# Open-Law # Installation 1. Create virtual environment and install dependencies `poetry install` 2. Install node packages `yarn` 3. Run webpack JS bundler `yarn js-watch` 4. Run webpack CSS bundler `yarn css-watch` 5. Rename `project.env` to `.env` 6. Up docker container with database `docker-compose up -d db` 7. Apply migrations `flask db upgrade` 8. Run project in the vs-code debugger `F5` # Build 1. To minify static files run `yarn js` and `yarn css` or `sh build_static.sh` 2. Build docker containers `docker-compose build` 3. Run docker containers `docker-compose up -d` ### To set up auto deployment CI/CD you need to set following variables in the Actions secrets and variables page of repository settings `DOCKERHUB_TOKEN` - hub.docker.com api token `DOCKERHUB_USERNAME` - hub.docker.com username `SSH_HOST_IP_PROD` - VPS IP `SSH_KEY` - VPS ssh key `SSH_USER` - VPS user