import { PluggableList } from "unified" import { QuartzTransformerPlugin } from "../types" import { Root, HTML, BlockContent, DefinitionContent, Code, Paragraph } from "mdast" import { Element, Literal } from "hast" import { Replace, findAndReplace as mdastFindReplace } from "mdast-util-find-and-replace" import { slug as slugAnchor } from "github-slugger" import rehypeRaw from "rehype-raw" import { visit } from "unist-util-visit" import path from "path" import { JSResource } from "../../util/resources" // @ts-ignore import calloutScript from "../../components/scripts/callout.inline.ts" import { FilePath, pathToRoot, slugTag, slugifyFilePath } from "../../util/path" import { toHast } from "mdast-util-to-hast" import { toHtml } from "hast-util-to-html" import { PhrasingContent } from "mdast-util-find-and-replace/lib" import { capitalize } from "../../util/lang" export interface Options { comments: boolean highlight: boolean wikilinks: boolean callouts: boolean mermaid: boolean parseTags: boolean parseBlockReferences: boolean enableInHtmlEmbed: boolean } const defaultOptions: Options = { comments: true, highlight: true, wikilinks: true, callouts: true, mermaid: true, parseTags: true, parseBlockReferences: true, enableInHtmlEmbed: false, } const icons = { infoIcon: ``, pencilIcon: ``, clipboardListIcon: ``, checkCircleIcon: ``, flameIcon: ``, checkIcon: ``, helpCircleIcon: ``, alertTriangleIcon: ``, xIcon: ``, zapIcon: ``, bugIcon: ``, listIcon: ``, quoteIcon: ``, } const callouts = { note: icons.pencilIcon, abstract: icons.clipboardListIcon, info: icons.infoIcon, todo: icons.checkCircleIcon, tip: icons.flameIcon, success: icons.checkIcon, question: icons.helpCircleIcon, warning: icons.alertTriangleIcon, failure: icons.xIcon, danger: icons.zapIcon, bug: icons.bugIcon, example: icons.listIcon, quote: icons.quoteIcon, } const calloutMapping: Record = { note: "note", abstract: "abstract", summary: "abstract", tldr: "abstract", info: "info", todo: "todo", tip: "tip", hint: "tip", important: "tip", success: "success", check: "success", done: "success", question: "question", help: "question", faq: "question", warning: "warning", attention: "warning", caution: "warning", failure: "failure", missing: "failure", fail: "failure", danger: "danger", error: "danger", bug: "bug", example: "example", quote: "quote", cite: "quote", } function canonicalizeCallout(calloutName: string): keyof typeof callouts { let callout = calloutName.toLowerCase() as keyof typeof calloutMapping return calloutMapping[callout] ?? "note" } const capitalize = (s: string): string => { return s.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1) } // !? -> optional embedding // \[\[ -> open brace // ([^\[\]\|\#]+) -> one or more non-special characters ([,],|, or #) (name) // (#[^\[\]\|\#]+)? -> # then one or more non-special characters (heading link) // (|[^\[\]\|\#]+)? -> | then one or more non-special characters (alias) const wikilinkRegex = new RegExp(/!?\[\[([^\[\]\|\#]+)?(#[^\[\]\|\#]+)?(\|[^\[\]\|\#]+)?\]\]/, "g") const highlightRegex = new RegExp(/==([^=]+)==/, "g") const commentRegex = new RegExp(/%%(.+)%%/, "g") // from const calloutRegex = new RegExp(/^\[\!(\w+)\]([+-]?)/) const calloutLineRegex = new RegExp(/^> *\[\!\w+\][+-]?.*$/, "gm") // (?:^| ) -> non-capturing group, tag should start be separated by a space or be the start of the line // #(...) -> capturing group, tag itself must start with # // (?:[-_\p{L}])+ -> non-capturing group, non-empty string of (Unicode-aware) alpha-numeric characters, hyphens and/or underscores // (?:\/[-_\p{L}]+)*) -> non-capturing group, matches an arbitrary number of tag strings separated by "/" const tagRegex = new RegExp(/(?:^| )#((?:[-_\p{L}\d])+(?:\/[-_\p{L}\d]+)*)/, "gu") const blockReferenceRegex = new RegExp(/\^([A-Za-z0-9]+)$/, "g") export const ObsidianFlavoredMarkdown: QuartzTransformerPlugin | undefined> = ( userOpts, ) => { const opts = { ...defaultOptions, ...userOpts } const mdastToHtml = (ast: PhrasingContent | Paragraph) => { const hast = toHast(ast, { allowDangerousHtml: true })! return toHtml(hast, { allowDangerousHtml: true }) } const findAndReplace = opts.enableInHtmlEmbed ? (tree: Root, regex: RegExp, replace?: Replace | null | undefined) => { if (replace) { visit(tree, "html", (node: HTML) => { if (typeof replace === "string") { node.value = node.value.replace(regex, replace) } else { node.value = node.value.replaceAll(regex, (substring: string, ...args) => { const replaceValue = replace(substring, ...args) if (typeof replaceValue === "string") { return replaceValue } else if (Array.isArray(replaceValue)) { return"") } else if (typeof replaceValue === "object" && replaceValue !== null) { return mdastToHtml(replaceValue) } else { return substring } }) } }) } mdastFindReplace(tree, regex, replace) } : mdastFindReplace return { name: "ObsidianFlavoredMarkdown", textTransform(_ctx, src) { // pre-transform blockquotes if (opts.callouts) { src = src.toString() src = src.replaceAll(calloutLineRegex, (value) => { // force newline after title of callout return value + "\n> " }) } // pre-transform wikilinks (fix anchors to things that may contain illegal syntax e.g. codeblocks, latex) if (opts.wikilinks) { src = src.toString() src = src.replaceAll(wikilinkRegex, (value, ...capture) => { const [rawFp, rawHeader, rawAlias] = capture const fp = rawFp ?? "" const anchor = rawHeader?.trim().slice(1) const displayAnchor = anchor ? `#${slugAnchor(anchor)}` : "" const displayAlias = rawAlias ?? rawHeader?.replace("#", "|") ?? "" const embedDisplay = value.startsWith("!") ? "!" : "" return `${embedDisplay}[[${fp}${displayAnchor}${displayAlias}]]` }) } return src }, markdownPlugins() { const plugins: PluggableList = [] if (opts.wikilinks) { plugins.push(() => { return (tree: Root, _file) => { findAndReplace(tree, wikilinkRegex, (value: string, ...capture: string[]) => { let [rawFp, rawHeader, rawAlias] = capture const fp = rawFp?.trim() ?? "" const anchor = rawHeader?.trim() ?? "" const alias = rawAlias?.slice(1).trim() // embed cases if (value.startsWith("!")) { const ext: string = path.extname(fp).toLowerCase() const url = slugifyFilePath(fp as FilePath) if ([".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".bmp", ".svg"].includes(ext)) { const dims = alias ?? "" let [width, height] = dims.split("x", 2) width ||= "auto" height ||= "auto" return { type: "image", url, data: { hProperties: { width, height, }, }, } } else if ([".mp4", ".webm", ".ogv", ".mov", ".mkv"].includes(ext)) { return { type: "html", value: ``, } } else if ( [".mp3", ".webm", ".wav", ".m4a", ".ogg", ".3gp", ".flac"].includes(ext) ) { return { type: "html", value: ``, } } else if ([".pdf"].includes(ext)) { return { type: "html", value: ``, } } else if (ext === "") { const block = anchor.slice(1) return { type: "html", data: { hProperties: { transclude: true } }, value: `
Transclude of block ${block}
`, } } // otherwise, fall through to regular link } // internal link const url = fp + anchor return { type: "link", url, children: [ { type: "text", value: alias ?? fp, }, ], } }) } }) } if (opts.highlight) { plugins.push(() => { return (tree: Root, _file) => { findAndReplace(tree, highlightRegex, (_value: string, ...capture: string[]) => { const [inner] = capture return { type: "html", value: `${inner}`, } }) } }) } if (opts.comments) { plugins.push(() => { return (tree: Root, _file) => { findAndReplace(tree, commentRegex, (_value: string, ..._capture: string[]) => { return { type: "text", value: "", } }) } }) } if (opts.callouts) { plugins.push(() => { return (tree: Root, _file) => { visit(tree, "blockquote", (node) => { if (node.children.length === 0) { return } // find first line const firstChild = node.children[0] if (firstChild.type !== "paragraph" || firstChild.children[0]?.type !== "text") { return } const text = firstChild.children[0].value const restChildren = firstChild.children.slice(1) const [firstLine, ...remainingLines] = text.split("\n") const remainingText = remainingLines.join("\n") const match = firstLine.match(calloutRegex) if (match && match.input) { const [calloutDirective, typeString, collapseChar] = match const calloutType = canonicalizeCallout( typeString.toLowerCase() as keyof typeof calloutMapping, ) const collapse = collapseChar === "+" || collapseChar === "-" const defaultState = collapseChar === "-" ? "collapsed" : "expanded" const titleContent = match.input.slice(calloutDirective.length).trim() || capitalize(calloutType) const titleNode: Paragraph = { type: "paragraph", children: [{ type: "text", value: titleContent + " " }, ...restChildren], } const title = mdastToHtml(titleNode) const toggleIcon = ` ` const titleHtml: HTML = { type: "html", value: `
${collapse ? toggleIcon : ""}
`, } const blockquoteContent: (BlockContent | DefinitionContent)[] = [titleHtml] if (remainingText.length > 0) { blockquoteContent.push({ type: "paragraph", children: [ { type: "text", value: remainingText, }, ], }) } // replace first line of blockquote with title and rest of the paragraph text node.children.splice(0, 1, ...blockquoteContent) // add properties to base blockquote = { hProperties: { ...( ?? {}), className: `callout ${collapse ? "is-collapsible" : ""} ${ defaultState === "collapsed" ? "is-collapsed" : "" }`, "data-callout": calloutType, "data-callout-fold": collapse, }, } } }) } }) } if (opts.mermaid) { plugins.push(() => { return (tree: Root, _file) => { visit(tree, "code", (node: Code) => { if (node.lang === "mermaid") { = { hProperties: { className: ["mermaid"], }, } } }) } }) } if (opts.parseTags) { plugins.push(() => { return (tree: Root, file) => { const base = pathToRoot(!) findAndReplace(tree, tagRegex, (_value: string, tag: string) => { // Check if the tag only includes numbers if (/^\d+$/.test(tag)) { return false } tag = slugTag(tag) if ( && ! { } return { type: "link", url: base + `/tags/${tag}`, data: { hProperties: { className: ["tag-link"], }, }, children: [ { type: "text", value: `#${tag}`, }, ], } }) } }) } return plugins }, htmlPlugins() { const plugins = [rehypeRaw] if (opts.parseBlockReferences) { plugins.push(() => { const inlineTagTypes = new Set(["p", "li"]) const blockTagTypes = new Set(["blockquote"]) return (tree, file) => { = {} visit(tree, "element", (node, index, parent) => { if (blockTagTypes.has(node.tagName)) { const nextChild = parent?! + 2) as Element if (nextChild && nextChild.tagName === "p") { const text = as Literal if (text && text.value && text.type === "text") { const matches = text.value.match(blockReferenceRegex) if (matches && matches.length >= 1) { parent!.children.splice(index! + 2, 1) const block = matches[0].slice(1) if (!Object.keys(!).includes(block)) { = {, id: block, }![block] = node } } } } } else if (inlineTagTypes.has(node.tagName)) { const last = as Literal if (last && last.value && typeof last.value === "string") { const matches = last.value.match(blockReferenceRegex) if (matches && matches.length >= 1) { last.value = last.value.slice(0, -matches[0].length) const block = matches[0].slice(1) if (!Object.keys(!).includes(block)) { = {, id: block, }![block] = node } } } } }) } }) } return plugins }, externalResources() { const js: JSResource[] = [] if (opts.callouts) { js.push({ script: calloutScript, loadTime: "afterDOMReady", contentType: "inline", }) } if (opts.mermaid) { js.push({ script: ` import mermaid from ''; const darkMode = document.documentElement.getAttribute('saved-theme') === 'dark' mermaid.initialize({ startOnLoad: false, securityLevel: 'loose', theme: darkMode ? 'dark' : 'default' }); document.addEventListener('nav', async () => { await{ querySelector: '.mermaid' }) }); `, loadTime: "afterDOMReady", moduleType: "module", contentType: "inline", }) } return { js } }, } } declare module "vfile" { interface DataMap { blocks: Record } }