use std::{ net::{Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr}, sync::Arc, time::Duration, }; use axum::{routing, Router, Server}; use hyper::Error; use nomos_api::{ApiService, ApiServiceSettings, Backend}; use overwatch_derive::Services; use overwatch_rs::{ overwatch::{handle::OverwatchHandle, OverwatchRunner}, services::handle::ServiceHandle, }; use utoipa::{ openapi::security::{ApiKey, ApiKeyValue, SecurityScheme}, Modify, OpenApi, }; use utoipa_swagger_ui::SwaggerUi; use crate::todo::Store; #[derive(Services)] pub struct NomosApi { http: ServiceHandle>, } #[derive(OpenApi)] #[openapi( paths( todo::list_todos, todo::search_todos, todo::create_todo, todo::mark_done, todo::delete_todo, ), components( schemas(todo::Todo, todo::TodoError) ), modifiers(&SecurityAddon), tags( (name = "todo", description = "Todo items management API") ) )] struct ApiDoc; struct SecurityAddon; impl Modify for SecurityAddon { fn modify(&self, openapi: &mut utoipa::openapi::OpenApi) { if let Some(components) = openapi.components.as_mut() { components.add_security_scheme( "api_key", SecurityScheme::ApiKey(ApiKey::Header(ApiKeyValue::new("todo_apikey"))), ) } } } pub struct WebServer { addr: SocketAddr, } #[async_trait::async_trait] impl Backend for WebServer { type Error = hyper::Error; type Settings = SocketAddr; async fn new(settings: Self::Settings) -> Result where Self: Sized, { Ok(Self { addr: settings }) } async fn serve(self, _handle: OverwatchHandle) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { let store = Arc::new(Store::default()); let app = Router::new() .merge(SwaggerUi::new("/swagger-ui").url("/api-docs/openapi.json", ApiDoc::openapi())) .route( "/todo", routing::get(todo::list_todos).post(todo::create_todo), ) .route("/todo/search", routing::get(todo::search_todos)) .route( "/todo/:id", routing::put(todo::mark_done).delete(todo::delete_todo), ) .with_state(store); Server::bind(&self.addr) .serve(app.into_make_service()) .await } } #[test] fn test_todo() -> Result<(), Error> { let addr = SocketAddr::new(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST.into(), 8080); // have to spawn the server in a separate thread because the overwatch limitation std::thread::spawn(move || { let app = OverwatchRunner::::run( NomosApiServiceSettings { http: ApiServiceSettings { backend_settings: addr, }, }, None, ) .unwrap(); app.wait_finished(); }); std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new(); let response = client .get(format!("http://{}/swagger-ui", addr)) .send() .unwrap(); assert!(response.status().is_success()); Ok(()) } mod todo { use std::sync::Arc; use axum::{ extract::{Path, Query, State}, response::IntoResponse, Json, }; use hyper::{HeaderMap, StatusCode}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::sync::Mutex; use utoipa::{IntoParams, ToSchema}; /// In-memory todo store pub(super) type Store = Mutex>; /// Item to do. #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, ToSchema, Clone)] pub(super) struct Todo { id: i32, #[schema(example = "Buy groceries")] value: String, done: bool, } /// Todo operation errors #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, ToSchema)] pub(super) enum TodoError { /// Todo already exists conflict. #[schema(example = "Todo already exists")] Conflict(String), /// Todo not found by id. #[schema(example = "id = 1")] NotFound(String), /// Todo operation unauthorized #[schema(example = "missing api key")] Unauthorized(String), } /// List all Todo items /// /// List all Todo items from in-memory storage. #[utoipa::path( get, path = "/todo", responses( (status = 200, description = "List all todos successfully", body = [Todo]) ) )] pub(super) async fn list_todos(State(store): State>) -> Json> { let todos = store.lock().unwrap().clone(); Json(todos) } /// Todo search query #[derive(Deserialize, IntoParams)] pub(super) struct TodoSearchQuery { /// Search by value. Search is incase sensitive. value: String, /// Search by `done` status. done: bool, } /// Search Todos by query params. /// /// Search `Todo`s by query params and return matching `Todo`s. #[utoipa::path( get, path = "/todo/search", params( TodoSearchQuery ), responses( (status = 200, description = "List matching todos by query", body = [Todo]) ) )] pub(super) async fn search_todos( State(store): State>, query: Query, ) -> Json> { Json( store .lock() .unwrap() .iter() .filter(|todo| { todo.value.to_lowercase() == query.value.to_lowercase() && todo.done == query.done }) .cloned() .collect(), ) } /// Create new Todo /// /// Tries to create a new Todo item to in-memory storage or fails with 409 conflict if already exists. #[utoipa::path( post, path = "/todo", request_body = Todo, responses( (status = 201, description = "Todo item created successfully", body = Todo), (status = 409, description = "Todo already exists", body = TodoError) ) )] pub(super) async fn create_todo( State(store): State>, Json(todo): Json, ) -> impl IntoResponse { let mut todos = store.lock().unwrap(); todos .iter_mut() .find(|existing_todo| == .map(|found| { ( StatusCode::CONFLICT, Json(TodoError::Conflict(format!( "todo already exists: {}", ))), ) .into_response() }) .unwrap_or_else(|| { todos.push(todo.clone()); (StatusCode::CREATED, Json(todo)).into_response() }) } /// Mark Todo item done by id /// /// Mark Todo item done by given id. Return only status 200 on success or 404 if Todo is not found. #[utoipa::path( put, path = "/todo/{id}", responses( (status = 200, description = "Todo marked done successfully"), (status = 404, description = "Todo not found") ), params( ("id" = i32, Path, description = "Todo database id") ), security( (), // <-- make optional authentication ("api_key" = []) ) )] pub(super) async fn mark_done( Path(id): Path, State(store): State>, headers: HeaderMap, ) -> StatusCode { match check_api_key(false, headers) { Ok(_) => (), Err(_) => return StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED, } let mut todos = store.lock().unwrap(); todos .iter_mut() .find(|todo| == id) .map(|todo| { todo.done = true; StatusCode::OK }) .unwrap_or(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND) } /// Delete Todo item by id /// /// Delete Todo item from in-memory storage by id. Returns either 200 success of 404 with TodoError if Todo is not found. #[utoipa::path( delete, path = "/todo/{id}", responses( (status = 200, description = "Todo marked done successfully"), (status = 401, description = "Unauthorized to delete Todo", body = TodoError, example = json!(TodoError::Unauthorized(String::from("missing api key")))), (status = 404, description = "Todo not found", body = TodoError, example = json!(TodoError::NotFound(String::from("id = 1")))) ), params( ("id" = i32, Path, description = "Todo database id") ), security( ("api_key" = []) ) )] pub(super) async fn delete_todo( Path(id): Path, State(store): State>, headers: HeaderMap, ) -> impl IntoResponse { match check_api_key(true, headers) { Ok(_) => (), Err(error) => return error.into_response(), } let mut todos = store.lock().unwrap(); let len = todos.len(); todos.retain(|todo| != id); if todos.len() != len { StatusCode::OK.into_response() } else { ( StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, Json(TodoError::NotFound(format!("id = {id}"))), ) .into_response() } } // normally you should create a middleware for this but this is sufficient for sake of example. fn check_api_key( require_api_key: bool, headers: HeaderMap, ) -> Result<(), (StatusCode, Json)> { match headers.get("todo_apikey") { Some(header) if header != "utoipa-rocks" => Err(( StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED, Json(TodoError::Unauthorized(String::from("incorrect api key"))), )), None if require_api_key => Err(( StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED, Json(TodoError::Unauthorized(String::from("missing api key"))), )), _ => Ok(()), } } }