from __future__ import annotations import asyncio from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Tuple, TypeAlias from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x25519 import ( X25519PrivateKey, X25519PublicKey, ) from pysphinx.node import Node from pysphinx.sphinx import ( Payload, ProcessedFinalHopPacket, ProcessedForwardHopPacket, SphinxPacket, UnknownHeaderTypeError, ) from mixnet.bls import BlsPrivateKey, BlsPublicKey from mixnet.poisson import poisson_interval_sec NodeId: TypeAlias = BlsPublicKey # 32-byte that represents an IP address and a port of a mix node. NodeAddress: TypeAlias = bytes PacketQueue: TypeAlias = "asyncio.Queue[Tuple[NodeAddress, SphinxPacket]]" PacketPayloadQueue: TypeAlias = ( "asyncio.Queue[Tuple[NodeAddress, SphinxPacket | Payload]]" ) @dataclass class MixNode: identity_private_key: BlsPrivateKey encryption_private_key: X25519PrivateKey addr: NodeAddress def identity_public_key(self) -> BlsPublicKey: return self.identity_private_key.get_g1() def encryption_public_key(self) -> X25519PublicKey: return self.encryption_private_key.public_key() def sphinx_node(self) -> Node: return Node(self.encryption_private_key, self.addr) def start( self, delay_rate_per_min: int, # Poisson rate parameter: mu inbound_socket: PacketQueue, outbound_socket: PacketPayloadQueue, ) -> asyncio.Task: return asyncio.create_task( MixNodeRunner( self.encryption_private_key, delay_rate_per_min, inbound_socket, outbound_socket, ).run() ) class MixNodeRunner: """ A class handling incoming packets with delays This class is defined separated with the MixNode class, in order to define the MixNode as a simple dataclass for clarity. """ def __init__( self, encryption_private_key: X25519PrivateKey, delay_rate_per_min: int, # Poisson rate parameter: mu inbound_socket: PacketQueue, outbound_socket: PacketPayloadQueue, ): self.encryption_private_key = encryption_private_key self.delay_rate_per_min = delay_rate_per_min self.inbound_socket = inbound_socket self.outbound_socket = outbound_socket async def run(self): """ Read SphinxPackets from inbound socket and spawn a thread for each packet to process it. This thread approximates a M/M/inf queue. """ # A set just for gathering a reference of tasks to prevent them from being garbage collected. # self.tasks = set() while True: _, packet = await self.inbound_socket.get() task = asyncio.create_task( self.process_packet( packet, ) ) self.tasks.add(task) # To discard the task from the set automatically when it is done. task.add_done_callback(self.tasks.discard) async def process_packet( self, packet: SphinxPacket, ): """ Process a single packet with a delay that follows exponential distribution, and forward it to the next mix node or the mix destination This thread is a single server (worker) in a M/M/inf queue that MixNodeRunner approximates. """ delay_sec = poisson_interval_sec(self.delay_rate_per_min) await asyncio.sleep(delay_sec) processed = packet.process(self.encryption_private_key) match processed: case ProcessedForwardHopPacket(): await self.outbound_socket.put( (processed.next_node_address, processed.next_packet) ) case ProcessedFinalHopPacket(): await self.outbound_socket.put( (processed.destination_node_address, processed.payload) ) case _: raise UnknownHeaderTypeError