""" This algorithm given the number_of_nodes in the network, fraction of Byzantine nodes in the network, network_adversary_threshold, fraction of Byzantine modes in a committee, adversaries_threshold_per_committee, and the probability of failure_threshold which can be tolerated computes the maximum number_of_committees and committee_size. The algorithm computes the current_probability for the number_of_nodes=committee_size*number_of_committees+remainder nodes where the committee_size and committee_size+1 number of nodes are assigned, respectively, to the number_of_committees-remainder and remainder number of committees. Initially, all number_of_nodes are in one committee, and in subsequent iterations, the number_of_committees is increased by two until the current_probability <= failure_threshold. When the latter condition is violated then the algorithm stops and outputs the number_of_committees, committee_size, remainder and current_probability. A more detailed description of the algorithm, and of its mathematical aspects, is provided in the "Carnot paper" available at https://www.notion.so/Nomos-Specification-419bfb7a939648e9b3894a90d188c3be?pvs=4 """ import math from scipy.stats import binom CARNOT_ADVERSARY_THRESHOLD_PER_COMMITTEE: float = 1/3 CARNOT_NETWORK_ADVERSARY_THRESHOLD: float = 1 / 4 def compute_optimal_number_of_committees_and_committee_size( number_of_nodes: int, failure_threshold: float, adversaries_threshold_per_committee: float, network_adversary_threshold: float ): assert failure_threshold > 0 # number_of_nodes is the number of nodes in the network # failure_threshold is the prob. of failure which can be tolerated # adversaries_threshold_per_committee is the fraction of Byzantine modes in a committee # network_adversary_threshold is the fraction of Byzantine nodes in the network number_of_committees = 1 committee_size = number_of_nodes remainder = 0 current_probability = 0.0 odd_committee = 0 while current_probability < failure_threshold: previous_number_of_committees = number_of_committees previous_committee_size = committee_size previous_remainder = remainder previous_probability = current_probability odd_committee = odd_committee + 1 number_of_committees = 2 * odd_committee + 1 committee_size = number_of_nodes // number_of_committees remainder = number_of_nodes % number_of_committees committee_size_probability = binom.cdf( math.floor(adversaries_threshold_per_committee * committee_size), committee_size, network_adversary_threshold ) if 0 < remainder: committee_size_plus_one_probability = binom.cdf( math.floor(adversaries_threshold_per_committee * (committee_size + 1)), committee_size + 1, network_adversary_threshold ) current_probability = ( 1 - committee_size_probability ** (number_of_committees - remainder) * committee_size_plus_one_probability ** remainder ) else: current_probability = 1 - committee_size_probability ** number_of_committees # return the number_of_committees, committee_size, remainder and current_probability # computed at the previous iteration. return previous_number_of_committees, previous_committee_size, previous_remainder, previous_probability