{% if not hide_fork_label and book.original_book %}


{% endif %} {% if not hide_contributing_label and book.user_id != current_user.id %} Contributing {% endif %} {{label or book.label}}
{% if type(book) == m.BookVersion %} {% set owner = book.book.owner %} {% set updated_at = book.updated_at %} {% else %} {% set owner = book.owner %} {% set updated_at = book.active_version.updated_at %} {% endif %} {% if type(book) == m.BookVersion or book.active_version %}

Last updated by {{owner.username}} on {{updated_at.strftime('%B %d, %Y')}}

{% endif %}
{% if not hide_stars %} {{ book.stars|length }} {% endif %}

{{ book.interpretations|length }}

{{ book.approved_comments|length }}