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import itertools
from hashlib import blake2b
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Set, Optional, Self
from carnot.carnot import Id, Committee
from carnot.overlay import EntropyOverlay
import random
def blake2b_hash(committee: Committee) -> bytes:
hasher = blake2b(digest_size=32)
for member in sorted(committee):
return hasher.digest()
def fisher_yates_shuffle(nodes: List[Id], entropy: bytes):
Fisher-yates shuffling algorithm
It is the one used by python by default
:param nodes:
:param entropy:
random.seed(a=entropy, version=2)
class CarnotTree:
This balanced binary tree implementation uses a combination of indexes and keys to easily calculate parenting
committee relationships. It also has caching on different kind of access to conveniently retrieve the committees
based on:
* Member of a committee
* Committee id (hash)
It is composed of `inner_committees`, an array that matches a binary tree node distribution:
0, 1, 2, 3..
[c0, c1, c2, c3 ]
where `cX` is the committee id (hash of the set with the committee members ids)
The number of leafs in the committee is calculated with:
total_leafs = (len(inner_committees) + 1) // 2
Parenting relation can be calculated for a committee index (idx) with:
parent_committee_idx = committee_idx // 2 - 1
Children relation is calculated with those indexes (idx) as well:
left_child, right_child = (committee_idx*2 + 1, committee_idx*2 + 2)
Then we have some dictionaries/maps that matches different information to those indexes:
* `membership_committees`: matches committee idx to the actual committee set of participants
* `committee_id_to_index`: matches committee id (hash) to committee index (idx) in `inner_committees`
* `committee_by_member`: matches member id to the committee id that is a member from
def __init__(self, nodes: List[Id], number_of_committees: int):
# useless to build an overlay with no committees
assert number_of_committees > 0
# inner_committees: list of tree nodes (int index) matching hashed external committee id
self.inner_committees: List[Id]
# membership committees: matching committee idx to the set of members of a committee
self.membership_committees: Dict[int, Committee]
self.inner_committees, self.membership_committees = (
nodes, number_of_committees
# committee match between tree nodes and external hashed ids
self.committee_id_to_index: Dict[Id, int] = {c: i for i, c in enumerate(self.inner_committees)}
# id (int index) of committee membership by member id
self.committees_by_member: Dict[Id, int] = {
member: committee
for committee, v in self.membership_committees.items()
for member in v
def build_committee_from_nodes_with_size(
nodes: List[Id],
number_of_committees: int,
) -> Tuple[List[Id], Dict[int, Committee]]:
committee_size, remainder = divmod(len(nodes), number_of_committees)
committees = [
for n in range(0, number_of_committees)
# refill committees with extra nodes,
if remainder != 0:
cycling_committees = itertools.cycle(committees)
for node in nodes[-remainder:]:
hashes = [blake2b_hash(s) for s in committees]
committees = [frozenset(s) for s in committees]
return hashes, dict(enumerate(committees))
def parent_committee(self, committee_id: Id) -> Optional[Id]:
# root committee doesnt have a parent
if committee_id == self.inner_committees[0]:
return None
return self.inner_committees[max(self.committee_id_to_index[committee_id] // 2 - 1, 0)]
def child_committees(self, committee_id: Id) -> Tuple[Optional[Id], Optional[Id]]:
base = self.committee_id_to_index[committee_id] * 2
committees_size = len(self.inner_committees)
first_child = base + 1
second_child = base + 2
first_child = self.inner_committees[first_child] if first_child < committees_size else None
second_child = self.inner_committees[second_child] if second_child < committees_size else None
return first_child, second_child
def leaf_committees(self) -> Dict[Id, Committee]:
total_leafs = (len(self.inner_committees) + 1) // 2
return {
self.inner_committees[i]: self.membership_committees[i]
for i in range(len(self.inner_committees) - total_leafs, len(self.inner_committees))
def root_committee(self) -> Committee:
return self.membership_committees[0]
def committee_by_committee_idx(self, committee_idx: int) -> Optional[Committee]:
return self.membership_committees.get(committee_idx)
def committee_idx_by_member_id(self, member_id: Id) -> Optional[int]:
return self.committees_by_member.get(member_id)
def committee_id_by_member_id(self, member_id: Id) -> Id:
return self.inner_committees[self.committees_by_member.get(member_id)]
def committee_by_member_id(self, member_id: Id) -> Optional[Committee]:
if (committee_idx := self.committee_idx_by_member_id(member_id)) is not None:
return self.committee_by_committee_idx(committee_idx)
def committee_by_committee_id(self, committee_id: Id) -> Optional[Committee]:
if (committee_idx := self.committee_id_to_index.get(committee_id)) is not None:
return self.committee_by_committee_idx(committee_idx)
def parent_committee_from_member_id(self, _id):
if (parent_id := self.parent_committee(
)) is not None:
return self.committee_by_committee_idx(self.committee_id_to_index[parent_id])
class CarnotOverlay(EntropyOverlay):
def __init__(self, nodes: List[Id], current_leader: Id, entropy: bytes, number_of_committees: int):
self.entropy = entropy
self.number_of_committees = number_of_committees
self.nodes = nodes.copy()
self.current_leader = current_leader
fisher_yates_shuffle(self.nodes, self.entropy)
self.carnot_tree = CarnotTree(nodes, number_of_committees)
def advance(self, entropy: bytes) -> Self:
return CarnotOverlay(self.nodes, self.next_leader(), entropy, self.number_of_committees)
def is_leader(self, _id: Id):
return _id == self.leader()
def leader(self) -> Id:
return self.current_leader
def next_leader(self) -> Id:
random.seed(a=self.entropy, version=2)
return random.choice(self.nodes)
def is_member_of_leaf_committee(self, _id: Id) -> bool:
return _id in set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(self.carnot_tree.leaf_committees().values()))
def is_member_of_root_committee(self, _id: Id) -> bool:
return _id in self.carnot_tree.root_committee()
def is_member_of_child_committee(self, parent: Id, child: Id) -> bool:
child_parent = self.parent_committee(child)
parent = self.carnot_tree.committee_by_member_id(parent)
return child_parent == parent
def parent_committee(self, _id: Id) -> Optional[Committee]:
def leaf_committees(self) -> Set[Committee]:
return set(self.carnot_tree.leaf_committees().values())
def root_committee(self) -> Committee:
return self.carnot_tree.root_committee()
def is_child_of_root_committee(self, _id: Id) -> bool:
return self.parent_committee(_id) == self.root_committee()
def leader_super_majority_threshold(self, _id: Id) -> int:
root_committee = self.carnot_tree.inner_committees[0]
childs = self.carnot_tree.child_committees(root_committee)
childs_size = sum(
len(committee) for c in childs
if (committee := self.carnot_tree.committee_by_committee_id(c)) is not None
root_committee_size = len(self.root_committee())
committee_size = root_committee_size + childs_size
return (committee_size * 2 // 3) + 1
def super_majority_threshold(self, _id: Id) -> int:
if self.is_member_of_leaf_committee(_id):
return 0
committee_size = len(self.carnot_tree.committee_by_member_id(_id))
return (committee_size * 2 // 3) + 1