/** * form.js - form element for blessed * Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Christopher Jeffrey and contributors (MIT License). * https://github.com/chjj/blessed */ /** * Modules */ var helpers = require('../helpers'); var Node = require('./node'); var Box = require('./box'); /** * Form */ function Form(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new Form(options); } options = options || {}; options.ignoreKeys = true; Box.call(this, options); if (options.keys) { this.screen._listenKeys(this); this.on('element keypress', function(el, ch, key) { if ((key.name === 'tab' && !key.shift) || (el.type === 'textbox' && options.autoNext && key.name === 'enter') || key.name === 'down' || (options.vi && key.name === 'j')) { if (el.type === 'textbox' || el.type === 'textarea') { if (key.name === 'j') return; if (key.name === 'tab') { // Workaround, since we can't stop the tab from being added. el.emit('keypress', null, { name: 'backspace' }); } el.emit('keypress', '\x1b', { name: 'escape' }); } self.focusNext(); return; } if ((key.name === 'tab' && key.shift) || key.name === 'up' || (options.vi && key.name === 'k')) { if (el.type === 'textbox' || el.type === 'textarea') { if (key.name === 'k') return; el.emit('keypress', '\x1b', { name: 'escape' }); } self.focusPrevious(); return; } if (key.name === 'escape') { self.focus(); return; } }); } } Form.prototype.__proto__ = Box.prototype; Form.prototype.type = 'form'; Form.prototype._refresh = function() { // XXX Possibly remove this if statement and refresh on every focus. // Also potentially only include *visible* focusable elements. // This would remove the need to check for _selected.visible in previous() // and next(). if (!this._children) { var out = []; this.children.forEach(function fn(el) { if (el.keyable) out.push(el); el.children.forEach(fn); }); this._children = out; } }; Form.prototype._visible = function() { return !!this._children.filter(function(el) { return el.visible; }).length; }; Form.prototype.next = function() { this._refresh(); if (!this._visible()) return; if (!this._selected) { this._selected = this._children[0]; if (!this._selected.visible) return this.next(); if (this.screen.focused !== this._selected) return this._selected; } var i = this._children.indexOf(this._selected); if (!~i || !this._children[i + 1]) { this._selected = this._children[0]; if (!this._selected.visible) return this.next(); return this._selected; } this._selected = this._children[i + 1]; if (!this._selected.visible) return this.next(); return this._selected; }; Form.prototype.previous = function() { this._refresh(); if (!this._visible()) return; if (!this._selected) { this._selected = this._children[this._children.length - 1]; if (!this._selected.visible) return this.previous(); if (this.screen.focused !== this._selected) return this._selected; } var i = this._children.indexOf(this._selected); if (!~i || !this._children[i - 1]) { this._selected = this._children[this._children.length - 1]; if (!this._selected.visible) return this.previous(); return this._selected; } this._selected = this._children[i - 1]; if (!this._selected.visible) return this.previous(); return this._selected; }; Form.prototype.focusNext = function() { var next = this.next(); if (next) next.focus(); }; Form.prototype.focusPrevious = function() { var previous = this.previous(); if (previous) previous.focus(); }; Form.prototype.resetSelected = function() { this._selected = null; }; Form.prototype.focusFirst = function() { this.resetSelected(); this.focusNext(); }; Form.prototype.focusLast = function() { this.resetSelected(); this.focusPrevious(); }; Form.prototype.submit = function() { var self = this , out = {}; this.children.forEach(function fn(el) { if (el.value != null) { var name = el.name || el.type; if (Array.isArray(out[name])) { out[name].push(el.value); } else if (out[name]) { out[name] = [out[name], el.value]; } else { out[name] = el.value; } } el.children.forEach(fn); }); this.emit('submit', out); return this.submission = out; }; Form.prototype.cancel = function() { this.emit('cancel'); }; Form.prototype.reset = function() { this.children.forEach(function fn(el) { switch (el.type) { case 'screen': break; case 'box': break; case 'text': break; case 'line': break; case 'scrollable-box': break; case 'list': el.select(0); return; case 'form': break; case 'input': break; case 'textbox': el.clearInput(); return; case 'textarea': el.clearInput(); return; case 'button': delete el.value; break; case 'progress-bar': el.setProgress(0); break; case 'file-manager': el.refresh(el.options.cwd); return; case 'checkbox': el.uncheck(); return; case 'radio-set': break; case 'radio-button': el.uncheck(); return; case 'prompt': break; case 'question': break; case 'message': break; case 'info': break; case 'loading': break; case 'list-bar': //el.select(0); break; case 'dir-manager': el.refresh(el.options.cwd); return; case 'terminal': el.write(''); return; case 'image': //el.clearImage(); return; } el.children.forEach(fn); }); this.emit('reset'); }; module.exports = Form;