Fix parallelization

This commit is contained in:
danielsanchezq 2024-06-14 15:24:41 +02:00
parent c83638dd3a
commit bf83bc4403
1 changed files with 18 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -3,11 +3,12 @@ use ark_ec::pairing::Pairing;
use ark_ec::{AffineRepr, CurveGroup};
use ark_ff::{BigInt, BigInteger, FftField, Field, PrimeField};
#[cfg(feature = "parallel")]
use rayon::iter::IntoParallelIterator;
use rayon::iter::{IndexedParallelIterator, IntoParallelIterator, ParallelIterator};
pub fn fft_g1(vals: &[G1Affine], roots_of_unity: &[Fr]) -> Vec<G1Affine> {
debug_assert_eq!(vals.len(), roots_of_unity.len());
if vals.len() == 1 {
let original_len = vals.len();
if original_len == 1 {
return vals.to_vec();
let half_roots: Vec<_> = roots_of_unity.iter().step_by(2).copied().collect();
@ -38,13 +39,17 @@ pub fn fft_g1(vals: &[G1Affine], roots_of_unity: &[Fr]) -> Vec<G1Affine> {
let [l, r]: [Vec<G1Affine>; 2] = {
#[cfg(feature = "parallel")]
[l, r].into_par_iter().map(|f| f()).collect()
let (l, r) = rayon::join(l, r);
[l, r]
#[cfg(not(feature = "parallel"))]
[l(), r()]
// Double sized so we can use iterator later on
let l: Vec<_> = l.into_iter().cycle().take(original_len).collect();
let r: Vec<_> = r.into_iter().cycle().take(original_len).collect();
let y_times_root = {
#[cfg(feature = "parallel")]
@ -56,7 +61,6 @@ pub fn fft_g1(vals: &[G1Affine], roots_of_unity: &[Fr]) -> Vec<G1Affine> {
.map(|(i, y)| (y * roots_of_unity[i % vals.len()]).into_affine());
@ -70,8 +74,6 @@ pub fn fft_g1(vals: &[G1Affine], roots_of_unity: &[Fr]) -> Vec<G1Affine> {
.map(|(i, (x, y_times_root))| {
@ -90,14 +92,18 @@ pub fn ifft_g1(vals: &[G1Affine], roots_of_unity: &[Fr]) -> Vec<G1Affine> {
let mut mod_min_2 = BigInt::new(<Fr as PrimeField>::MODULUS.0);
let invlen = Fr::from(vals.len() as u64).pow(mod_min_2).into_bigint();
#[cfg(feature = "parallel")]
fft_g1(vals, roots_of_unity).into_par_iter().collect()
#[cfg(feature = "parallel")]
fft_g1(vals, roots_of_unity).into_par_iter()
#[cfg(not(feature = "parallel"))]
fft_g1(vals, roots_of_unity).into_iter()
#[cfg(not(feature = "parallel"))]
{ fft_g1(vals, roots_of_unity).into_iter() }
.map(|g| g.mul_bigint(invlen).into_affine())
.map(|g| g.mul_bigint(invlen).into_affine())