--- title: "2024-06-24 Vac weekly" tags: - "vac-updates" date: 2024-06-24 lastmod: 2024-06-24 draft: false --- ## Vac 2024/06/24 ### vac:p2p: - `nimlibp2p:vac:maintenance` - Merged new PeerEvent https://github.com/vacp2p/nim-libp2p/pull/843/ - Merged Yamux: change a Future into a AsyncEvent because it makes more sense https://github.com/vacp2p/nim-libp2p/pull/1133/ - feat: add maxSize to TimedCache https://github.com/vacp2p/nim-libp2p/pull/1132 - chore: add .git-blame-ignore-revs https://github.com/vacp2p/nim-libp2p/pull/1130 - chore: delete branch folders from gh-pages https://github.com/vacp2p/nim-libp2p/pull/1127 - `nimlibp2p:vac:webrtc-transport` - DTLS https://github.com/vacp2p/nim-webrtc/pull/10 - Adds testing - Some refactorization (remove useless code/change names/comments/splitting files etc.. - `nimlibp2p:vac:gossipsub-perf-improvements` - Improvements related to Gossipsub 1.2 https://github.com/vacp2p/nim-libp2p/issues/1131 ### vac:tke: - `admin` - 2 CC days-off - `nomos:cryptarchia-wealth-concentration-known-stake` - performed statistical analysis of simulation results (Frederico) - read paper about StakeSure (Frederico) - Discussed statistical analysis of simulation results w/Frederico (Juan) - `codex:cdx` - finalized the Litepaper (Frederico) - prepared a "Codex in one slide" doc (Frederico, Juan) - worked on simulations (Juan) - `codex:testnet-incentive` - kicked off the testnet incentives report (Frederico) - `status:L2-deployment` - reviewed all docs (Frederico, Juan) - Meeting with Swiss legal councel for status (Frederico, Juan) - Worked on CowSwap comparison (Juan) ### vac:dst: - `vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:waku:10k` - Various (1-10k) 0.27 deployments with full hardware, measurements - "Right on the edge" with Prometheus - Will be backing up Prometheus and replacing with VictoriaMetrics - `vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:waku:midscale` - Repeat multiple simulations for Gabriel(Waku) until found the [issue](https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/issues/2780) - Simulations for version v0.29 - `vac:dst:tooling:vac:visualiser-tool` - Call and chat with Zoltan. Helped him analyze some waku-simulator results with visualizer. - Started cleaning/creating more utilities for Zoltan so he can use it on his own. - Deployed VictoriaLogs to replace Loki and finally get logs from each container - Prep work for switching to VictoriaMetrics for better telemetry - `vac:dst:deployment-and-analysis:vac:libp2p-version-testing` - Do simulations, gather data and perform analysis for nimlibp2p - Analysis with 50KB and 500KB, 1.2 and 1.3 versions, with mplex and yamux ### vac:qa: - `waku:test-automation-status-go-cli`(@Florin) - private groups [tests](https://github.com/status-im/status-cli-tests/pull/4) - merged - community actions [tests](https://github.com/status-im/status-cli-tests/pull/5) - in progress - `waku:interop-testing-02`(@Roman) - Test/peer connection management [PR 45 - merged](https://github.com/waku-org/waku-interop-tests/pull/45) <- [issues processed](https://www.notion.so/Peer-connection-management-issues-58936713529c4062a638421d38a16d7a) - bug: could not register RLN [Issue 2837 - open](https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/issues/2837) - new implementation TBD - `nomos:test-automation-cryptarchia`(@Roman) - chore: cryptarchia unit tests update [PR 657 - in progress](https://github.com/logos-co/nomos-node/pull/657) - chore: cryptarchia ledger unit tests update [PR 660 - in progress](https://github.com/logos-co/nomos-node/pull/660) - one last state not simulated - `vac:test-automation-nim-tooling`(@Roman) - test: use Nimble to manage Nim [PR 71](https://github.com/status-im/nimbus-build-system/pull/71) and [PR 222](https://github.com/status-im/nim-stew/pull/222) - `waku:test-automation-rln`(@Alex) - RLN v2 Testing - Run tests both in old and new (`waku:v0.30.0-rc.0`) nwaku image - Various fixes and two helper scripts - [PR](https://github.com/waku-org/waku-simulator/pull/72) - Found Issues: - [RLN_RELAY_MSG_LIMIT error handling](https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/issues/2822) - [Restarting node containers don't load keystore](https://github.com/waku-org/waku-simulator/issues/70) - Excessive memory usage on nodes with big message sizes ### vac:acz: - `secure-channels:waku:mls-poc` - Create [PR](https://github.com/vacp2p/de-mls/pull/7) with de-MLS PoC - Fixed most of comments after first review - Started to work with applying redis pub-sub approach - `secure-channels:waku:mls-design` - Preparation of the [talk](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1XxHiah4vQd0uEXr0glSiqHaiTShDBsJiNhAZhL7kjbM/edit?pli=1#slide=id.g157ea0519b8_0_104) for EthCC Brussels. - `consulting:codex:proxy-re-encryption` - Research on alternative approaches to PRE. - Creation of [report](https://www.notion.so/On-plausible-deniability-PRE-ABE-IBE-and-RABE-87c6fef92df946fcbc1327d51d936ce1) on research. - `admin/misc` - 1 CC was ooo 18th, 19th and 20th (public holiday) - `rlnp2p:waku:rlnv2-e2e` - rlnv2 fork fully merged into [nwaku](https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/pull/2828) - [chore(zerokit): bump submodule](https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/pull/2830) - [fix(rln-relay): clear nullifier log only if length is over max epoch gap](https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/pull/2836) - assist with waku-simulator testing - `stealth-address-kit:vac:maintenance` - [chore(StealthAddressOnCurve): reuse scalar field from Projective](https://github.com/vacp2p/stealth-address-kit/pull/20) - [fix: gitattributes, github pages deployment](https://github.com/vacp2p/stealth-address-kit/pull/19) - [chore: add benchmarks](https://github.com/vacp2p/stealth-address-kit/pull/18) - [chore(release): v0.2.0](https://crates.io/crates/stealth_address_kit) - various documentation added, [1](https://github.com/vacp2p/stealth-address-kit/pull/16), [2](https://github.com/vacp2p/stealth-address-kit/pull/15) and [3](https://github.com/vacp2p/stealth-address-kit/pull/14), visible on [docsrs](https://docs.rs/stealth_address_kit/0.2.0/stealth_address_kit/) - `zerokit:vac:maintenance` - [chore(rln): further refactoring of interface](https://github.com/vacp2p/zerokit/pull/261) - [chore(release): v0.5.1](https://github.com/vacp2p/zerokit/pull/262) released to crates.io now that confirmed compatibility with nwaku ### vac:sc:: - `status::ens-usernames-maintenance` - Finshed the migration to foundry - https://github.com/status-im/ens-usernames/pull/130 - `finance::access-control-safes-support` - Met with finance and went through deployment scripts for access control safes - `status:staking-contracts-v1` - Refactored staking contract functions to be more descriptive - https://github.com/logos-co/staking/pull/93 - Fixed a bug that `lock()` increases `account.initialMP` - https://github.com/logos-co/staking/pull/94 ### vac:nim: - `tooling:vac:editor` - Implements a panel to inspect the lsp status so we can easily debug it https://github.com/nim-lang/vscode-nim/pull/68 - `tooling:vac:lsp` - wip project setup. Improves status, better handling on unknown files #209 https://github.com/nim-lang/langserver/pull/209 - Reuses nimsuggests instances in kwnon files (https://github.com/nim-lang/langserver/pull/211) - Implements entryPoint (https://github.com/nim-lang/langserver/pull/212) - WIP Project Setup pending PR ### vac:rfc: - `nomos:specs-init` - Continued work on data availability rfc, still in draft. Currently believe all sections are included but all sections are not to elaborate. - https://github.com/vacp2p/rfc-index/pull/41 - `codex:specs-init` - Moved marketplace spec to codex org repo, and made some changes based on feedback - https://github.com/codex-storage/codex-spec/pull/1 - reading for vaildator role rfc ### vac:dr: - `vac:admin` - Read Nomos' notes on [Proof of Equivalence](https://www.notion.so/Proof-of-Equivalance-601026c1662d4c6d8d532829d67495b0) - Began writing [Fiat-Shamir blog](https://github.com/vacp2p/vac.dev/tree/dr-rlog-fiatshamir) - `gsub-scaling:vac:unstructured-p2p-improvements-survey` - Worked on [blog post](https://github.com/vacp2p/vac.dev/pull/145) for gossipsub improvements for large messages. Still a WiP, need to add summary and references. (ready for review) - `zk:codex:zk-consulting` - Met with Balazs to discuss IPA and binding. - Began reading Blazas' [most recent proposal](https://hackmd.io/M6uwhb0eQh2bIh5_O6AX7Q) - `vac:dr:anon:vac:gossipsub-anonymity` - Continue documenting [Anonymized GossipSub Protocol (AGP)](https://www.notion.so/Anonymized-GossipSub-Transport-Protocol-AGTP-Wip-cbcbcd6067b347bb812041bce9c110ce) specification. - Finished PoW section - Investigate issues related to wrapping published messages into Sphinx Packet Format ### vac:nes: - `virtual-machine-creation:vac:vm-foundations` - work on [list of ZkVMs](https://github.com/vacp2p/zk-explorations/issues/40) - Sanity check of the entire list of Zkvms.[Moudy] - Updated and integrated additional information on [Github](https://github.com/vacp2p/zk-explorations/issues/40) and [Table](https://notes.status.im/ugF2lAAKTuG_t5PcdWwuwg) lists.[Moudy] - Added a new table with score for Zkvm implementation.[Moudy] - Prepared a document with a list of [primitives and privacy requirements](https://hackmd.io/@-CvgMMUrRhC2aJOVst_GAw/HyK0H9ZLC) needed to implement on top of existing Zkvms.[Moudy + Marvin] + [DR] - Provided data on why zkLLVM, Lurk, Novanet, Ola, SnarkOS are not zkVMs. [Rostyslav] - Sanity checks Cairo and Piecrust. [Rostyslav] - Added missing data on zkVMs. [Rostyslav] - Scored SP1, JOLT, Nexus, RISC0, Valida, O1VM. [Rostyslav] - Provided information why SP1, zkMIPS, Miden, and Aleo(SnarkVM) are zkVM and why zkOS, Powdr are not. [Ugur][ACZ] - Provide why (or why not zkVM) zkVM for Valida, Nexus, Jolt, Ceno and RISC0. [Marvin][DR] - `state-separation:vac:state-separation-architecture-01` - Worked on defining and answering several questions about Nesceince. [Moudy] - Reviewed part of the prototype. [Moudy] - Started to answering some questions related to blogpost for state separation. [Ugur][ACZ]