Logos Collective Project Roadmaps https://roadmap.logos.co Last 10 notes on Logos Collective Project Roadmaps Quartz -- quartz.jzhao.xyz Comms Roadmap Overview https://roadmap.logos.co/acid/ https://roadmap.logos.co/acid/ Welcome to the Comms Roadmap Overview Milestones weekly updates . Wed, 25 Oct 2023 18:20:42 GMT Comms Milestones Overview https://roadmap.logos.co/acid/milestones-overview https://roadmap.logos.co/acid/milestones-overview Comms Roadmap Comms Projects Comms planner deadlines . Thu, 17 Aug 2023 00:00:00 GMT 2023-08-02 Acid weekly https://roadmap.logos.co/acid/updates/2023-08-02 https://roadmap.logos.co/acid/updates/2023-08-02 Leads roundup - acid § Al / Comms Status app relaunch comms campaign plan in the works. Approx. date for launch 31.08. Logos comms + growth plan post launch is next up TBD. Thu, 03 Aug 2023 00:00:00 GMT 2023-08-09 Acid weekly https://roadmap.logos.co/acid/updates/2023-08-09 https://roadmap.logos.co/acid/updates/2023-08-09 Top level priorities: § Logos Growth Plan Status Relaunch Launch of LPE Podcasts (Target: Every week one podcast out) Hiring: TD studio and DC studio roles Movement Building: § Logos collective comms plan skeleton ready - will be applied for all BUs as next step Goal is to have plan + overview to set realistic KPIs and expectations Discord Server update on various views Status relaunch comms plan is ready for input from John et al. Wed, 09 Aug 2023 00:00:00 GMT 2023-08-29 Comms weekly https://roadmap.logos.co/acid/updates/2023-08-29 https://roadmap.logos.co/acid/updates/2023-08-29 Leads roundup - acid § Al - Comms § LPE & Podcast are almost there. Content needs to be polished and reviewed by Carl and Jarrad. Might have an impact on the deadline but we start testing phase tomorrow. Mon, 04 Sep 2023 00:00:00 GMT 2023-09-18 Acid Update https://roadmap.logos.co/acid/updates/2023-09-21 https://roadmap.logos.co/acid/updates/2023-09-21 Overview/Priorities § Al departure Short term - We need to stabilise, Al brought a lot of value, we may have to step up a little bit, will meet with Carl and Jarrad weekly. Wed, 25 Oct 2023 18:20:42 GMT 2023-10-10 Comms weekly https://roadmap.logos.co/acid/updates/2023-10-03 https://roadmap.logos.co/acid/updates/2023-10-03 Weekly update of Comms. Tue, 10 Oct 2023 00:00:00 GMT Codex Milestones Overview https://roadmap.logos.co/codex/milestones-overview https://roadmap.logos.co/codex/milestones-overview Milestones § Zenhub Tracker Miro Tracker . Mon, 07 Aug 2023 00:00:00 GMT 2023 September Codex Monthly Report https://roadmap.logos.co/codex/monthly-reports/2023-sept https://roadmap.logos.co/codex/monthly-reports/2023-sept Executive Summary § September updates for the Codex project were main focused on the ongoing research and analysis of the proofing schemes and their impact on the overall architecture and network economy. Mon, 18 Sep 2023 00:00:00 GMT Codex Roadmap Overview https://roadmap.logos.co/codex/overview https://roadmap.logos.co/codex/overview Welcome to the Codex Roadmap Overview 2023 September Report Milestones weekly updates . Wed, 25 Oct 2023 18:20:42 GMT