from functools import reduce from itertools import batched from typing import Sequence, Tuple from eth2spec.deneb.mainnet import bytes_to_bls_field, BLSFieldElement, KZGCommitment as Commitment, KZGProof as Proof from eth2spec.utils import bls from .common import BYTES_PER_FIELD_ELEMENT, G1, BLS_MODULUS, GLOBAL_PARAMETERS_G2 from .poly import Polynomial def bytes_to_polynomial(b: bytes) -> Polynomial: """ Convert bytes to list of BLS field scalars. """ assert len(b) % BYTES_PER_FIELD_ELEMENT == 0 eval_form = [int(bytes_to_bls_field(b)) for b in batched(b, int(BYTES_PER_FIELD_ELEMENT))] return Polynomial.from_evaluations(eval_form, BLS_MODULUS) def g1_linear_combination(polynomial: Polynomial[BLSFieldElement], global_parameters: Sequence[G1]) -> Commitment: """ BLS multiscalar multiplication. """ # we assert to have more points available than elements, # this is dependent on the available kzg setup size assert len(polynomial) <= len(global_parameters) point = reduce( bls.add, (bls.multiply(g, p) for g, p in zip(global_parameters, polynomial)), bls.Z1() ) return Commitment(bls.G1_to_bytes48(point)) def bytes_to_commitment(b: bytes, global_parameters: Sequence[G1]) -> Tuple[Polynomial, Commitment]: poly = bytes_to_polynomial(b) return poly, g1_linear_combination(poly, global_parameters) def generate_element_proof( element_index: int, polynomial: Polynomial, global_parameters: Sequence[G1], roots_of_unity: Sequence[BLSFieldElement], ) -> Proof: # compute a witness polynomial in that satisfies `witness(x) = (f(x)-v)/(x-u)` u = int(roots_of_unity[element_index]) v = polynomial.eval(u) f_x_v = polynomial - Polynomial([v], BLS_MODULUS) x_u = Polynomial([-u, 1], BLS_MODULUS) witness, _ = f_x_v / x_u return g1_linear_combination(witness, global_parameters) def verify_element_proof( chunk: BLSFieldElement, commitment: Commitment, proof: Proof, element_index: int, roots_of_unity: Sequence[BLSFieldElement], ) -> bool: u = int(roots_of_unity[element_index]) v = chunk commitment_check_G1 = bls.bytes48_to_G1(commitment) - bls.multiply(bls.G1(), v) proof_check_g2 = bls.add( GLOBAL_PARAMETERS_G2[1], bls.neg(bls.multiply(bls.G2(), u)) ) return bls.pairing_check([ # G2 here needs to be negated due to library requirements as pairing_check([[G1, -G2], [G1, G2]]) [commitment_check_G1, bls.neg(bls.G2())], [bls.bytes48_to_G1(proof), proof_check_g2], ])