<html><head><title>2023-08-06 Waku weekly</title><metacharSet="utf-8"/><metaname="viewport"content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/><metaproperty="og:title"content="2023-08-06 Waku weekly"/><metaproperty="og:description"content="Milestones for current works are created and used. Next steps are: Refine scope of research work for rest of the year and create matching milestones for research and waku clients Review work not coming from research and setting dates Note that format matches the Notion page but can be changed easily as it’s scripted nwaku § Release Process Improvements {E:2023-qa} achieved: fixed a bug in release CI workflow, enhanced the CI workflow to build and push a docker image on each PR to make simulations per PR more feasible next: document how to run PR built images in waku-simulator, adding Linux arm64 binaries and images blocker: PostgreSQL {E:2023-10k-users} achieved: Docker compose with nwaku + postgres + prometheus + grafana + postgres_exporter 3 next: Carry on with stress testing Autosharding v1 {E:2023-1mil-users} achieved: feedback/update cycles for FILTER &amp; LIGHTPUSH next: New fleet, updating ENR from live subscriptions and merging blocker: Architecturally it seams difficult to send the info to Discv5 from JSONRPC for the Waku app."/><metaproperty="og:image"content="https://roadmap.logos.co/static/og-image.png"/><metaproperty="og:width"content="1200"/><metaproperty="og:height"content="675"/><linkrel="icon"href="../../static/icon.png"/><metaname="description"content="Milestones for current works are created and used. Next steps are: Refine scope of research work for rest of the year and create matching milestones for research and waku clients Review work not coming from research and setting dates Note that format matches the Notion page but can be changed easily as it’s scripted nwaku § Release Process Improvements {E:2023-qa} achieved: fixed a bug in release CI workflow, enhanced the CI workflow to build and push a docker image on each PR to make simulations per PR more feasible next: document how to run PR built images in waku-simulator, adding Linux arm64 binaries and images blocker: PostgreSQL {E:2023-10k-users} achieved: Docker compose with nwaku + postgres + prometheus + grafana + postgres_exporter 3 next: Carry on with stress testing Autosharding v1 {E:2023-1mil-users} achieved: feedback/update cycles for FILTER &amp; LIGHTPUSH next: New fleet, updating ENR from live subscriptions and merging blocker: Architecturally it seams difficult to send the info to Discv5 from JSONRPC for the Waku app."/><metaname="generator"content="Logos Roadmaps"/><linkrel="preconnect"href="https://fonts.googleapis.com"/><linkrel="preconnect"href="https://fonts.gstatic.com"/><linkhref="../../index.css"rel="stylesheet"type="text/css"spa-preserve/><linkhref="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.16.0/dist/katex.min.css"rel="stylesheet"type="text/css"spa-preserve/><linkhref="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=IBM Plex Mono&family=sans-serif:wght@400;700&family=sans-serif:ital,wght@0,400;0,600;1,400;1,600&display=swap"rel="stylesheet"type="text/css"spa-preserve/><scriptsrc="../../prescript.js"type="application/javascript"spa-preserve></script><scripttype="application/javascript"spa-preserve>constfetchData=fetch(`../../static/contentIndex.json`).then(data=>data.json())</script></head><bodydata-slug="waku/updates/2023-08-06"><divid="quartz-root"class="page"><divid="quartz-body"><divclass="left sidebar"><h1class="page-title"><ahref="../..">Logos Collective Project Roadmaps</a></h1><divclass="spacer mobile-only"></div><divclass="search"><divid="search-icon"><p>Search</p><div></div><svgtabIndex="0"aria-labelledby="title desc"role="img"xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"viewBox="0 0 19.9 19.7"><titleid="title">Search</title><descid="desc">Search</desc><gclass="search-path"fill="none"><pathstroke-linecap="square"d="M18.5 18.3l-5.4-5.4"></path><circlecx="8"cy="8"r="7"></circle></g></svg></div><divid="search-contai
<li>Refine scope of <ahref="https://github.com/waku-org/research/issues/3"class="external">research work</a> for rest of the year and create matching milestones for research and waku clients</li>
<li>Review work not coming from research and setting dates
Note that format matches the Notion page but can be changed easily as it’s scripted</li>
<p><strong><ahref="https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/issues/1889"class="external">Release Process Improvements</a></strong> {E:2023-qa}</p>
<li><em>achieved</em>: fixed a bug in release CI workflow, enhanced the CI workflow to build and push a docker image on each PR to make simulations per PR more feasible</li>
<li><em>next</em>: document how to run PR built images in waku-simulator, adding Linux arm64 binaries and images</li>
<li><em>achieved</em>: feedback/update cycles for FILTER & LIGHTPUSH</li>
<li><em>next</em>: New fleet, updating ENR from live subscriptions and merging</li>
<li><em>blocker</em>: Architecturally it seams difficult to send the info to Discv5 from JSONRPC for the Waku app.</li>
<p><strong><ahref="https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/issues/1767"class="external">Move Waku v1 and Waku-Bridge to new repos</a></strong> {E:2023-qa}</p>
<li><em>achieved</em>: Removed v1 and wakubridge code from nwaku repo</li>
<li><em>next</em>: Remove references to <code>v2</code> from nwaku directory structure and documents</li>
<li>Moved the Waku execution into a secondary working thread. Essential for NodeJs.</li>
<li>Adapted the NodeJs example to use the <code>libwaku</code> with the working-thread approach. The example had been receiving relay messages during a weekend. The memory was stable without crashing.</li>
<li><em>next</em>: start applying the thread-safety recommendations <ahref="https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/issues/1878"class="external">1878</a></li>
<p><strong><ahref="https://github.com/waku-org/js-waku/issues/1429"class="external">Peer Exchange is supported and used by default</a></strong> {E:2023-light-protocols}</p>
<li><em>achieved</em>: robustness around peer-exchange, and highlight discovery vs connections for PX on the web-chat example</li>
<li><em>next</em>: saving successfully connected PX peers to local storage for easier connections on reload</li>
<p><strong><ahref="https://github.com/waku-org/js-waku/issues/905"class="external">Waku Relay scalability in the Browser</a></strong> {NO EPIC}</p>
<li><em>achieved</em>: draft of direct browser-browser RTC example <ahref="https://github.com/waku-org/js-waku-examples/pull/260"class="external">260</a></li>
<li><em>next</em>: improve the example (connection re-usage), work on contentTopic based RTC example</li>
<li><em>achieved</em>: use zerokit batch insert/delete for members, exposed function to retrieve data from merkle tree, modified zerokit and go-zerokit-rln to pass merkle tree persistance configuration settings</li>
<li><em>next</em>: resume onchain sync from persisted tree db</li>
<p><strong><ahref="https://github.com/waku-org/docs.waku.org/issues/104"class="external">Advanced docs for js-waku</a></strong> {E:2023-eco-growth}</p>
<li><em>next</em>: create guide on <code>@waku/react</code> and debugging js-waku web apps</li>
<p><strong><ahref="https://github.com/waku-org/docs.waku.org/issues/101"class="external">Foundation of js-waku docs</a></strong> {E:2023-eco-growth}</p>
<p><em>achieved</em>: added guide on js-waku bootstrapping</p>