from unittest import TestCase import numpy as np from .cryptarchia import ( Follower, TimeConfig, BlockHeader, Config, Coin, LedgerState, MockLeaderProof, Slot, Id, ) def mk_genesis_state(initial_stake_distribution: list[Coin]) -> LedgerState: return LedgerState( block=bytes(32), nonce=bytes(32), total_stake=sum(c.value for c in initial_stake_distribution), commitments={c.commitment() for c in initial_stake_distribution}, nullifiers=set(), ) def mk_block(parent: Id, slot: int, coin: Coin, content=bytes(32)) -> BlockHeader: from hashlib import sha256 return BlockHeader( slot=Slot(slot), parent=parent, content_size=len(content), content_id=sha256(content).digest(), leader_proof=MockLeaderProof.from_coin(coin), ) def config() -> Config: return Config( k=10, active_slot_coeff=0.05, epoch_stake_distribution_stabilization=4, epoch_period_nonce_buffer=3, epoch_period_nonce_stabilization=3, time=TimeConfig(slot_duration=1, chain_start_time=0), ) class TestLedgerStateUpdate(TestCase): def test_ledger_state_prevents_coin_reuse(self): leader_coin = Coin(sk=0, value=100) genesis = mk_genesis_state([leader_coin]) follower = Follower(genesis, config()) block = mk_block(slot=0, parent=genesis.block, coin=leader_coin) follower.on_block(block) # Follower should have accepted the block assert follower.local_chain.length() == 1 assert follower.local_chain.tip() == block # Follower should have updated their ledger state to mark the leader coin as spent assert ( follower.ledger_state[].verify_unspent(leader_coin.nullifier()) == False ) reuse_coin_block = mk_block(slot=1,, coin=leader_coin) follower.on_block(block) # Follower should *not* have accepted the block assert follower.local_chain.length() == 1 assert follower.local_chain.tip() == block def test_ledger_state_is_properly_updated_on_reorg(self): coin_1 = Coin(sk=0, value=100) coin_2 = Coin(sk=1, value=100) coin_3 = Coin(sk=2, value=100) genesis = mk_genesis_state([coin_1, coin_2, coin_3]) follower = Follower(genesis, config()) # 1) coin_1 & coin_2 both concurrently win slot 0 block_1 = mk_block(parent=genesis.block, slot=0, coin=coin_1) block_2 = mk_block(parent=genesis.block, slot=0, coin=coin_2) # 2) follower sees block 1 first follower.on_block(block_1) assert follower.tip_id() == assert not follower.ledger_state[].verify_unspent( coin_1.nullifier() ) # 3) then sees block 2, but sticks with block_1 as the tip follower.on_block(block_2) assert follower.tip_id() == assert len(follower.forks) == 1, f"{len(follower.forks)}" # 4) then coin_3 wins slot 1 and chooses to extend from block_2 block_3 = mk_block(, slot=1, coin=coin_3) follower.on_block(block_3) # the follower should have switched over to the block_2 fork assert follower.tip_id() == # and the original coin_1 should now be removed from the spent pool assert follower.ledger_state[].verify_unspent(coin_1.nullifier()) def test_epoch_transition(self): leader_coins = [Coin(sk=i, value=100) for i in range(4)] genesis = mk_genesis_state(leader_coins) # An epoch will be 10 slots long, with stake distribution snapshot taken at the start of the epoch # and nonce snapshot before slot 7 config = Config( k=1, active_slot_coeff=1, epoch_stake_distribution_stabilization=4, epoch_period_nonce_buffer=3, epoch_period_nonce_stabilization=3, time=TimeConfig(slot_duration=1, chain_start_time=0), ) follower = Follower(genesis, config) block_1 = mk_block(slot=0, parent=genesis.block, coin=leader_coins[0]) follower.on_block(block_1) assert follower.tip() == block_1 assert follower.tip().slot.epoch(follower.config).epoch == 0 block_2 = mk_block(slot=9,, coin=leader_coins[1]) follower.on_block(block_2) assert follower.tip() == block_2 assert follower.tip().slot.epoch(follower.config).epoch == 0 block_3 = mk_block(slot=10,, coin=leader_coins[2]) follower.on_block(block_3) # when trying to propose a block for epoch 2, the stake distribution snapshot should be taken at the end # of epoch 1, i.e. slot 9 # To ensure this is the case, we add a new coin just to the state associated with that slot, # so that the new block can be accepted only if that is the snapshot used # first, verify that if we don't change the state, the block is not accepted block_4 = mk_block(slot=20,, coin=Coin(sk=4, value=100)) follower.on_block(block_4) assert follower.tip() == block_3 # then we add the coin to the state associated with slot 9 follower.ledger_state[].commitments.add( Coin(sk=4, value=100).commitment() ) follower.on_block(block_4) assert follower.tip() == block_4 assert follower.tip().slot.epoch(follower.config).epoch == 2