
100 lines
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module.exports = {
// default applies to all environments
default: {
// Blockchain node to deploy the contracts
deployment: {
host: "localhost", // Host of the blockchain node
port: 8546, // Port of the blockchain node
type: "ws" // Type of connection (ws or rpc),
// Accounts to use instead of the default account to populate your wallet
// The order here corresponds to the order of `web3.eth.getAccounts`, so the first one is the `defaultAccount`
/*,accounts: [
privateKey: "your_private_key",
balance: "5 ether" // You can set the balance of the account in the dev environment
// Balances are in Wei, but you can specify the unit with its name
privateKeyFile: "path/to/file", // Either a keystore or a list of keys, separated by , or ;
password: "passwordForTheKeystore" // Needed to decrypt the keystore file
mnemonic: "12 word mnemonic",
addressIndex: "0", // Optional. The index to start getting the address
numAddresses: "1", // Optional. The number of addresses to get
hdpath: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/" // Optional. HD derivation path
"nodeAccounts": true // Uses the Ethereum node's accounts
// order of connections the dapp should connect to
dappConnection: [
"$WEB3", // uses pre existing web3 object if available (e.g in Mist)
// Automatically call `ethereum.enable` if true.
// If false, the following code must run before sending any transaction: `await EmbarkJS.enableEthereum();`
// Default value is true.
// dappAutoEnable: true,
gas: "auto",
// Strategy for the deployment of the contracts:
// - implicit will try to deploy all the contracts located inside the contracts directory
// or the directory configured for the location of the contracts. This is default one
// when not specified
// - explicit will only attempt to deploy the contracts that are explicitly specified inside the
// contracts section.
//strategy: 'implicit',
// minimalContractSize, when set to true, tells Embark to generate contract files without the heavy bytecodes
// Using filteredFields lets you customize which field you want to filter out of the contract file (requires minimalContractSize: true)
// minimalContractSize: false,
// filteredFields: [],
contracts: {
"Ranking": {
onDeploy: async (dependencies) => {
await dependencies.contracts.Ranking.methods.rate('0xcafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafe', 4).send({from: dependencies.web3.eth.defaultAccount}),
await dependencies.contracts.Ranking.methods.rate('0x0001020304050607080900010203040506070809', 1).send({from: dependencies.web3.eth.defaultAccount}),
await dependencies.contracts.Ranking.methods.rate('0x0000000100000001000000010000000100000001', 3).send({from: dependencies.web3.eth.defaultAccount})
// default environment, merges with the settings in default
// assumed to be the intended environment by `embark run`
development: {
dappConnection: [
"$WEB3" // uses pre existing web3 object if available (e.g in Mist)
// merges with the settings in default
// used with "embark run privatenet"
privatenet: {
// merges with the settings in default
// used with "embark run testnet"
testnet: {
// merges with the settings in default
// used with "embark run livenet"
livenet: {
// you can name an environment with specific settings and then specify with
// "embark run custom_name" or "embark blockchain custom_name"
//custom_name: {