/** * textarea.js - textarea element for blessed * Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Christopher Jeffrey and contributors (MIT License). * https://github.com/chjj/blessed */ /** * Modules */ var unicode = require('../unicode'); var nextTick = global.setImmediate || process.nextTick.bind(process); var Node = require('./node'); var Input = require('./input'); /** * Textarea */ function Textarea(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new Textarea(options); } options = options || {}; options.scrollable = options.scrollable !== false; Input.call(this, options); this.screen._listenKeys(this); this.value = options.value || ''; this.__updateCursor = this._updateCursor.bind(this); this.on('resize', this.__updateCursor); this.on('move', this.__updateCursor); if (options.inputOnFocus) { this.on('focus', this.readInput.bind(this, null)); } if (!options.inputOnFocus && options.keys) { this.on('keypress', function(ch, key) { if (self._reading) return; if (key.name === 'enter' || (options.vi && key.name === 'i')) { return self.readInput(); } if (key.name === 'e') { return self.readEditor(); } }); } if (options.mouse) { this.on('click', function(data) { if (self._reading) return; if (data.button !== 'right') return; self.readEditor(); }); } } Textarea.prototype.__proto__ = Input.prototype; Textarea.prototype.type = 'textarea'; Textarea.prototype._updateCursor = function(get) { if (this.screen.focused !== this) { return; } var lpos = get ? this.lpos : this._getCoords(); if (!lpos) return; var last = this._clines[this._clines.length - 1] , program = this.screen.program , line , cx , cy; // Stop a situation where the textarea begins scrolling // and the last cline appears to always be empty from the // _typeScroll `+ '\n'` thing. // Maybe not necessary anymore? if (last === '' && this.value[this.value.length - 1] !== '\n') { last = this._clines[this._clines.length - 2] || ''; } line = Math.min( this._clines.length - 1 - (this.childBase || 0), (lpos.yl - lpos.yi) - this.iheight - 1); // When calling clearValue() on a full textarea with a border, the first // argument in the above Math.min call ends up being -2. Make sure we stay // positive. line = Math.max(0, line); cy = lpos.yi + this.itop + line; cx = lpos.xi + this.ileft + this.strWidth(last); // XXX Not sure, but this may still sometimes // cause problems when leaving editor. if (cy === program.y && cx === program.x) { return; } if (cy === program.y) { if (cx > program.x) { program.cuf(cx - program.x); } else if (cx < program.x) { program.cub(program.x - cx); } } else if (cx === program.x) { if (cy > program.y) { program.cud(cy - program.y); } else if (cy < program.y) { program.cuu(program.y - cy); } } else { program.cup(cy, cx); } }; Textarea.prototype.input = Textarea.prototype.setInput = Textarea.prototype.readInput = function(callback) { var self = this , focused = this.screen.focused === this; if (this._reading) return; this._reading = true; this._callback = callback; if (!focused) { this.screen.saveFocus(); this.focus(); } this.screen.grabKeys = true; this._updateCursor(); this.screen.program.showCursor(); //this.screen.program.sgr('normal'); this._done = function fn(err, value) { if (!self._reading) return; if (fn.done) return; fn.done = true; self._reading = false; delete self._callback; delete self._done; self.removeListener('keypress', self.__listener); delete self.__listener; self.removeListener('blur', self.__done); delete self.__done; self.screen.program.hideCursor(); self.screen.grabKeys = false; if (!focused) { self.screen.restoreFocus(); } if (self.options.inputOnFocus) { self.screen.rewindFocus(); } // Ugly if (err === 'stop') return; if (err) { self.emit('error', err); } else if (value != null) { self.emit('submit', value); } else { self.emit('cancel', value); } self.emit('action', value); if (!callback) return; return err ? callback(err) : callback(null, value); }; // Put this in a nextTick so the current // key event doesn't trigger any keys input. nextTick(function() { self.__listener = self._listener.bind(self); self.on('keypress', self.__listener); }); this.__done = this._done.bind(this, null, null); this.on('blur', this.__done); }; Textarea.prototype._listener = function(ch, key) { var done = this._done , value = this.value; if (key.name === 'return') return; if (key.name === 'enter') { ch = '\n'; } // TODO: Handle directional keys. if (key.name === 'left' || key.name === 'right' || key.name === 'up' || key.name === 'down') { ; } if (this.options.keys && key.ctrl && key.name === 'e') { return this.readEditor(); } // TODO: Optimize typing by writing directly // to the screen and screen buffer here. if (key.name === 'escape') { done(null, null); } else if (key.name === 'backspace') { if (this.value.length) { if (this.screen.fullUnicode) { if (unicode.isSurrogate(this.value, this.value.length - 2)) { // || unicode.isCombining(this.value, this.value.length - 1)) { this.value = this.value.slice(0, -2); } else { this.value = this.value.slice(0, -1); } } else { this.value = this.value.slice(0, -1); } } } else if (ch) { if (!/^[\x00-\x08\x0b-\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]$/.test(ch)) { this.value += ch; } } if (this.value !== value) { this.screen.render(); } }; Textarea.prototype._typeScroll = function() { // XXX Workaround var height = this.height - this.iheight; if (this._clines.length - this.childBase > height) { this.scroll(this._clines.length); } }; Textarea.prototype.getValue = function() { return this.value; }; Textarea.prototype.setValue = function(value) { if (value == null) { value = this.value; } if (this._value !== value) { this.value = value; this._value = value; this.setContent(this.value); this._typeScroll(); this._updateCursor(); } }; Textarea.prototype.clearInput = Textarea.prototype.clearValue = function() { return this.setValue(''); }; Textarea.prototype.submit = function() { if (!this.__listener) return; return this.__listener('\x1b', { name: 'escape' }); }; Textarea.prototype.cancel = function() { if (!this.__listener) return; return this.__listener('\x1b', { name: 'escape' }); }; Textarea.prototype.render = function() { this.setValue(); return this._render(); }; Textarea.prototype.editor = Textarea.prototype.setEditor = Textarea.prototype.readEditor = function(callback) { var self = this; if (this._reading) { var _cb = this._callback , cb = callback; this._done('stop'); callback = function(err, value) { if (_cb) _cb(err, value); if (cb) cb(err, value); }; } if (!callback) { callback = function() {}; } return this.screen.readEditor({ value: this.value }, function(err, value) { if (err) { if (err.message === 'Unsuccessful.') { self.screen.render(); return self.readInput(callback); } self.screen.render(); self.readInput(callback); return callback(err); } self.setValue(value); self.screen.render(); return self.readInput(callback); }); }; /** * Expose */ module.exports = Textarea;