--- title: "2024-09-02 Vac weekly" tags: - "vac-updates" date: 2024-09-02 lastmod: 2024-09-02 draft: false --- ## Vac 2024/09/02 ### vac:p2p: - `nimlibp2p:vac:webrtc-transport` - Try to fix CI issues on [window](https://github.com/vacp2p/nim-webrtc/actions/runs/10631262844/job/29471793407) and [macos](https://github.com/vacp2p/nim-webrtc/actions/runs/10631262844/job/29471792877) - [Find and fix a bugs while disconnecting/reconnecting](https://github.com/vacp2p/nim-webrtc/pull/22) - Closing Sctp/Dtls connection didn't close all the stack - Closing StunConn didn't work properly - Rework on how the closing work to avoid potential race conditions - `nimchronos:vac:maintenance` - [make SomeFuture public](https://github.com/status-im/nim-chronos/pull/556) - `nimlibp2p:vac:maintenance` - Reviewing PRs - [fix: create raceAndCancelPending proc](https://github.com/vacp2p/nim-libp2p/pull/1175) - Interop solutions conversations/investigation: S3, GH registry - Github Pro: Nothing to leverage - Daily SAT Solver test - Fix minor issues - [Ready for Merge](https://github.com/vacp2p/nim-libp2p/pull/1177) - `nimlibp2p:vac:quic` - [chore: update nim-ngtcp2 to latest version](https://github.com/vacp2p/nim-quic/pull/45) - [feat(transport): add QUIC Transport](https://github.com/vacp2p/nim-libp2p/pull/7) ### vac:tke: - `nomos:selfish-behavior` - continued the required coding for this study (Frederico) - reviewed Bernoulli and Poisson random processes to define the validator utility function (Frederico) - Small adjustments/additions on the analysis (Juan) - `codex:cdx` - mapped out the missing aspects of the CDX token (Frederico) - reviewed Codex latest developments on L2 pricing (Frederico) - To Collab with Frederico's tasks (Juan) - To keep working on code, making it more granular etc. (Juan) - `status:L2-deployment` - waiting for Cyp to describe the incentive framework to provide feedback (Martin) - detailed suggestions for cats fishing reward scheme - researching further dual token model (Martin) - To staart unifying docs on catsFishing (Juan) - Prepare meeting with Ned for after Sept. 1 (Juan) - `waku:general-incentives` - getting familiar with and following the discussion around the RLN Solidity contract (Martin) - `others` - reviewing the points system for ordinals, additional feedback (Martin) - hacking solo at ETHOnline hackathon (Martin) ### vac:dst: - `vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:waku:midscale` - Finish new concurrent analysis branch - PR open at https://github.com/vacp2p/10ksim/pull/36 - Additional enhancement work at https://github.com/vacp2p/10ksim/pull/37 - Attempted new simulations with `perf record` to give to Gabriel - Still no results as pods refusing to gracefully terminate `perf` - Continue to investigate message duplication issues - Re-analysed Zoltan's results - Documented discoveries in [Message hash duplication (ONGOING)](https://www.notion.so/Message-hash-duplication-ONGOING-d59f6133a2e341398064562d7a4c74f2?pvs=21) - Waku simulations for 0.32-rc-2 - [Waku regression testing - v0.32 (ongoing)](https://www.notion.so/Waku-regression-testing-v0-32-ongoing-bd02464a483d402bac92ba4c7086e232?pvs=21) - Argo Workflow research - Solution will be a combination of ArgoCD, Argo Workflows, git repos - Deployed ArgoCD and Argo Workflows - Debugging perf record issues - Primary issue is we can't seem to kill the pods gracefully, a number of fixes tried so far ### vac:qa: - `waku:interop-testing-02` - added metrics [tests](https://github.com/waku-org/waku-interop-tests/pull/68)(@Florin) - added log checks at the end of all [tests](https://github.com/waku-org/waku-interop-tests/pull/67)(@Florin) - discusses with Hanno and SP about Store-Sync, started playing with that(@Florin) - `nomos:test-automation-data-availability` - [Test run1 for Nomos/Da - in progress](https://www.notion.so/DA-Test-Plan-Run1-084243a3256c47ae9eee1cfd46fd469b)(@Roman) - chore: Da kzgrs-backend unit tests update(@Roman) [PR 700 - in review](https://github.com/logos-co/nomos-node/pull/700) - `vac:test-automation-nim-libp2p` - Gossipsub - Peer discovery(@Alex) - [Ready for review](https://github.com/vacp2p/nim-libp2p/pull/1168) - Gossipsub - Message propagation(@Alex) - [WIP](https://github.com/vacp2p/nim-libp2p/pull/1184) - Having issues with asserting some parts - While testing found issue on file that relates to [this old PR](https://github.com/vacp2p/nim-libp2p/pull/1145). ### vac:acz: - `secure-channels:waku:mls-poc` - Completed theoretical analysis of deMLS. [First draft](https://www.notion.so/WIP-Theoretical-model-for-deMLS-88db0b0f4f7c42db80dff8a02b3bb096). - Meeting with Ugur about the status of the [RFC](https://github.com/vacp2p/rfc-index/pull/84/files). - Completed correction of linting errors in the [RFC](https://github.com/vacp2p/rfc-index/pull/84) and merged the branch. - 2 cc reviewed de-mls RFC latest version from this [PR](https://github.com/vacp2p/rfc-index/pull/84) - Start to work on determining the new milestone for de-mls testnet [poc](https://github.com/vacp2p/de-mls) - `zerokit:vac:maintenance` - Merged [PR](https://github.com/vacp2p/zerokit/pull/265) about stateless feature - Started working on integration stateless feature into rln-wasm: [PR](https://github.com/vacp2p/zerokit/commit/0d5642492a2c31c7c286e581626771395aae5cff) - `consulting:codex:proxy-re-encryption` - Finished [forum post](https://www.notion.so/Forum-post-on-Plausible-Deniability-9f6b1216b44546da853fb2bc0fd59be6) (Yet to be published). - Finished a first approach to Codex's cryptographic components. Includes the preparation of an [internal report](https://www.notion.so/WiP-Cryptographic-components-analysis-16ce76839323476ca879923fb39c0f22). - `anon:vac:gossipsub-anonymity` - Sphinx packet wrapping tests are complete and functioning [end-to-end](https://github.com/vacp2p/mix/commit/bc2e6ea8bdf93052f8483b7524b5b2a36492beb9). - [Pow computation and verification](https://github.com/vacp2p/mix/commit/32b0ccd1522e53e93292d196d2908b45ef829bee) have been added. - Started integration with libp2p in two commits: [1](https://github.com/vacp2p/mix/commit/707fabffa31eaabb6e86f77c3937cefb1361ac21), [2](https://github.com/vacp2p/mix/commit/c77abc9873d8cd73f4a618a362107c1a1e480a80) - Separated networking functionalities for better modularity. - Encountering an error with the json_serialization package. - Working on the Mix handler. - Start to the mixnet milestone from DR to ACZ and enhance the related [milestone](https://roadmap.logos.co/vac/dr/anon/vac/gossipsub-anonymity). - `admin/misc` - Reading of the paper about [Marlin](https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/1047). Decision of aptitude for a [code review](https://crates.io/crates/ark-poly-commit). - Reading about KZG commitment scheme. Short discussion with Roman. ### vac:sc:: - `status:staking-contracts-v1` - Started Cleanup zombie code and outdated behavior - [removed restake ability](https://github.com/logos-co/staking/commit/5d204fee27bc2d15ea2234127982afd59a017062#diff-7c9d8f98d816b0c54f20f2c5790ef649167479fd4f527d3f4bf4b0c6c220f028) - Research on [ERC-4626: Tokenized Vaults](https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/standards/tokens/erc-4626/) to create a user friendly standarized methods to stake and unstake through a intermediary contract [VaultManager](https://github.com/logos-co/staking/blob/vault-manager/contracts/VaultManager.sol) - Worked on getting `mp-estimate` branch in mergeable state - Fixed certora rules -> had to apply a dispatcher resolution hack to get around the issue with contract instantiation inside constructors - Cleaning up code and tests - Stuck with one test that still failing - `vac:maintainance/misc` - Research on [EIP-1271 dependents](https://notes.status.im/xKtEzQYWTc6NDGprzsPp9g#) - `codex::contracts-formal-verification` - worked on `The contract has enough funds to pay back everything` https://github.com/codex-storage/codex-contracts-eth/pull/169 - blocked after talking with the Certora team. It looks like there's no simple way to verify it and they are going to find other ways to do it. - worked on rules about possible slot transitions https://github.com/codex-storage/codex-contracts-eth/pull/171 - continue with https://github.com/codex-storage/codex-contracts-eth/issues/126 - Implemented ghost variables for slots field and request contexts within CVL rules - PR: https://github.com/codex-storage/codex-contracts-eth/pull/167 - Fixed CI issue that prover runs would not exit with error code, causing CI task to be green - PR: https://github.com/codex-storage/codex-contracts-eth/pull/1 ### vac:nim: - `tooling:vac:nimble` - Fixes broken symlink https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/pull/1264 - `tooling:vac:editor` - Adds support for optional socket transport #94 https://github.com/nim-lang/vscode-nim/pull/94 - `tooling:vac:lsp` - Chronos migration WIP: https://github.com/nim-lang/langserver/pull/225 (Fixes multiple preexisting issues, complete socket integration, etc.) ### vac:rfc: - `admin/misc` - Worked on fix workflow linting - https://github.com/vacp2p/rfc-index/pull/90 - `codex:specs-init` - Started first draft of Codex manifest RFC - https://github.com/codex-storage/codex-spec/pull ### vac:dr: - `admin/misc` - Continued organizing [notions page](https://www.notion.so/Zero-Knowledge-Proofs-7fe978ddebb3458895e9887c67ec11fd) - `gsub-scaling:vac:gossipsub-improvements-paper` - Worked on [large message improvements article](https://www.overleaf.com/project/65c91200e9dbfb3cafb6edaf) on overleaf (still a WIP, likely to finish in next 2-3 days) - `zk:codex:zk-consulting` - Worked on node aggregation ### vac:nes: - `state-separation:vac:state-separation-architecture-01` - Worked on breaking down architecture components [Moudy] - Started working on node requirements [Moudy] - Worked on ephemeral keys and UTXOs [Moudy] - Met with Team for node specs [Team] - Posted notes on [key exchange](https://hackmd.io/4gGjdvMITaWuhbCTdSGNxA?view), [public key and address](https://hackmd.io/mJmc5xTtTNiycQf5hb2vKQ?view) [Marvin][DR] - `zkvm:vac:vm-foundations` - Work on the [lits of ZkVMs](https://notes.status.im/ugF2lAAKTuG_t5PcdWwuwg): - Finished writing memory test for SP1 and RISC0 [Rostyslav] - Started working on memory testing for Nexus [Rostyslav] - Written memory allocation test for Valida [Oleksandr] - Debugged Valida guest programs compilation with non-trivial dependencies [Oleksandr] - Written general purpose benchmark scripts [Oleksandr] - Run benchmark tests on remote machine for zkMIPS and zkWASM [Oleksandr] - Met with Engineers regarding Zkvm decision + Node specs [Team]