/** * terminal.js - term.js terminal element for blessed * Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Christopher Jeffrey and contributors (MIT License). * https://github.com/chjj/blessed */ /** * Modules */ var nextTick = global.setImmediate || process.nextTick.bind(process); var helpers = require('../helpers'); var Node = require('./node'); var Box = require('./box'); /** * Terminal */ function Terminal(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new Terminal(options); } options = options || {}; options.scrollable = false; Box.call(this, options); // XXX Workaround for all motion if (this.screen.program.tmux && this.screen.program.tmuxVersion >= 2) { this.screen.program.enableMouse(); } this.handler = options.handler; this.shell = options.shell || process.env.SHELL || 'sh'; this.args = options.args || []; this.cursor = this.options.cursor; this.cursorBlink = this.options.cursorBlink; this.screenKeys = this.options.screenKeys; this.style = this.style || {}; this.style.bg = this.style.bg || 'default'; this.style.fg = this.style.fg || 'default'; this.termName = options.terminal || options.term || process.env.TERM || 'xterm'; this.bootstrap(); } Terminal.prototype.__proto__ = Box.prototype; Terminal.prototype.type = 'terminal'; Terminal.prototype.bootstrap = function() { var self = this; var element = { // window get document() { return element; }, navigator: { userAgent: 'node.js' }, // document get defaultView() { return element; }, get documentElement() { return element; }, createElement: function() { return element; }, // element get ownerDocument() { return element; }, addEventListener: function() {}, removeEventListener: function() {}, getElementsByTagName: function(name) { return [element]; }, getElementById: function() { return element; }, parentNode: null, offsetParent: null, appendChild: function() {}, removeChild: function() {}, setAttribute: function() {}, getAttribute: function() {}, style: {}, focus: function() {}, blur: function() {}, console: console }; element.parentNode = element; element.offsetParent = element; this.term = require('term.js')({ termName: this.termName, cols: this.width - this.iwidth, rows: this.height - this.iheight, context: element, document: element, body: element, parent: element, cursorBlink: this.cursorBlink, screenKeys: this.screenKeys }); this.term.refresh = function() { self.screen.render(); }; this.term.keyDown = function() {}; this.term.keyPress = function() {}; this.term.open(element); // Emits key sequences in html-land. // Technically not necessary here. // In reality if we wanted to be neat, we would overwrite the keyDown and // keyPress methods with our own node.js-keys->terminal-keys methods, but // since all the keys are already coming in as escape sequences, we can just // send the input directly to the handler/socket (see below). // this.term.on('data', function(data) { // self.handler(data); // }); // Incoming keys and mouse inputs. // NOTE: Cannot pass mouse events - coordinates will be off! this.screen.program.input.on('data', this._onData = function(data) { if (self.screen.focused === self && !self._isMouse(data)) { self.handler(data); } }); this.onScreenEvent('mouse', function(data) { if (self.screen.focused !== self) return; if (data.x < self.aleft + self.ileft) return; if (data.y < self.atop + self.itop) return; if (data.x > self.aleft - self.ileft + self.width) return; if (data.y > self.atop - self.itop + self.height) return; if (self.term.x10Mouse || self.term.vt200Mouse || self.term.normalMouse || self.term.mouseEvents || self.term.utfMouse || self.term.sgrMouse || self.term.urxvtMouse) { ; } else { return; } var b = data.raw[0] , x = data.x - self.aleft , y = data.y - self.atop , s; if (self.term.urxvtMouse) { if (self.screen.program.sgrMouse) { b += 32; } s = '\x1b[' + b + ';' + (x + 32) + ';' + (y + 32) + 'M'; } else if (self.term.sgrMouse) { if (!self.screen.program.sgrMouse) { b -= 32; } s = '\x1b[<' + b + ';' + x + ';' + y + (data.action === 'mousedown' ? 'M' : 'm'); } else { if (self.screen.program.sgrMouse) { b += 32; } s = '\x1b[M' + String.fromCharCode(b) + String.fromCharCode(x + 32) + String.fromCharCode(y + 32); } self.handler(s); }); this.on('focus', function() { self.term.focus(); }); this.on('blur', function() { self.term.blur(); }); this.term.on('title', function(title) { self.title = title; self.emit('title', title); }); this.term.on('passthrough', function(data) { self.screen.program.flush(); self.screen.program._owrite(data); }); this.on('resize', function() { nextTick(function() { self.term.resize(self.width - self.iwidth, self.height - self.iheight); }); }); this.once('render', function() { self.term.resize(self.width - self.iwidth, self.height - self.iheight); }); this.on('destroy', function() { self.kill(); self.screen.program.input.removeListener('data', self._onData); }); if (this.handler) { return; } this.pty = require('pty.js').fork(this.shell, this.args, { name: this.termName, cols: this.width - this.iwidth, rows: this.height - this.iheight, cwd: process.env.HOME, env: this.options.env || process.env }); this.on('resize', function() { nextTick(function() { try { self.pty.resize(self.width - self.iwidth, self.height - self.iheight); } catch (e) { ; } }); }); this.handler = function(data) { self.pty.write(data); self.screen.render(); }; this.pty.on('data', function(data) { self.write(data); self.screen.render(); }); this.pty.on('exit', function(code) { self.emit('exit', code || null); }); this.onScreenEvent('keypress', function() { self.screen.render(); }); this.screen._listenKeys(this); }; Terminal.prototype.write = function(data) { return this.term.write(data); }; Terminal.prototype.render = function() { var ret = this._render(); if (!ret) return; this.dattr = this.sattr(this.style); var xi = ret.xi + this.ileft , xl = ret.xl - this.iright , yi = ret.yi + this.itop , yl = ret.yl - this.ibottom , cursor; var scrollback = this.term.lines.length - (yl - yi); for (var y = Math.max(yi, 0); y < yl; y++) { var line = this.screen.lines[y]; if (!line || !this.term.lines[scrollback + y - yi]) break; if (y === yi + this.term.y && this.term.cursorState && this.screen.focused === this && (this.term.ydisp === this.term.ybase || this.term.selectMode) && !this.term.cursorHidden) { cursor = xi + this.term.x; } else { cursor = -1; } for (var x = Math.max(xi, 0); x < xl; x++) { if (!line[x] || !this.term.lines[scrollback + y - yi][x - xi]) break; line[x][0] = this.term.lines[scrollback + y - yi][x - xi][0]; if (x === cursor) { if (this.cursor === 'line') { line[x][0] = this.dattr; line[x][1] = '\u2502'; continue; } else if (this.cursor === 'underline') { line[x][0] = this.dattr | (2 << 18); } else if (this.cursor === 'block' || !this.cursor) { line[x][0] = this.dattr | (8 << 18); } } line[x][1] = this.term.lines[scrollback + y - yi][x - xi][1]; // default foreground = 257 if (((line[x][0] >> 9) & 0x1ff) === 257) { line[x][0] &= ~(0x1ff << 9); line[x][0] |= ((this.dattr >> 9) & 0x1ff) << 9; } // default background = 256 if ((line[x][0] & 0x1ff) === 256) { line[x][0] &= ~0x1ff; line[x][0] |= this.dattr & 0x1ff; } } line.dirty = true; } return ret; }; Terminal.prototype._isMouse = function(buf) { var s = buf; if (Buffer.isBuffer(s)) { if (s[0] > 127 && s[1] === undefined) { s[0] -= 128; s = '\x1b' + s.toString('utf-8'); } else { s = s.toString('utf-8'); } } return (buf[0] === 0x1b && buf[1] === 0x5b && buf[2] === 0x4d) || /^\x1b\[M([\x00\u0020-\uffff]{3})/.test(s) || /^\x1b\[(\d+;\d+;\d+)M/.test(s) || /^\x1b\[<(\d+;\d+;\d+)([mM])/.test(s) || /^\x1b\[<(\d+;\d+;\d+;\d+)&w/.test(s) || /^\x1b\[24([0135])~\[(\d+),(\d+)\]\r/.test(s) || /^\x1b\[(O|I)/.test(s); }; Terminal.prototype.setScroll = Terminal.prototype.scrollTo = function(offset, always) { this.term.ydisp = offset; return this.emit('scroll'); }; Terminal.prototype.getScroll = function() { return this.term.ydisp; }; Terminal.prototype.scroll = function(offset, always) { this.term.scrollDisp(offset); return this.emit('scroll'); }; Terminal.prototype.resetScroll = function() { this.term.ydisp = 0; this.term.ybase = 0; return this.emit('scroll'); }; Terminal.prototype.getScrollHeight = function() { return this.term.rows - 1; }; Terminal.prototype.getScrollPerc = function(s) { return (this.term.ydisp / this.term.ybase) * 100; }; Terminal.prototype.setScrollPerc = function(i) { return this.setScroll((i / 100) * this.term.ybase | 0); }; Terminal.prototype.screenshot = function(xi, xl, yi, yl) { xi = 0 + (xi || 0); if (xl != null) { xl = 0 + (xl || 0); } else { xl = this.term.lines[0].length; } yi = 0 + (yi || 0); if (yl != null) { yl = 0 + (yl || 0); } else { yl = this.term.lines.length; } return this.screen.screenshot(xi, xl, yi, yl, this.term); }; Terminal.prototype.kill = function() { if (this.pty) { this.pty.destroy(); this.pty.kill(); } this.term.refresh = function() {}; this.term.write('\x1b[H\x1b[J'); if (this.term._blink) { clearInterval(this.term._blink); } this.term.destroy(); }; /** * Expose */ module.exports = Terminal;