2023-10-27 23:57:42 +00:00
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2023-11-21 01:11:26 +00:00
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2023-10-27 23:57:42 +00:00
< h3 id = "research" > < code > research:< / code > < a aria-hidden = "true" tabindex = "-1" href = "#research" class = "internal" > §< / a > < / h3 >
< ul >
< li > Finalized the write up and summaries of the privacy network research - < a href = "https://www.notion.so/Network-Privacy-2dabf0aa878744e299b2ebb97120876f" class = "external" > https://www.notion.so/Network-Privacy-2dabf0aa878744e299b2ebb97120876f< / a > (Pinned those notes that are the most important, to serve as a guidance for anyone who wants to have a quicker overview of the topic)< / li >
< / ul >
< hr / >
< h2 id = "testnet" > < code > testnet:< / code > < a aria-hidden = "true" tabindex = "-1" href = "#testnet" class = "internal" > §< / a > < / h2 >
< h3 id = "development" > < code > development:< / code > < a aria-hidden = "true" tabindex = "-1" href = "#development" class = "internal" > §< / a > < / h3 >
< ul >
< li > Improved integration tests: < a href = "https://github.com/logos-co/nomos-node/pull/458" class = "external" > https://github.com/logos-co/nomos-node/pull/458< / a > < / li >
< li > Preparing for demo< / li >
< li > Lifecycle handling: < a href = "https://github.com/logos-co/nomos-node/pull/457" class = "external" > https://github.com/logos-co/nomos-node/pull/457< / a > < / li >
< li > A note on current testnet implementation. Realized that even with python code the configuration of mixnet and libp2p nodes are getting too complicated, nodes are still missing features and the glue code is not a solution in the long run. Will have more discussions.< / li >
< / ul >
< hr / >
< h2 id = "private-pos" > < code > private PoS:< / code > < a aria-hidden = "true" tabindex = "-1" href = "#private-pos" class = "internal" > §< / a > < / h2 >
< h3 id = "research-1" > < code > research:< / code > < a aria-hidden = "true" tabindex = "-1" href = "#research-1" class = "internal" > §< / a > < / h3 >
< ul >
< li > Initial proposal for multi-staking PPoS design for Carnot: < a href = "https://www.notion.so/Sketch-Approximated-PoS-with-k-anonymity-towards-multi-staking-for-Carnot-BFT-e066eb4f80114ddc862a8665aea952b6?pvs=4" class = "external" > https://www.notion.so/Sketch-Approximated-PoS-with-k-anonymity-towards-multi-staking-for-Carnot-BFT-e066eb4f80114ddc862a8665aea952b6?pvs=4< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< hr / >
< h2 id = "data-availability" > < code > data availability:< / code > < a aria-hidden = "true" tabindex = "-1" href = "#data-availability" class = "internal" > §< / a > < / h2 >
< h3 id = "research-2" > < code > research:< / code > < a aria-hidden = "true" tabindex = "-1" href = "#research-2" class = "internal" > §< / a > < / h3 >
< ul >
< li > Sona polynomial commitment scheme was examined and found to be applicable to data availability. Comparisons and notes can be viewed here:< a href = "https://www.notion.so/Polynomial-Commitment-Schemes-59bf8f6fe39840babe819c5c0a9628fc" class = "external" > https://www.notion.so/Polynomial-Commitment-Schemes-59bf8f6fe39840babe819c5c0a9628fc< / a > < / li >
< li > If we continue with KZG, the method to be followed for “trusted setup” was investigated. Some methods can be found here: < a href = "https://www.notion.so/Trusted-Setup-19a29ee752f14e96895328a0bd7a9634" class = "external" > https://www.notion.so/Trusted-Setup-19a29ee752f14e96895328a0bd7a9634< / a > < / li >
< li > Added notes on using prime field: < a href = "https://www.notion.so/Notes-c4a680142a954953a2c0ea0e4b6fdcf1" class = "external" > https://www.notion.so/Notes-c4a680142a954953a2c0ea0e4b6fdcf1< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< hr / >
< h2 id = "eurorust-event" > < code > Eurorust Event:< / code > < a aria-hidden = "true" tabindex = "-1" href = "#eurorust-event" class = "internal" > §< / a > < / h2 >
< p > Here are some notes by Daniel about the event the Engineering Team attended to last weekend:< / p >
< ul >
< li > From the ecosystem speeches we can say they are constantly making efforts on making the language mature. impl Trait in traits are coming later this year, will impact our codebase (will need some refactors). It doesn’ t look like a big change but it kind of is. We use a lot of abstractions (futures + streams mostly) that force use to box everything (dynamic dispatch), that now will be statically dispatched.< / li >
< li > Overall keynotes and speeches were not really good. More exploratory than anything. Some of them showed tech that was mostly not relevant to us.
Gathering the team had some impact. We had some bonding on related topics that all of us enjoy. And we had some conversations that otherwise would not probably took place.< / li >
< li > IMO probably not worth to repeat this kind of events unless we participate in a more active way (preparing a speech ourselves and apply which I think we are totally capable of. We have a few things we could show up - Simulation app or Overwatch for example).< / li >
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s-2-0.897-2-2s0.897-2,2-2S47,39.897,47,41z M49,10c-2.206,0-4-1.794-4-4s1.794-4,4-4s4,1.794,4,4S51.206,10,49,10z">< / path > < / svg > < / div > < div id = "global-graph-outer" > < div id = "global-graph-container" data-cfg = "{"drag":true,"zoom":true,"depth":-1,"scale":0.9,"repelForce":0.5,"centerForce":0.3,"linkDistance":30,"fontSize":0.6,"opacityScale":1,"showTags":true,"removeTags":[]}" > < / div > < / div > < / div > < div class = "toc desktop-only" > < button type = "button" id = "toc" > < h3 > Table of Contents< / h3 > < svg xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width = "24" height = "24" viewBox = "0 0 24 24" fill = "none" stroke = "currentColor" stroke-width = "2" stroke-linecap = "round" stroke-linejoin = "round" class = "fold" > < polyline points = "6 9 12 15 18 9" > < / polyline > < / svg > < / button > < div id = "toc-content" > < ul class = "overflow" > < li class = "depth-0" > < a href = "#network-privacy-and-mixnet" data-for = "network-privacy-and-mixnet" > network privacy and mixnet:< / a > < / li > < li class = "depth-1" > < a href = "#research" data-for = "research" > research:< / a > < / li > < li class = "depth-0" > < a href = "#testnet" data-for = "testnet" > testnet:< / a > < / li > < li class = "depth-1" > < a href = "#development" data-for = "development" > development:< / a > < / li > < li class = "depth-0" > < a href = "#private-pos" data-for = "private-pos" > private PoS:< / a > < / li > < li class = "depth-1" > < a href = "#research-1" data-for = "research-1" > research:< / a > < / li > < li class = "depth-0" > < a href = "#data-availability" data-for = "data-availability" > data availability:< / a > < / li > < li class = "depth-1" > < a href = "#research-2" data-for = "research-2" > research:< / a > < / li > < li class = "depth-0" > < a href = "#eurorust-event" data-for = "eurorust-event" > Eurorust Event:< / a > < / li > < / ul > < / div > < / div > < div class = "backlinks " > < h3 > Backlinks< / h3 > < ul class = "overflow" > < li > No backlinks found< / li > < / ul > < / div > < / div > < / div > < footer class > < hr / > < p > Created with < a href = "https://quartz.jzhao.xyz/" > Quartz v4.1.0< / a > , © 2023< / p > < ul > < li > < a href = "https://github.com/logos-co/roadmap" > GitHub< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "https://discord.com/invite/logos-state" > Discord Community< / a > < / li > < / ul > < / footer > < / div > < / body > < script type = "application/javascript" > / / q u a r t z / c o m p o n e n t s / s c r i p t s / q u a r t z / c o m p o n e n t s / s c r i p t s / c a l l o u t . i n l i n e . t s
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