mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 23:14:47 +00:00
add Caulk support supposing we have a proof of equivalence between two Pedersen commitment over different curves
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
Copyright 2018 0KIMS association.
This file is part of circom (Zero Knowledge Circuit Compiler).
circom is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
circom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with circom. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
pragma circom 2.0.0;
include "montgomeryJubjub.circom";
include "jubjub.circom";
include "../../circom_circuits/circomlib/circuits/comparators.circom";
template Multiplexor2() {
signal input sel;
signal input in[2][2];
signal output out[2];
out[0] <== (in[1][0] - in[0][0])*sel + in[0][0];
out[1] <== (in[1][1] - in[0][1])*sel + in[0][1];
template BitElementMulAny() {
signal input sel;
signal input dblIn[2];
signal input addIn[2];
signal output dblOut[2];
signal output addOut[2];
component doubler = MontgomeryDouble();
component adder = MontgomeryAdd();
component selector = Multiplexor2();
sel ==> selector.sel;
dblIn[0] ==> doubler.in[0];
dblIn[1] ==> doubler.in[1];
doubler.out[0] ==> adder.in1[0];
doubler.out[1] ==> adder.in1[1];
addIn[0] ==> adder.in2[0];
addIn[1] ==> adder.in2[1];
addIn[0] ==> selector.in[0][0];
addIn[1] ==> selector.in[0][1];
adder.out[0] ==> selector.in[1][0];
adder.out[1] ==> selector.in[1][1];
doubler.out[0] ==> dblOut[0];
doubler.out[1] ==> dblOut[1];
selector.out[0] ==> addOut[0];
selector.out[1] ==> addOut[1];
// p is montgomery point
// n must be <= 248
// returns out in twisted edwards
// Double is in montgomery to be linked;
template SegmentMulAny(n) {
signal input e[n];
signal input p[2];
signal output out[2];
signal output dbl[2];
component bits[n-1];
component e2m = Edwards2Montgomery();
p[0] ==> e2m.in[0];
p[1] ==> e2m.in[1];
var i;
bits[0] = BitElementMulAny();
e2m.out[0] ==> bits[0].dblIn[0];
e2m.out[1] ==> bits[0].dblIn[1];
e2m.out[0] ==> bits[0].addIn[0];
e2m.out[1] ==> bits[0].addIn[1];
e[1] ==> bits[0].sel;
for (i=1; i<n-1; i++) {
bits[i] = BitElementMulAny();
bits[i-1].dblOut[0] ==> bits[i].dblIn[0];
bits[i-1].dblOut[1] ==> bits[i].dblIn[1];
bits[i-1].addOut[0] ==> bits[i].addIn[0];
bits[i-1].addOut[1] ==> bits[i].addIn[1];
e[i+1] ==> bits[i].sel;
bits[n-2].dblOut[0] ==> dbl[0];
bits[n-2].dblOut[1] ==> dbl[1];
component m2e = Montgomery2Edwards();
bits[n-2].addOut[0] ==> m2e.in[0];
bits[n-2].addOut[1] ==> m2e.in[1];
component eadder = JubjubAdd();
m2e.out[0] ==> eadder.x1;
m2e.out[1] ==> eadder.y1;
-p[0] ==> eadder.x2;
p[1] ==> eadder.y2;
component lastSel = Multiplexor2();
e[0] ==> lastSel.sel;
eadder.xout ==> lastSel.in[0][0];
eadder.yout ==> lastSel.in[0][1];
m2e.out[0] ==> lastSel.in[1][0];
m2e.out[1] ==> lastSel.in[1][1];
lastSel.out[0] ==> out[0];
lastSel.out[1] ==> out[1];
// This function assumes that p is in the subgroup and it is different to 0
template EscalarMulAny(n) {
signal input e[n]; // Input in binary format
signal input p[2]; // Point (Twisted format)
signal output out[2]; // Point (Twisted format)
var nsegments = (n-1)\148 +1;
var nlastsegment = n - (nsegments-1)*148;
component segments[nsegments];
component doublers[nsegments-1];
component m2e[nsegments-1];
component adders[nsegments-1];
component zeropoint = IsZero();
zeropoint.in <== p[0];
var s;
var i;
var nseg;
for (s=0; s<nsegments; s++) {
nseg = (s < nsegments-1) ? 148 : nlastsegment;
segments[s] = SegmentMulAny(nseg);
for (i=0; i<nseg; i++) {
e[s*148+i] ==> segments[s].e[i];
if (s==0) {
// force G8 point if input point is zero
segments[s].p[0] <== p[0] + (0x11dafe5d23e1218086a365b99fbf3d3be72f6afd7d1f72623e6b071492d1122b - p[0])*zeropoint.out;
segments[s].p[1] <== p[1] + (0x1d523cf1ddab1a1793132e78c866c0c33e26ba5cc220fed7cc3f870e59d292aa - p[1])*zeropoint.out;
} else {
doublers[s-1] = MontgomeryDouble();
m2e[s-1] = Montgomery2Edwards();
adders[s-1] = JubjubAdd();
segments[s-1].dbl[0] ==> doublers[s-1].in[0];
segments[s-1].dbl[1] ==> doublers[s-1].in[1];
doublers[s-1].out[0] ==> m2e[s-1].in[0];
doublers[s-1].out[1] ==> m2e[s-1].in[1];
m2e[s-1].out[0] ==> segments[s].p[0];
m2e[s-1].out[1] ==> segments[s].p[1];
if (s==1) {
segments[s-1].out[0] ==> adders[s-1].x1;
segments[s-1].out[1] ==> adders[s-1].y1;
} else {
adders[s-2].xout ==> adders[s-1].x1;
adders[s-2].yout ==> adders[s-1].y1;
segments[s].out[0] ==> adders[s-1].x2;
segments[s].out[1] ==> adders[s-1].y2;
if (nsegments == 1) {
segments[0].out[0]*(1-zeropoint.out) ==> out[0];
segments[0].out[1]+(1-segments[0].out[1])*zeropoint.out ==> out[1];
} else {
adders[nsegments-2].xout*(1-zeropoint.out) ==> out[0];
adders[nsegments-2].yout+(1-adders[nsegments-2].yout)*zeropoint.out ==> out[1];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
Copyright 2018 0KIMS association.
This file is part of circom (Zero Knowledge Circuit Compiler).
circom is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
circom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with circom. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
pragma circom 2.1.9;
template JubjubAdd() {
signal input x1;
signal input y1;
signal input x2;
signal input y2;
signal output xout;
signal output yout;
signal beta;
signal gamma;
signal delta;
signal tau;
var a = 0x73eda753299d7d483339d80809a1d80553bda402fffe5bfeffffffff00000000;
var d = 0x2a9318e74bfa2b48f5fd9207e6bd7fd4292d7f6d37579d2601065fd6d6343eb1;
beta <== x1*y2;
gamma <== y1*x2;
delta <== (-a*x1+y1)*(x2 + y2);
tau <== beta * gamma;
xout <-- (beta + gamma) / (1+ d*tau);
(1+ d*tau) * xout === (beta + gamma);
yout <-- (delta + a*beta - gamma) / (1-d*tau);
(1-d*tau)*yout === (delta + a*beta - gamma);
template JubjubDbl() {
signal input x;
signal input y;
signal output xout;
signal output yout;
component adder = JubjubAdd();
adder.x1 <== x;
adder.y1 <== y;
adder.x2 <== x;
adder.y2 <== y;
adder.xout ==> xout;
adder.yout ==> yout;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
Copyright 2018 0KIMS association.
This file is part of circom (Zero Knowledge Circuit Compiler).
circom is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
circom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with circom. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montgomery_curve
1 + y 1 + y
[u, v] = [ ------- , ---------- ]
1 - y (1 - y)x
pragma circom 2.0.0;
template Edwards2Montgomery() {
signal input in[2];
signal output out[2];
out[0] <-- (1 + in[1]) / (1 - in[1]);
out[1] <-- out[0] / in[0];
out[0] * (1-in[1]) === (1 + in[1]);
out[1] * in[0] === out[0];
u u - 1
[x, y] = [ ---, ------- ]
v u + 1
template Montgomery2Edwards() {
signal input in[2];
signal output out[2];
out[0] <-- in[0] / in[1];
out[1] <-- (in[0] - 1) / (in[0] + 1);
out[0] * in[1] === in[0];
out[1] * (in[0] + 1) === in[0] - 1;
x2 - x1
lamda = ---------
y2 - y1
x3 + A + x1 + x2
x3 = B * lamda^2 - A - x1 -x2 => lamda^2 = ------------------
y3 = (2*x1 + x2 + A)*lamda - B*lamda^3 - y1 =>
=> y3 = lamda * ( 2*x1 + x2 + A - x3 - A - x1 - x2) - y1 =>
=> y3 = lamda * ( x1 - x3 ) - y1
y2 - y1
lamda = ---------
x2 - x1
x3 = B * lamda^2 - A - x1 -x2
y3 = lamda * ( x1 - x3 ) - y1
template MontgomeryAdd() {
signal input in1[2];
signal input in2[2];
signal output out[2];
var a = 0x73eda753299d7d483339d80809a1d80553bda402fffe5bfeffffffff00000000;
var d = 0x2a9318e74bfa2b48f5fd9207e6bd7fd4292d7f6d37579d2601065fd6d6343eb1;
var A = (2 * (a + d)) / (a - d);
var B = 4 / (a - d);
signal lamda;
lamda <-- (in2[1] - in1[1]) / (in2[0] - in1[0]);
lamda * (in2[0] - in1[0]) === (in2[1] - in1[1]);
out[0] <== B*lamda*lamda - A - in1[0] -in2[0];
out[1] <== lamda * (in1[0] - out[0]) - in1[1];
x1_2 = x1*x1
3*x1_2 + 2*A*x1 + 1
lamda = ---------------------
x3 = B * lamda^2 - A - x1 -x1
y3 = lamda * ( x1 - x3 ) - y1
template MontgomeryDouble() {
signal input in[2];
signal output out[2];
var a = 0x73eda753299d7d483339d80809a1d80553bda402fffe5bfeffffffff00000000;
var d = 0x2a9318e74bfa2b48f5fd9207e6bd7fd4292d7f6d37579d2601065fd6d6343eb1;
var A = (2 * (a + d)) / (a - d);
var B = 4 / (a - d);
signal lamda;
signal x1_2;
x1_2 <== in[0] * in[0];
lamda <-- (3*x1_2 + 2*A*in[0] + 1 ) / (2*B*in[1]);
lamda * (2*B*in[1]) === (3*x1_2 + 2*A*in[0] + 1 );
out[0] <== B*lamda*lamda - A - 2*in[0];
out[1] <== lamda * (in[0] - out[0]) - in[1];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
pragma circom 2.1.9;
include "../../circom_circuits/hash/anemoi/anemoi_2_to_1_Jubjub.circom";
include "../../circom_circuits/hash/anemoi/anemoi_4_to_1_Jubjub.circom";
include "../../circom_circuits/hash/anemoi/anemoi_16_to_1_Jubjub.circom";
include "../../circom_circuits/circomlib/circuits/bitify.circom";
include "../../circom_circuits/circomlib/circuits/comparators.circom";
include "../../circom_circuits/Jubjub/escalarmulanyJubjub.circom";
include "../../circom_circuits/Jubjub/jubjub.circom";
template BLSLessThan(n) {
assert(n <= 253);
signal input in[2];
signal output out;
component n2b = Num2Bits(n+1);
n2b.in <== in[0]+ (1<<n) - in[1];
out <== 1-n2b.out[n];
template BLSNum2Bits_strict() {
signal input in;
signal output out[255];
component check_range = CompConstant(23487852865797141623554994256013988874373056334117496812739262697960298774528); // -1 - 2**254 (p-1 without its first bit)
component n2b = Num2Bits(255);
in ==> n2b.in;
for (var i=0; i<255; i++) {
n2b.out[i] ==> out[i];
if(i != 0){
n2b.out[i] ==> check_range.in[i-1];
check_range.out * (n2b.out[0]) === 0; //must be zero exept if the first bit is 0 => then in is on 254 bits and p-1 on 255
template check_bits(n){
signal input bits[n];
for(var i=0; i<n; i++){
bits[i] * (1-bits[i]) === 0;
template commitment_computer(){
signal input note_nonce;
signal input nullifier_public_key;
signal input value;
signal input constraints;
signal input unit;
signal input state;
signal output commitment;
component hash = hash_16_to_1();
//The b"coin-commitment" Tag converted in F_p element (from bits with big endian order)
hash.in[0] <== 516297089516239580383111224192495220;
hash.in[1] <== note_nonce;
hash.in[2] <== nullifier_public_key;
hash.in[3] <== value;
hash.in[4] <== constraints;
hash.in[5] <== unit;
hash.in[6] <== state;
for(var i=7; i<16; i++){
hash.in[i] <== 0;
commitment <== hash.out;
template nonce_updater(){
signal input note_nonce;
signal input nullifier_secret_key;
signal output updated_nonce;
component hash = hash_4_to_1();
//The b"coin-evolve" Tag converted in F_p element (from bits with big endian order)
hash.in[0] <== 120209783668687835891529317;
hash.in[1] <== note_nonce;
hash.in[2] <== nullifier_secret_key;
hash.in[3] <== 0;
updated_nonce <== hash.out;
template nullifier_computer(){
signal input note_nonce;
signal input nullifier_secret_key;
signal input value;
signal output nullifier;
component hash = hash_4_to_1();
//The b"coin-nullifier" Tag converted in F_p element (from bits with big endian order)
hash.in[0] <== 2016785505923014207119328528655730;
hash.in[1] <== note_nonce;
hash.in[2] <== nullifier_secret_key;
hash.in[3] <== value;
nullifier <== hash.out;
template membership_checker(){
signal input note_commitment;
signal input pedersen_randomness;
signal input pedersen_commitment[2];
signal input h_curve_point[2];
component note_commitment_bitifier = Num2Bits(255);
component pedersen_randomness_bitifier = BLSNum2Bits_strict();
note_commitment_bitifier.in <== note_commitment;
pedersen_randomness_bitifier.in <== pedersen_randomness;
// A is note_cm * G and B is r * H
component A = EscalarMulAny(255);
component B = EscalarMulAny(255);
A.p[0] <== 0x11dafe5d23e1218086a365b99fbf3d3be72f6afd7d1f72623e6b071492d1122b;
A.p[1] <== 0x1d523cf1ddab1a1793132e78c866c0c33e26ba5cc220fed7cc3f870e59d292aa;
B.p[0] <== h_curve_point[0];
B.p[1] <== h_curve_point[1];
for(var i =0; i<255; i++){
A.e[i] <== note_commitment_bitifier.out[i];
B.e[i] <== pedersen_randomness_bitifier.out[i];
component pedersen = JubjubAdd();
pedersen.x1 <== A.out[0];
pedersen.y1 <== A.out[1];
pedersen.x2 <== B.out[0];
pedersen.y2 <== B.out[1];
pedersen.xout === pedersen_commitment[0];
pedersen.yout === pedersen_commitment[1];
template caulk_proof_of_validator(minimum_stake){ //TODO: put minimum_stake in the input to change it dynamically
signal input pedersen_commitment[2];
signal input h_curve_point[2];
// Note variables
signal input constraints; // Every note field represented as F_p elements for now (constraints are represented by their Merkle root)
signal input value; // 0 if no more notes needed
signal input unit;
signal input state; // This field hold the identity of the owner (its public key or ID) and is revealed
signal input note_nonce;
signal input nullifier_secret_key;
signal input pedersen_randomness;
signal output nullifiers;
signal output updated_commiments;
// Compute the note commitments
component note_committer = commitment_computer();
note_committer.note_nonce <== note_nonce;
note_committer.nullifier_public_key <== nullifier_secret_key; // TODO: reflect the nullifier public key computation later when defined
note_committer.value <== value;
note_committer.constraints <== constraints;
note_committer.unit <== unit;
note_committer.state <== state;
// Check the commitments membership
component membership_checker = membership_checker();
membership_checker.note_commitment <== note_committer.commitment;
membership_checker.pedersen_randomness <== pedersen_randomness;
membership_checker.pedersen_commitment[0] <== pedersen_commitment[0];
membership_checker.pedersen_commitment[1] <== pedersen_commitment[1];
membership_checker.h_curve_point[0] <== h_curve_point[0];
membership_checker.h_curve_point[1] <== h_curve_point[1];
// Check that the value exceed the minimum stake
component isLess = BLSLessThan(253);
isLess.in[0] <== minimum_stake;
isLess.in[1] <== value;
isLess.out === 1;
// Compute the note nullifiers
component nullifier_computer = nullifier_computer();
nullifier_computer.note_nonce <== note_nonce;
nullifier_computer.nullifier_secret_key <== nullifier_secret_key;
nullifier_computer.value <== value;
nullifiers <== nullifier_computer.nullifier;
// Compute the evolved nonces
component nonce_updater = nonce_updater();
nonce_updater.note_nonce <== note_nonce;
nonce_updater.nullifier_secret_key <== nullifier_secret_key;
// Compute the new note commitments
component updated_note_committer = commitment_computer();
updated_note_committer.note_nonce <== nonce_updater.updated_nonce;
updated_note_committer.nullifier_public_key <== nullifier_secret_key; // TODO: reflect the nullifier public key computation later when defined
updated_note_committer.value <== value;
updated_note_committer.constraints <== constraints;
updated_note_committer.unit <== unit;
updated_note_committer.state <== state;
updated_commiments <== updated_note_committer.commitment;
component main {public [state,pedersen_commitment,h_curve_point]} = caulk_proof_of_validator(10000);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user