from flask import flash, redirect, url_for, current_app from flask_login import login_required, current_user from app.controllers import ( register_book_verify_route, ) from app.controllers.delete_nested_book_entities import ( delete_nested_comment_entities, ) from app import models as m, db, forms as f from app.controllers.tags import set_comment_tags from app.logger import log from .bp import bp @bp.route( "///create_comment", methods=["POST"], ) @login_required def create_comment( book_id: int, interpretation_id: int, ): book: m.Book = db.session.get(m.Book, book_id) if not book or book.is_deleted: log(log.INFO, "User: [%s] is not owner of book: [%s]", current_user, book) flash("Book not found!", "danger") return redirect(url_for("book.my_library")) redirect_url = url_for( "book.qa_view", book_id=book_id, interpretation_id=interpretation_id ) interpretation: m.Interpretation = db.session.get( m.Interpretation, interpretation_id ) if not interpretation or interpretation.is_deleted: log(log.WARNING, "Interpretation with id [%s] not found", interpretation_id) flash("Interpretation not found", "danger") return redirect(redirect_url) form = f.CreateCommentForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): text = comment: m.Comment = m.Comment( text=text,, interpretation_id=interpretation_id, ) if comment.parent_id = comment.interpretation = None log( log.INFO, "Create comment for interpretation [%s].", interpretation, ) tags = current_app.config["TAG_REGEX"].findall(text) set_comment_tags(comment, tags) # TODO Send notifications # users_mentions = current_app.config["USER_MENTION_REGEX"].findall(text) flash("Success!", "success") return redirect(redirect_url) else: log(log.ERROR, "Comment create errors: [%s]", form.errors) for field, errors in form.errors.items(): field_label = form._fields[field].label.text for error in errors: flash(error.lower().replace("field", field_label).title(), "danger") return redirect(redirect_url) @bp.route("///comment_delete", methods=["POST"]) @register_book_verify_route( @login_required def comment_delete(book_id: int, interpretation_id: int): redirect_url = url_for( "book.qa_view", book_id=book_id, interpretation_id=interpretation_id ) form = f.DeleteCommentForm() comment_id = comment: m.Comment = db.session.get(m.Comment, comment_id) if form.validate_on_submit(): comment.is_deleted = True delete_nested_comment_entities(comment) log(log.INFO, "Delete comment [%s]", comment) flash("Success!", "success") return redirect(redirect_url) flash("Invalid id!", "danger") return redirect( url_for( "book.collection_view", book_id=book_id, ) ) @bp.route( "///comment_edit", methods=["POST"], ) @register_book_verify_route( @login_required def comment_edit( book_id: int, interpretation_id: int, ): redirect_url = url_for( "book.qa_view", book_id=book_id, interpretation_id=interpretation_id ) form = f.EditCommentForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): text = comment_id = comment: m.Comment = db.session.get(m.Comment, comment_id) comment.text = text comment.edited = True log(log.INFO, "Edit comment [%s]", comment) tags = current_app.config["TAG_REGEX"].findall(text) set_comment_tags(comment, tags) flash("Success!", "success") return redirect(redirect_url) flash("Invalid id!", "danger") return redirect( url_for( "book.collection_view", book_id=book_id, ) )