**[nwaku] [feat: Have additional Admin REST API endpoints that helps node operator in monitoring](https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/issues/2290)**
- _achieved_: improved initial implementation. Added unit tests, updated documentation, opened and got approved PR.
- _next_: verify if there's other places where the new endpoint should be document before merging
**[research] [Sync store baseline understanding](https://github.com/waku-org/research/issues/62)**
- _achieved_: PoC of Prolly Tree feature complete, Postgres retention policy PR, diff protocol ground work started.
- _next_: pending technical writeup about Prolly trees PoC in issue, Diff protocol, generating some operational data details such as memory consumption using RLN specs.
### Bugs
**[nwaku] [bug/regression: Relay connection works no more](https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/issues/2299)**
- _achieved_: reproduced, investigated, found root causes and fixed
**[nwaku] [bug: lack of error checking in publish](https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/issues/2190)**
- _achieved_: reproduced, investigated and started improving error handling