/** * scrollablebox.js - scrollable box element for blessed * Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Christopher Jeffrey and contributors (MIT License). * https://github.com/chjj/blessed */ /** * Modules */ var Node = require('./node'); var Box = require('./box'); /** * ScrollableBox */ function ScrollableBox(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new ScrollableBox(options); } options = options || {}; Box.call(this, options); if (options.scrollable === false) { return this; } this.scrollable = true; this.childOffset = 0; this.childBase = 0; this.baseLimit = options.baseLimit || Infinity; this.alwaysScroll = options.alwaysScroll; this.scrollbar = options.scrollbar; if (this.scrollbar) { this.scrollbar.ch = this.scrollbar.ch || ' '; this.style.scrollbar = this.style.scrollbar || this.scrollbar.style; if (!this.style.scrollbar) { this.style.scrollbar = {}; this.style.scrollbar.fg = this.scrollbar.fg; this.style.scrollbar.bg = this.scrollbar.bg; this.style.scrollbar.bold = this.scrollbar.bold; this.style.scrollbar.underline = this.scrollbar.underline; this.style.scrollbar.inverse = this.scrollbar.inverse; this.style.scrollbar.invisible = this.scrollbar.invisible; } //this.scrollbar.style = this.style.scrollbar; if (this.track || this.scrollbar.track) { this.track = this.scrollbar.track || this.track; this.style.track = this.style.scrollbar.track || this.style.track; this.track.ch = this.track.ch || ' '; this.style.track = this.style.track || this.track.style; if (!this.style.track) { this.style.track = {}; this.style.track.fg = this.track.fg; this.style.track.bg = this.track.bg; this.style.track.bold = this.track.bold; this.style.track.underline = this.track.underline; this.style.track.inverse = this.track.inverse; this.style.track.invisible = this.track.invisible; } this.track.style = this.style.track; } // Allow controlling of the scrollbar via the mouse: if (options.mouse) { this.on('mousedown', function(data) { if (self._scrollingBar) { // Do not allow dragging on the scrollbar: delete self.screen._dragging; delete self._drag; return; } var x = data.x - self.aleft; var y = data.y - self.atop; if (x === self.width - self.iright - 1) { // Do not allow dragging on the scrollbar: delete self.screen._dragging; delete self._drag; var perc = (y - self.itop) / (self.height - self.iheight); self.setScrollPerc(perc * 100 | 0); self.screen.render(); var smd, smu; self._scrollingBar = true; self.onScreenEvent('mousedown', smd = function(data) { var y = data.y - self.atop; var perc = y / self.height; self.setScrollPerc(perc * 100 | 0); self.screen.render(); }); // If mouseup occurs out of the window, no mouseup event fires, and // scrollbar will drag again on mousedown until another mouseup // occurs. self.onScreenEvent('mouseup', smu = function() { self._scrollingBar = false; self.removeScreenEvent('mousedown', smd); self.removeScreenEvent('mouseup', smu); }); } }); } } if (options.mouse) { this.on('wheeldown', function() { self.scroll(self.height / 2 | 0 || 1); self.screen.render(); }); this.on('wheelup', function() { self.scroll(-(self.height / 2 | 0) || -1); self.screen.render(); }); } if (options.keys && !options.ignoreKeys) { this.on('keypress', function(ch, key) { if (key.name === 'up' || (options.vi && key.name === 'k')) { self.scroll(-1); self.screen.render(); return; } if (key.name === 'down' || (options.vi && key.name === 'j')) { self.scroll(1); self.screen.render(); return; } if (options.vi && key.name === 'u' && key.ctrl) { self.scroll(-(self.height / 2 | 0) || -1); self.screen.render(); return; } if (options.vi && key.name === 'd' && key.ctrl) { self.scroll(self.height / 2 | 0 || 1); self.screen.render(); return; } if (options.vi && key.name === 'b' && key.ctrl) { self.scroll(-self.height || -1); self.screen.render(); return; } if (options.vi && key.name === 'f' && key.ctrl) { self.scroll(self.height || 1); self.screen.render(); return; } if (options.vi && key.name === 'g' && !key.shift) { self.scrollTo(0); self.screen.render(); return; } if (options.vi && key.name === 'g' && key.shift) { self.scrollTo(self.getScrollHeight()); self.screen.render(); return; } }); } this.on('parsed content', function() { self._recalculateIndex(); }); self._recalculateIndex(); } ScrollableBox.prototype.__proto__ = Box.prototype; ScrollableBox.prototype.type = 'scrollable-box'; // XXX Potentially use this in place of scrollable checks elsewhere. ScrollableBox.prototype.__defineGetter__('reallyScrollable', function() { if (this.shrink) return this.scrollable; return this.getScrollHeight() > this.height; }); ScrollableBox.prototype._scrollBottom = function() { if (!this.scrollable) return 0; // We could just calculate the children, but we can // optimize for lists by just returning the items.length. if (this._isList) { return this.items ? this.items.length : 0; } if (this.lpos && this.lpos._scrollBottom) { return this.lpos._scrollBottom; } var bottom = this.children.reduce(function(current, el) { // el.height alone does not calculate the shrunken height, we need to use // getCoords. A shrunken box inside a scrollable element will not grow any // larger than the scrollable element's context regardless of how much // content is in the shrunken box, unless we do this (call getCoords // without the scrollable calculation): // See: $ node test/widget-shrink-fail-2.js if (!el.detached) { var lpos = el._getCoords(false, true); if (lpos) { return Math.max(current, el.rtop + (lpos.yl - lpos.yi)); } } return Math.max(current, el.rtop + el.height); }, 0); // XXX Use this? Makes .getScrollHeight() useless! // if (bottom < this._clines.length) bottom = this._clines.length; if (this.lpos) this.lpos._scrollBottom = bottom; return bottom; }; ScrollableBox.prototype.setScroll = ScrollableBox.prototype.scrollTo = function(offset, always) { // XXX // At first, this appeared to account for the first new calculation of childBase: this.scroll(0); return this.scroll(offset - (this.childBase + this.childOffset), always); }; ScrollableBox.prototype.getScroll = function() { return this.childBase + this.childOffset; }; ScrollableBox.prototype.scroll = function(offset, always) { if (!this.scrollable) return; if (this.detached) return; // Handle scrolling. var visible = this.height - this.iheight , base = this.childBase , d , p , t , b , max , emax; if (this.alwaysScroll || always) { // Semi-workaround this.childOffset = offset > 0 ? visible - 1 + offset : offset; } else { this.childOffset += offset; } if (this.childOffset > visible - 1) { d = this.childOffset - (visible - 1); this.childOffset -= d; this.childBase += d; } else if (this.childOffset < 0) { d = this.childOffset; this.childOffset += -d; this.childBase += d; } if (this.childBase < 0) { this.childBase = 0; } else if (this.childBase > this.baseLimit) { this.childBase = this.baseLimit; } // Find max "bottom" value for // content and descendant elements. // Scroll the content if necessary. if (this.childBase === base) { return this.emit('scroll'); } // When scrolling text, we want to be able to handle SGR codes as well as line // feeds. This allows us to take preformatted text output from other programs // and put it in a scrollable text box. this.parseContent(); // XXX // max = this.getScrollHeight() - (this.height - this.iheight); max = this._clines.length - (this.height - this.iheight); if (max < 0) max = 0; emax = this._scrollBottom() - (this.height - this.iheight); if (emax < 0) emax = 0; this.childBase = Math.min(this.childBase, Math.max(emax, max)); if (this.childBase < 0) { this.childBase = 0; } else if (this.childBase > this.baseLimit) { this.childBase = this.baseLimit; } // Optimize scrolling with CSR + IL/DL. p = this.lpos; // Only really need _getCoords() if we want // to allow nestable scrolling elements... // or if we **really** want shrinkable // scrolling elements. // p = this._getCoords(); if (p && this.childBase !== base && this.screen.cleanSides(this)) { t = p.yi + this.itop; b = p.yl - this.ibottom - 1; d = this.childBase - base; if (d > 0 && d < visible) { // scrolled down this.screen.deleteLine(d, t, t, b); } else if (d < 0 && -d < visible) { // scrolled up d = -d; this.screen.insertLine(d, t, t, b); } } return this.emit('scroll'); }; ScrollableBox.prototype._recalculateIndex = function() { var max, emax; if (this.detached || !this.scrollable) { return 0; } // XXX // max = this.getScrollHeight() - (this.height - this.iheight); max = this._clines.length - (this.height - this.iheight); if (max < 0) max = 0; emax = this._scrollBottom() - (this.height - this.iheight); if (emax < 0) emax = 0; this.childBase = Math.min(this.childBase, Math.max(emax, max)); if (this.childBase < 0) { this.childBase = 0; } else if (this.childBase > this.baseLimit) { this.childBase = this.baseLimit; } }; ScrollableBox.prototype.resetScroll = function() { if (!this.scrollable) return; this.childOffset = 0; this.childBase = 0; return this.emit('scroll'); }; ScrollableBox.prototype.getScrollHeight = function() { return Math.max(this._clines.length, this._scrollBottom()); }; ScrollableBox.prototype.getScrollPerc = function(s) { var pos = this.lpos || this._getCoords(); if (!pos) return s ? -1 : 0; var height = (pos.yl - pos.yi) - this.iheight , i = this.getScrollHeight() , p; if (height < i) { if (this.alwaysScroll) { p = this.childBase / (i - height); } else { p = (this.childBase + this.childOffset) / (i - 1); } return p * 100; } return s ? -1 : 0; }; ScrollableBox.prototype.setScrollPerc = function(i) { // XXX // var m = this.getScrollHeight(); var m = Math.max(this._clines.length, this._scrollBottom()); return this.scrollTo((i / 100) * m | 0); }; /** * Expose */ module.exports = ScrollableBox;