<li><ahref="https://www.notion.so/Crypsinous-over-Mixnet-dc05e9ad601a4cdfb1ac7823fd51cff6"class="external">Crypsinous over Mixnet</a> contains the summarization of investigation into how Crypsinous will work in combination with the Mixnet</li>
<li>In the development section below, we will go into further into details in terms of how this researched affected the specification.</li>
<li>The discussions are still open and the specification is still prone to change.</li>
<li>Updated the <ahref="https://www.notion.so/Mixnet-Specification-807b624444a54a4b88afa1cc80e100c2"class="external">Mixnet Specification</a> according to the new research and analysis in the <ahref="https://www.notion.so/Crypsinous-over-Mixnet-dc05e9ad601a4cdfb1ac7823fd51cff6"class="external">Crypsinous over Mixnet</a> document. The gist of the document update is that every node emits real/cover packets with a rate in a Poisson distribution.
<li>A slot leader publishes 3 block proposals and several drop cover packets within a slot (a slot is published every 20s)</li>
<li>At that time, all of the other nodes emit only drop cover packets (“decoys”) within a slot.</li>
<li>The target mean packet delay is 2s.</li>
<li>Based on this:
<li><ahref="https://www.notion.so/Mixnet-Specification-807b624444a54a4b88afa1cc80e100c2?pvs=4#b0c91c5a8fb84414870df8998891f3b4"class="external">Defined a packet emission mechanism</a></li>
<li><ahref="https://www.notion.so/Mixnet-Specification-807b624444a54a4b88afa1cc80e100c2?pvs=4#3ae7e03fcbad461ab8d6b57e5c0e88fe"class="external">Refined a packet delay calculation</a></li>
<li><ahref="https://www.notion.so/Mixnet-Specification-807b624444a54a4b88afa1cc80e100c2?pvs=4#1bab0f5bf46543c5924bcf5132437943"class="external">Defined a cover traffic strategy</a></li>
<li>Researching on a <ahref="https://www.notion.so/Does-Crypsinous-Leader-Election-Function-lead-to-wealth-concentration-in-PoS-b81f07a791b745438443f51f00ac258f"class="external">potential problem of wealth concentration</a> in the token engineering model that was reported by DarkFi since it contradicts the results we have calculated in the <ahref="https://www.notion.so/Delegation-and-Validation-Rewards-d4af3f87a0b240739ff99b15af11cb3f#42ba98cb3e104b1fb36bc15b4b935cc5"class="external">Validation Rewards</a></li>
<li>Performed additional research in terms of feasibility of learning total stake: the problem here is that we cannot compute relative stake based on what is the Crypsinous paper.
<li>Therefore we came up with <ahref="https://www.notion.so/Dynamic-Lottery-Function-Difficulty-Adjustment-65f5ed5522b64c36b625652023318d88"class="external">Dynamic Lottery Function Difficulty adjustment</a></li>
<li>Refined rigorous lower and upper bounds on the probability of stake greater than some threshold, i.e. “confidence”. The details can be seen in <ahref="https://www.overleaf.com/project/6557131d1ddd181051255009"class="external">Notes on mathematical and statistical aspects of proof of stake consensus mechanisms</a>
<li>The upper bound was only available for prob. 0.9 and higher and a new version also allows for lower prob.</li>
<li>The latter is needed for a more accurate estimation of the number of layers in the mixnet.</li>
<li>The asymptotic result for the same probability also can be used only for higher values and extending this result for lower values is currently in progress</li>
<li>Writing of the <ahref="https://www.notion.so/Data-Availability-Solution-4dd57aa0a212490c82b09d22bd2b9c30"class="external">new protocol specification</a> complete - it is still open for discussion - comments and proposals with valid reasoning can still adjust the specification - anyone can comment.</li>
<li>For the historical records, the trail of thoughts, scenarios and improvements can be seen <ahref="https://www.notion.so/New-Idea-cddf055558f84137ba19f01ea8fe15c7"class="external">here</a>.</li>
<li>The new specification was also looked at by the Nescience team - it has no cryptographical weaknesses.</li>
<li>Implementation expected to start at the beginning of January.</li>
<li>In the future, we will evaluate additional Data Availability structures (based on internal literature) to see how they compare to what we have.</li>
<li>the DA node read/write API implementation is in progress - we have reviewed and reevaluated the initial plan to implement DA data dissemination and retrieval flows and created an action plan based on that.</li>
<li>We have performed simulations to confirm there will be no “flatness” issues with Carnot implementation.</li>
<li>We are currently in the process of finalizing the Carnot paper - the simulations action plan will also be shown there.</li>
<li>Found additional proofs that simulations and rust Carnot implementation acts as expected in varying committee overlays - more info on Discord.</li>