--- title: 2023-09-29 Codex weekly tags: - codex-updates date: 2023-09-29 lastmod: 2023-09-30 draft: false --- ## Client ### Milestone: Block Merkelization - Merkelization current working branch - https://github.com/codex-storage/nim-codex/tree/sending-blocks-with-proofs-over-the-network ### Milestone: Block Exchange protocol refinements and simulations - Not much done on it this past couple of weeks, progress can be tracked here when it resumes - https://github.com/codex-storage/swarmsim ### Milestone: Async Disc Access & Threading support - Work on IO threads support - All related PRs are here https://github.com/codex-storage/nim-datastore/pulls - We now have a clear idea of how to implement and integrate it - https://github.com/codex-storage/nim-codex/pull/552 - found a leak in Nim's `SharedPtr` https://github.com/nim-lang/threading/issues/45 and fix https://github.com/nim-lang/threading/pull/46 ### Milestone: Client stability and debugging - Major effort to stabilize the Codex client through continuous automated testing - Most team members are working on this on and off, testing is ongoing ## Infra - Installed cert-manager in Dist-Tests cluster - Implemented External OAUTH Authentication for Grafana/Kibana (need to adjust internal authentication) - Exposed [Grafana](https://grafana.dist-tests.codex.storage/) and [Kibana](https://kibana.dist-tests.codex.storage/) - [Losing the logs during Continuous Tests run](https://github.com/codex-storage/infra-codex/issues/48) ## Research ### Milestone: Publications - White paper ongoing - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LCy23m90IHf32aUVhRT4r4772w1BfVcSLaJ0z9VTw9A/edit#heading=h.qs3bayckj5u4 ### Milestone: Sampling for storage proofs - Large discussion around erasure coding for sampling - https://github.com/codex-storage/zk-research-artifacts/blob/master/sampling/sampling.pdf - https://hackmd.io/DxJzAuTZROulBhPWqScmCg?view - https://github.com/codex-storage/codex-research/pull/184 - https://hackmd.io/kxSF8wjPS3arDFcqFJrNDw ## DAS ### Milestone: DAS Design - Ongoing discussions around - https://ethresear.ch/t/peerdas-a-simpler-das-approach-using-battle-tested-p2p-components/16541 - space-DAS (don't have link), a proposal to use spacefilling curves for sample placement ### Milestone: Measurements and simulations - Work continues on simulating various aspects of the DHT in https://github.com/cortze/py-dht