PR#4 umods

This commit is contained in:
0xFugue 2022-12-30 01:59:05 +05:30
parent d75530e718
commit 1c5c17c957
2 changed files with 44 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -42,6 +42,6 @@ do
mkdir "$path/$i"
echo "Generating ./ --dirname $dirname --num-nodes $n --num-topics $t --nw-type $nwtype --node-type $nodetype --num-partitions 1"
echo "Generating ./ --dirname $dirname --num-nodes $n --num-topics $t --nw-type $nwtype --node-type $nodetype --num-partitions 1 ...."
$(./ --dirname $dirname --num-nodes $n --num-topics $t --nw-type $nwtype --node-type $nodetype --num-partitions 1)

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import typer
from enum import Enum
# Consts
class nw_types(Enum):
class networkType(Enum):
configmodel = "CONFIGMODEL"
scalefree = "SCALEFREE" # power law
newmanwattsstrogatz = "NEWMANWATTSSTROGATZ" # mesh, smallworld
@ -18,33 +18,33 @@ class nw_types(Enum):
balancedtree = "BALANCEDTREE" # committees?
star = "STAR" # spof
class node_types(Enum):
class nodeType(Enum):
desktop = "DESKTOP"
mobile = "MOBILE"
nw_fname = "network_data.json"
prefix = "waku_"
NW_DATA_FNAME = "network_data.json"
PREFIX = "waku_"
### I/O related fns ###########################################################
# Dump to a json file
def write_json(dirname, json_dump):
fname = os.path.join(dirname, nw_fname)
json.dump(json_dump, open(fname,'w'), indent=2)
fname = os.path.join(dirname, NW_DATA_FNAME)
with open(fname, "w") as f:
json.dump(json_dump, f, indent=2)
def write_toml(dirname, node_name, toml):
fname = os.path.join(dirname, node_name+ ".toml")
f = open(fname, 'w')
fname = os.path.join(dirname, f"{node_name}.toml")
with open(fname, "w") as f:
# Draw the network and output the image to a file
def draw(dirname, H):
nx.draw(H, pos=nx.kamada_kawai_layout(H), with_labels=True)
fname = os.path.join(dirname, nw_fname)
plt.savefig(os.path.splitext(fname)[0] + ".png", format="png")
fname = os.path.join(dirname, NW_DATA_FNAME)
plt.savefig(f"{os.path.splitext(fname)[0]}.png", format="png")
@ -54,6 +54,17 @@ def read_json(fname):
jdata = json.load(f)
return nx.node_link_graph(jdata)
def exists_and_nonempty(dirname):
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
return False
elif not os.path.isfile(dirname) and os.listdir(dirname):
print(f"{dirname}: exists and not empty")
return True
elif os.path.isfile(dirname):
print(f"{dirname}: exists but not a directory")
return True
return False
### topics related fns ###########################################################
@ -116,20 +127,20 @@ def generate_star_graph(n):
# Generate the network from nw type
def generate_network(num_nodes, nw_type):
G = nx.empty_graph()
if nw_type == nw_types.configmodel:
if nw_type == networkType.configmodel:
G = generate_config_model(num_nodes)
elif nw_type == nw_types.scalefree:
elif nw_type == networkType.scalefree:
G = generate_scalefree_graph(num_nodes)
elif nw_type == nw_types.newmanwattsstrogatz:
elif nw_type == networkType.newmanwattsstrogatz:
G = generate_newman_watts_strogatz_graph(num_nodes)
elif nw_type == nw_types.barbell:
elif nw_type == networkType.barbell:
G = generate_barbell_graph(num_nodes)
elif nw_type == nw_types.balancedtree:
elif nw_type == networkType.balancedtree:
G = generate_balanced_tree(num_nodes)
elif nw_type ==
elif nw_type ==
G = generate_star_graph(num_nodes)
print(nw_type +": Unsupported network type")
print(f"{nw_type} : Unsupported network type")
return postprocess_network(G)
@ -138,37 +149,28 @@ def generate_network(num_nodes, nw_type):
def postprocess_network(G):
G = nx.Graph(G) # prune out parallel/multi edges
G.remove_edges_from(nx.selfloop_edges(G)) # remove the self-loops
mapping = {i: f"{prefix}{i}" for i in range(len(G))}
mapping = {i: f"{PREFIX}{i}" for i in range(len(G))}
return nx.relabel_nodes(G, mapping) # label the nodes
### file format related fns ###########################################################
#Generate per node toml configs
def generate_toml(topics, node_type=node_types.desktop):
def generate_toml(topics, node_type=nodeType.desktop):
topic_str = " ". join(get_random_sublist(topics)) # topics as a space separated string
if node_type == node_type.desktop:
if node_type == nodeType.desktop:
toml = "rpc-admin = true\nkeep-alive = true\n"
elif node_type ==
elif node_type ==
toml = "rpc-admin = true\nkeep-alive = true\n"
print(node_type +": Unsupported node type")
print(f"{node_type} : Unsupported node type")
toml += f"topics = \"{topic_str}\"\n"
toml = f"{toml}topics = \"{topic_str}\"\n"
return toml
# Generates network-wide json and per-node toml and writes them
def generate_and_write_files(dirname, num_topics, H):
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
elif not os.path.isfile(dirname) and os.listdir(dirname):
print(dirname +": exists and is not empty")
elif os.path.isfile(dirname):
print(dirname +": exists and is not a directory")
def generate_and_write_files(dirname, num_topics, H):
topics = generate_topics(num_topics)
json_dump = {}
for node in H.nodes:
@ -183,8 +185,8 @@ def generate_and_write_files(dirname, num_topics, H):
### the main ###########################################################
def main(
dirname: str = "Waku", num_nodes: int = 3, num_topics: int = 1,
nw_type: nw_types = "NEWMANWATTSSTROGATZ",
node_type: node_types = "DESKTOP",
nw_type: networkType = "NEWMANWATTSSTROGATZ",
node_type: nodeType = "DESKTOP",
num_partitions: int = 1):
if num_partitions > 1:
@ -196,6 +198,10 @@ def main(
# Generate file format specific data structs and write the files; optionally, draw the network
if exists_and_nonempty(dirname) :
os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)
generate_and_write_files(dirname, num_topics, G)
draw(dirname, G)