Milestones §
- Title:
- Link:
- Team:
- Estimated delivery date:
- Description:
- Resources required:
- Deliverables:
- Tracking metrics:
- Work breakdown:
- Perceived Risks:
Milestone: Waku RFC Review §
- Link:
- Estimated delivery date: 2024-03-31
- Description:
- Review our Waku RFC strategy, review the content of the most important RFCs, improve RFC indexing and ensure that important RFCs are easily identified and accessible.
- Resources required:
- Deliverables:
- Tracking metrics:
- Work breakdown:
- Perceived Risks:
Milestone: §
- Link:
- Team: Research
- Estimated delivery date: 2024-03-31
- Description:
- Review our Waku RFC strategy, review the content of the most important RFCs, improve RFC indexing and ensure that important RFCs are easily identified and accessible.
- Resources required:
- Deliverables:
- Tracking metrics:
- Work breakdown:
- Perceived Risks: