Graylog service for the Testnet ( #659 )
* Graylog service in docker compose
* Retry graylog connection
* Graylog container configuration
* Add tokio sleep instead of std
2024-06-14 14:22:16 +03:00
Testnet consensus configuration ( #656 )
* Update metrics for split mempool
* Update required packages for node in docker
* Expose env and cli params for coin
* Set coin params via env in testnet
* Predefined genesis state
* Chain start time from env vars
2024-05-30 12:46:02 +03:00
Youngjoon Lee
Mixnet v1 ( #569 )
* base
* Remove mixnet client from libp2p network backend (#572 )
* Mixnet v1: Remove all mixnet legacies: mixnet crate, mixnode binary, tests, and docker (#573 )
* Mixnet v1: Skeleton (#570 )
* Use QUIC for libp2p (#580 )
* Add Poisson interval function for Mixnet (#575 )
* Mixnet network backend skeleton (#586 )
* Libp2p stream read/write (#587 )
* Emitting packets from mixclient using libp2p stream (#588 )
* Handle outputs from mixnode using libp2p stream/gossipsub (#589 )
* Refactor poisson (#590 )
* Mix client Poisson emission (#591 )
* Mix node packet handling (#592 )
* Mix Packet / Fragment logic (#593 )
* Move FisherYates to `nomos-utils` (#594 )
* Mixnet topology (#595 )
* Mix client/node unit tests (#596 )
* change multiaddr from tcp to udp with quic-v1 (#607 )
Co-authored-by: Al Liu <>
2024-03-12 15:47:35 +09:00
Docker compose metrics containers ( #564 )
* Prometheus container and configuration for testnet
* Add graphana related configuration and container
* Use metrics feature in testnet nodes
* Grafana configuration files and datasources
2024-01-23 18:16:33 +02:00
Update env and config files for testnet ( #520 )
2023-11-09 12:59:06 +02:00
Da voter config for docker compose ( #513 )
* Readd docker build context
* Configurable da protocol voter
* Do not use private key naming for da voter
2023-11-07 13:52:27 +02:00
Docker compose consensus layer config ( #482 )
* Same consensus node list for all nodes
* Extract duplicate code and add debug info
* Update initial net peer list script
* Remove unused envvar
2023-10-30 16:51:40 +02:00