- [chat] tuning store hash query to shorten the confirmation time of outgoing messages [Reset MVDS epoch after peer is online](https://github.com/status-im/status-go/pull/5349)
- [chat] [feat: filter peers stored in cache by cluster-id in peer-exchange](https://github.com/waku-org/go-waku/pull/1139)
- [chat] [feat: expose router and mesh peers to obtain list of peers in mesh](https://github.com/waku-org/go-libp2p-pubsub/pull/1)
- [chat] improve relay peer connectivity and refactor peerManager to support lightMode [feat: modify peer-manager to consider relay target peers](https://github.com/waku-org/go-waku/pull/1135)
- [chat] enable peerExchange in relay for better peer discovery [chore: enable pxClient in relay and increase relay peer connections](https://github.com/status-im/status-go/pull/5411)
- [chat] fix peerExchange peer source and enable peerExchange in lightClient [fix: enable pxclient and filter peerExchange peers returned](https://github.com/status-im/status-go/pull/5350)
- [chat] query store node when back from sleep: [missing communityRequestToJoin message](https://github.com/status-im/status-go/issues/5412)
- [chat] IMO of what to do regarding receive reliability: [Receive message reliability for Status desktop](https://forum.vac.dev/t/receive-message-reliability-for-status-desktop/302)
- [chat] optimize filter subscriptions by aggregating them [feat: optimize filter subs](https://github.com/waku-org/go-waku/pull/1144) and [feat: aggregate filter subscriptions to do bulk subs with peer](https://github.com/status-im/status-go/pull/5440)
- [nwaku] Accepted new lightpush protocol definition with detailed fail case support - [Enhance light push protocol](https://github.com/waku-org/pm/issues/93)
- [js-waku] reliability with renewals due to offline state [feat!: improve offline state handling for Filter subscription](https://github.com/waku-org/js-waku/pull/2049)
- [js-waku] reliability with renewals due to offline state [feat!: improve offline state handling for Filter subscription](https://github.com/waku-org/js-waku/pull/2049)
- [js-waku] minor improvements to [feat: add first version of dogfooding app](https://github.com/waku-org/lab.waku.org/pull/68) and getting unblocked with latest nwaku release
- [nwaku] added origin of peers in admin rest endpoint as per request, to debug and further understand discovery performance [chore: adding origin to peers admin endpoint](https://github.com/waku-org/nwaku/pull/2848)
- [nwaku] discussed with nim-libp2p team and tested a version of logging errors on publish to understand how often messages are not sent without returning errors
- [research] continuing the execution of RLN in resource-restricted network: [[Epic: Dogfooding] Deliver RLN v2 + RLN in resource-restricted to The Waku Network](https://github.com/waku-org/pm/issues/168)
- [chat] [fix: panic due to enr having more than 300 bytes](https://github.com/waku-org/go-waku/pull/1140)
- [chat] [fix: ignore ws from circuit relay addresses, and allow non multiaddresses in multiaddrs ENR key](https://github.com/waku-org/go-waku/pull/1141)