
network privacy and mixnet:


  • Review of the “Untraceable electronic mail, return addresses, and digital pseudonyms” paper. Review of the “The Loopix anonymity system” paper.
  • Notes provided in the overleaf document




private PoS:


  • Shadows logic: Looking at how to describe the logic of the shadow in the most clear way: It will be divided into a set of modules, each module taking care of processing a separate communication channel.
  • All channels have their logic described in adequate modules and with references to self-descripting functions. However, some of them (like how exactly to aggregate votes) must yet to be defined.
  • Hastiness issues: In short, the leader, in order to limit the cost of vote aggregation can decide to not to include votes from top committees (and root in particular). This is an acceptable strategy and will lead to a correctly formed aggregation proof. The proof will include a global threshold of votes from lower committees but not from the top committees (and root committee in particular). The impact of this leader’s hastiness does not break the security of the protocol as a threshold of votes is correctly gathered. However, it may limit rewards from the top committees (and root in particular), as the votes from those committees may not be needed to reach the threshold. More on that under the issues section of the PPoS doc.

data availability:

