new approach for Codex collateral problem</li>
<li>milestone (50%, 2023/08/30) SNT staking smart contract
<li>Integrated SNT staking contracts with Python</li>
<li>milestone (50%, 2023/07/14) SNT litepaper
<li>milestone(30%, 2023/09/29) Nomos Token: requirements and constraints</li>
<li><em>vsu::Distributed Systems Testing</em>
<li>milestone (95%, 2023/07/31) Wakurtosis Waku Report
<li>Add timout to injection async call in WLS to avoid further issues (PR<a href="../.././../tags/139" class="tag-link internal"> #139</a> <a href="https://github.com/vacp2p/wakurtosis/pull/139" class="external">139</a>)</li>
<li>Plotting & analyse 100 msg/s off line Prometehus data</li>
<li>milestone (90%, 2023/07/31) Nomos CI testing
<li>fixed errors in Nomos consensus simulation</li>
<li>milestone (30%, …) gossipsub model analysis
<li>add config options to script, allowing to load configs that can be directly compared to Wakurtosis results</li>
<li>added support for small world networks</li>
<li>Interviews & reports for SE and STA positions</li>
<li>EthCC (1 CC)</li>
<li>milestone(50%, 2023/08/31) background/research on existing proof systems (nova, sangria…)
<li>(write ups will be available here: <a href="https://www.notion.so/zkVM-cd358fe429b14fa2ab38ca42835a8451" class="external">zkVM-cd358fe429b14fa2ab38ca42835a8451</a>)</li>
<li>Solved the open questions on Nova adn completed the document (will update the page)</li>
<li>Reviewed Nescience and working on a document</li>
<li>Reviewed partly the write up on FHE</li>
<li>writeup for Nova and Sangria; research on super nova</li>
<li>reading a new paper revisiting Nova (<a href="https://eprint.iacr.org/2023/969" class="external">969</a>)</li>
<li>milestone (50%, 2023/08/31) new fair benchmarks + recursive implementations</li>
<li>Researching Nova to understand the folding technique for ZKVM adaptation</li>
<li>Rostyslav became circom-compat maintainer</li>
<li>milestone (100%, 2023/07/31) rln-relay testnet 3 completed and retro
<li>milestone (95%, 2023/07/31) RLN-Relay Waku production readiness</li>
<li>EthCC + offsite</li>
<p><strong>This week</strong></p>
<li><em>vc::Deep Research</em>
<li>milestone (15%, 2023/11/30) paper on gossipsub improvements ready for submission
<li>working on contributions section, based on <a href="https://hackmd.io/X1DoBHtYTtuGqYg0qK4zJw" class="external">X1DoBHtYTtuGqYg0qK4zJw</a></li>
<li>milestone (15%, 2023/08/31) Nimbus Tor-push PoC
<li>working on establishing a connection via nim-libp2p tor-transport</li>
<li>setting up goerli test node (cont’)</li>
<li>milestone (15%, 2023/11/30) paper on Tor push validator privacy
<li>continue working on paper</li>
<li>milestone (…)
<li>Implement ChokeMessage for GossipSub</li>
<li>Continue “limited flood publishing” (<a href="https://github.com/status-im/nim-libp2p/pull/911" class="external">911</a>)</li>
<li>(3 CC days off)</li>
<li>Catch up with EthCC talks that we couldn’t attend (schedule conflicts)</li>
<li>milestone (50%, 2023/07/14) SNT litepaper
<li>Start building the SNT agent-based simulation</li>
<li><em>vsu::Distributed Systems Testing</em>
<li>milestone (100%, 2023/07/31) Wakurtosis Waku Report
<li>finalize simulations</li>
<li>finalize report</li>
<li>milestone (100%, 2023/07/31) Nomos CI testing
<li>finalize milestone</li>
<li>milestone (30%, …) gossipsub model analysis
<li>Incorporate Status control messages</li>
<li>Interviews & reports for SE and STA positions</li>
<li>EthCC (1 CC)</li>
<li>milestone(50%, 2023/08/31) background/research on existing proof systems (nova, sangria…)
<li>Refine the Nescience WIP and FHE documents</li>
<li>research HyperNova</li>
<li>milestone (50%, 2023/08/31) new fair benchmarks + recursive implementations
<li>Continue exploring Nova and other ZKPs and start technical writing on Nova benchmarks</li>
<li>circom: reach an agreement with other maintainers on master branch situation</li>
<li>investigate why docker builds of nwaku are failing [zerokit dependency related]</li>
<li>documentation on how to use rln for projects interested (<a href="https://discord.com/channels/864066763682218004/1131734908474236968/1131735766163267695)(https://ci.infra.status.im/job/nim-waku/job/manual/45/console" class="external">console</a>)</li>
<li>milestone (95%, 2023/07/31) RLN-Relay Waku production readiness
<li>revert rln bandwidth reduction based on offsite discussion, move to different validator</li>
</ul></article></div><div class="right sidebar"><div class="graph"><h3>Graph View</h3><div class="graph-outer"><div id="graph-container" data-cfg="{"drag":true,"zoom":true,"depth":1,"scale":1.1,"repelForce":0.5,"centerForce":0.3,"linkDistance":30,"fontSize":0.6,"opacityScale":1}"></div><svg version="1.1" id="global-graph-icon" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlnsXlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 55 55" fill="currentColor" xmlSpace="preserve"><path d="M49,0c-3.309,0-6,2.691-6,6c0,1.035,0.263,2.009,0.726,2.86l-9.829,9.829C32.542,17.634,30.846,17,29,17
C46.042,11.405,47.451,12,49,12c3.309,0,6-2.691,6-6S52.309,0,49,0z M11,9c0-1.103,0.897-2,2-2s2,0.897,2,2s-0.897,2-2,2
S11,10.103,11,9z M6,51c-2.206,0-4-1.794-4-4s1.794-4,4-4s4,1.794,4,4S8.206,51,6,51z M33,49c0,2.206-1.794,4-4,4s-4-1.794-4-4
s1.794-4,4-4S33,46.794,33,49z M29,31c-3.309,0-6-2.691-6-6s2.691-6,6-6s6,2.691,6,6S32.309,31,29,31z M47,41c0,1.103-0.897,2-2,2
s-2-0.897-2-2s0.897-2,2-2S47,39.897,47,41z M49,10c-2.206,0-4-1.794-4-4s1.794-4,4-4s4,1.794,4,4S51.206,10,49,10z"></path></svg></div><div id="global-graph-outer"><div id="global-graph-container" data-cfg="{"drag":true,"zoom":true,"depth":-1,"scale":0.9,"repelForce":0.5,"centerForce":0.3,"linkDistance":30,"fontSize":0.6,"opacityScale":1}"></div></div></div><div class="backlinks"><h3>Backlinks</h3><ul class="overflow"><li>No backlinks found</li></ul></div></div></div><footer><hr/><p>Created by Logos with <a href="https://quartz.jzhao.xyz/">Quartz v4.0.8</a>, © 2023</p><ul><li><a href="https://github.com/logos-co/roadmap">GitHub</a></li><li><a href="https://discord.com/invite/logos-state">Discord Community</a></li></ul></footer></div></body><script type="application/javascript">// quartz/components/scripts/quartz/components/scripts/callout.inline.ts
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