# blessed A curses-like library for node.js. Blessed was originally written to only support the xterm terminfo, but can now parse and compile any terminfo to be completely portable accross all terminals. See the `tput` example below. I want this library to eventually become a high-level library for terminal widgets. ## Example Usage This will actually parse the xterm terminfo and compile every string capability to a javascript function: ``` js var Tput = require('blessed').Tput , tput = Tput('xterm'); console.log(tput.set_foreground(4) + 'hello' + tput.set_attributes(0)); ``` ``` js var blessed = require('blessed') , program = blessed(); program.on('keypress', function(ch, key) { if (key.name === 'q') { program.clear(); program.disableMouse(); program.showCursor(); program.normalBuffer(); process.exit(0); } }); program.on('mouse', function(data) { if (data.action === 'mouseup') return; program.move(1, program.rows); program.eraseInLine('right'); if (data.action === 'wheelup') { program.write('Mouse wheel up at: ' + data.x + ', ' + data.y); } else if (data.action === 'wheeldown') { program.write('Mouse wheel down at: ' + data.x + ', ' + data.y); } else if (data.action === 'mousedown' && data.button === 'left') { program.write('Left button down at: ' + data.x + ', ' + data.y); } else if (data.action === 'mousedown' && data.button === 'right') { program.write('Right button down at: ' + data.x + ', ' + data.y); } else { program.write('Mouse at: ' + data.x + ', ' + data.y); } program.move(data.x, data.y); program.bg('red'); program.write(' '); program.bg('!red'); }); program.on('focus', function() { program.move(1, program.rows); program.write('Gained focus.'); }); program.on('blur', function() { program.move(1, program.rows); program.write('Lost focus.'); }); program.alternateBuffer(); program.enableMouse(); program.hideCursor(); program.clear(); program.move(1, 1); program.bg('black'); program.write('Hello world', 'blue fg'); program.setx((program.cols / 2 | 0) - 4); program.down(5); program.write('Hi again!'); program.bg('!black'); program.feed(); program.getCursor(function(err, data) { if (!err) { program.write('Cursor is at: ' + data.x + ', ' + data.y + '.'); program.feed(); } program.charset('SCLD'); program.write('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'); program.charset('US'); program.setx(1); }); ``` ## License Copyright (c) 2013, Christopher Jeffrey. (MIT License) See LICENSE for more info.