from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import hashlib from enum import Enum from typing import Awaitable, Callable, TypeAlias from pysphinx.payload import DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_SIZE from pysphinx.sphinx import ( Payload, ProcessedFinalHopPacket, ProcessedForwardHopPacket, SphinxPacket, ) from mixnet.config import GlobalConfig, NodeConfig from mixnet.packet import Fragment, MessageFlag, MessageReconstructor, PacketBuilder NetworkPacketQueue: TypeAlias = asyncio.Queue[bytes] Connection: TypeAlias = NetworkPacketQueue BroadcastChannel: TypeAlias = asyncio.Queue[bytes] class Node: config: NodeConfig global_config: GlobalConfig mixgossip_channel: MixGossipChannel reconstructor: MessageReconstructor broadcast_channel: BroadcastChannel def __init__(self, config: NodeConfig, global_config: GlobalConfig): self.config = config self.global_config = global_config self.mixgossip_channel = MixGossipChannel( config.peering_degree, self.__process_sphinx_packet ) self.reconstructor = MessageReconstructor() self.broadcast_channel = asyncio.Queue() async def __process_sphinx_packet( self, packet: SphinxPacket ) -> SphinxPacket | None: try: processed = packet.process(self.config.private_key) match processed: case ProcessedForwardHopPacket(): return processed.next_packet case ProcessedFinalHopPacket(): await self.__process_sphinx_payload(processed.payload) except ValueError: # Return SphinxPacket as it is, if it cannot be unwrapped by the private key of this node. return packet async def __process_sphinx_payload(self, payload: Payload): msg_with_flag = self.reconstructor.add( Fragment.from_bytes(payload.recover_plain_playload()) ) if msg_with_flag is not None: flag, msg = PacketBuilder.parse_msg_and_flag(msg_with_flag) if flag == MessageFlag.MESSAGE_FLAG_REAL: await self.broadcast_channel.put(msg) def connect(self, peer: Node): inbound_conn, outbound_conn = asyncio.Queue(), asyncio.Queue() self.mixgossip_channel.add_conn( DuplexConnection( inbound_conn, MixOutboundConnection( outbound_conn, self.global_config.transmission_rate_per_sec ), ) ) peer.mixgossip_channel.add_conn( DuplexConnection( outbound_conn, MixOutboundConnection( inbound_conn, self.global_config.transmission_rate_per_sec ), ) ) async def send_message(self, msg: bytes): for packet, _ in PacketBuilder.build_real_packets( msg, self.global_config.membership ): await self.mixgossip_channel.gossip(build_msg(MsgType.REAL, packet.bytes())) class MixGossipChannel: peering_degree: int conns: list[DuplexConnection] handler: Callable[[SphinxPacket], Awaitable[SphinxPacket | None]] msg_cache: set[bytes] def __init__( self, peering_degree: int, handler: Callable[[SphinxPacket], Awaitable[SphinxPacket | None]], ): self.peering_degree = peering_degree self.conns = [] self.handler = handler self.msg_cache = set() # A set just for gathering a reference of tasks to prevent them from being garbage collected. # self.tasks = set() def add_conn(self, conn: DuplexConnection): if len(self.conns) >= self.peering_degree: # For simplicity of the spec, reject the connection if the peering degree is reached. raise ValueError("The peering degree is reached.") self.conns.append(conn) task = asyncio.create_task(self.__process_inbound_conn(conn)) self.tasks.add(task) # To discard the task from the set automatically when it is done. task.add_done_callback(self.tasks.discard) async def __process_inbound_conn(self, conn: DuplexConnection): while True: msg = await conn.recv() # Don't process the same message twice. msg_hash = hashlib.sha256(msg).digest() if msg_hash in self.msg_cache: continue self.msg_cache.add(msg_hash) flag, msg = parse_msg(msg) match flag: case MsgType.NOISE: # Drop noise packet continue case MsgType.REAL: # Handle the packet and gossip the result if needed. sphinx_packet = SphinxPacket.from_bytes(msg) new_sphinx_packet = await self.handler(sphinx_packet) if new_sphinx_packet is not None: await self.gossip( build_msg(MsgType.REAL, new_sphinx_packet.bytes()) ) async def gossip(self, packet: bytes): for conn in self.conns: await conn.send(packet) class DuplexConnection: inbound: Connection outbound: MixOutboundConnection def __init__(self, inbound: Connection, outbound: MixOutboundConnection): self.inbound = inbound self.outbound = outbound async def recv(self) -> bytes: return await self.inbound.get() async def send(self, packet: bytes): await self.outbound.send(packet) class MixOutboundConnection: queue: NetworkPacketQueue conn: Connection transmission_rate_per_sec: int def __init__(self, conn: Connection, transmission_rate_per_sec: int): self.queue = asyncio.Queue() self.conn = conn self.transmission_rate_per_sec = transmission_rate_per_sec self.task = asyncio.create_task(self.__run()) async def __run(self): while True: await asyncio.sleep(1 / self.transmission_rate_per_sec) # TODO: time mixing if self.queue.empty(): elem = build_noise_packet() else: elem = self.queue.get_nowait() await self.conn.put(elem) async def send(self, elem: bytes): await self.queue.put(elem) class MsgType(Enum): REAL = b"\x00" NOISE = b"\x01" def build_msg(flag: MsgType, data: bytes) -> bytes: return flag.value + data def parse_msg(data: bytes) -> tuple[MsgType, bytes]: if len(data) < 1: raise ValueError("Invalid message format") return (MsgType(data[:1]), data[1:]) def build_noise_packet() -> bytes: return build_msg(MsgType.NOISE, bytes(DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_SIZE))