- created slides for [QA presentation](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_FYKN-o5kqzlDVub1bpJ22WvMdTcsrsFQbH8jN3Yqg0/edit#slide=id.g2ea55cde533_0_23)(@Florin)
### vac:acz:
- Investigated and found root cause of [invalid messages in nwaku](https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/issues/2870) & [spam messages in nwaku](https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/issues/2879), discussing with team for mitigation
- Preparing the inclusion of the on-chain component in the RFC: reading the repos and figuring out the architecture.
- Research on finality times on different L2s for onchain component.
- Finished work with CLI integration and merged [PR](https://github.com/vacp2p/de-mls/pull/17)
- Merged small fix regarding getting own message [PR](https://github.com/vacp2p/de-mls/pull/19)
- Created a demo of using cli [video link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Cq_QTWYdDPL1PuKlX5eIppQZUYebZWoE/view?usp=drive_link)
- Started fixing the functionality regarding the smart contract and local cache - adding multiple keys during registration, remove unused functionality [open PR](https://github.com/vacp2p/de-mls/pull/20)
- started a discussion about improving zkey processing time by switching to preprocessing (more details in discord [thread](https://discord.com/channels/864066763682218004/1263433969089646593))
- Submission of proposal for delivering a talk in Devcon Bangkok. Same presentation as for [EthCC Brussels](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1XxHiah4vQd0uEXr0glSiqHaiTShDBsJiNhAZhL7kjbM/edit#slide=id.g2bac4500eab_0_5) but including latest advances.
- CCs getting tickets for devcon
- Update the ethcc [notes](https://notes.status.im/GsmZledHTZaFnr_Ut4Yqrw) (for full doc in [notion](https://www.notion.so/Nescience-cd358fe429b14fa2ab38ca42835a8451?pvs=4#0c8780be794243b2b51003117b92e90c))
- Fixed a regression introduced by wrongly taggin a Nim release: https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/pull/1245
- Improve test on Nim versioning https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/pull/1235
- Fix Nim version and improve coloring of the notifications:
### vac:rfc:
- Made some changes to DA rfc, still need to revisit - https://github.com/vacp2p/rfc-index/pull/41
- was able to work on Codex validator rfc, still in draft - https://github.com/vacp2p/rfc-index/pull/83
### vac:dr:
- Added section on filters in RLN to the [Bloom Filter rlog](https://github.com/vacp2p/vac.dev/pull/146); rlog posted.
- Worked on [Fiat-Shamir rlog](https://github.com/vacp2p/vac.dev/pull/147).
- Continued worked on testground simulator. Specifically, developed understanding about writing test plans, and run/play with different example test plans (from other libp2p implementations).
- Continued working on [Anonymized GossipSub Protocol (AGP)](https://www.notion.so/Anonymized-GossipSub-Protocol-AGP-Wip-cbcbcd6067b347bb812041bce9c110ce) specification. Specifically, completed the implementation details of the custom mixnet protocol, extend Sphinx to support address + destination of combined size $tk$, recommend appropriate cryptographic algorithms, made some changes to the approach followed in [Sphinx Go](https://github.com/nymtech/nym-mixnet/tree/develop/sphinx) implementation, to improve performance.
- Begin to implement Sphinx library in Go.
- Began [notes](https://hackmd.io/Z64w2bcTTAmxPEnF62SE6g?view) on [Testudo](https://eprint.iacr.org/2023/961).
- Provide feedback on [proof of replication](https://hackmd.io/prAbwLpUReqR4OaDLfeeMg)
- Continued work on [document](https://hackmd.io/ZJCNKmIaTQSRTW6_4wA9mw?view) for Codex's storage proof.
- Finished working on execution types covering the 3 different types (Private, Shielded, Deshielded) [Moudy]
- Worked on different components for the state separation Blogpost. [Moudy]
- Reviewed key management and lists of primitives from Ugur and Marvin. [Moudy]
- Create a doc for cryptographic primitives inside and ouside of the kernel circuits in [notion](https://www.notion.so/Cryptographic-Primitives-for-Kernel-Circuits-8281a120a7224793b8e18f913c762497?pvs=4). [Ugur + Moudy][ACZ]
- Expand the missing components for State-Separation file in [notion](https://www.notion.so/Missing-Components-for-State-Separation-bcbcb0fe80de499c93ba30e03fd9671d?pvs=4). [Ugur + Moudy][ACZ]
- Work on the [lits of ZkVMs](https://notes.status.im/ugF2lAAKTuG_t5PcdWwuwg):
- Continued going through partial homomorphic encryption schemes' materials [Rostyslav]