from carnot import * from unittest import TestCase from itertools import chain class MockCarnot(Carnot): def __init__(self, id): super(MockCarnot, self).__init__(id) def rebuild_overlay_from_timeout_qc(self, timeout_qc: TimeoutQc): pass class MockOverlay(Overlay): """ Overlay for 5 nodes where the leader is the single member of the root committee 0 │ 1◄──┴──►2 │ 3◄─┴─►4 """ def __init__(self): self.parents = { int_to_id(1): {int_to_id(0)}, int_to_id(2): {int_to_id(0)}, int_to_id(3): {int_to_id(1)}, int_to_id(4): {int_to_id(1)} } self.childs = { int_to_id(0): { int_to_id(1), int_to_id(2) }, int_to_id(1): { int_to_id(3), int_to_id(4) } } self.leafs = { int_to_id(2), int_to_id(3), int_to_id(4) } def leaf_committees(self) -> Set[Committee]: return [[leaf] for leaf in self.leafs] def root_committee(self) -> Committee: return {int_to_id(0)} def is_child_of_root_committee(self, _id: Id) -> bool: return _id in {int_to_id(1), int_to_id(2)} def is_member_of_child_committee(self, parent: Id, child: Id) -> bool: return child in childs if (childs := self.childs.get(parent)) else False def leader_super_majority_threshold(self, _id: Id) -> int: return 3 def is_leader(self, _id: Id): # Leader is the node with id 0, otherwise not return _id == int_to_id(0) def is_member_of_root_committee(self, _id: Id): return _id == int_to_id(0) def leader(self, view: View) -> Id: return int_to_id(0) def parent_committee(self, _id: Id) -> Optional[Committee]: return self.parents.get(_id) def is_member_of_leaf_committee(self, _id: Id) -> bool: return _id in self.leafs def super_majority_threshold(self, _id: Id) -> int: thresholds = { int_to_id(0): 2, int_to_id(1): 2, } return thresholds.get(_id, 0) def add_genesis_block(carnot: Carnot) -> Block: genesis_block = Block(view=0, qc=StandardQc(block=b"", view=0), _id=b"") carnot.safe_blocks[] = genesis_block carnot.receive_block(genesis_block) carnot.local_high_qc = genesis_block.qc carnot.current_view = 1 return genesis_block def initial_setup(test_case: TestCase, overlay: MockOverlay, size: int) -> (Dict[Id, Carnot], MockCarnot, Block): nodes = {int_to_id(i): MockCarnot(int_to_id(i)) for i in range(size)} # add overlay for node in nodes.values(): node.overlay = overlay leader: MockCarnot = nodes[overlay.leader(0)] genesis_block = None for node in nodes.values(): genesis_block = add_genesis_block(node) # votes for genesis block genesis_votes = set( Vote(, view=0, voter=int_to_id(i), qc=StandardQc(, view=0 ), ) for i in range(5) ) proposed_block = leader.propose_block(1, genesis_votes).payload test_case.assertIsNotNone(proposed_block) return nodes, leader, proposed_block def parents_from_childs(overlay: MockOverlay, childs: List[Id]) -> Set[Id]: if len(childs) == 0: return set() possible_parents = filter( lambda x: x is not None, chain.from_iterable(parent for _id in childs if (parent := overlay.parent_committee(_id))) ) return set(possible_parents) if possible_parents else set() def succeed(test_case: TestCase, overlay: Overlay, nodes: Dict[Id, Carnot], proposed_block: Block) -> List[Vote]: # broadcast the block for node in nodes.values(): node.receive_block(proposed_block) votes = {} childs_ids = list(chain.from_iterable(overlay.leaf_committees())) leafs = [nodes[_id] for _id in childs_ids] for node in leafs: vote = node.approve_block(proposed_block, set()).payload votes[] = vote while len(parents := parents_from_childs(overlay, childs_ids)) != 0: for node_id in parents: node = nodes[node_id] child_votes = [votes[_id] for _id in votes.keys() if overlay.is_member_of_child_committee(node_id, _id)] if len(child_votes) == overlay.super_majority_threshold(node_id) and node_id not in votes: vote = node.approve_block(proposed_block, child_votes).payload votes[node_id] = vote childs_ids = list(set(parents)) root_votes = [ votes[node_id] for node_id in nodes if overlay.is_member_of_root_committee(node_id) or overlay.is_child_of_root_committee(node_id) ] return root_votes def fail(test_case: TestCase, overlay: Overlay, nodes: Dict[Id, Carnot], proposed_block: Block) -> List[NewView]: # broadcast the block for node in nodes.values(): node.receive_block(proposed_block) node: MockCarnot timeouts = [] for node in (nodes[_id] for _id in nodes if overlay.is_member_of_root_committee(_id) or overlay.is_child_of_root_committee(_id)): timeout = node.local_timeout().payload timeouts.append(timeout) root_member = next(nodes[_id] for _id in nodes if overlay.is_member_of_root_committee(_id)) timeout_qc = root_member.timeout_detected(timeouts).payload for node in nodes.values(): node.receive_timeout_qc(timeout_qc) votes = {} childs_ids = list(chain.from_iterable(overlay.leaf_committees())) leafs = [nodes[_id] for _id in childs_ids] for node in leafs: vote = node.approve_new_view(timeout_qc, set()).payload votes[] = vote while len(parents := parents_from_childs(overlay, childs_ids)) != 0: for node_id in parents: node = nodes[node_id] child_votes = [votes[_id] for _id in votes.keys() if overlay.is_member_of_child_committee(node_id, _id)] if len(child_votes) == overlay.super_majority_threshold(node_id) and node_id not in votes: vote = node.approve_new_view(timeout_qc, child_votes).payload votes[node_id] = vote childs_ids = list(set(parents)) root_votes = [ votes[node_id] for node_id in nodes if overlay.is_member_of_root_committee(node_id) or overlay.is_child_of_root_committee(node_id) ] return root_votes class TestCarnotUnhappyPath(TestCase): def test_timeout_high_qc(self): """ At the end of the timeout the highQC in the next leader's aggregatedQC should be the highestQC held by the majority of nodes or a qc higher than th highestQC held by the majority of nodes. Majority means more than two thirds of total number of nodes, randomly assigned to committees. """ overlay = MockOverlay() nodes, leader, proposed_block = initial_setup(self, overlay, 5) # In this loop 'view' is the view that fails for view in range(1, 4, 2): # When view v fails, a timeout qc is built for view v and nodes jump to view v + 1 # while aggregating votes for the high qc. Those votes are then forwarded to the leader of view v + 2 # which can propose a block with those aggregate votes as proof of the previous round completion. root_votes = fail(self, overlay, nodes, proposed_block) proposed_block = leader.propose_block(view+2, root_votes).payload # Add final assertions on nodes # Thus, the first block that can be proposed is 2 views after the timeout self.assertEqual(proposed_block.view, view + 2) # Its qc is always for the view before the block is proposed for self.assertEqual(proposed_block.qc.view, view + 1) # The high qc is 0, since we never had a successful round self.assertEqual(proposed_block.qc.high_qc().view, 0) self.assertEqual(leader.last_view_timeout_qc.view, view) self.assertEqual(leader.local_high_qc.view, 0) self.assertEqual(leader.highest_voted_view, view+1) for node in nodes.values(): self.assertEqual(node.latest_committed_view(), 0) def test_interleave_success_fails(self): """ At the end of the timeout the highQC in the next leader's aggregatedQC should be the highestQC held by the majority of nodes or a qc higher than th highestQC held by the majority of nodes. Majority means more than two thirds of total number of nodes, randomly assigned to committees. """ overlay = MockOverlay() leader: MockCarnot nodes, leader, proposed_block = initial_setup(self, overlay, 5) for view in range(2, 5): root_votes = succeed(self, overlay, nodes, proposed_block) proposed_block = leader.propose_block(view, root_votes).payload root_votes = fail(self, overlay, nodes, proposed_block) proposed_block = leader.propose_block(6, root_votes).payload for view in range(7, 8): root_votes = succeed(self, overlay, nodes, proposed_block) proposed_block = leader.propose_block(view, root_votes).payload root_votes = fail(self, overlay, nodes, proposed_block) proposed_block = leader.propose_block(9, root_votes).payload for view in range(10, 15): root_votes = succeed(self, overlay, nodes, proposed_block) proposed_block = leader.propose_block(view, root_votes).payload committed_blocks = {0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11} for node in nodes.values(): self.assertEqual(committed_blocks, {block.view for block in node.committed_blocks().values()})