
145 lines
4.6 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env node
const SwarmAPI = require('../dist/node/index.js');
const yargs = require('yargs')
.usage('Usage: $0 [command]')
.command('ping', 'Check if the gateway is running and available')
.command('download <uri>', 'Download content from a given URI', {
uri: {
alias: 'u',
description: 'GETs a resource at the given URI, ie bzz:/<hash>',
demandOption: true
.command('downloadraw <hash>', 'Download content')
.command('upload <uri>', 'POST content to the given URI', {
uri: {
alias: 'u',
description: 'POSTS a resource to the given URI, ie bzz-raw:/'
.command('uploadraw <content>', 'Upload content (ie file contents)', {
content: {
alias: 'c'
.command('uploadfile <filename>', 'Upload file', {
filename: {
alias: 'f'
.command('uploaddir <dirpath>', 'Upload directory', {
dirpath: {
alias: 'd',
description: 'path to directory, relative to the currrent working directory, ie \'dist\''
.command('hash', 'Calculate the hash only without uploading. If both --filename and --content are provided, --filename takes precendence.',
function (yargs) {
return yargs.option('f', {
alias: 'filename',
describe: 'calculate the hash of the specified file'
.option('c', {
alias: 'content',
describe: 'calculate the hash of the specified string content. Wrap your string in quotes to get the correct hash'
function (argv) {
argv.content = (argv.filename || argv.content);
.option('gateway', {
alias: 'g',
describe: 'Swarm gateway URI ',
demandOption: true,
default: 'https://swarm-gateways.net',
defaultDescription: 'https://swarm-gateways.net'
//.demandOption(['gateway'], 'Please specify the gateway parameter with --gateway or -g, ie swarami -g http://localhost:8500 ping')
.coerce('filename', (filename) => {
return require('fs').readFileSync(filename);
.alias('h', 'hash')
.showHelpOnFail(false, 'Specify --help for available options')
.demand(1, 'Must provide a command')
.epilogue('For more information, please see https://github.com/embark-framework/swarm-api');
const argv = yargs.argv;
const gateway = argv.gateway;
const command = argv._[0];
const swarmapi = new SwarmAPI({gateway});
function abort(msg, err) {
console.error(`[${gateway}] ${(msg || 'Error occured')}`.red, err);
function success(msg) {
console.log(`[${gateway}] ${msg}`.green);
try {
switch (command) {
case 'ping':
swarmapi.isAvailable((err, isAvailable) => {
if (err) return abort('Failed to check gateway availability: ', err);
success(`The Swarm gateway at ${gateway} is ${isAvailable ? '' : 'un'}available`);
case 'download':
swarmapi.download(argv.uri, (err, content) => {
if (err) return abort('Failed to download: ', err);
case 'downloadraw':
swarmapi.downloadRaw(argv.hash, (err, content) => {
if (err) return abort('Failed to download: ', err);
case 'upload':
swarmapi.upload(argv.uri, (err, hash) => {
if (err) return abort('Failed to upload: ', err);
success(`Swarm hash: ${hash}`);
case 'uploadraw':
swarmapi.uploadRaw(argv.content, (err, hash) => {
if (err) {
return abort(`Failed to upload: ${err}`);
success(`Swarm hash: ${hash}`);
case 'uploadfile':
swarmapi.uploadRaw(argv.filename, (err, hash) => {
if (err) return abort('Failed to upload file: ', err);
success(`Swarm hash: ${hash}`);
case 'uploaddir':
swarmapi.uploadDirectory(argv.dirpath, null, (err, hash) => {
if (err) return abort('Failed to upload directory: ', err);
success(`Swarm manifest hash: ${hash}. Resources can be retreived using bzz:/<hash>/<path:optional>/<filename>, for example (assuming /index.html was uploaded):\nswarmapi download bzz:/${hash}/index.html -g ${gateway}`);
case 'hash':
swarmapi.hash(argv.content, (err, hash) => {
if (err) return abort('Failed to get hash of content: ', err);
success(`Swarm hash: ${hash}`);
abort(`Invalid arguments. Type 'swarmapi --help' for valid options`);
catch (error) {
abort('Error occurred', error);