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synced 2025-01-10 23:56:31 +00:00
* Add nonce specification * tweak nonce definition
474 lines
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474 lines
15 KiB
from typing import TypeAlias, List, Optional
from hashlib import sha256, blake2b
from math import floor
from copy import deepcopy
import functools
# Please note this is still a work in progress
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
Id: TypeAlias = bytes
class Epoch:
# identifier of the epoch, counting incrementally from 0
epoch: int
class TimeConfig:
# How long a slot lasts in seconds
slot_duration: int
# Start of the first epoch, in unix timestamp second precision
chain_start_time: int
class Config:
k: int
active_slot_coeff: float # 'f', the rate of occupied slots
# The stake distribution is always taken at the beginning of the previous epoch.
# This parameters controls how many slots to wait for it to be stabilized
# The value is computed as epoch_stake_distribution_stabilization * int(floor(k / f))
epoch_stake_distribution_stabilization: int
# This parameter controls how many slots we wait after the stake distribution
# snapshot has stabilized to take the nonce snapshot.
epoch_period_nonce_buffer: int
# This parameter controls how many slots we wait for the nonce snapshot to be considered
# stabilized
epoch_period_nonce_stabilization: int
time: TimeConfig
def base_period_length(self) -> int:
return int(floor(self.k / self.active_slot_coeff))
def epoch_length(self) -> int:
return (
+ self.epoch_period_nonce_buffer
+ self.epoch_period_nonce_stabilization
) * self.base_period_length
def s(self):
return self.base_period_length * self.epoch_period_nonce_stabilization
# An absolute unique indentifier of a slot, counting incrementally from 0
class Slot:
absolute_slot: int
def from_unix_timestamp_s(config: TimeConfig, timestamp_s: int) -> "Slot":
absolute_slot = (timestamp_s - config.chain_start_time) // config.slot_duration
return Slot(absolute_slot)
def epoch(self, config: Config) -> Epoch:
return Epoch(self.absolute_slot // config.epoch_length)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.absolute_slot == other.absolute_slot
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.absolute_slot < other.absolute_slot
class Coin:
pk: int
value: int
def commitment(self) -> Id:
# TODO: mocked until CL is understood
pk_bytes = int.to_bytes(self.pk, length=32, byteorder="little")
value_bytes = int.to_bytes(self.value, length=32, byteorder="little")
h = sha256()
return h.digest()
def nullifier(self) -> Id:
# TODO: mocked until CL is understood
pk_bytes = int.to_bytes(self.pk, length=32, byteorder="little")
value_bytes = int.to_bytes(self.value, length=32, byteorder="little")
h = sha256()
h.update(b"\x00") # extra 0 byte to differentiate from commitment
return h.digest()
class MockLeaderProof:
commitment: Id
nullifier: Id
def from_coin(coin: Coin):
return MockLeaderProof(commitment=coin.commitment(), nullifier=coin.nullifier())
def verify(self, slot):
# TODO: verification not implemented
return True
class BlockHeader:
slot: Slot
parent: Id
content_size: int
content_id: Id
leader_proof: MockLeaderProof
# **Attention**:
# The ID of a block header is defined as the 32byte blake2b hash of its fields
# as serialized in the format specified by the 'HEADER' rule in 'messages.abnf'.
# The following code is to be considered as a reference implementation, mostly to be used for testing.
def id(self) -> Id:
h = blake2b(digest_size=32)
# version byte
# content size
h.update(int.to_bytes(self.content_size, length=4, byteorder="big"))
# content id
assert len(self.content_id) == 32
# slot
h.update(int.to_bytes(self.slot.absolute_slot, length=8, byteorder="big"))
# parent
assert len(self.parent) == 32
# leader proof
assert len(self.leader_proof.commitment) == 32
assert len(self.leader_proof.nullifier) == 32
return h.digest()
class Chain:
blocks: List[BlockHeader]
def tip(self) -> BlockHeader:
return self.blocks[-1]
def length(self) -> int:
return len(self.blocks)
def contains_block(self, block: BlockHeader) -> bool:
return block in self.blocks
def block_position(self, block: BlockHeader) -> int:
assert self.contains_block(block)
for i, b in enumerate(self.blocks):
if b == block:
return i
class LedgerState:
A snapshot of the ledger state up to some block
block: Id = None
# This nonce is used to derive the seed for the slot leader lottery
# It's updated at every block by hashing the previous nonce with the nullifier
# Note that this does not prevent nonce grinding at the last slot before the nonce snapshot
nonce: Id = None
total_stake: int = None
commitments: set[Id] = field(default_factory=set) # set of commitments
nullifiers: set[Id] = field(default_factory=set) # set of nullified
def copy(self):
return LedgerState(
def verify_committed(self, commitment: Id) -> bool:
return commitment in self.commitments
def verify_unspent(self, nullifier: Id) -> bool:
return nullifier not in self.nullifiers
def apply(self, block: BlockHeader):
assert block.parent == self.block
h = blake2b(digest_size=32)
self.nonce = h.digest()
self.block = block.id()
class EpochState:
# for details of snapshot schedule please see:
# https://github.com/IntersectMBO/ouroboros-consensus/blob/fe245ac1d8dbfb563ede2fdb6585055e12ce9738/docs/website/contents/for-developers/Glossary.md#epoch-structure
# The stake distribution snapshot is taken at the beginning of the previous epoch
stake_distribution_snapshot: LedgerState
# The nonce snapshot is taken 7k/f slots into the previous epoch
nonce_snapshot: LedgerState
def verify_commitment_is_old_enough_to_lead(self, commitment: Id) -> bool:
return self.stake_distribution_snapshot.verify_committed(commitment)
def total_stake(self) -> int:
"""Returns the total stake that will be used to reletivize leadership proofs during this epoch"""
return self.stake_distribution_snapshot.total_stake
def nonce(self) -> bytes:
return self.nonce_snapshot.nonce
class Follower:
def __init__(self, genesis_state: LedgerState, config: Config):
self.config = config
self.forks = []
self.local_chain = Chain([])
self.genesis_state = genesis_state
self.ledger_state = {genesis_state.block: genesis_state.copy()}
def validate_header(self, block: BlockHeader, chain: Chain) -> bool:
# TODO: verify blocks are not in the 'future'
parent_state = self.ledger_state[block.parent]
epoch_state = self.compute_epoch_state(block.slot.epoch(self.config), chain)
# TODO: this is not the full block validation spec, only slot leader is verified
return self.verify_slot_leader(
block.slot, block.leader_proof, epoch_state, parent_state
def verify_slot_leader(
slot: Slot,
proof: MockLeaderProof,
epoch_state: EpochState,
ledger_state: LedgerState,
) -> bool:
return (
proof.verify(slot) # verify slot leader proof
and epoch_state.verify_commitment_is_old_enough_to_lead(proof.commitment)
and ledger_state.verify_unspent(proof.nullifier)
# Try appending this block to an existing chain and return whether
# the operation was successful
def try_extend_chains(self, block: BlockHeader) -> Optional[Chain]:
if self.tip_id() == block.parent:
return self.local_chain
for chain in self.forks:
if chain.tip().id() == block.parent:
return chain
return None
def try_create_fork(self, block: BlockHeader) -> Optional[Chain]:
if self.genesis_state.block == block.parent:
# this block is forking off the genesis state
return Chain(blocks=[])
chains = self.forks + [self.local_chain]
for chain in chains:
if chain.contains_block(block):
block_position = chain.block_position(block)
return Chain(blocks=chain.blocks[:block_position])
return None
def on_block(self, block: BlockHeader):
# check if the new block extends an existing chain
new_chain = self.try_extend_chains(block)
if new_chain is None:
# we failed to extend one of the existing chains,
# therefore we might need to create a new fork
new_chain = self.try_create_fork(block)
if new_chain is not None:
# otherwise, we're missing the parent block
# in that case, just ignore the block
if not self.validate_header(block, new_chain):
# We may need to switch forks, lets run the fork choice rule to check.
new_chain = self.fork_choice()
self.local_chain = new_chain
new_state = self.ledger_state[block.parent].copy()
self.ledger_state[block.id()] = new_state
# Evaluate the fork choice rule and return the block header of the block that should be the head of the chain
def fork_choice(self) -> Chain:
return maxvalid_bg(
self.local_chain, self.forks, k=self.config.k, s=self.config.s
def tip(self) -> BlockHeader:
return self.local_chain.tip()
def tip_id(self) -> Id:
if self.local_chain.length() > 0:
return self.local_chain.tip().id()
return self.genesis_state.block
def state_at_slot_beginning(self, chain: Chain, slot: Slot) -> LedgerState:
for block in reversed(chain.blocks):
if block.slot < slot:
return self.ledger_state[block.id()]
return self.genesis_state
def compute_epoch_state(self, epoch: Epoch, chain: Chain) -> EpochState:
# stake distribution snapshot happens at the beginning of the previous epoch,
# i.e. for epoch e, the snapshot is taken at the last block of epoch e-2
stake_snapshot_slot = Slot((epoch.epoch - 1) * self.config.epoch_length)
stake_distribution_snapshot = self.state_at_slot_beginning(
chain, stake_snapshot_slot
nonce_slot = Slot(
* (
+ self.config.epoch_period_nonce_buffer
+ stake_snapshot_slot.absolute_slot
nonce_snapshot = self.state_at_slot_beginning(chain, nonce_slot)
return EpochState(
def phi(f: float, alpha: float) -> float:
f: 'active slot coefficient' - the rate of occupied slots
alpha: relative stake held by the validator
returns: the probability that this validator should win the slot lottery
return 1 - (1 - f) ** alpha
"""NOT SECURE: A mock VRF function where the sk and pk are assummed to be the same"""
ORDER = 2**256
def vrf(cls, sk: int, nonce: bytes, slot: int) -> int:
h = sha256()
h.update(int.to_bytes(sk, length=32))
h.update(int.to_bytes(slot, length=16)) # 64bit slots
return int.from_bytes(h.digest())
def verify(cls, r, pk, nonce, slot):
raise NotImplemented()
class Leader:
config: Config
coin: Coin
def try_prove_slot_leader(
self, epoch: EpochState, slot: Slot
) -> MockLeaderProof | None:
if self._is_slot_leader(epoch, slot):
return MockLeaderProof.from_coin(self.coin)
def propose_block(self, slot: Slot, parent: BlockHeader) -> BlockHeader:
return BlockHeader(parent=parent.id(), slot=slot)
def _is_slot_leader(self, epoch: EpochState, slot: Slot):
relative_stake = self.coin.value / epoch.total_stake()
r = MOCK_LEADER_VRF.vrf(self.coin.pk, epoch.nonce(), slot)
return r < MOCK_LEADER_VRF.ORDER * phi(
self.config.active_slot_coeff, relative_stake
def common_prefix_len(a: Chain, b: Chain) -> int:
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(a.blocks, b.blocks)):
if x.id() != y.id():
return i
return min(len(a.blocks), len(b.blocks))
def chain_density(chain: Chain, slot: Slot) -> int:
return len(
for block in chain.blocks
if block.slot.absolute_slot < slot.absolute_slot
# Implementation of the fork choice rule as defined in the Ouroboros Genesis paper
# k defines the forking depth of chain we accept without more analysis
# s defines the length of time (unit of slots) after the fork happened we will inspect for chain density
def maxvalid_bg(local_chain: Chain, forks: List[Chain], k: int, s: int) -> Chain:
cmax = local_chain
for chain in forks:
lowest_common_ancestor = common_prefix_len(cmax, chain)
m = cmax.length() - lowest_common_ancestor
if m <= k:
# Classic longest chain rule with parameter k
if cmax.length() < chain.length():
cmax = chain
# The chain is forking too much, we need to pay a bit more attention
# In particular, select the chain that is the densest after the fork
forking_slot = Slot(
cmax.blocks[lowest_common_ancestor].slot.absolute_slot + s
cmax_density = chain_density(cmax, forking_slot)
candidate_density = chain_density(chain, forking_slot)
if cmax_density < candidate_density:
cmax = chain
return cmax
if __name__ == "__main__":