--- title: "2024-07-22 Vac weekly" tags: - "vac-updates" date: 2024-07-22 lastmod: 2024-07-22 draft: false --- ## Vac 2024/07/22 ### vac:p2p: - `nimlibp2p:vac:webrtc-transport` - ready to review: https://github.com/vacp2p/nim-webrtc/pull/10 - PR for testing + fixing: https://github.com/vacp2p/nim-webrtc/pull/16 - mbedtls : fix missing import (only on windows) - fix windows library linking - fix nim-devel error on the stack (value not stored) - fix macos error with asynchronous closing stun - `nimlibp2p:vac:maintenance` - gcc 14 support - https://github.com/status-im/nim-bearssl/pull/62 - add ubuntu 24 and gcc 14 - https://github.com/status-im/nim-chronos/pull/553 ### vac:tke: - `admin` - Working towards ETHcc report (Juan) - `nomos:cryptarchia-wealth-concentration-known-stake` - understood the cryptoeconomic perspective of PoW for Executors (Frederico) - continued developing the code to analyse the selfish behavior when choosing the fork rule (Frederico) - `status:L2-deployment` - reviewed the work about CoW swap (Frederico) - understood how fishs are modeled in the Cats Fishing project (Frederico) - Finalised CoWSwap comparisson work and simulations (Juan) - Wrote a presentation for the CowSwap comparison (Juan) - Discussed legal aspects of sucha model (Juan) - Worked on CatsFishing (Juan) - catch up on current state (Martin) - `codex:testnet-incentive` - reviewed discussion with Codex team and mapped out next steps (Frederico) - `waku:general-incentives` - catch up on current state (Martin) - `codex:cdx` - Minor work on simulations (J ### vac:dst: - `vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:waku:midscale` - Discussions with Hanno about what to check in DiscV5 - Add parsing code for [VictoriaMetrics compatibility](https://github.com/vacp2p/10ksim/tree/Alberto/victoriametrics-reliability) - While measuring reliability, found three separate issues: - Problems with logging. Missing messages were not logging because of REST (fixed) - Problem with duplicated hash messages (TODO) - Problem with [missing messages](https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/issues/2921) - Run simulations for Waku v0.31 - https://www.notion.so/2039-78aeac4f220a49ea97e780b7bb60c412 - Issue still present: https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/issues/2892 - [Comments can be found here](https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/issues/2909) - Investigated network issues reported that affected even very small deployments - Unable to reproduce, but switches were rebooted between report and tests - `vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:waku:10k` - Continue metrics scaling + VictoriaMetrics fixes - 10K report - multiple simulations to prepare for it - 10k being reliably reached, metrics still choking - `vac:dst:tooling:vac:visualiser-tool` - Meeting (Alberto x Wings) to discuss Visualiser split and show each other the tools created - "DST Visualiser" (nodejs/react) to be used for live analysis - "Debug Visualiser" (python3) to be for more extensive post-simulation analysis/"playback" - Testing visualiser on a 10K swarm ### vac:qa: - `waku:interop-testing-02` - fix light push [failures](https://github.com/waku-org/waku-interop-tests/pull/57)(@Florin) - adjust tests to new [rate limits](https://github.com/waku-org/waku-interop-tests/pull/59)(@Florin) - fix: cluster_id 0 for peer store related tests.[PR 56 - merged](https://github.com/waku-org/waku-interop-tests/pull/56)(@Roman) - `vac:test-automation-nim-libp2p` - started creating test plan for [Gossipsub](https://www.notion.so/Gossipsub-651e02d4d7894bb2ac1e4edb55f3192d)(@Florin) - `waku:test-automation-status-go-cli` - discussions with waku and status team regarding future work(@Florin) - `nomos:test-automation-cryptarchia` - chore: Da full replication unit tests update [PR 675 - in review](https://github.com/logos-co/nomos-node/pull/675)(@Roman) - chore: Da kzgrs unit tests update [PR 676 - in progress](https://github.com/logos-co/nomos-node/pull/676)(@Roman) - `vac:test-automation-nim-libp2p` - Update CI Cleanup PR with suggestions(@Alex) - `waku:test-automation-rln` - Fix coverage and run(@Alex) - Run simulations to give more data for these issues(@Alex) - [bug: restarting compose fails loading keystore](https://github.com/waku-org/waku-simulator/issues/70) - [Possible memory consumption issue](https://github.com/waku-org/waku-simulator/issues/76) - Update MAX_MESSAGE_LIMIT README [PR](https://github.com/waku-org/waku-simulator/pull/71)(@Alex) - `admin/misc` - created slides for [QA presentation](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_FYKN-o5kqzlDVub1bpJ22WvMdTcsrsFQbH8jN3Yqg0/edit#slide=id.g2ea55cde533_0_23)(@Florin) ### vac:acz: - `rlnp2p:waku:rlnv2-e2e` - Investigated and found root cause of [invalid messages in nwaku](https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/issues/2870) & [spam messages in nwaku](https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/issues/2879), discussing with team for mitigation - `secure-channels:waku:mls-poc` - Preparing the inclusion of the on-chain component in the RFC: reading the repos and figuring out the architecture. - Research on finality times on different L2s for onchain component. - Finished work with CLI integration and merged [PR](https://github.com/vacp2p/de-mls/pull/17) - Merged small fix regarding getting own message [PR](https://github.com/vacp2p/de-mls/pull/19) - Created a demo of using cli [video link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Cq_QTWYdDPL1PuKlX5eIppQZUYebZWoE/view?usp=drive_link) - Started fixing the functionality regarding the smart contract and local cache - adding multiple keys during registration, remove unused functionality [open PR](https://github.com/vacp2p/de-mls/pull/20) - `zerokit:vac:maintenance` - started a discussion about improving zkey processing time by switching to preprocessing (more details in discord [thread](https://discord.com/channels/864066763682218004/1263433969089646593)) - `admin/misc` - Submission of proposal for delivering a talk in Devcon Bangkok. Same presentation as for [EthCC Brussels](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1XxHiah4vQd0uEXr0glSiqHaiTShDBsJiNhAZhL7kjbM/edit#slide=id.g2bac4500eab_0_5) but including latest advances. - CCs getting tickets for devcon - Update the ethcc [notes](https://notes.status.im/GsmZledHTZaFnr_Ut4Yqrw) (for full doc in [notion](https://www.notion.so/Nescience-cd358fe429b14fa2ab38ca42835a8451?pvs=4#0c8780be794243b2b51003117b92e90c)) ### vac:sc:: - `codex::contracts-formal-verification` - merge certora PR + cleanup and rebase to make PR ready - https://github.com/codex-storage/codex-contracts-eth/pull/113 - Had kick-off meeting with Certora and Codex to get Marketplace contracts formally verified - Waiting for certora to provide first properties to work on - Next session we'll discuss list of properties to work on after that - `status:staking-contracts-v1` - Had a couple of pair programming sessions with Ricardo to tackle MP estimation - Few problems we ran into: - Precision loss results in wrong calculation - Epochs beyond limit epoch generate wrong pending MP estimations - Created a fuzz test that demos the issue - https://github.com/logos-co/staking/commit/60d80bf4b2cf0fd14e9de70bc39c31c42b0a4e34#diff-2561530a5f24910605d8693b034e64a26a98817f46fd17ae12004dab5c943bfdR688-R718 - Would like to learn how to turn that fuzz test into a Certora rule - Meeting with Status Chain and TKE - Discussed high level goals - Some details about staking protocol still unclear - Considering moving MP calculation out of staking entirely and do it offchain (as XP) ### vac:nim: - `tooling:vac:lsp` - Research the correct approach to refactor the lsp so changes as small as possible. Most things are figured but we still need to find the best way to support stdio. - Small changes needed to json_rpc so we can use it for the lsp https://github.com/status-im/nim-json-rpc/pull/222 - Bump lsp so it can be released https://github.com/nim-lang/langserver/pull/219 - `tooling:vac:nimble` - Fixed a regression introduced by wrongly taggin a Nim release: https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/pull/1245 - Improve test on Nim versioning https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/pull/1235 - `tooling:vac:editor` - Fix Nim version and improve coloring of the notifications: https://github.com/nim-lang/vscode-nim/pull/75 ### vac:rfc: - `nomos:specs-init` - Made some changes to DA rfc, still need to revisit - https://github.com/vacp2p/rfc-index/pull/41 - `codex:specs-init` - was able to work on Codex validator rfc, still in draft - https://github.com/vacp2p/rfc-index/pull/83 ### vac:dr: - `vac/admin` - Added section on filters in RLN to the [Bloom Filter rlog](https://github.com/vacp2p/vac.dev/pull/146); rlog posted. - Worked on [Fiat-Shamir rlog](https://github.com/vacp2p/vac.dev/pull/147). - `gsub-scaling:vac:gossipsub-simulation` - Continued worked on testground simulator. Specifically, developed understanding about writing test plans, and run/play with different example test plans (from other libp2p implementations). - `vac:dr:anon:vac:gossipsub-anonymity` - Continued working on [Anonymized GossipSub Protocol (AGP)](https://www.notion.so/Anonymized-GossipSub-Protocol-AGP-Wip-cbcbcd6067b347bb812041bce9c110ce) specification. Specifically, completed the implementation details of the custom mixnet protocol, extend Sphinx to support address + destination of combined size $tk$, recommend appropriate cryptographic algorithms, made some changes to the approach followed in [Sphinx Go](https://github.com/nymtech/nym-mixnet/tree/develop/sphinx) implementation, to improve performance. - Begin to implement Sphinx library in Go. - `zk:codex:zk-consulting` - Began [notes](https://hackmd.io/Z64w2bcTTAmxPEnF62SE6g?view) on [Testudo](https://eprint.iacr.org/2023/961). - Provide feedback on [proof of replication](https://hackmd.io/prAbwLpUReqR4OaDLfeeMg) - Continued work on [document](https://hackmd.io/ZJCNKmIaTQSRTW6_4wA9mw?view) for Codex's storage proof. ### vac:nes: - `state-separation:vac:state-separation-architecture-01` - Finished working on execution types covering the 3 different types (Private, Shielded, Deshielded) [Moudy] - Worked on different components for the state separation Blogpost. [Moudy] - Reviewed key management and lists of primitives from Ugur and Marvin. [Moudy] - Create a doc for cryptographic primitives inside and ouside of the kernel circuits in [notion](https://www.notion.so/Cryptographic-Primitives-for-Kernel-Circuits-8281a120a7224793b8e18f913c762497?pvs=4). [Ugur + Moudy][ACZ] - Expand the missing components for State-Separation file in [notion](https://www.notion.so/Missing-Components-for-State-Separation-bcbcb0fe80de499c93ba30e03fd9671d?pvs=4). [Ugur + Moudy][ACZ] - `zkvm:vac:vm-foundations` - Work on the [lits of ZkVMs](https://notes.status.im/ugF2lAAKTuG_t5PcdWwuwg): - Continued going through partial homomorphic encryption schemes' materials [Rostyslav] - Reviewed elgamal-encryption, rsa-algorithm repo [Rostyslav] - Investingated workaround to use Rust code for Valida [Oleksandr] - Work on cryptographic primitives list needed to be added for zkVMs. [Marvin][DR]