refactor: moving docs to repo

This commit is contained in:
Richard Ramos 2020-03-09 11:31:29 -04:00
parent 75cd97ebe9
commit 243dc067e2
98 changed files with 7448 additions and 73 deletions

packages/docs/.gitignore vendored Normal file
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<template lang="html">
<div id="intro">
<div class="code-container">
<div class="code-text">
<h3>Event Tracking & Event Sourcing</h3>
You can track events and react to their values. With Subspace observables doing event sourcing is easy.
<div class="code-content">
<div class="language-js line-numbers-mode"><pre class="language-js"><code><span class="token keyword">import</span> <span class="token punctuation">{</span> $average<span class="token punctuation">,</span> $latest <span class="token punctuation">}</span> <span class="token keyword">from</span> <span class="token string">"@embarklabs/subspace"</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> rating$ <span class="token operator">=</span> Product<span class="token punctuation">.</span>events<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">Rating</span><span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">track</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">map</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">"rating"</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
rating$<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">pipe</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token function">$latest</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token number">5</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">,</span> <span class="token function">$average</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">subscribe</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token parameter">rating</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span> <span class="token operator">=&gt;</span> <span class="token punctuation">{</span>
console<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">log</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">"average rating of the last 5 events is "</span> <span class="token operator">+</span> rating<span class="token punctuation">)</span>
<span class="token punctuation">}</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
</code></pre> <div class="line-numbers-wrapper"><span class="line-number">1</span><br><span class="line-number">2</span><br><span class="line-number">3</span><br><span class="line-number">4</span><br><span class="line-number">5</span><br><span class="line-number">6</span><br><span class="line-number">7</span><br></div></div>
<div class="code-container">
<div class="code-text">
<h3>Tracking State</h3>
You can track changes to a contract state variable, by specifying the view function and arguments to call and query the contract.
<div class="code-content">
<div class="language-js line-numbers-mode"><pre class="language-js"><code><span class="token keyword">const</span> productTitle$ <span class="token operator">=</span> ProductList<span class="token punctuation">.</span>methods<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">products</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token number">0</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">track</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">map</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">"title"</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
productTitle$<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">subscribe</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token parameter">title</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span> <span class="token operator">=&gt;</span> console<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">log</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">"product title is "</span> <span class="token operator">+</span> title<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
</code></pre> <div class="line-numbers-wrapper"><span class="line-number">1</span><br><span class="line-number">2</span><br></div></div>
<div class="code-container">
<div class="code-text">
<h3>Tracking balances</h3>
You can also track changes in both ETH and ERC20 token balances
<div class="code-content">
<div class="language-js line-numbers-mode"><pre class="language-js"><code><span class="token keyword">const</span> address <span class="token operator">=</span> <span class="token string">"0x0001020304050607080900010203040506070809"</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
subspace<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">trackBalance</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>address<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">subscribe</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token parameter">balance</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span> <span class="token operator">=&gt;</span> <span class="token punctuation">{</span>
console<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">log</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">"ETH balance is "</span><span class="token punctuation">,</span> balance<span class="token punctuation">)</span>
<span class="token punctuation">}</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
subspace<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">trackBalance</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>address, <span class="token string">"0x744d70fdbe2ba4cf95131626614a1763df805b9e"</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">subscribe</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token parameter">balance</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span> <span class="token operator">=&gt;</span> <span class="token punctuation">{</span>
console<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">log</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">"SNT balance is "</span><span class="token punctuation">,</span> balance<span class="token punctuation">)</span>
<span class="token punctuation">}</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
</code></pre> <div class="line-numbers-wrapper"><span class="line-number">1</span><br><span class="line-number">2</span><br><span class="line-number">3</span><br><span class="line-number">4</span><br><span class="line-number">5</span><br><span class="line-number">6</span><br><span class="line-number">7</span><br><span class="line-number">8</span><br><span class="line-number">9</span><br></div></div>
<div class="code-container">
<div class="code-text">
<h3>React Integration</h3>
Subspace can make any react component compatible with observables so you easily reactive components
<div class="code-content">
<div class="language-js line-numbers-mode"><pre class="language-js"><code><span class="token keyword">import</span> <span class="token punctuation">{</span> observe <span class="token punctuation">}</span> <span class="token keyword">from</span> <span class="token string">"@embarklabs/subspace/react"</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> <span class="token function-variable function">ProductComponent</span> <span class="token operator">=</span> <span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token parameter"><span class="token punctuation">{</span> maxRating<span class="token punctuation">,</span> minRating<span class="token punctuation">,</span> averageRating <span class="token punctuation">}</span></span><span class="token punctuation">)</span> <span class="token operator">=&gt;</span> <span class="token punctuation">{</span>
<span class="token keyword">return</span> <span class="token operator">&lt;</span>ul<span class="token operator">&gt;</span>
<span class="token operator">&lt;</span>li<span class="token operator">&gt;</span><span class="token operator">&lt;</span>b<span class="token operator">&gt;</span>minimum rating<span class="token punctuation">:</span> <span class="token operator">&lt;</span><span class="token operator">/</span>b<span class="token operator">&gt;</span> <span class="token punctuation">{</span>minRating<span class="token punctuation">}</span><span class="token operator">&lt;</span><span class="token operator">/</span>li<span class="token operator">&gt;</span>
<span class="token operator">&lt;</span>li<span class="token operator">&gt;</span><span class="token operator">&lt;</span>b<span class="token operator">&gt;</span>maximum rating<span class="token punctuation">:</span> <span class="token operator">&lt;</span><span class="token operator">/</span>b<span class="token operator">&gt;</span> <span class="token punctuation">{</span>maxRating<span class="token punctuation">}</span><span class="token operator">&lt;</span><span class="token operator">/</span>li<span class="token operator">&gt;</span>
<span class="token operator">&lt;</span>li<span class="token operator">&gt;</span><span class="token operator">&lt;</span>b<span class="token operator">&gt;</span>average rating<span class="token punctuation">:</span> <span class="token operator">&lt;</span><span class="token operator">/</span>b<span class="token operator">&gt;</span> <span class="token punctuation">{</span>averageRating<span class="token punctuation">}</span><span class="token operator">&lt;</span><span class="token operator">/</span>li<span class="token operator">&gt;</span>
<span class="token operator">&lt;</span><span class="token operator">/</span>ul<span class="token operator">&gt;</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token punctuation">}</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> ReactiveProductComponent <span class="token operator">=</span> <span class="token function">observe</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>ProductComponent<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> Product <span class="token operator">=</span> subspace<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">contract</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">{</span>abi<span class="token punctuation">,</span> address<span class="token punctuation">}</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> rating$ <span class="token operator">=</span> Product<span class="token punctuation">.</span>events<span class="token punctuation">.</span>Rating<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">track</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">map</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">"rating"</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">pipe</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token function">map</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token parameter">x</span> <span class="token operator">=&gt;</span> <span class="token function">parseInt</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>x<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
ReactDOM<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">render</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>
<span class="token operator">&lt;</span>ReactiveProductComponent
maxRating<span class="token operator">=</span><span class="token punctuation">{</span>rating$<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">pipe</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token function">$max</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">}</span>
minRating<span class="token operator">=</span><span class="token punctuation">{</span>rating$<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">pipe</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token function">$min</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">}</span>
averageRating<span class="token operator">=</span><span class="token punctuation">{</span>rating$<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">pipe</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token function">$average</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">}</span>
<span class="token operator">/</span><span class="token operator">&gt;</span><span class="token punctuation">,</span>
document<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">getElementById</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">'hello-example'</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span>
<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
</code></pre> <div class="line-numbers-wrapper"><span class="line-number">1</span><br><span class="line-number">2</span><br><span class="line-number">3</span><br><span class="line-number">4</span><br><span class="line-number">5</span><br><span class="line-number">6</span><br><span class="line-number">7</span><br><span class="line-number">8</span><br><span class="line-number">9</span><br><span class="line-number">10</span><br><span class="line-number">11</span><br><span class="line-number">12</span><br><span class="line-number">13</span><br><span class="line-number">14</span><br><span class="line-number">15</span><br><span class="line-number">16</span><br><span class="line-number">17</span><br><span class="line-number">18</span><br><span class="line-number">19</span><br><span class="line-number">20</span><br><span class="line-number">21</span><br><span class="line-number">22</span><br><span class="line-number">23</span><br></div></div>
export default {};
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{ text: 'Getting Started', link: '/getting-started/' },
{ text: 'Integrations', link: '/integrations-overview' },
{ text: 'API', link: '/api' },
{ text: 'Github', link: '' },
sidebar: [
title: 'Integrations',
collapsable: false,
children: [
['/integrations-overview', 'Overview'],
title: 'Redux',
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children: [
['/tutorial', 'Tutorial'],

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border-color $borderColor
background #f1f3f5
display none
color #555
border-color $borderColor
.ds-cursor .algolia-docsearch-suggestion--content
background-color #e7edf3 !important
color $textColor
@media (min-width: $MQMobile)
float none
width 150px
min-width 150px
display table-cell
float none
display table-cell
width 100%
vertical-align top
min-width 515px !important
@media (max-width: $MQMobile)
min-width calc(100vw - 4rem) !important
max-width calc(100vw - 4rem) !important
padding 5px 7px 5px 5px !important
padding 0 !important
background white !important
content " > "
font-size 10px
line-height 14.4px
display inline-block
width 5px
margin -3px 3px 0
vertical-align middle

View File

@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
:class="{ open }"
<span class="title">{{ item.text }}</span>
:class="open ? 'down' : 'right'"
:key=" || index"
v-for="(subItem, index) in item.items"
<h4 v-if="subItem.type === 'links'">{{ subItem.text }}</h4>
v-if="subItem.type === 'links'"
v-for="childSubItem in subItem.items"
<NavLink :item="childSubItem"/>
import NavLink from '@theme/components/NavLink.vue'
import DropdownTransition from '@theme/components/DropdownTransition.vue'
export default {
components: { NavLink, DropdownTransition },
data () {
return {
open: false
props: {
item: {
required: true
methods: {
toggle () { = !
<style lang="stylus">
cursor pointer
display block
border-color transparent
vertical-align middle
margin-top -1px
margin-left 0.4rem
color inherit
line-height 1.7rem
margin 0.45rem 0 0
border-top 1px solid #eee
padding 0.45rem 1.5rem 0 1.25rem
padding 0
list-style none
font-size 0.9em
display block
line-height 1.7rem
position relative
border-bottom none
font-weight 400
margin-bottom 0
padding 0 1.5rem 0 1.25rem
color $accentColor
color $accentColor
content ""
width 0
height 0
border-left 5px solid $accentColor
border-top 3px solid transparent
border-bottom 3px solid transparent
position absolute
top calc(50% - 2px)
left 9px
&:first-child h4
margin-top 0
padding-top 0
border-top 0
@media (max-width: $MQMobile)
&.open .dropdown-title
margin-bottom 0.5rem
transition height .1s ease-out
overflow hidden
border-top 0
margin-top 0
padding-top 0
h4, & > a
font-size 15px
line-height 2rem
font-size 14px
padding-left 1rem
@media (min-width: $MQMobile)
height 1.8rem
&:hover .nav-dropdown
// override the inline style.
display block !important
.dropdown-title .arrow
// make the arrow always down at desktop
border-left 4px solid transparent
border-right 4px solid transparent
border-top 6px solid $arrowBgColor
border-bottom 0
display none
// Avoid height shaked by clicking
height auto !important
box-sizing border-box;
max-height calc(100vh - 2.7rem)
overflow-y auto
position absolute
top 100%
right 0
background-color #fff
padding 0.6rem 0
border 1px solid #ddd
border-bottom-color #ccc
text-align left
border-radius 0.25rem
white-space nowrap
margin 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
export default {
name: 'DropdownTransition',
methods: {
setHeight (items) {
// explicitly set height so that it can be transitioned = items.scrollHeight + 'px'
unsetHeight (items) { = ''
<style lang="stylus">
.dropdown-enter, .dropdown-leave-to
height 0 !important

View File

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
<main class="home" aria-labelledby="main-title">
<header class="hero">
:alt="data.heroAlt || 'hero'"
<h1 v-if="data.heroText !== null" id="main-title">{{ data.heroText || $title || 'Hello' }}</h1>
<p class="description">
{{ data.tagline || $description || 'Welcome to your VuePress site' }}
v-if="data.actionText && data.actionLink"
v-if="data.features && data.features.length"
v-for="(feature, index) in data.features"
<h2>{{ feature.title }}</h2>
<p>{{ feature.details }}</p>
<Content class="theme-default-content custom"/>
{{ data.footer }}
import NavLink from '@theme/components/NavLink.vue'
export default {
components: { NavLink },
computed: {
data () {
return this.$page.frontmatter
actionLink () {
return {
<style lang="stylus">
padding $navbarHeight 2rem 0
max-width 960px
margin 0px auto
display block
text-align center
max-width: 100%
max-height 280px
display block
margin 3rem auto 1.5rem
font-size 3rem
h1, .description, .action
margin 1.8rem auto
max-width 35rem
font-size 1.6rem
line-height 1.3
color lighten($textColor, 40%)
display inline-block
font-size 1.2rem
color #fff
background-color $accentColor
padding 0.8rem 1.6rem
border-radius 4px
transition background-color .1s ease
box-sizing border-box
border-bottom 1px solid darken($accentColor, 10%)
background-color lighten($accentColor, 10%)
border-top 1px solid $borderColor
padding 1.2rem 0
margin-top 2.5rem
display flex
flex-wrap wrap
align-items flex-start
align-content stretch
justify-content space-between
flex-grow 1
flex-basis 30%
max-width 30%
font-size 1.4rem
font-weight 500
border-bottom none
padding-bottom 0
color lighten($textColor, 10%)
color lighten($textColor, 25%)
padding 2.5rem
border-top 1px solid $borderColor
text-align center
color lighten($textColor, 25%)
@media (max-width: $MQMobile)
flex-direction column
max-width 100%
padding 0 2.5rem
@media (max-width: $MQMobileNarrow)
padding-left 1.5rem
padding-right 1.5rem
max-height 210px
margin 2rem auto 1.2rem
font-size 2rem
h1, .description, .action
margin 1.2rem auto
font-size 1.2rem
font-size 1rem
padding 0.6rem 1.2rem
font-size 1.25rem

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
>{{ item.text }}</router-link>
class="nav-link external"
:target="isMailto(link) || isTel(link) ? null : '_blank'"
:rel="isMailto(link) || isTel(link) ? null : 'noopener noreferrer'"
{{ item.text }}
import { isExternal, isMailto, isTel, ensureExt } from '../util'
export default {
props: {
item: {
required: true
computed: {
link () {
return ensureExt(
exact () {
if (this.$site.locales) {
return Object.keys(this.$site.locales).some(rootLink => rootLink ===
return === '/'
methods: {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
v-if="userLinks.length || repoLink"
<!-- user links -->
v-for="item in userLinks"
v-if="item.type === 'links'"
<!-- repo link -->
rel="noopener noreferrer"
{{ repoLabel }}
import DropdownLink from '@theme/components/DropdownLink.vue'
import { resolveNavLinkItem } from '../util'
import NavLink from '@theme/components/NavLink.vue'
export default {
components: { NavLink, DropdownLink },
computed: {
userNav () {
return this.$themeLocaleConfig.nav || this.$site.themeConfig.nav || []
nav () {
const { locales } = this.$site
if (locales && Object.keys(locales).length > 1) {
const currentLink = this.$page.path
const routes = this.$router.options.routes
const themeLocales = this.$site.themeConfig.locales || {}
const languageDropdown = {
text: this.$themeLocaleConfig.selectText || 'Languages',
items: Object.keys(locales).map(path => {
const locale = locales[path]
const text = themeLocales[path] && themeLocales[path].label || locale.lang
let link
// Stay on the current page
if (locale.lang === this.$lang) {
link = currentLink
} else {
// Try to stay on the same page
link = currentLink.replace(this.$localeConfig.path, path)
// fallback to homepage
if (!routes.some(route => route.path === link)) {
link = path
return { text, link }
return [...this.userNav, languageDropdown]
return this.userNav
userLinks () {
return (this.nav || []).map(link => {
return Object.assign(resolveNavLinkItem(link), {
items: (link.items || []).map(resolveNavLinkItem)
repoLink () {
const { repo } = this.$site.themeConfig
if (repo) {
return /^https?:/.test(repo)
? repo
: `${repo}`
repoLabel () {
if (!this.repoLink) return
if (this.$site.themeConfig.repoLabel) {
return this.$site.themeConfig.repoLabel
const repoHost = this.repoLink.match(/^https?:\/\/[^/]+/)[0]
const platforms = ['GitHub', 'GitLab', 'Bitbucket']
for (let i = 0; i < platforms.length; i++) {
const platform = platforms[i]
if (new RegExp(platform, 'i').test(repoHost)) {
return platform
return 'Source'
<style lang="stylus">
display inline-block
line-height 1.4rem
color inherit
&:hover, &.router-link-active
color $accentColor
position relative
display inline-block
margin-left 1.5rem
line-height 2rem
margin-left 0
margin-left 1.5rem
@media (max-width: $MQMobile)
.nav-item, .repo-link
margin-left 0
@media (min-width: $MQMobile)
.nav-links a
&:hover, &.router-link-active
color $textColor
.nav-item > a:not(.external)
&:hover, &.router-link-active
margin-bottom -2px
border-bottom 2px solid lighten($accentColor, 8%)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
<header class="navbar">
<SidebarButton @toggle-sidebar="$emit('toggle-sidebar')"/>
:class="{ 'can-hide': $site.themeConfig.logo }"
>{{ $siteTitle }}</span>
:style="linksWrapMaxWidth ? {
'max-width': linksWrapMaxWidth + 'px'
} : {}"
<SearchBox v-else-if="$ !== false && $ !== false"/>
<NavLinks class="can-hide"/>
import AlgoliaSearchBox from '@AlgoliaSearchBox'
import SearchBox from '@SearchBox'
import SidebarButton from '@theme/components/SidebarButton.vue'
import NavLinks from '@theme/components/NavLinks.vue'
export default {
components: { SidebarButton, NavLinks, SearchBox, AlgoliaSearchBox },
data () {
return {
linksWrapMaxWidth: null
mounted () {
const MOBILE_DESKTOP_BREAKPOINT = 719 // refer to config.styl
const NAVBAR_VERTICAL_PADDING = parseInt(css(this.$el, 'paddingLeft')) + parseInt(css(this.$el, 'paddingRight'))
const handleLinksWrapWidth = () => {
if (document.documentElement.clientWidth < MOBILE_DESKTOP_BREAKPOINT) {
this.linksWrapMaxWidth = null
} else {
this.linksWrapMaxWidth = this.$el.offsetWidth - NAVBAR_VERTICAL_PADDING
- (this.$refs.siteName && this.$refs.siteName.offsetWidth || 0)
window.addEventListener('resize', handleLinksWrapWidth, false)
computed: {
algolia () {
return this.$themeLocaleConfig.algolia || this.$site.themeConfig.algolia || {}
isAlgoliaSearch () {
return this.algolia && this.algolia.apiKey && this.algolia.indexName
function css (el, property) {
// NOTE: Known bug, will return 'auto' if style value is 'auto'
const win = el.ownerDocument.defaultView
// null means not to return pseudo styles
return win.getComputedStyle(el, null)[property]
<style lang="stylus">
$navbar-vertical-padding = 0.7rem
$navbar-horizontal-padding = 1.5rem
padding $navbar-vertical-padding $navbar-horizontal-padding
line-height $navbarHeight - 1.4rem
a, span, img
display inline-block
height $navbarHeight - 1.4rem
min-width $navbarHeight - 1.4rem
margin-right 0.8rem
vertical-align top
font-size 1.3rem
font-weight 600
color $textColor
position relative
padding-left 1.5rem
box-sizing border-box
background-color white
white-space nowrap
font-size 0.9rem
position absolute
right $navbar-horizontal-padding
top $navbar-vertical-padding
display flex
flex: 0 0 auto
vertical-align top
@media (max-width: $MQMobile)
padding-left 4rem
display none
padding-left 1.5rem
width calc(100vw - 9.4rem)
overflow hidden
white-space nowrap
text-overflow ellipsis

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
<main class="page">
<slot name="top" />
<Content class="theme-default-content" />
<PageEdit />
<PageNav v-bind="{ sidebarItems }" />
<slot name="bottom" />
import PageEdit from '@theme/components/PageEdit.vue'
import PageNav from '@theme/components/PageNav.vue'
export default {
components: { PageEdit, PageNav },
props: ['sidebarItems']
<style lang="stylus">
@require '../styles/wrapper.styl';
.page {
padding-bottom: 2rem;
display: block;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<footer class="page-edit">
<div class="edit-link" v-if="editLink">
<a :href="editLink" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">{{ editLinkText }}</a>
<OutboundLink />
<div class="last-updated" v-if="lastUpdated">
<span class="prefix">{{ lastUpdatedText }}:</span>
<span class="time">{{ lastUpdated }}</span>
import { endingSlashRE, outboundRE } from '../util'
export default {
name: 'PageEdit',
computed: {
lastUpdated () {
return this.$page.lastUpdated
lastUpdatedText () {
if (typeof this.$themeLocaleConfig.lastUpdated === 'string') {
return this.$themeLocaleConfig.lastUpdated
if (typeof this.$site.themeConfig.lastUpdated === 'string') {
return this.$site.themeConfig.lastUpdated
return 'Last Updated'
editLink () {
if (this.$page.frontmatter.editLink === false) {
const {
docsDir = '',
docsBranch = 'master',
docsRepo = repo
} = this.$site.themeConfig
if (docsRepo && editLinks && this.$page.relativePath) {
return this.createEditLink(
editLinkText () {
return (
|| this.$site.themeConfig.editLinkText
|| `Edit this page`
methods: {
createEditLink (repo, docsRepo, docsDir, docsBranch, path) {
const bitbucket = /
if (bitbucket.test(repo)) {
const base = outboundRE.test(docsRepo) ? docsRepo : repo
return (
base.replace(endingSlashRE, '')
+ `/src`
+ `/${docsBranch}/`
+ (docsDir ? docsDir.replace(endingSlashRE, '') + '/' : '')
+ path
+ `?mode=edit&spa=0&at=${docsBranch}&fileviewer=file-view-default`
const base = outboundRE.test(docsRepo)
? docsRepo
: `${docsRepo}`
return (
base.replace(endingSlashRE, '')
+ `/edit`
+ `/${docsBranch}/`
+ (docsDir ? docsDir.replace(endingSlashRE, '') + '/' : '')
+ path
<style lang="stylus">
@require '../styles/wrapper.styl';
.page-edit {
@extend $wrapper;
padding-top: 1rem;
padding-bottom: 1rem;
overflow: auto;
.edit-link {
display: inline-block;
a {
color: lighten($textColor, 25%);
margin-right: 0.25rem;
.last-updated {
float: right;
font-size: 0.9em;
.prefix {
font-weight: 500;
color: lighten($textColor, 25%);
.time {
font-weight: 400;
color: #aaa;
@media (max-width: $MQMobile) {
.page-edit {
.edit-link {
margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
.last-updated {
font-size: 0.8em;
float: none;
text-align: left;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
<div class="page-nav" v-if="prev || next">
<p class="inner">
<span v-if="prev" class="prev">
<router-link v-if="prev" class="prev" :to="prev.path">{{ prev.title || prev.path }}</router-link>
<span v-if="next" class="next">
<router-link v-if="next" :to="next.path">{{ next.title || next.path }}</router-link>
import { resolvePage } from '../util'
import isString from 'lodash/isString'
import isNil from 'lodash/isNil'
export default {
name: 'PageNav',
props: ['sidebarItems'],
computed: {
prev () {
return resolvePageLink(LINK_TYPES.PREV, this)
next () {
return resolvePageLink(LINK_TYPES.NEXT, this)
function resolvePrev (page, items) {
return find(page, items, -1)
function resolveNext (page, items) {
return find(page, items, 1)
const LINK_TYPES = {
resolveLink: resolveNext,
getThemeLinkConfig: ({ nextLinks }) => nextLinks,
getPageLinkConfig: ({ frontmatter }) =>
resolveLink: resolvePrev,
getThemeLinkConfig: ({ prevLinks }) => prevLinks,
getPageLinkConfig: ({ frontmatter }) => frontmatter.prev
function resolvePageLink (
{ $themeConfig, $page, $route, $site, sidebarItems }
) {
const { resolveLink, getThemeLinkConfig, getPageLinkConfig } = linkType
// Get link config from theme
const themeLinkConfig = getThemeLinkConfig($themeConfig)
// Get link config from current page
const pageLinkConfig = getPageLinkConfig($page)
// Page link config will overwrite global theme link config if defined
const link = isNil(pageLinkConfig) ? themeLinkConfig : pageLinkConfig
if (link === false) {
} else if (isString(link)) {
return resolvePage($site.pages, link, $route.path)
} else {
return resolveLink($page, sidebarItems)
function find (page, items, offset) {
const res = []
flatten(items, res)
for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
const cur = res[i]
if (cur.type === 'page' && cur.path === decodeURIComponent(page.path)) {
return res[i + offset]
function flatten (items, res) {
for (let i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
if (items[i].type === 'group') {
flatten(items[i].children || [], res)
} else {
<style lang="stylus">
@require '../styles/wrapper.styl';
.page-nav {
@extend $wrapper;
padding-top: 1rem;
padding-bottom: 0;
.inner {
min-height: 2rem;
margin-top: 0;
border-top: 1px solid $borderColor;
padding-top: 1rem;
overflow: auto; // clear float
.next {
float: right;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
<aside class="sidebar">
<slot name="top"/>
<SidebarLinks :depth="0" :items="items"/>
<slot name="bottom"/>
import SidebarLinks from '@theme/components/SidebarLinks.vue'
import NavLinks from '@theme/components/NavLinks.vue'
export default {
name: 'Sidebar',
components: { SidebarLinks, NavLinks },
props: ['items']
<style lang="stylus">
padding 0
margin 0
list-style-type none
display inline-block
display none
border-bottom 1px solid $borderColor
padding 0.5rem 0 0.75rem 0
font-weight 600
.nav-item, .repo-link
display block
line-height 1.25rem
font-size 1.1em
padding 0.5rem 0 0.5rem 1.5rem
& > .sidebar-links
padding 1.5rem 0
& > li > a.sidebar-link
font-size 1.1em
line-height 1.7
font-weight bold
& > li:not(:first-child)
margin-top .75rem
@media (max-width: $MQMobile)
display block
.dropdown-wrapper .nav-dropdown .dropdown-item a.router-link-active::after
top calc(1rem - 2px)
& > .sidebar-links
padding 1rem 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
<div class="sidebar-button" @click="$emit('toggle-sidebar')">
<svg class="icon" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" role="img" viewBox="0 0 448 512">
<path fill="currentColor" d="M436 124H12c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12V80c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h424c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v32c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12zm0 160H12c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-32c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h424c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v32c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12zm0 160H12c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-32c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h424c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v32c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12z" class=""></path>
<style lang="stylus">
cursor pointer
display none
width 1.25rem
height 1.25rem
position absolute
padding 0.6rem
top 0.6rem
left 1rem
display block
width 1.25rem
height 1.25rem
@media (max-width: $MQMobile)
display block

View File

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
'is-sub-group': depth !== 0
class="sidebar-heading clickable"
'active': isActive($route, item.path)
<span>{{ item.title }}</span>
:class="open ? 'down' : 'right'">
:class="{ open }"
<span>{{ item.title }}</span>
:class="open ? 'down' : 'right'">
v-if="open || !collapsable"
:depth="depth + 1"
import { isActive } from '../util'
import DropdownTransition from '@theme/components/DropdownTransition.vue'
export default {
name: 'SidebarGroup',
props: ['item', 'open', 'collapsable', 'depth'],
components: { DropdownTransition },
// ref:
beforeCreate () {
this.$options.components.SidebarLinks = require('./SidebarLinks.vue').default
methods: { isActive }
<style lang="stylus">
padding-left 0.5em
cursor auto
color inherit
// refine styles of nested sidebar groups
padding-left 0
& > .sidebar-heading
font-size 0.95em
line-height 1.4
font-weight normal
padding-left 2rem
opacity 0.5
& > .sidebar-group-items
padding-left 1rem
& > li > .sidebar-link
font-size: 0.95em;
border-left none
& > .sidebar-heading
border-left none
color $textColor
transition color .15s ease
cursor pointer
font-size 1.1em
font-weight bold
// text-transform uppercase
padding 0.35rem 1.5rem 0.35rem 1.25rem
width 100%
box-sizing border-box
margin 0
border-left 0.25rem solid transparent
&.open, &:hover
color inherit
position relative
top -0.12em
left 0.5em
font-weight 600
color $accentColor
border-left-color $accentColor
color $accentColor
transition height .1s ease-out
font-size 0.95em
overflow hidden

View File

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
import { isActive, hashRE, groupHeaders } from '../util'
export default {
functional: true,
props: ['item', 'sidebarDepth'],
render (h,
parent: {
props: {
}) {
// use custom active class matching logic
// due to edge case of paths ending with / + hash
const selfActive = isActive($route, item.path)
// for sidebar: auto pages, a hash link should be active if one of its child
// matches
const active = item.type === 'auto'
? selfActive || item.children.some(c => isActive($route, item.basePath + '#' + c.slug))
: selfActive
const link = item.type === 'external'
? renderExternal(h, item.path, item.title || item.path)
: renderLink(h, item.path, item.title || item.path, active)
const maxDepth = [
].find(depth => depth !== undefined)
const displayAllHeaders = $themeLocaleConfig.displayAllHeaders
|| $themeConfig.displayAllHeaders
if (item.type === 'auto') {
return [link, renderChildren(h, item.children, item.basePath, $route, maxDepth)]
} else if ((active || displayAllHeaders) && item.headers && !hashRE.test(item.path)) {
const children = groupHeaders(item.headers)
return [link, renderChildren(h, children, item.path, $route, maxDepth)]
} else {
return link
function renderLink (h, to, text, active) {
return h('router-link', {
props: {
activeClass: '',
exactActiveClass: ''
class: {
'sidebar-link': true
}, text)
function renderChildren (h, children, path, route, maxDepth, depth = 1) {
if (!children || depth > maxDepth) return null
return h('ul', { class: 'sidebar-sub-headers' }, => {
const active = isActive(route, path + '#' + c.slug)
return h('li', { class: 'sidebar-sub-header' }, [
renderLink(h, path + '#' + c.slug, c.title, active),
renderChildren(h, c.children, path, route, maxDepth, depth + 1)
function renderExternal (h, to, text) {
return h('a', {
attrs: {
href: to,
target: '_blank',
rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
class: {
'sidebar-link': true
}, [text, h('OutboundLink')])
<style lang="stylus">
.sidebar .sidebar-sub-headers
padding-left 1rem
font-size 0.95em
font-size 1em
font-weight 400
display inline-block
color $textColor
border-left 0.25rem solid transparent
padding 0.35rem 1rem 0.35rem 1.25rem
line-height 1.4
width: 100%
box-sizing: border-box
color $accentColor
font-weight 600
color $accentColor
border-left-color $accentColor
.sidebar-group &
padding-left 2rem
.sidebar-sub-headers &
padding-top 0.25rem
padding-bottom 0.25rem
border-left none
font-weight 500

View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
<li v-for="(item, i) in items" :key="i">
v-if="item.type === 'group'"
:open="i === openGroupIndex"
:collapsable="item.collapsable || item.collapsible"
import SidebarGroup from '@theme/components/SidebarGroup.vue'
import SidebarLink from '@theme/components/SidebarLink.vue'
import { isActive } from '../util'
export default {
name: 'SidebarLinks',
components: { SidebarGroup, SidebarLink },
props: [
'depth', // depth of current sidebar links
'sidebarDepth' // depth of headers to be extracted
data () {
return {
openGroupIndex: 0
created () {
watch: {
'$route' () {
methods: {
refreshIndex () {
const index = resolveOpenGroupIndex(
if (index > -1) {
this.openGroupIndex = index
toggleGroup (index) {
this.openGroupIndex = index === this.openGroupIndex ? -1 : index
isActive (page) {
return isActive(this.$route, page.regularPath)
function resolveOpenGroupIndex (route, items) {
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
const item = items[i]
if (descendantIsActive(route, item)) {
return i
return -1
function descendantIsActive (route, item) {
if (item.type === 'group') {
return item.children.some(child => {
if (child.type === 'group') {
return descendantIsActive(route, child)
} else {
return child.type === 'page' && isActive(route, child.path)
return false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
export default {
functional: true,
props: {
type: {
type: String,
default: 'tip'
text: String,
vertical: {
type: String,
default: 'top'
render (h, { props, slots }) {
return h('span', {
class: ['badge', props.type],
style: {
verticalAlign: props.vertical
}, props.text || slots().default)
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
display inline-block
font-size 14px
height 18px
line-height 18px
border-radius 3px
padding 0 6px
color white
background-color #42b983
&.tip, &.green
background-color #42b983
background-color #DA5961 //#f66
&.warning, &.warn, &.yellow
background-color darken(#ffe564, 35%)
& + &
margin-left 5px

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
const path = require('path')
// Theme API.
module.exports = (options, ctx) => ({
alias () {
const { themeConfig, siteConfig } = ctx
// resolve algolia
const isAlgoliaSearch = (
|| Object.keys(siteConfig.locales && themeConfig.locales || {})
.some(base => themeConfig.locales[base].algolia)
return {
'@AlgoliaSearchBox': isAlgoliaSearch
? path.resolve(__dirname, 'components/AlgoliaSearchBox.vue')
: path.resolve(__dirname, 'noopModule.js')
plugins: [
['@vuepress/active-header-links', options.activeHeaderLinks],
['container', {
type: 'tip',
defaultTitle: {
'/zh/': '提示'
['container', {
type: 'warning',
defaultTitle: {
'/zh/': '注意'
['container', {
type: 'danger',
defaultTitle: {
'/zh/': '警告'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
<div class="theme-container">
<div class="theme-default-content">
<blockquote>{{ getMsg() }}</blockquote>
<router-link to="/">Take me home.</router-link>
const msgs = [
`There's nothing here.`,
`How did we get here?`,
`That's a Four-Oh-Four.`,
`Looks like we've got some broken links.`
export default {
methods: {
getMsg () {
return msgs[Math.floor(Math.random() * msgs.length)]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
<!-- Fathom - simple website analytics - -->
<script type="text/javascript">
(function(f, a, t, h, o, m){
o.async=1; o.src=t;'fathom-script';
})(document, window, '//', 'fathom');
fathom('set', 'siteId', 'DNONS');
<!-- / Fathom -->
<Home v-if="$page.frontmatter.home"/>
import Home from '@theme/components/Home.vue'
import Navbar from '@theme/components/Navbar.vue'
import Page from '@theme/components/Page.vue'
import Sidebar from '@theme/components/Sidebar.vue'
import { resolveSidebarItems } from '../util'
export default {
components: { Home, Page, Sidebar, Navbar },
data () {
return {
isSidebarOpen: false
computed: {
shouldShowNavbar () {
const { themeConfig } = this.$site
const { frontmatter } = this.$page
if (
frontmatter.navbar === false
|| themeConfig.navbar === false) {
return false
return (
|| themeConfig.logo
|| themeConfig.repo
|| themeConfig.nav
|| this.$themeLocaleConfig.nav
shouldShowSidebar () {
const { frontmatter } = this.$page
return (
&& frontmatter.sidebar !== false
&& this.sidebarItems.length
sidebarItems () {
return resolveSidebarItems(
pageClasses () {
const userPageClass = this.$page.frontmatter.pageClass
return [
'no-navbar': !this.shouldShowNavbar,
'sidebar-open': this.isSidebarOpen,
'no-sidebar': !this.shouldShowSidebar
mounted () {
this.$router.afterEach(() => {
this.isSidebarOpen = false
methods: {
toggleSidebar (to) {
this.isSidebarOpen = typeof to === 'boolean' ? to : !this.isSidebarOpen
this.$emit('toggle-sidebar', this.isSidebarOpen)
// side swipe
onTouchStart (e) {
this.touchStart = {
x: e.changedTouches[0].clientX,
y: e.changedTouches[0].clientY
onTouchEnd (e) {
const dx = e.changedTouches[0].clientX - this.touchStart.x
const dy = e.changedTouches[0].clientY - this.touchStart.y
if (Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy) && Math.abs(dx) > 40) {
if (dx > 0 && this.touchStart.x <= 80) {
} else {

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
export default {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
@require './config'
display inline-block
width 0
height 0
border-left 4px solid transparent
border-right 4px solid transparent
border-bottom 6px solid $arrowBgColor
border-left 4px solid transparent
border-right 4px solid transparent
border-top 6px solid $arrowBgColor
border-top 4px solid transparent
border-bottom 4px solid transparent
border-left 6px solid $arrowBgColor
border-top 4px solid transparent
border-bottom 4px solid transparent
border-right 6px solid $arrowBgColor

View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
color lighten($textColor, 20%)
padding 0.25rem 0.5rem
margin 0
font-size 0.85em
background-color rgba(27,31,35,0.05)
border-radius 3px
color #EC5975
color $accentColor
pre, pre[class*="language-"]
line-height 1.4
padding 1.25rem 1.5rem
margin 0.85rem 0
background-color $codeBgColor
border-radius 6px
overflow auto
color #fff
padding 0
background-color transparent
border-radius 0
position relative
background-color $codeBgColor
border-radius 6px
user-select none
padding-top 1.3rem
position absolute
top 0
left 0
width 100%
line-height 1.4
background-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 66%)
pre, pre[class*="language-"]
background transparent
position relative
z-index 1
position absolute
z-index 3
top 0.8em
right 1em
font-size 0.75rem
color rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4)
display none
.highlight-lines .highlighted
position relative
content ' '
position absolute
z-index 3
left 0
top 0
display block
width $lineNumbersWrapperWidth
height 100%
background-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 66%)
padding-left $lineNumbersWrapperWidth + 1 rem
vertical-align middle
position absolute
top 0
width $lineNumbersWrapperWidth
text-align center
color rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)
padding 1.25rem 0
line-height 1.4
user-select none
position relative
z-index 4
user-select none
font-size 0.85em
content ''
position absolute
z-index 2
top 0
left 0
width $lineNumbersWrapperWidth
height 100%
border-radius 6px 0 0 6px
border-right 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 66%)
background-color $codeBgColor
for lang in $codeLang
div{'[class~="language-' + lang + '"]'}
content ('' + lang)
content "js"
content "ts"
content "html"
content "md"
content "json"
content "rb"
content "py"
content "sh"
content "php"
@import '~prismjs/themes/prism-tomorrow.css'

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
$contentClass = '.theme-default-content'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
font-weight 600
margin-bottom -0.4rem
&.tip, &.warning, &.danger
padding .1rem 1.5rem
border-left-width .5rem
border-left-style solid
margin 1rem 0
background-color #f3f5f7
border-color #42b983
background-color rgba(255,229,100,.3)
border-color darken(#ffe564, 35%)
color darken(#ffe564, 70%)
color darken(#ffe564, 50%)
color $textColor
background-color #ffe6e6
border-color darken(red, 20%)
color darken(red, 70%)
color darken(red, 40%)
color $textColor

View File

@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
@require './config'
@require './code'
@require './custom-blocks'
@require './arrow'
@require './wrapper'
@require './toc'
html, body
padding 0
margin 0
background-color #fff
font-family -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Fira Sans", "Droid Sans", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif
-webkit-font-smoothing antialiased
-moz-osx-font-smoothing grayscale
font-size 16px
color $textColor
padding-left $sidebarWidth
position fixed
z-index 20
top 0
left 0
right 0
height $navbarHeight
background-color #fff
box-sizing border-box
border-bottom 1px solid $borderColor
position fixed
z-index 9
top 0
left 0
width 100vw
height 100vh
display none
font-size 16px
background-color #fff
width $sidebarWidth
position fixed
z-index 10
margin 0
top $navbarHeight
left 0
bottom 0
box-sizing border-box
border-right 1px solid $borderColor
overflow-y auto
@extend $wrapper
> *:first-child
margin-top $navbarHeight
text-decoration underline
padding 1rem 1.5rem
border 1px solid #ddd
border-radius 4px
max-width 100%
padding 0
margin 0
max-width 100%
font-weight 500
color $accentColor
text-decoration none
p a code
font-weight 400
color $accentColor
background #eee
border solid 0.15rem #ddd
border-bottom solid 0.25rem #ddd
border-radius 0.15rem
padding 0 0.15em
font-size 1rem
color #999;
border-left .2rem solid #dfe2e5
margin 1rem 0
padding .25rem 0 .25rem 1rem
& > p
margin 0
ul, ol
padding-left 1.2em
font-weight 600
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
font-weight 600
line-height 1.25
{$contentClass}:not(.custom) > &
margin-top (0.5rem - $navbarHeight)
padding-top ($navbarHeight + 1rem)
margin-bottom 0
margin-top -1.5rem
margin-bottom 1rem
+ p, + pre, + .custom-block
margin-top 2rem
&:hover .header-anchor
opacity: 1
font-size 2.2rem
font-size 1.65rem
padding-bottom .3rem
border-bottom 1px solid $borderColor
font-size 1.35rem
font-size 0.85em
float left
margin-left -0.87em
padding-right 0.23em
margin-top 0.125em
opacity 0
text-decoration none
code, kbd, .line-number
font-family source-code-pro, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Courier New", monospace
p, ul, ol
line-height 1.7
border 0
border-top 1px solid $borderColor
border-collapse collapse
margin 1rem 0
display: block
overflow-x: auto
border-top 1px solid #dfe2e5
background-color #f6f8fa
th, td
border 1px solid #dfe2e5
padding .6em 1em
display: block
{$contentClass}:not(.custom) > h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
margin-top 1.5rem
padding-top 0
top 0
@media (min-width: ($MQMobile + 1px))
display none
padding-left 0
@require 'mobile.styl'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
@require './config'
$mobileSidebarWidth = $sidebarWidth * 0.82
// narrow desktop / iPad
@media (max-width: $MQNarrow)
font-size 15px
width $mobileSidebarWidth
padding-left $mobileSidebarWidth
// wide mobile
@media (max-width: $MQMobile)
top 0
padding-top $navbarHeight
transform translateX(-100%)
transition transform .2s ease
padding-left 0
transform translateX(0)
padding-top: 0
// narrow mobile
@media (max-width: $MQMobileNarrow)
font-size 1.9rem
margin 0.85rem -1.5rem
border-radius 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
vertical-align middle

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
max-width $contentWidth
margin 0 auto
padding 2rem 2.5rem
@media (max-width: $MQNarrow)
padding 2rem
@media (max-width: $MQMobileNarrow)
padding 1.5rem

View File

@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
export const hashRE = /#.*$/
export const extRE = /\.(md|html)$/
export const endingSlashRE = /\/$/
export const outboundRE = /^[a-z]+:/i
export function normalize (path) {
return decodeURI(path)
.replace(hashRE, '')
.replace(extRE, '')
export function getHash (path) {
const match = path.match(hashRE)
if (match) {
return match[0]
export function isExternal (path) {
return outboundRE.test(path)
export function isMailto (path) {
return /^mailto:/.test(path)
export function isTel (path) {
return /^tel:/.test(path)
export function ensureExt (path) {
if (isExternal(path)) {
return path
const hashMatch = path.match(hashRE)
const hash = hashMatch ? hashMatch[0] : ''
const normalized = normalize(path)
if (endingSlashRE.test(normalized)) {
return path
return normalized + '.html' + hash
export function isActive (route, path) {
const routeHash = route.hash
const linkHash = getHash(path)
if (linkHash && routeHash !== linkHash) {
return false
const routePath = normalize(route.path)
const pagePath = normalize(path)
return routePath === pagePath
export function resolvePage (pages, rawPath, base) {
if (isExternal(rawPath)) {
return {
type: 'external',
path: rawPath
if (base) {
rawPath = resolvePath(rawPath, base)
const path = normalize(rawPath)
for (let i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) {
if (normalize(pages[i].regularPath) === path) {
return Object.assign({}, pages[i], {
type: 'page',
path: ensureExt(pages[i].path)
console.error(`[vuepress] No matching page found for sidebar item "${rawPath}"`)
return {}
function resolvePath (relative, base, append) {
const firstChar = relative.charAt(0)
if (firstChar === '/') {
return relative
if (firstChar === '?' || firstChar === '#') {
return base + relative
const stack = base.split('/')
// remove trailing segment if:
// - not appending
// - appending to trailing slash (last segment is empty)
if (!append || !stack[stack.length - 1]) {
// resolve relative path
const segments = relative.replace(/^\//, '').split('/')
for (let i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
const segment = segments[i]
if (segment === '..') {
} else if (segment !== '.') {
// ensure leading slash
if (stack[0] !== '') {
return stack.join('/')
* @param { Page } page
* @param { string } regularPath
* @param { SiteData } site
* @param { string } localePath
* @returns { SidebarGroup }
export function resolveSidebarItems (page, regularPath, site, localePath) {
const { pages, themeConfig } = site
const localeConfig = localePath && themeConfig.locales
? themeConfig.locales[localePath] || themeConfig
: themeConfig
const pageSidebarConfig = page.frontmatter.sidebar || localeConfig.sidebar || themeConfig.sidebar
if (pageSidebarConfig === 'auto') {
return resolveHeaders(page)
const sidebarConfig = localeConfig.sidebar || themeConfig.sidebar
if (!sidebarConfig) {
return []
} else {
const { base, config } = resolveMatchingConfig(regularPath, sidebarConfig)
return config
? => resolveItem(item, pages, base))
: []
* @param { Page } page
* @returns { SidebarGroup }
function resolveHeaders (page) {
const headers = groupHeaders(page.headers || [])
return [{
type: 'group',
collapsable: false,
title: page.title,
path: null,
children: => ({
type: 'auto',
title: h.title,
basePath: page.path,
path: page.path + '#' + h.slug,
children: h.children || []
export function groupHeaders (headers) {
// group h3s under h2
headers = => Object.assign({}, h))
let lastH2
headers.forEach(h => {
if (h.level === 2) {
lastH2 = h
} else if (lastH2) {
(lastH2.children || (lastH2.children = [])).push(h)
return headers.filter(h => h.level === 2)
export function resolveNavLinkItem (linkItem) {
return Object.assign(linkItem, {
type: linkItem.items && linkItem.items.length ? 'links' : 'link'
* @param { Route } route
* @param { Array<string|string[]> | Array<SidebarGroup> | [link: string]: SidebarConfig } config
* @returns { base: string, config: SidebarConfig }
export function resolveMatchingConfig (regularPath, config) {
if (Array.isArray(config)) {
return {
base: '/',
config: config
for (const base in config) {
if (ensureEndingSlash(regularPath).indexOf(encodeURI(base)) === 0) {
return {
config: config[base]
return {}
function ensureEndingSlash (path) {
return /(\.html|\/)$/.test(path)
? path
: path + '/'
function resolveItem (item, pages, base, groupDepth = 1) {
if (typeof item === 'string') {
return resolvePage(pages, item, base)
} else if (Array.isArray(item)) {
return Object.assign(resolvePage(pages, item[0], base), {
title: item[1]
} else {
if (groupDepth > 3) {
'[vuepress] detected a too deep nested sidebar group.'
const children = item.children || []
if (children.length === 0 && item.path) {
return Object.assign(resolvePage(pages, item.path, base), {
title: item.title
return {
type: 'group',
path: item.path,
title: item.title,
sidebarDepth: item.sidebarDepth,
children: => resolveItem(child, pages, base, groupDepth + 1)),
collapsable: item.collapsable !== false

packages/docs/LICENSE Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2019 Status
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

packages/docs/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
## General
### `new Subspace(web3Provider [, options])`
1. `web3Provider` - `Object`: a valid web3 provider.
2. `options` - `Object` (optional): Options used to initialize Subspace
- `dbFilename` - `String` (optional): Name of the database where the information will be stored (default `'subspace.db'`)
- `callInterval` - `Number` (optional): - Interval of time in milliseconds to poll a contract/address to determine changes in state or balance (default: `undefined`. Obtains data every block. If using a HttpProvider, the default is: `1000`)
- `refreshLastNBlocks` - Ignores last N blocks (from current block), stored in the local db and refresh them via a web3 subscription. Useful for possible reorgs (default: 12),
- `disableSubscriptions` - Subspace by default will attempt to use websocket subscriptions if the current provider supports them, otherwise it will use polling because it asumes the provider is an HttpProvider. This functionality can be disabled by passing true to this option. (default: undefined)
### `init()`
Initializes **Subspace**
`Promise` that once it's resolved, will mean that **Subspace** is available to use
### `close()`
Dispose and perform the cleanup necessary to remove the internal subscriptions and interval timers created by **Subspace** during its normal execution.
### `contract(instance|{abi,address})`
Adds a `track` method to the web3 contract objects. You can obtain this functionality by passing a `web3.eth.Contract` instance, or the `abi` and `address` of your contract
`web3.eth.Contract` object enhanced with `.track()` functions for methods and events.
## Contract methods
### `[options])`
Track a contract event.
1. `options` - `Object` (optional): web3 filter options object to limit the number of events based on a block number range, or indexed filters
- `filter` - `Object` (optional): Lets you filter events by indexed parameters, e.g. `{filter: {myNumber: [12,13]}}` means all events where `"myNumber"` is `12` or `13`.
- `fromBlock` - `Number` (optional): The block number from which to get events on.
- `toBlock` - `Number` (optional): The block number to get events up to (Defaults to `"latest"`)
- `topics` - `Array` (optional): This allows you to manually set the topics for the event filter. If given the filter property and event signature, (`topic[0]`) will not be set automatically.
`RxJS Observable` which will stream the event `returnValues`.
### `myContract.methods.myMethod([param1[, ...]]).track([callOptions])`
Track a constant function / contract state variable on each block mined, or depending on the `callInterval` option used during **Subspace** initialization.
1. `callOptions` - `Object` (optional): The options used for calling.
- `from` - `String` (optional): The address the call “transaction” should be made from.
- `gasPrice` - `String` (optional): The gas price in wei to use for this call “transaction”.
- `gas` - `Number` (optional): The maximum gas provided for this call “transaction” (gas limit).
`RxJS Observable` which will stream the function / variable values. Data type will depend on the contract function invoked.
### `myContract.trackBalance(address [, tokenAddress])`
Track a contract's balance changes for an address on each block mined, or depending on the `callInterval` option used during **Subspace** initialization.
1. `address` - `String`: The address to get the balance of.
2. `tokenAddress` - `String` (optional): If you want to track the balance for an ERC20 contract, here you can specify the token address. Otherwise, Only ETH balances will be returned.
`RxJS Observable` which will stream a string containing the address balance.
## Blocks, gas price and block time
### `trackBlock()`
Receive the block information for any new block. It's the reactive equivalent to `web3.eth.getBlock("latest")`.
`RxJS Observable` which will stream a block object for the latest block received
### `trackBlockNumber()`
Returns the latest block number. It's the reactive equivalent to `web3.eth.getBlockNumber`.
`RxJS Observable` with the latest block number
### `trackGasPrice()`
Returns the current gas price oracle. It's the reactive equivalent to `web3.eth.getGasPrice`.
`RxJS Observable` with the average gas price in wei.
### `trackAverageBlocktime()`
Average block time of the last 10 blocks.
`RxJS Observable` with the moving average block time of the last 10 blocks. The time is returned in milliseconds:
## Low level API for data tracking
These are used in case you don't want to decorate your web3 contract objects, or if you want to track the balance for an specific address.
### `trackEvent(contractObject, eventName [, options])`
Track a contract event.
1. `contractObject` - `web3.eth.Contract`: An already initialized contract object pointing to an address and containing a valid ABI.
2. `eventName` - `String`: The name of the event to subscribe.
3. `options` - `Object` (optional): web3 filter options object to limit the number of events based on a block number range, or indexed filters
- `filter` - `Object` (optional): Lets you filter events by indexed parameters, e.g. `{filter: {myNumber: [12,13]}}` means all events where `"myNumber"` is `12` or `13`.
- `fromBlock` - `Number` (optional): The block number from which to get events on.
- `toBlock` - `Number` (optional): The block number to get events up to (Defaults to `"latest"`)
- `topics` - `Array` (optional): This allows you to manually set the topics for the event filter. If given the filter property and event signature, (`topic[0]`) will not be set automatically.
`RxJS Observable` which will stream the event `returnValues`.
### `trackProperty(contractObject, functionName [, functionArgs] [, callOptions])`
Track a constant function / contract state variable on each block mined, or depending on the `callInterval` option used during **Subspace** initialization.
1. `contractObject` - `web3.eth.Contract`: An already initialized contract object pointing to an address and containing a valid ABI.
2. `functionName` - `String`: Name of the function or variable whose values will be tracked.
3. `functionArgs` - `Array` (optional): Array of arguments that the tracked function receives
4. `callOptions` - `Object` (optional): The options used for calling.
- `from` - `String` (optional): The address the call “transaction” should be made from.
- `gasPrice` - `String` (optional): The gas price in wei to use for this call “transaction”.
- `gas` - `Number` (optional): The maximum gas provided for this call “transaction” (gas limit).
`RxJS Observable` which will stream the function / variable values. Data type will depend on the contract function invoked.
### `trackBalance(address [, tokenAddress])`
Track balance changes for an address on each block mined, or depending on the `callInterval` option used during **Subspace** initialization.
1. `address` - `String`: The address to get the balance of.
2. `tokenAddress` - `String` (optional): If you want to track the balance for an ERC20 contract, here you can specify the token address. Otherwise, Only ETH balances will be returned.
`RxJS Observable` which will stream a string containing the address balance.
### `trackLogs(options [, abi])`
Tracks incoming logs, filtered by the given options.
1. `options` - `Object` (optional): web3 filter options object to limit the number of logs
- `address` - `String|Array` (optional): An address or a list of addresses to only get logs from particular account(s).
- `fromBlock` - `Number` (optional): The block number from which to get events on.
- `topics` - `Array` (optional): An array of values which must each appear in the log entries. The order is important, if you want to leave topics out use null, e.g. [null, '0x00...']. You can also pass another array for each topic with options for that topic e.g. [null, ['option1', 'option2']].
2. `abi` - `Array` (optional): Array containing the ABI for the inputs of the logs received. It will automatically decode the logs using this ABI instead of returning the hexadecimal data.
`RxJS Observable` which will stream the logs. If the inputs ABI is included in the call, the logs will be automatically decoded.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# apollo-client
To use **Subspace** with `apollo-client`, a composed `ApolloLink` must be defined using the `apollo-link-rxjs` and `reactive-graphl` npm packages. Notice that the `addTypename` option of `InMemoryCache` must be set `false`.
import { ApolloClient } from "apollo-client";
import { InMemoryCache } from "apollo-cache-inmemory";
import { ApolloLink } from "apollo-link";
import { rxjs as rxJsLink } from "apollo-link-rxjs";
import { graphql } from "reactive-graphql";
const client = new ApolloClient({
// If addTypename:true, the query will fail due to __typename
// being added to the schema. reactive-graphql does not
// support __typename at this moment.
cache: new InMemoryCache({ addTypename: false }),
link: ApolloLink.from([
new ApolloLink(operation => graphql(schema, operation.query))
### Example
import { ApolloClient } from "apollo-client";
import { InMemoryCache } from "apollo-cache-inmemory";
import { ApolloLink } from "apollo-link";
import { rxjs as rxJsLink } from "apollo-link-rxjs";
import { graphql } from "reactive-graphql";
// ...
// Initialize Subspace
const subspace = new Subspace(web3.currentProvider); // Use a valid provider (geth, parity, infura...)
await subspace.init();
const MyContractInstance = ...; // TODO: obtain a web3.eth.contract instance
const typeDefs = `
type MyEvent {
someValue: Int
anotherValue: String
type Query {
myEvents: MyEvent!
const resolvers = {
Query: {
myEvents: () => {
return subspace.trackEvent(MyContractInstance, 'MyEvent', {filter: {}, fromBlock: 1})
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs, resolvers });
const client = new ApolloClient({
// If addTypename:true, the query will fail due to __typename
// being added to the schema. reactive-graphql does not
// support __typename at this moment.
cache: new InMemoryCache({ addTypename: false }),
link: ApolloLink.from([
new ApolloLink(operation => graphql(schema, operation.query))
::: tip Using react-apollo
A practical example can also be found in `examples/react-apollo`.

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# Getting Started
## Installation
**Subspace** can be used in browser, node and native script environments. To get started install the package `@embarklabs/subspace` using `npm` or `yarn` by executing this command in your project directory:
# Using npm
npm install --save @embarklabs/subspace
# Using yarn
yarn add @embarklabs/subspace
## Importing the library
// ESM (might require babel / browserify)
import Subspace from '@embarklabs/subspace';
// CommonJS
const Subspace = require('@embarklabs/subspace');
## Connecting to a web3 provider
To interact with the EVM, **Subspace** requires a valid Web3 provider.
const subspace = new Subspace(web3.currentProvider);
await subspace.init();
In addition to the provider, `Subspace` also accepts an `options` object with settings that can change its behavior:
- `dbFilename` - Name of the database where the information will be stored (default `'subspace.db'`)
- `callInterval` - Interval of time in milliseconds to query a contract/address to determine changes in state or balance (default: `undefined`. Obtains data every block).
- `refreshLastNBlocks` - Ignores last N blocks (from current block), stored in the local db and refresh them via a web3 subscription. Useful for possible reorgs (default: 12),
- `disableSubscriptions` - Subspace by default will attempt to use websocket subscriptions if the current provider supports them, otherwise it will use polling because it asumes the provider is an HttpProvider. This functionality can be disabled by passing true to this option. (default: undefined)
## Enhancing your contract objects
Subspace provides a method to enhance your web3 Contract objects: `subspace.contract(instance|{abi,address})`. Calling this method will return a new contract object decorated with a `.track()` method for your contract view functions and events.
const myRxContract = subspace.contract(myContractInstance);
You can also instantiate a contract directly by passing the contract ABI and its address:
const myRXContract = subspace.contract({abi: ...., address: '0x1234...CDEF'})
## Reacting to data
Once it's initialized, you can use **Subspace**'s methods to track the contract state, events and balances. These functions return RxJS Observables which you can subscribe to, and obtain and transform the observed data via operators.
::: tip What is an Observable?
The `Observable` type can be used to model push-based data sources such as DOM events, timer intervals, and sockets. In addition, observables are:
- Compositional: Observables can be composed with higher-order combinators.
- Lazy: Observables do not start emitting data until an observer has subscribed.
#### Further read
- [RxJS Observables](
## Tracking state
You can track changes to a contract state variable, by specifying the view function and arguments to call and query the contract.
const stateObservable$ = Contract.methods.functionName(functionArgs).track();
::: tip Tracking the public variables of a contract
State variables implicity create a `view` function when they're defined as `public`. The `functionName` would be the same as the variable name, and `functionArgs` will have a value when the type is a `mapping` or `array` (since these require an index value to query them).
const productTitle$ = ProductList.methods.products(0).track().map("title");
productTitle$.subscribe((title) => console.log("product title is " + title));
// Alternative using Subspace low level API
const producTitle$ = subspace.trackProperty(ProductList, "products", [0], {from: web3.eth.defaultAccount});
The subscription will be triggered whenever the title changes
## Tracking events
You can track events and react to their returned values.
const eventObservable$ = Contract.event.eventName().track();
const rating$ ="rating")).pipe(map(x => parseInt(x)));
rating$.subscribe((rating) => console.log("rating received: " + rating));
// Alternative using Subspace low level API
const rating$ = subspace.trackEvent(Product, "Rating", {fromBlock: 0});
**Event Sourcing**
You can easily do event sourcing with subspace.
For e.g: if you needed to get the average rating of the last 5 events:
import { $average, $latest } from "@embarklabs/subspace";
const rating$ ="rating")).pipe(map(x => parseInt(x)));
rating$.pipe($latest(5), $average()).subscribe((rating) => {
console.log("average rating of the last 5 events is " + rating)
## Tracking balances
You can also track changes in both ETH and ERC20 token balances for each mined block or time interval depending on the `callInterval` configured.
Tracking ETH balance in an address:
const address = "0x0001020304050607080900010203040506070809";
subspace.trackBalance(address).subscribe((balance) => {
console.log("ETH balance is ", balance)
Tracking ETH balance in a Contract:
Contract.trackBalance().subscribe((balance) => {
console.log("ETH balance is ", balance)
Tracking an ERC20 balance in a Contract:
const tokenAddress = "0x744d70fdbe2ba4cf95131626614a1763df805b9e"; // SNT Address
const myBalanceObservable$ = Contract.trackBalance(tokenAddress);
::: warning
Balances are returned as a string containing the value in *wei*.
## Getting block data, gas prices and block time
Subspace also provides a way to always receive the latest block object:
subspace.trackBlock().subscribe(block => {
console.log("The latest block data: ", block);
If you don't need all the block information, but just the block number, you can use instead:
subspace.trackBlockNumber().subscribe(blockNumber => {
console.log("The latest block number: ", blockNumber);
You can also access the average block time. This takes in account only the last 10 blocks:
subspace.trackAverageBlocktime().subscribe(blocktimeMS => {
console.log("The average block time in milliseconds is: ", blocktimeMS);
Finally, if you want to obtain the most up to date median gas price:
subspace.trackGasPrice().subscribe(gasPrice => {
console.log("Gas price in wei", gasPrice);
## Subscriptions
Once you have an `Observable`, you may receive a stream of data by creating a subscription. Subscriptions are triggered each time an observable emits a new value. These subscription receive a callback that must have a parameter which represents the value received from the observable (a contract state variable, an event, or the balance of an address); and they return an object representing the subscription.
Subscriptions can be disposed by executing the method `unsubscribe()` liberating the resource held by it:
const myBalanceObservable$ = subspace.trackBalance(address, tokenAddress);
const subscription = myBalanceObservable$.subscribe(value => {
console.log("The balance is: ", value);
// ...
#### Further read
- [RxJS Subscriptions](
## Cleanup
If **Subspace** is not needed anymore, you need can invoke `close()` to dispose and perform the cleanup necessary to remove the internal subscriptions and interval timers created by **Subspace** during its normal execution, thus avoiding any potential memory leak.
::: warning What about subscriptions created with our observables?
Any subscription created via the tracking methods must be unsubscribed manually (in the current version).

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# How it works?
### Setup
![First Usage - Setup](./d1.png)
1. A ÐApp requests `Subspace` to track an event, property, or balance.
2. `Subspace` creates a observable for that event, and a web3 subscription to retrieve events from the chain
3. The ÐApp subscribes to the observable to receive events.
### Receiving events
![First Usage - Receiving events](./d2.png)
Depending on the filter parameters used to track the events, once an event is found, it is stored in `localStorage` and it is also pushed to the observable which delivers it to the ÐApp subscription.
### Tracking already known events
After restarting the ÐApp, either by executing it again in case of a console application or refreshing the browser the behavior of `Subspace` will change:
![Second Usage - Setup](./d3.png)
1. The Dapp will request `Subspace` to track an event it already knows, creating an observable and subscription for that event
2. It will retrieve events that were previously stored in localStorage and deliver them to the DApp subscription, avoiding having to query the chain for the old events again.
![Second Usage - Receiving events](./d4.png)
The web3 subscription created previously will start from the last known block instead of beginning from scratch. New events will be delivered normally from this step

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# Integrations with other frameworks
**Subspace** does not force you to change the architecture of your dApps, making it easy to use on existing projects. In this section you can find some examples and tips on how to integrate **Subspace** with various frontend frameworks and libraries

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"name": "@embarklabs/subspace-docs",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "Subspace Website",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"clean": "rimraf .vuepress/dist",
"build": "vuepress build",
"push-dir": "push-dir --dir=.vuepress/dist --branch=gh-pages",
"publish": "npm-run-all clean build push-dir",
"start": "vuepress dev"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+"
"license": "MIT",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"author": "Status Research & Development GMBH",
"authors": [
"name": "Iuri Matias",
"email": "",
"homepage": ""
"name": "Richard Ramos",
"email": "",
"homepage": ""
"homepage": "",
"devDependencies": {
"push-dir": "^0.4.1",
"vuepress": "^1.0.3"

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# React
We provide a higher-order component to connect to enhance presentational components to react to any observable (not limited to those generated by **Subspace**).
### Usage
import { observe } from '@embarklabs/subspace/react';
const ObserverComponent = observe(WrappedComponent);
This enhanced component will subscribe to any observable property it receives when the component is mounted and automatically unsubscribe when the component is unmounted.
### Example
::: tip
This example is available in [Github](
#### MyComponentObserver.js
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import {observe} from "@embarklabs/subspace/react";
const MyComponent = ({eventData}) => {
// Handle initial state when no data is available
if (!eventData) {
return <p>No data</p>;
return <p>{eventData.someReturnedValue}</p>
// MyComponent will now observe any observable prop it receives
// and update its state whenever the observable emits an event
export default observe(MyComponent);
#### App.js
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import Subspace from '@embarklabs/subspace';
import MyComponentObserver from './MyComponentObserver';
class App extends Component {
state = {
myEventObservable$: null
async componentDidMount() {
const MyContractInstance = ...; // TODO: obtain a web3.eth.contract instance
const subspace = new Subspace("wss://localhost:8545"); // Use a valid provider (geth, parity, infura...)
await subspace.init()
const myEventObservable$ = subspace.trackEvent(MyContractInstance, "MyEvent", {filter: {}, fromBlock: 1 });
this.setState({ myEventObservable$ });
render() {
return <MyComponentObserver eventData={this.state.myEventObservable$} />;
export default App;
::: warning Handling Contract Objects
The variable `MyContractInstance` is a `web3.eth.Contract` object pointing to a deployed contract address. You can use a DApp framework like [Embark]( to easily import that contract instance: `import { MyContract } from './embarkArtifacts/contracts';`, or use web3.js directly (just like in the example [source code](
#### index.js
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './App';
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
import { observe } from "@embarklabs/subspace/react";
const ProductComponent = ({ maxRating, minRating, averageRating }) => {
return <ul>
<li><b>minimum rating: </b> {minRating}</li>
<li><b>maximum rating: </b> {maxRating}</li>
<li><b>average rating: </b> {averageRating}</li>
const ReactiveProductComponent = observe(ProductComponent);
const Product = subspace.contract({abi, address});
const rating$ ="rating").pipe(map(x => parseInt(x)));

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# reactive-graphql
Using `reactive-graphql` you can execute GraphQL queries against **Subspace** observables after you create your own type definitions and resolvers.
### Example
const Subspace = require('@embarklabs/subspace');
const MyContract = require('./MyContract');
const { pluck } = require('rxjs/operators');
const { makeExecutableSchema } = require("graphql-tools");
const gql = require("graphql-tag");
const { graphql } = require("reactive-graphql");
const run = async () => {
const subspace = new Subspace(web3.currentProvider); // Use a valid provider (geth, parity, infura...)
await subspace.init();
const MyContractInstance = ...; // TODO: obtain a web3.eth.contract instance
const typeDefs = `
type MyEvent {
someValue: Int
anotherValue: String
type Query {
myEvents: MyEvent!
const resolvers = {
Query: {
myEvents: () => {
return subspace.trackEvent(MyContractInstance, 'MyEvent', { filter: {}, fromBlock: 1 })
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs, resolvers });
const query = gql`
query {
myEvents {
const stream = graphql(schema, query).pipe(pluck('data', 'myEvents'));
stream.subscribe(data => {
::: tip
This example is available in [Github](

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home: true
heroImage: /assets/img/logo.svg
heroText: " "
actionText: Get Started
actionLink: /getting-started/
footer: MIT Licensed | Subspace is part of the Status Network
- title: Automatic Syncing
details: Subspace takes care of syncing under the hood, syncing exactly what you need when you need it. It saves the state to a local database ensuring the DApp always syncs from the last known point even after reloading the DApp.
- title: Reactive
details: Subspace embraces reactive programming with RxJS. It provides methods to track and subscribe to events, contract state & balances, and react to changes via observables.
- title: Framework Agnostic
details: Subspace is framework agnostic and integrates well with your favourite frameworks, from React to Angular. It works in the browser and in nodejs.

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# redux-observable
[redux-observables]( can be used to manage side effects via `Epics` (their core primitive to receive and create stream of actions). **Subspace** can be configured inside these epics.
It's recommended to compose these epics by using [mergeMap]( or [switchMap]( operators.
Here's an example on how to use **Subspace** to subscribe to an Event when the action `SOME_ACTION` is dispatched, and then it will trigger `myAction` when the observable emits a value.
// ...
const myEpic = action$ =>
ofType("SOME_ACTION"), // Execute when the action type is 'INIT'
switchMap(action =>
.trackEvent(MyContract, "MyEventName", { filter: {}, fromBlock: 1})
map(myAction) // Trigger redux action: MY_ACTION with the eventData
// ...
::: tip
An example is available in [Github](
#### Further read
- [Epics](

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# redux
**Subspace** can be used with [redux]( **Subspace** returns [`Observables`](, which you can subscribe to, and if this subscription has access to the redux store, it will be able to dispatch actions when the observable emits an event.
### Example
Here's a simple example on how to setup **Subspace** to work with `redux`:
::: tip
This example is available in [Github](
#### index.js
import store from './store';
import web3 from './web3';
import Subspace from '@embarklabs/subspace';
import { myAction } from './actions';
const run = async () => {
const MyContractInstance = ...; // TODO: obtain a web3.eth.contract instance
const subspace = new Subspace("ws://localhost:8545"); // Use a valid provider (geth, parity, infura...)
await subspace.init();
subspace.trackEvent(MyContractInstance, "MyEvent", {filter: {}, fromBlock: 1 })
.subscribe(eventData => {
::: warning Handling Contract Objects
The variable `MyContractInstance` is a `web3.eth.Contract` object pointing to a deployed contract address. You can use a DApp framework like [Embark]( to easily import that contract instance: `import { MyContract } from './embarkArtifacts/contracts';`, or use web3.js directly (just like in the example [source code](
#### store.js
import { createStore } from 'redux';
import {myReducer} from './reducer';
export default store = createStore(myReducer);
#### reducer.js
import { MY_ACTION } from "./constants";
const initialState = {
data: {}
export const myReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return { data: action.eventData };
return state;
#### constants.js
export const MY_ACTION = 'MY_ACTION';
#### actions.js
import {MY_ACTION} from './constants.js';
export const myAction = eventData => ({type: MY_ACTION, eventData});
::: tip Using React and Redux
A practical example can also be found in `examples/react-redux`.

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# Creating a reactive ÐApp with React and Subspace
See example DApp at [](

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# Vue
Vue provides the official npm package `vue-rx` that provides RxJS integration, which simplifies the use of Subspace with Vue.js
### Example
::: tip
This example is available in [Github](
#### MyComponent.vue
<ul v-if="!!eventData$">
<li><b>someValue: </b> {{eventData$.someValue}}</li>
<li><b>anotherValue: </b> {{eventData$.anotherValue}}</li>
export default {
name: 'MyComponent',
props: {
eventData: Object
subscriptions() { // provide Rx observables
return {
eventData$: this.eventData
#### App.vue
<div id="app">
<button v-on:click="createTrx">Create a Transaction</button>
<MyComponent v-bind:event-data="myEventObservable$" v-if="!!myEventObservable$" />
import MyComponent from './components/MyComponent.vue';
import Subspace from "@embarklabs/subspace";
export default {
name: 'app',
data: function(){
return {
myEventObservable$: null,
MyContractInstance: null
created: async function(){
this.MyContractInstance = ...; // TODO: obtain a web3.eth.contract instance
const subspace = new Subspace("wss://localhost:8545"); // Use a valid provider (geth, parity, infura...)
await subspace.init();
this.myEventObservable$ = subspace.trackEvent(this.MyContractInstance, "MyEvent", {filter: {}, fromBlock: 1 });
methods: {
createTrx: function(){
.send({ from: web3.eth.defaultAccount });
components: {
#### Further read
- [vue-rx](


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