import asyncio from datetime import datetime from unittest import IsolatedAsyncioTestCase import numpy from pysphinx.sphinx import SphinxPacket from mixnet.node import MixNode, NodeAddress, PacketQueue from mixnet.packet import PacketBuilder from mixnet.poisson import poisson_interval_sec, poisson_mean_interval_sec from mixnet.test_utils import ( init_mixnet_config, with_test_timeout, ) class TestMixNodeRunner(IsolatedAsyncioTestCase): @with_test_timeout(180) async def test_mixnode_emission_rate(self): """ Test if MixNodeRunner works as a M/M/inf queue. If inputs are arrived at Poisson rate `lambda`, and if processing is delayed according to an exponential distribution with a rate `mu`, the rate of outputs should be `lambda`. """ config = init_mixnet_config() config.mixclient_config.emission_rate_per_min = 120 # lambda (= 2msg/sec) config.mixnode_config.delay_rate_per_min = 30 # mu (= 2s delay on average) packet, route = PacketBuilder.build_real_packets( b"msg", config.mixclient_config.topology )[0] # Start only the first mix node for testing config.mixnode_config.encryption_private_key = route[0].encryption_private_key mixnode = await try: # Send packets to the first mix node in a Poisson distribution packet_count = 100 # This queue is just for counting how many packets have been sent so far. sent_packet_queue: PacketQueue = asyncio.Queue() sender_task = asyncio.create_task( self.send_packets( mixnode.inbound_socket, packet, route[0].addr, packet_count, config.mixclient_config.emission_rate_per_min, sent_packet_queue, ) ) try: # Calculate intervals between outputs and gather num_jobs in the first mix node. intervals = [] num_jobs = [] ts = for _ in range(packet_count): _ = await mixnode.outbound_socket.get() now = intervals.append((now - ts).total_seconds()) # Calculate the current # of jobs staying in the mix node num_packets_emitted_from_mixnode = len(intervals) num_packets_sent_to_mixnode = sent_packet_queue.qsize() num_jobs.append( num_packets_sent_to_mixnode - num_packets_emitted_from_mixnode ) ts = now # Remove the first interval that would be much larger than other intervals, # because of the delay in mix node. intervals = intervals[1:] num_jobs = num_jobs[1:] # Check if the emission rate of the first mix node is the same as # the emission rate of the message sender, but with a delay. # If outputs follow the Poisson distribution with a rate `lambda`, # a mean interval between outputs must be `1/lambda`. self.assertAlmostEqual( float(numpy.mean(intervals)), poisson_mean_interval_sec( config.mixclient_config.emission_rate_per_min ), delta=1.0, ) # If runner is a M/M/inf queue, # a mean number of jobs being processed/scheduled in the runner must be `lambda/mu`. self.assertAlmostEqual( float(numpy.mean(num_jobs)), round( config.mixclient_config.emission_rate_per_min / config.mixnode_config.delay_rate_per_min ), delta=1.5, ) finally: await sender_task finally: await mixnode.cancel() @staticmethod async def send_packets( inbound_socket: PacketQueue, packet: SphinxPacket, node_addr: NodeAddress, cnt: int, rate_per_min: int, # For testing purpose, to inform the caller how many packets have been sent to the inbound_socket sent_packet_queue: PacketQueue, ): for _ in range(cnt): # Since the task is not heavy, just sleep for seconds instead of using emission_notifier await asyncio.sleep(poisson_interval_sec(rate_per_min)) await inbound_socket.put((node_addr, packet)) await sent_packet_queue.put((node_addr, packet))