--- title: "2023-10-16 Vac weekly" tags: - "vac-updates" date: 2023-10-16 lastmod: 2023-10-16 draft: false --- ### vac:p2p: - `nimlibp2p:vac:webrtc-transport` - Started to implement DataChannel in WebRTC: https://github.com/status-im/nim-webrtc/pull/4 - Started to implement the WebRTC transport in libp2p: https://github.com/status-im/nim-libp2p/pull/ - rework of UDP / Stun / Dtls / Sctp https://github.com/status-im/nim-webrtc/pull/ - `nimlibp2p:vac:gossipsub-ddos-mitigation` - https://github.com/libp2p/jvm-libp2p/pull/336 ### vac:tke: - `vac:tke::codex:economic-analysis` - Met w/ Codex and reviewed the marketplace workflows, identified many updates for litepaper (@Matty) - Will update litepaper incorporating feedback, and update Codex modeling, reconnect after their offsite - `vac:tke::status:SNT-staking` - Update notion docs with links to all latest governance proposals - Assigning issues in Github to SC team, and submit pull reqs, primarily on dependency the claims, and how restaking works (@Martin) - Continuing revamp of economic model/projections, review early approach w/John (@Matty) - `vac:tke::nomos:economic-analysis` - Frederico remains in regular communication with Alvaro and Marcin, continuing on Private Addressing research (@Frederico) - Reviewing similar challenges ETH is also considering, changes to economic model for adding native delegation - `vac:tke::waku:economic-analysis` - Had a call with Aaryamann and Sergei last week, they had followup questions on fleshing out pros/cons of various design approaches to RLN stake (@Martin) ### vac:dst: - `analysis-shadow:vac:shadow-gossipsub-analysis` - Fixed timestamp bug - Updated traffic injection to continuous operation - Created IPFS mesh slices of arbitrary time length - `analysis:nomos:simulation-analysis` - Finally zero'd in on the tree/branch bug. The pre and post-analysis are fine, the bug is in the Carnot sim. - The view installation time distribution with network delays is now done - `dr-support:vac:carnot-2-3rds-python-impl` - investigate Carnot sim code - `eng-10ktool:vac:bandwidth-test` - Finish exporting metrics (delayed) - Make sure new CIDR configuration supports 10k PODs - `wakurtosis:vac:rlog` - finish simulations - `software-testing:waku:test-automation-js-waku` - New tests: - [Relay[WIP]](https://github.com/waku-org/js-waku/pull/1649) - Improvements: - Speed up execution from 12m to 3.5m for 250 tests through [parallelization](https://github.com/waku-org/js-waku/pull/1655)(Significant refactoring needed to achieve this) - Follow up [fix](https://github.com/waku-org/js-waku/pull/1662) to only allow paralellization in CI env - Fixes: - Updated [tests](https://github.com/waku-org/js-waku/pull/1661) after gowaku store fixes - Updated [tests](https://github.com/waku-org/js-waku/pull/1645) after remote peer rejected error - `software-testing:waku:test-automation-nwaku` - Relay and message id tests - [PR](https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/pull/2101) - Merge filter subscribe PRs; Pending unsubscribe, missing one review. - Heavily investigate issues shown on tests - Max 1MB message size, no graceful handle. - After stopping and restarting a relay node, can't reconnect it with `connectRelay`. - Can't stop a relay node and send a message: Inconsistent with filter push behaviour. - Publishing multiple messages in a row triggers the same SEGFAULT as when refreshing a subscription. - `software-testing:waku:test-automation-go-waku` - Wrote five tests - were added to the branch https://github.com/waku-org/go-waku/tree/chore(filterV2)-test-updates - Reported issue "Messages won't get through with multiple pubsub topics" https://github.com/waku-org/go-waku/issues/804 - Tracking coverage as notes so far -> will change to tabular form. Notion has API, we could possibly update docs during test execution? https://www.notion.so/Filter-Test-Coverage-42fc15b503ec4621980a7757d85089db?pvs=4 ### vac:acz: - `rlnp2p:waku:rln-doc-and-outreach` - worked on the rln rlog - https://github.com/vacp2p/vac.dev/pull/132 - `misc` - explored next iteration of rln, which includes message sizes within the proof - `rlnp2p:waku:multi-epoch-constraint` - Keep working on a solution for the problem. (https://www.notion.so/WiP-Multi-epoch-Constraints-a5b648b98c46461187563d6c1e094468) - `secure-channels:waku:ethereum-chat` - Keep improving the level of detail in the description of the WiP towards the creation of an RFC. (https://www.notion.so/WiP-Secure-Ethereum-Chat-f69ff155456c4fdeb719aba96fd7a8ab) ### vac:sc:: - `status:snt-staking-contract-maintenance` - Added additional tests - https://github.com/logos-co/staking/pull/27 - https://github.com/logos-co/staking/pull/36 - Use custom errors over error strings - https://github.com/logos-co/staking/pull/28 - https://github.com/logos-co/staking/pull/29 - https://github.com/logos-co/staking/pull/30 - https://github.com/logos-co/staking/pull/35 - Some cleanup - https://github.com/logos-co/staking/pull/26 - https://github.com/logos-co/staking/pull/25 - Introduced `VaultFactory` - https://github.com/logos-co/staking/pull/38 - `status:community-contracts-maintenance` - Deployed community token deployer contracts to Sepolia - https://github.com/status-im/communities-contracts/pull/20 - `codex:review-codex-contracts` - Did a first quick review of the code, notes can be found here - https://www.notion.so/Codex-Marketplace-Contracts-337a2e38fa574a2d8ffb589f4f599 ### vac:nescience: - `state-separation:vac:state-separation-doc` - Finished and shared a new document about [state separation techniques](https://www.notion.so/zkVM-cd358fe429b14fa2ab38ca42835a8451?pvs=4#ef4efe76c6244c37974cb4355bb1fcd8) - Keep researching and adding updates - `proofsystems:vac:research-existing-proof-systems` - Still working on *Proof Creation and Verification* (Goal 3 for Nescience), specifically trying to identify novel techniques - Considering article for Nescience - Continuous readings on bulding secure zkVMs - discussion on Sona proof system (from Lasso paper) and alternatives (Hyrax, KZG, FRI) - Reserched the connection between plonky2 and starky - `proofsystems:vac:benchmarks` - Starting a draft for an article (overleaf) - working on Halo2 [benchmark](https://github.com/vacp2p/zk-explorations/pull/11) ### vac:dr: - `valpriv:vac:tor-push-poc` - Getting fleet nimbus node measurements. - For [PR](https://github.com/vacp2p/nimbus-eth2-experimental/pull/4), over 11 days, monitored attestation success with near zero attestation drop rate, effectiveness 89% - Investigating why opt. incl distance degrades occassionally - `valpriv:vac:tor-push-paper` - Added changes in https://www.overleaf.com/project/6499e467346d9f56b2971ca - `gsub-scaling:vac:gossipsub-simulation` - Digged deeper into the gossipsub implementation in nim-lib-p2p. - Modified handling of large messages in the existing implementation. Modified message relaying behavior - We relay the large messages to only d_low peers and other peer are sent an IDONTWANT message. - Unreceived large messages are requested using IWANT message. - We save approximately 40% bandwidth, on cost of approximately 2 RTTs to the opverall message latency - `consensus:nomos:carnot-vote-2-3rds-vote-aggregation` - Writing the psuedocode (https://github.com/logos-co/nomos-specs/blob/Carnot-vote-aggregation/carnot/carnot-vote-aggregation.py). - Adding discussion to the high level protocol document(https://www.notion.so/High-Level-Algorithm-6535ac0363df4629ad2c40dff4bc62cd) ### vac:rfc: * `status:port-status-specs` - reviewed waku usage of status, draft of rfc