const request = require('request'); const fs = require('fs'); const klaw = require('klaw'); const through2 = require('through2'); class SwarmGW { constructor(opts){ this.opts = opts || {}; if (this.opts.gateway) { this.gateway = opts.gateway } else if (this.opts.mode === 'http') { this.gateway = '' } else { this.gateway = '' } } static _isValidHash (hash) { return /^[0-9a-f]{64}$/.test(hash) } _getDirectoryTreeReadable(directory, cb){ let readables = {}; // files, directories, symlinks, etc let errors = []; const excludeDirFilter = through2.obj(function (item, enc, next) { if (!item.stats.isDirectory()) this.push(item) next() }) klaw(directory) .pipe(excludeDirFilter) .on('data', (item) => { readables[item.path] = fs.createReadStream(item.path); }) .on('error', (error, item) => { errors.push(`Error walking directory '${directory}', on item ${item.path}, error: ${error.message}`); }) .on('end', () => cb(errors, readables)); // => [ ... array of files] } _hashResponse(error, response, body, cb){ if (error) { cb(error) } else if (response.statusCode !== 200) { cb(body) } else if (!SwarmGW._isValidHash(body)) { cb('Invalid hash') } else { cb(null, body) } } get(url, cb) { request(this.gateway + '/' + url, function (error, response, body) { if (error) { cb(error) } else if (response.statusCode !== 200) { cb(body) } else { cb(null, body) } }) } putFile (content, cb) { request({ method: 'POST', uri: this.gateway + '/bzz-raw:/', body: content }, (error, response, body) => this._hashResponse(error, response, body, cb)) } putDirectory (path, cb) { this._getDirectoryTreeReadable(path, (errors, readables) => { const hasReadables = Boolean(Object.keys(readables).length); if(errors.length && !hasReadables){ return cb(errors.join('\n')); } if(errors.length){ console.trace(errors.join('\n')); } if(hasReadables){ return request({ method: 'POST', uri: this.gateway + '/bzz:/', formData: readables }, (error, response, body) => this._hashResponse(error, response, body, cb)); } cb('No files to upload'); }); } isAvailable(cb) { const testFile = "test"; const testHash = "6de1faa7d29b1931b4ba3d44befcf7a5e43e947cd0bf2db154172bac5ecac3a6"; try { this.putFile(testFile, (err, hash) => { if(err) return cb(err); cb(null, hash === testHash); }); } catch(e) { cb(e); } } } module.exports = SwarmGW;