mirror of
synced 2025-02-13 17:56:23 +00:00
301 lines
9.7 KiB
301 lines
9.7 KiB
pragma circom 2.1.9;
include "anemoi/anemoi_2_to_1_Jubjub.circom";
include "anemoi/anemoi_4_to_1_Jubjub.circom";
include "anemoi/anemoi_16_to_1_Jubjub.circom";
include "../../circomlib-master/circuits/bitify.circom";
template BLSLessThan(n) {
assert(n <= 253);
signal input in[2];
signal output out;
component n2b = Num2Bits(n+1);
n2b.in <== in[0]+ (1<<n) - in[1];
out <== 1-n2b.out[n];
template BLSNum2Bits_strict() {
signal input in;
signal output out[255];
component check_range = CompConstant(23487852865797141623554994256013988874373056334117496812739262697960298774528); // -1 - 2**254 (p-1 without its first bit)
component n2b = Num2Bits(255);
in ==> n2b.in;
for (var i=0; i<255; i++) {
n2b.out[i] ==> out[i];
if(i != 0){
n2b.out[i] ==> check_range.in[i-1];
check_range.out * (n2b.out[0]) === 0; //must be zero exept if the first bit is 0 => then in is on 254 bits and p-1 on 255
template BLSBits2Num_strict() {
signal input in[255];
signal output out;
component check_range = CompConstant(23487852865797141623554994256013988874373056334117496812739262697960298774528);
component b2n = Bits2Num(255);
for (var i=0; i<255; i++) {
in[i] ==> b2n.in[i];
if(i != 0){
in[i] ==> check_range.in[i-1];
check_range.out * in[0] === 0;
b2n.out ==> out;
template check_bits(n){
signal input bits[n];
for(var i=0; i<n; i++){
bits[i] * (1-bits[i]) === 0;
template check_lottery(){
signal input epoch_nonce;
signal input slot_number;
signal input t0;
signal input t1; // The precomputed threshold values
signal input constraints;
signal input value;
signal input unit;
signal input state;
signal input note_nonce;
signal input nullifier_secret_key;
signal input randomness;
component hash = hash_16_to_1();
//The b"lead" Tag converted in F_p element (from bits with big endian order)
hash.in[0] <== 1818583396;
hash.in[1] <== epoch_nonce;
hash.in[2] <== slot_number;
hash.in[3] <== constraints;
hash.in[4] <== value;
hash.in[5] <== unit;
hash.in[6] <== state;
hash.in[7] <== note_nonce;
hash.in[8] <== nullifier_secret_key;
hash.in[9] <== randomness;
for(var i=10; i<16; i++){
hash.in[i] <== 0;
// As p-1 is divisible by 4, if X follows a uniform distribution between 0 and p-1
// Y = X % (p-1)/4 nearly follows a uniform distribution between 0 and ((p-1)/4)-1 (exept that 0 has 20% more chance to appear than another element which is negligible)
// So we transform the hash of a maximum of 255 to a hash of a maximum of 253 bits by taking its modulo
// (p-1)/4 = 13108968793781547619861935127046491459422638125131909455650914674984645296128
// TODO: check this part to ensure it is secure
signal quotient;
signal ticket;
quotient <-- hash.out \ 13108968793781547619861935127046491459422638125131909455650914674984645296128;
ticket <-- hash.out % 13108968793781547619861935127046491459422638125131909455650914674984645296128;
//check that quotient is 0,1,2 or 3
signal check_quotient[2];
check_quotient[0] <== quotient * (1-quotient);
check_quotient[1] <== (2-quotient)*(3-quotient);
check_quotient[0] * check_quotient[1] === 0;
//check the correctness of the division
ticket + quotient * 13108968793781547619861935127046491459422638125131909455650914674984645296128 === hash.out;
//check that the ticket is less than the divisor
component isLess = CompConstant(13108968793781547619861935127046491459422638125131909455650914674984645296128);
component bitifier = BLSNum2Bits_strict();
bitifier.in <== ticket;
bitifier.out[254] === 0;
for(var i=0; i<254; i++){
isLess.in[i] <== bitifier.out[i];
isLess.out === 0;
// Compute the threshold
signal intermediate_value;
signal threshold;
intermediate_value <== t0 + t1 * value;
threshold <== intermediate_value * value;
// Ensure that the ticket is winning
component isLess2 = BLSLessThan(253);
isLess2.in[0] <== ticket;
isLess2.in[1] <== threshold;
isLess2.out === 1;
template nullifier_computer(){
signal input note_nonce;
signal input nullifier_secret_key;
signal input value;
signal output nullifier;
component hash = hash_4_to_1();
//The b"coin-nullifier" Tag converted in F_p element (from bits with big endian order)
hash.in[0] <== 2016785505923014207119328528655730;
hash.in[1] <== note_nonce;
hash.in[2] <== nullifier_secret_key;
hash.in[3] <== value;
nullifier <== hash.out;
template commitment_computer(){
signal input note_nonce;
signal input nullifier_public_key;
signal input value;
signal output commitment;
component hash = hash_4_to_1();
//The b"coin-commitment" Tag converted in F_p element (from bits with big endian order)
hash.in[0] <== 516297089516239580383111224192495220;
hash.in[1] <== note_nonce;
hash.in[2] <== nullifier_public_key;
hash.in[3] <== value;
commitment <== hash.out;
template nonce_updater(){
signal input note_nonce;
signal input nullifier_secret_key;
signal output updated_nonce;
component hash = hash_4_to_1();
//The b"coin-evolve" Tag converted in F_p element (from bits with big endian order)
hash.in[0] <== 120209783668687835891529317;
hash.in[1] <== note_nonce;
hash.in[2] <== nullifier_secret_key;
hash.in[3] <== 0;
updated_nonce <== hash.out;
template membership_checker(){
signal input leaf; //The note commitment
signal input root; //The root of the Merkle Tree (of depth 32)
signal input index[32]; //Position of the note commitment in bits in big endian
signal input node[32]; //Complementary hashes
component hash[32];
for(var i=0; i<32; i++){
hash[i] = hash_2_to_1();
hash[0].in[0] <== leaf - index[31] * (leaf - node[0]);
hash[0].in[1] <== node[0] - index[31] * (node[0] - leaf);
for(var i=1; i<32; i++){
hash[i].in[0] <== hash[i-1].out - index[31-i] * (hash[i-1].out - node[i]);
hash[i].in[1] <== node[i] - index[31-i] * (node[i] - hash[i-1].out);
root === hash[31].out;
template anemoi_proof_of_leadership(){
signal input epoch_nonce; //F_p (BLS12-381 scalar field)
signal input slot_number; //F_p (BLS12-381 scalar field)
signal input t0; // Precomputed threshold elements in F_p
signal input t1;
signal input commitments_root;
// Note variables
signal input constraints; // Every note field represented as F_p elements for now (constraints are represented by their Merkle root)
signal input value;
signal input unit;
signal input state;
signal input note_nonce;
signal input nullifier_secret_key;
signal input randomness;
signal input index[32]; //Position of the note commitment in bits in big endian
signal input nodes[32]; //Merkle proof of the commitment
signal output nullifier;
signal output updated_commiment;
// Check that index inputs are indeed bits
component bit_checker = check_bits(32);
for(var i=0; i<32; i++){
bit_checker.bits[i] <== index[i];
// Check that r < threshold
component lottery_checker = check_lottery();
lottery_checker.epoch_nonce <== epoch_nonce;
lottery_checker.slot_number <== slot_number;
lottery_checker.t0 <== t0;
lottery_checker.t1 <== t1;
lottery_checker.constraints <== constraints;
lottery_checker.value <== value;
lottery_checker.unit <== unit;
lottery_checker.state <== state;
lottery_checker.note_nonce <== note_nonce;
lottery_checker.nullifier_secret_key <== nullifier_secret_key;
lottery_checker.randomness <== randomness;
// Compute the note commitment
component note_committer = commitment_computer();
note_committer.note_nonce <== note_nonce;
note_committer.nullifier_public_key <== nullifier_secret_key; // TODO: reflect the nullifier public key computation later when defined
note_committer.value <== value;
// Check the commitment membership
component membership_checker = membership_checker();
membership_checker.leaf <== note_committer.commitment;
membership_checker.root <== commitments_root;
for(var i =0; i<32; i++){
membership_checker.index[i] <== index[i];
membership_checker.node[i] <== nodes[i];
// Compute the note nullifier
component nullifier_computer = nullifier_computer();
nullifier_computer.note_nonce <== note_nonce;
nullifier_computer.nullifier_secret_key <== nullifier_secret_key;
nullifier_computer.value <== value;
nullifier <== nullifier_computer.nullifier;
// Compute the evolved nonce
component nonce_updater = nonce_updater();
nonce_updater.note_nonce <== note_nonce;
nonce_updater.nullifier_secret_key <== nullifier_secret_key;
// Compute the new note commitment
component updated_note_committer = commitment_computer();
updated_note_committer.note_nonce <== nonce_updater.updated_nonce;
updated_note_committer.nullifier_public_key <== nullifier_secret_key; // TODO: reflect the nullifier public key computation later when defined
updated_note_committer.value <== value;
updated_commiment <== updated_note_committer.commitment;
component main {public [epoch_nonce, slot_number, t0, t1, commitments_root]} = anemoi_proof_of_leadership(); |