# Waku Bounties In an effort to make the Waku community more inclusive towards contribution - we encourage the community members to get rewarded by completing bounties. Bounties are a way to incentivize community contributions for certain tasks that can positively impact Waku. ## Available bounties The currently available bounties are listed [here](https://github.com/waku-org/bounties/labels/open). All the bounties with 'open' labels are available. ## Applying for a bounty Feel free to apply for a bounty once it is labelled as [`open`](https://github.com/waku-org/bounties/labels/open). 1. To apply, comment on the GitHub issue with the following information: ``` Plan: Track record: Start date: ``` 2. @fryorcraken or @hackyguru will review the applications and comment who has been selected to work on the bounty. 3. Selected applicant must fill in this [Typeform](https://34z6hn3eyj7.typeform.com/to/kIQjJA0f) to share information needed for legal and financial reasons such as Legal name, country of residence, business address and payment details. 4. Once information is reviewed, the bounty will then be marked as [`assigned`](https://github.com/waku-org/bounties/issues?q=is%3Aopen+label%3Aassigned+sort%3Aupdated-desc) and the applicant can start the work. It is recommended for the applicant to wait until this step before starting work, to ensure there is no issue with payment. 5. To submit the work, the applicant must comment on the bounty with an URL to the deliverables. 6. Work will then be reviewed by the Waku team and if deliverables match acceptance criteria, payment will be handled the finance team. ## Propose a new bounty Do you have a bounty proposal that can positively contribute to Waku's growth? [Create a new Waku bounty proposal here](https://github.com/waku-org/bounties/issues/new?assignees=hackyguru&labels=&projects=&template=new-bounty.md&title=%5BBOUNTY%5D+%3CTitle+of+the+bounty%3E). ## Have a question? Looking for something that is not mentioned here? Join our [discord server](https://discord.waku.org) and shoot your queries.