/** * tng.js - png reader * Copyright (c) 2015, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License). * https://github.com/chjj/tng */ var fs = require('fs') , util = require('util') , path = require('path') , zlib = require('zlib') , assert = require('assert') , cp = require('child_process') , exec = cp.execFileSync; /** * PNG */ function PNG(file, options) { var buf , chunks , idat , pixels; if (!(this instanceof PNG)) { return new PNG(file, options); } if (!file) throw new Error('no file'); this.options = options || {}; this.colors = options.colors || require('blessed/lib/colors'); this.options.optimization = this.options.optimization || 'mem'; if (Buffer.isBuffer(file)) { buf = file; this.file = null; } else { this.file = path.resolve(process.cwd(), file); this.format = path.extname(this.file).slice(1).toLowerCase(); if (this.format !== 'png') { try { return this.toPNG(); } catch (e) { console.error('could not convert ' + this.format + ' to png'); throw e; } } buf = fs.readFileSync(this.file); } chunks = this.parseRaw(buf); idat = this.parseChunks(chunks); pixels = this.parseLines(idat); this.bmp = this.createBitmap(pixels); this.cellmap = this.createCellmap(this.bmp); this.frames = this.compileFrames(this.frames); } PNG.prototype.defaultScale = 0.20; PNG.prototype.parseRaw = function(buf) { var chunks = [] , index = 0 , i = 0 , buf , len , type , name , data , crc , check , critical , public_ , conforming , copysafe , pos; this._debug(this.file); if (buf.readUInt32BE(0) !== 0x89504e47 || buf.readUInt32BE(4) !== 0x0d0a1a0a) { throw new Error('bad header'); } i += 8; while (i < buf.length) { try { pos = i; len = buf.readUInt32BE(i); i += 4; type = buf.slice(i, i + 4); name = type.toString('ascii'); i += 4; data = buf.slice(i, i + len); i += len; check = this.crc32(buf.slice(pos, i)); crc = buf.readUInt32BE(i); i += 4; critical = !!(~type[0] & 32); public_ = !!(~type[1] & 32); conforming = !!(~type[2] & 32); copysafe = !!(~type[3] & 32); } catch (e) { if (this.options.debug) throw e; break; } chunks.push({ index: index++, id: name.toLowerCase(), len: len, pos: pos, end: i, type: type, name: name, data: data, crc: crc, check: check, raw: buf.slice(pos, i), flags: { critical: critical, public_: public_, conforming: conforming, copysafe: copysafe } }); } return chunks; }; PNG.prototype.parseChunks = function(chunks) { var i , chunk , name , data , p , idat , info; for (i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { chunk = chunks[i]; name = chunk.id; data = chunk.data; info = {}; switch (name) { case 'ihdr': { this.width = info.width = data.readUInt32BE(0); this.height = info.height = data.readUInt32BE(4); this.bitDepth = info.bitDepth = data.readUInt8(8); this.colorType = info.colorType = data.readUInt8(9); this.compression = info.compression = data.readUInt8(10); this.filter = info.filter = data.readUInt8(11); this.interlace = info.interlace = data.readUInt8(12); switch (this.bitDepth) { case 1: case 2: case 4: case 8: case 16: case 24: case 32: break; default: throw new Error('bad bit depth: ' + this.bitDepth); } switch (this.colorType) { case 0: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 6: break; default: throw new Error('bad color: ' + this.colorType); } switch (this.compression) { case 0: break; default: throw new Error('bad compression: ' + this.compression); } switch (this.filter) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: break; default: throw new Error('bad filter: ' + this.filter); } switch (this.interlace) { case 0: case 1: break; default: throw new Error('bad interlace: ' + this.interlace); } break; } case 'plte': { this.palette = info.palette = []; for (p = 0; p < data.length; p += 3) { this.palette.push({ r: data[p + 0], g: data[p + 1], b: data[p + 2], a: 255 }); } break; } case 'idat': { this.size = this.size || 0; this.size += data.length; this.idat = this.idat || []; this.idat.push(data); info.size = data.length; break; } case 'iend': { this.end = true; break; } case 'trns': { this.alpha = info.alpha = Array.prototype.slice.call(data); if (this.palette) { for (p = 0; p < data.length; p++) { if (!this.palette[p]) break; this.palette[p].a = data[p]; } } break; } // https://wiki.mozilla.org/APNG_Specification case 'actl': { this.actl = info = {}; this.frames = []; this.actl.numFrames = data.readUInt32BE(0); this.actl.numPlays = data.readUInt32BE(4); break; } case 'fctl': { // IDAT is the first frame depending on the order: // IDAT is a frame: acTL->fcTL->IDAT->[fcTL]->fdAT // IDAT is not a frame: acTL->IDAT->[fcTL]->fdAT if (!this.idat) { this.idat = []; this.frames.push({ idat: true, fctl: info, fdat: this.idat }); } else { this.frames.push({ fctl: info, fdat: [] }); } info.sequenceNumber = data.readUInt32BE(0); info.width = data.readUInt32BE(4); info.height = data.readUInt32BE(8); info.xOffset = data.readUInt32BE(12); info.yOffset = data.readUInt32BE(16); info.delayNum = data.readUInt16BE(20); info.delayDen = data.readUInt16BE(22); info.disposeOp = data.readUInt8(24); info.blendOp = data.readUInt8(25); break; } case 'fdat': { info.sequenceNumber = data.readUInt32BE(0); info.data = data.slice(4); this.frames[this.frames.length - 1].fdat.push(info.data); break; } } chunk.info = info; } this._debug(chunks); if (this.frames) { this.frames = this.frames.map(function(frame, i) { frame.fdat = this.decompress(frame.fdat); if (!frame.fdat.length) throw new Error('no data'); return frame; }, this); } idat = this.decompress(this.idat); if (!idat.length) throw new Error('no data'); return idat; }; PNG.prototype.parseLines = function(data) { var pixels = [] , x , p , prior , line , filter , samples , pendingSamples , ch , shiftStart , i , toShift , sample; this.sampleDepth = this.colorType === 0 ? 1 : this.colorType === 2 ? 3 : this.colorType === 3 ? 1 : this.colorType === 4 ? 2 : this.colorType === 6 ? 4 : 1; this.bitsPerPixel = this.bitDepth * this.sampleDepth; this.bytesPerPixel = Math.ceil(this.bitsPerPixel / 8); this.wastedBits = ((this.width * this.bitsPerPixel) / 8) - ((this.width * this.bitsPerPixel / 8) | 0); this.byteWidth = Math.ceil(this.width * (this.bitsPerPixel / 8)); this.shiftStart = ((this.bitDepth + (8 / this.bitDepth - this.bitDepth)) - 1) | 0; this.shiftMult = this.bitDepth >= 8 ? 0 : this.bitDepth; this.mask = this.bitDepth === 32 ? 0xffffffff : (1 << this.bitDepth) - 1; if (this.interlace === 1) { samples = this.sampleInterlacedLines(data); for (i = 0; i < samples.length; i += this.sampleDepth) { pixels.push(samples.slice(i, i + this.sampleDepth)); } return pixels; } for (p = 0; p < data.length; p += this.byteWidth) { prior = line || []; filter = data[p++]; line = data.slice(p, p + this.byteWidth); line = this.unfilterLine(filter, line, prior); samples = this.sampleLine(line); for (i = 0; i < samples.length; i += this.sampleDepth) { pixels.push(samples.slice(i, i + this.sampleDepth)); } } return pixels; }; PNG.prototype.unfilterLine = function(filter, line, prior) { for (var x = 0; x < line.length; x++) { if (filter === 0) { // line[x] = line[x]; } else if (filter === 1) { line[x] = this.filters.sub(x, line, prior, this.bytesPerPixel); } else if (filter === 2) { line[x] = this.filters.up(x, line, prior, this.bytesPerPixel); } else if (filter === 3) { line[x] = this.filters.average(x, line, prior, this.bytesPerPixel); } else if (filter === 4) { line[x] = this.filters.paeth(x, line, prior, this.bytesPerPixel); } } return line; }; PNG.prototype.sampleLine = function(line, width) { var samples = [] , x = 0 , pendingSamples , ch , i , sample , shiftStart , toShift; while (x < line.length) { pendingSamples = this.sampleDepth; while (pendingSamples--) { ch = line[x]; if (this.bitDepth === 16) { ch = (ch << 8) | line[++x]; } else if (this.bitDepth === 24) { ch = (ch << 16) | (line[++x] << 8) | line[++x]; } else if (this.bitDepth === 32) { ch = (ch << 24) | (line[++x] << 16) | (line[++x] << 8) | line[++x]; } else if (this.bitDepth > 32) { throw new Error('bitDepth ' + this.bitDepth + ' unsupported.'); } shiftStart = this.shiftStart; toShift = shiftStart - (x === line.length - 1 ? this.wastedBits : 0); for (i = 0; i <= toShift; i++) { sample = (ch >> (this.shiftMult * shiftStart)) & this.mask; if (this.colorType !== 3) { if (this.bitDepth < 8) { // <= 8 would work too, doesn't matter // sample = sample * (0xff / this.mask) | 0; // would work too sample *= 0xff / this.mask; sample |= 0; } else if (this.bitDepth > 8) { sample = (sample / this.mask) * 255 | 0; } } samples.push(sample); shiftStart--; } x++; } } // Needed for deinterlacing? if (width != null) { samples = samples.slice(0, width * this.sampleDepth); } return samples; }; // http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG-Filters.html PNG.prototype.filters = { sub: function Sub(x, line, prior, bpp) { if (x < bpp) return line[x]; return (line[x] + line[x - bpp]) % 256; }, up: function Up(x, line, prior, bpp) { return (line[x] + (prior[x] || 0)) % 256; }, average: function Average(x, line, prior, bpp) { if (x < bpp) return Math.floor((prior[x] || 0) / 2); // if (x < bpp) return (prior[x] || 0) >> 1; return (line[x] + Math.floor((line[x - bpp] + prior[x]) / 2) // + ((line[x - bpp] + prior[x]) >> 1) ) % 256; }, paeth: function Paeth(x, line, prior, bpp) { if (x < bpp) return prior[x] || 0; return (line[x] + this._predictor( line[x - bpp], prior[x] || 0, prior[x - bpp] || 0 )) % 256; }, _predictor: function PaethPredictor(a, b, c) { // a = left, b = above, c = upper left var p = a + b - c , pa = Math.abs(p - a) , pb = Math.abs(p - b) , pc = Math.abs(p - c); if (pa <= pb && pa <= pc) return a; if (pb <= pc) return b; return c; } }; /** * Adam7 deinterlacing ported to javascript from PyPNG: * pypng - Pure Python library for PNG image encoding/decoding * Copyright (c) 2009-2015, David Jones (MIT License). * https://github.com/drj11/pypng * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files * (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ PNG.prototype.sampleInterlacedLines = function(raw) { var psize , vpr , samples , source_offset , i , pass , xstart , ystart , xstep , ystep , recon , ppr , row_size , y , filter_type , scanline , flat , offset , k , end_offset , skip , j , k , f; var adam7 = [ [0, 0, 8, 8], [4, 0, 8, 8], [0, 4, 4, 8], [2, 0, 4, 4], [0, 2, 2, 4], [1, 0, 2, 2], [0, 1, 1, 2] ]; // Fractional bytes per pixel psize = (this.bitDepth / 8) * this.sampleDepth; // Values per row (of the target image) vpr = this.width * this.sampleDepth; // Make a result array, and make it big enough. Interleaving // writes to the output array randomly (well, not quite), so the // entire output array must be in memory. samples = new Buffer(vpr * this.height); samples.fill(0); source_offset = 0; for (i = 0; i < adam7.length; i++) { pass = adam7[i]; xstart = pass[0]; ystart = pass[1]; xstep = pass[2]; ystep = pass[3]; if (xstart >= this.width) continue; // The previous (reconstructed) scanline. Empty array at the // beginning of a pass to indicate that there is no previous // line. recon = []; // Pixels per row (reduced pass image) ppr = Math.ceil((this.width - xstart) / xstep); // Row size in bytes for this pass. row_size = Math.ceil(psize * ppr); for (y = ystart; y < this.height; y += ystep) { filter_type = raw[source_offset]; source_offset += 1; scanline = raw.slice(source_offset, source_offset + row_size); source_offset += row_size; recon = this.unfilterLine(filter_type, scanline, recon); // Convert so that there is one element per pixel value flat = this.sampleLine(recon, ppr); if (xstep === 1) { assert.equal(xstart, 0); offset = y * vpr; for (k = offset, f = 0; k < offset + vpr; k++, f++) { samples[k] = flat[f]; } } else { offset = y * vpr + xstart * this.sampleDepth; end_offset = (y + 1) * vpr; skip = this.sampleDepth * xstep; for (j = 0; j < this.sampleDepth; j++) { for (k = offset + j, f = j; k < end_offset; k += skip, f += this.sampleDepth) { samples[k] = flat[f]; } } } } } return samples; }; PNG.prototype.createBitmap = function(pixels) { var bmp = []; if (this.colorType === 0) { pixels = pixels.map(function(sample) { return { r: sample[0], g: sample[0], b: sample[0], a: 255 }; }); } else if (this.colorType === 2) { pixels = pixels.map(function(sample) { return { r: sample[0], g: sample[1], b: sample[2], a: 255 }; }); } else if (this.colorType === 3) { pixels = pixels.map(function(sample) { if (!this.palette[sample[0]]) throw new Error('bad palette index'); return this.palette[sample[0]]; }, this); } else if (this.colorType === 4) { pixels = pixels.map(function(sample) { return { r: sample[0], g: sample[0], b: sample[0], a: sample[1] }; }); } else if (this.colorType === 6) { pixels = pixels.map(function(sample) { return { r: sample[0], g: sample[1], b: sample[2], a: sample[3] }; }); } for (var i = 0; i < pixels.length; i += this.width) { bmp.push(pixels.slice(i, i + this.width)); } return bmp; }; PNG.prototype.createCellmap = function(bmp, options) { var bmp = bmp || this.bmp , options = options || this.options , cellmap = [] , scale = options.cellmapScale || this.defaultScale , height = bmp.length , width = bmp[0].length , cmwidth = options.cellmapWidth , cmheight = options.cellmapHeight , line , x , y , scale , xs , ys; if (cmwidth) { scale = cmwidth / width; } else if (cmheight) { scale = cmheight / height; } ys = Math.ceil(height / (height * scale)); xs = Math.ceil(width / (width * scale)); // ys++; // xs++; // add a reducePixels() method here for (y = 0; y < bmp.length; y += ys) { line = []; if (cmheight && cellmap.length === cmheight) break; cellmap.push(line); for (x = 0; x < bmp[y].length; x += xs) { if (cmwidth && line.length === cmwidth) break; line.push(bmp[y][x]); } } return cellmap; }; PNG.prototype.renderANSI = function(bmp) { var self = this , out = ''; bmp.forEach(function(line, y) { line.forEach(function(pixel, x) { var outch = self.getOutch(x, y, line, pixel); out += self.pixelToSGR(pixel, outch); }); out += '\n'; }); return out; }; PNG.prototype.renderContent = function(bmp, el) { var self = this , out = ''; bmp.forEach(function(line, y) { line.forEach(function(pixel, x) { var outch = self.getOutch(x, y, line, pixel); out += self.pixelToTags(pixel, outch); }); out += '\n'; }); el.setContent(out); return out; }; PNG.prototype.renderScreen = function(bmp, screen, xi, xl, yi, yl) { var self = this , lines = screen.lines , cellLines , y , yy , x , xx , alpha , attr , ch; cellLines = bmp.reduce(function(cellLines, line, y) { var cellLine = []; line.forEach(function(pixel, x) { var outch = self.getOutch(x, y, line, pixel); var cell = self.pixelToCell(pixel, outch); cellLine.push(cell); }); cellLines.push(cellLine); return cellLines; }, []); for (y = yi; y < yl; y++) { yy = y - yi; for (x = xi; x < xl; x++) { xx = x - xi; if (lines[y] && lines[y][x] && cellLines[yy] && cellLines[yy][xx]) { alpha = cellLines[yy][xx].pop(); // completely transparent if (alpha === 0.0) { continue; } // translucency / blending if (alpha < 1.0) { attr = cellLines[yy][xx][0]; ch = cellLines[yy][xx][1]; lines[y][x][0] = this.colors.blend(lines[y][x][0], attr, alpha); if (ch !== ' ') lines[y][x][1] = ch; lines[y].dirty = true; continue; } // completely opaque lines[y][x] = cellLines[yy][xx]; lines[y].dirty = true; } } } }; PNG.prototype.renderElement = function(bmp, el) { var xi = el.aleft + el.ileft, xl = el.aleft + el.width - el.iright , yi = el.atop + el.itop, yl = el.atop + el.height - el.ibottom; return this.renderScreen(bmp, el.screen, xi, xl, yi, yl); }; PNG.prototype.pixelToSGR = function(pixel, ch) { var bga = 1.0 , fga = 0.5 , a = pixel.a / 255 , bg , fg; bg = this.colors.match( pixel.r * a * bga | 0, pixel.g * a * bga | 0, pixel.b * a * bga | 0); if (ch && this.options.ascii) { fg = this.colors.match( pixel.r * a * fga | 0, pixel.g * a * fga | 0, pixel.b * a * fga | 0); if (a === 0) { return '\x1b[38;5;' + fg + 'm' + ch + '\x1b[m'; } return '\x1b[38;5;' + fg + 'm\x1b[48;5;' + bg + 'm' + ch + '\x1b[m'; } if (a === 0) return ' '; return '\x1b[48;5;' + bg + 'm \x1b[m'; }; PNG.prototype.pixelToTags = function(pixel, ch) { var bga = 1.0 , fga = 0.5 , a = pixel.a / 255 , bg , fg; bg = this.colors.RGBtoHex( pixel.r * a * bga | 0, pixel.g * a * bga | 0, pixel.b * a * bga | 0); if (ch && this.options.ascii) { fg = this.colors.RGBtoHex( pixel.r * a * fga | 0, pixel.g * a * fga | 0, pixel.b * a * fga | 0); if (a === 0) { return '{' + fg + '-fg}' + ch + '{/}'; } return '{' + fg + '-fg}{' + bg + '-bg}' + ch + '{/}'; } if (a === 0) return ' '; return '{' + bg + '-bg} {/' + bg + '-bg}'; }; PNG.prototype.pixelToCell = function(pixel, ch) { var bga = 1.0 , fga = 0.5 , a = pixel.a / 255 , bg , fg; bg = this.colors.match( pixel.r * bga | 0, pixel.g * bga | 0, pixel.b * bga | 0); if (ch && this.options.ascii) { fg = this.colors.match( pixel.r * fga | 0, pixel.g * fga | 0, pixel.b * fga | 0); } else { fg = 0x1ff; ch = null; } // if (a === 0) bg = 0x1ff; return [(0 << 18) | (fg << 9) | (bg << 0), ch || ' ', a]; }; // Taken from libcaca: PNG.prototype.getOutch = (function() { var dchars = '????8@8@#8@8##8#MKXWwz$&%x><\\/xo;+=|^-:i\'.`, `. '; var luminance = function(pixel) { var a = pixel.a / 255 , r = pixel.r * a , g = pixel.g * a , b = pixel.b * a , l = 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b; return l / 255; }; return function(x, y, line, pixel) { var lumi = luminance(pixel) , outch = dchars[lumi * (dchars.length - 1) | 0]; return outch; }; })(); PNG.prototype.compileFrames = function(frames) { return this.options.optimization === 'mem' ? this.compileFrames_lomem(frames) : this.compileFrames_locpu(frames); }; PNG.prototype.compileFrames_lomem = function(frames) { if (!this.actl) return; return frames.map(function(frame, i) { this.width = frame.fctl.width; this.height = frame.fctl.height; var pixels = frame._pixels || this.parseLines(frame.fdat) , bmp = frame._bmp || this.createBitmap(pixels) , fc = frame.fctl; return { actl: this.actl, fctl: frame.fctl, delay: (fc.delayNum / (fc.delayDen || 100)) * 1000 | 0, bmp: bmp }; }, this); }; PNG.prototype.compileFrames_locpu = function(frames) { if (!this.actl) return; this._curBmp = null; this._lastBmp = null; return frames.map(function(frame, i) { this.width = frame.fctl.width; this.height = frame.fctl.height; var pixels = frame._pixels || this.parseLines(frame.fdat) , bmp = frame._bmp || this.createBitmap(pixels) , renderBmp = this.renderFrame(bmp, frame, i) , cellmap = this.createCellmap(renderBmp) , fc = frame.fctl; return { actl: this.actl, fctl: frame.fctl, delay: (fc.delayNum / (fc.delayDen || 100)) * 1000 | 0, bmp: renderBmp, cellmap: cellmap }; }, this); }; PNG.prototype.renderFrame = function(bmp, frame, i) { var renderBmp = bmp , first = this.frames[0] , last = this.frames[i - 1] , fc = frame.fctl , xo = fc.xOffset , yo = fc.yOffset , lxo , lyo , ops , x , y , p; ops = (xo + yo + fc.blendOp) + (last ? last.fctl.disposeOp : 0) + ~~(fc.width !== first.fctl.width) + ~~(fc.height !== first.fctl.height); if (!this._curBmp) { this._curBmp = []; for (y = 0; y < first.fctl.height; y++) { var line = []; for (x = 0; x < first.fctl.width; x++) { p = bmp[y][x]; line.push({ r: p.r, g: p.g, b: p.b, a: p.a }); } this._curBmp.push(line); } } if (last && ops) { if (last.fctl.disposeOp) { lxo = last.fctl.xOffset; lyo = last.fctl.yOffset; for (y = 0; y < last.fctl.height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < last.fctl.width; x++) { if (last.fctl.disposeOp === 1) { this._curBmp[lyo + y][lxo + x] = { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0 }; } else if (last.fctl.disposeOp === 2) { p = this._lastBmp[y][x]; this._curBmp[lyo + y][lxo + x] = { r: p.r, g: p.g, b: p.b, a: p.a }; } } } } for (y = 0; y < frame.fctl.height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < frame.fctl.width; x++) { p = bmp[y][x]; if (fc.blendOp === 0) { this._curBmp[yo + y][xo + x] = { r: p.r, g: p.g, b: p.b, a: p.a }; } else if (fc.blendOp === 1) { if (bmp[y][x].a !== 0) { this._curBmp[yo + y][xo + x] = { r: p.r, g: p.g, b: p.b, a: p.a }; } } } } renderBmp = this._curBmp; } this._lastBmp = bmp; return renderBmp; }; PNG.prototype._animate = function(callback) { if (!this.frames) { return callback(this.bmp, this.cellmap); } var self = this , numPlays = this.actl.numPlays || Infinity , running = 0 , i = -1; this._curBmp = null; this._lastBmp = null; var next_lomem = function() { if (!running) return; var frame = self.frames[++i]; if (!frame) { if (!--numPlays) return callback(); i = -1; // XXX may be able to optimize by only setting the self._curBmp once??? self._curBmp = null; self._lastBmp = null; return setImmediate(next); } var bmp = frame.bmp , renderBmp = self.renderFrame(bmp, frame, i) , cellmap = self.createCellmap(renderBmp); callback(renderBmp, cellmap); return setTimeout(next, frame.delay); }; var next_locpu = function() { if (!running) return; var frame = self.frames[++i]; if (!frame) { if (!--numPlays) return callback(); i = -1; return setImmediate(next); } callback(frame.bmp, frame.cellmap); return setTimeout(next, frame.delay); }; var next = this.options.optimization === 'mem' ? next_lomem : next_locpu; this._control = function(state) { if (state === -1) { i = -1; self._curBmp = null; self._lastBmp = null; running = 0; callback(self.frames[0].bmp, self.frames[0].cellmap || self.createCellmap(self.frames[0].bmp)); return; } if (state === running) return; running = state; return next(); }; this._control(1); }; PNG.prototype.play = function(callback) { if (!this._control || callback) { this.stop(); return this._animate(callback); } this._control(1); }; PNG.prototype.pause = function() { if (!this._control) return; this._control(0); }; PNG.prototype.stop = function() { if (!this._control) return; this._control(-1); }; PNG.prototype.toPNG = function() { var options = this.options , file = this.file , format = this.format , buf , img , gif; if (format !== 'gif') { buf = exec('convert', [format + ':' + file, 'png:-'], { stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'ignore']}); img = PNG(buf, options); img.file = file; return img; } gif = GIF(file, options); this.width = gif.width; this.height = gif.height; this.frames = []; for (var i = 0; i < gif.images.length; i++) { var img = gif.images[i]; // Convert from gif disposal to png disposal. See: // http://www.w3.org/Graphics/GIF/spec-gif89a.txt var disposeOp = Math.max(0, (gif.disposeMethod || 0) - 1); if (disposeOp > 2) disposeOp = 0; this.frames.push({ fctl: { sequenceNumber: i, width: img.width, height: img.height, xOffset: img.left, yOffset: img.top, delayNum: gif.delay, delayDen: 100, disposeOp: disposeOp, blendOp: 1 }, fdat: [], _pixels: [], _bmp: img.bmp }); } this.bmp = this.frames[0]._bmp; this.cellmap = this.createCellmap(this.bmp); if (this.frames.length > 1) { this.actl = { numFrames: gif.images.length, numPlays: gif.numPlays || 0 }; this.frames = this.compileFrames(this.frames); } else { this.frames = undefined; } return this; }; // Convert a gif to an apng using imagemagick. Unfortunately imagemagick // doesn't support apngs, so we coalesce the gif frames into one image and then // slice them into frames. PNG.prototype.gifMagick = function() { var options = this.options , file = this.file , format = this.format , buf , fmt , img , frames , frame , width , height , iwidth , twidth , i , lines , line , x , y; buf = exec('convert', [format + ':' + file, '-coalesce', '+append', 'png:-']); fmt = '{"W":%W,"H":%H,"w":%w,"h":%h,"d":%T,"x":"%X","y":"%Y"},' frames = exec('identify', ['-format', fmt, format + ':' + file], { encoding: 'utf8', stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'ignore'] }); frames = JSON.parse('[' + frames.trim().slice(0, -1) + ']'); img = PNG(buf, options); img.file = file; Object.keys(img).forEach(function(key) { this[key] = img[key]; }, this); width = frames[0].W; height = frames[0].H; iwidth = 0; twidth = 0; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.frames = []; for (i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) { frame = frames[i]; frame.x = +frame.x; frame.y = +frame.y; iwidth = twidth; twidth += width; lines = []; for (y = frame.y; y < height; y++) { line = []; for (x = iwidth + frame.x; x < twidth; x++) { line.push(img.bmp[y][x]); } lines.push(line); } this.frames.push({ fctl: { sequenceNumber: i, width: frame.w, height: frame.h, xOffset: frame.x, yOffset: frame.y, delayNum: frame.d, delayDen: 100, disposeOp: 0, blendOp: 0 }, fdat: [], _pixels: [], _bmp: lines }); } this.bmp = this.frames[0]._bmp; this.cellmap = this.createCellmap(this.bmp); if (this.frames.length > 1) { this.actl = { numFrames: frames.length, numPlays: 0 }; this.frames = this.compileFrames(this.frames); } else { this.frames = undefined; } return this; }; PNG.prototype.decompress = function(buffers) { return zlib.inflateSync(new Buffer(buffers.reduce(function(out, data) { return out.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(data)); }, []))); }; PNG.prototype.crc32 = function(data) { return 0; }; PNG.prototype._debug = function() { if (!this.options.log) return; return this.options.log.apply(null, arguments); }; /** * GIF */ function GIF(file, options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof GIF)) { return new GIF(file, options); } var info = {} , p = 0 , buf , i , total , sig , desc , img , ext , label , size; if (!file) throw new Error('no file'); options = options || {}; if (Buffer.isBuffer(file)) { buf = file; file = null; } else { file = path.resolve(process.cwd(), file); buf = fs.readFileSync(file); } sig = buf.slice(0, 6).toString('ascii'); if (sig !== 'GIF87a' && sig !== 'GIF89a') { throw new Error('bad header: ' + sig); } this.width = buf.readUInt16LE(6); this.height = buf.readUInt16LE(8); this.flags = buf.readUInt8(10); this.gct = !!(this.flags & 0x80); this.gctsize = (this.flags & 0x07) + 1; this.bgIndex = buf.readUInt8(11); this.aspect = buf.readUInt8(12); p += 13; if (this.gct) { this.colors = []; total = 1 << this.gctsize; for (i = 0; i < total; i++, p += 3) { this.colors.push([buf[p], buf[p + 1], buf[p + 2], 255]); } } this.images = []; this.extensions = []; try { while (p < buf.length) { desc = buf.readUInt8(p); p += 1; if (desc === 0x2c) { img = {}; img.left = buf.readUInt16LE(p); p += 2; img.top = buf.readUInt16LE(p); p += 2; img.width = buf.readUInt16LE(p); p += 2; img.height = buf.readUInt16LE(p); p += 2; img.flags = buf.readUInt8(p); p += 1; img.lct = !!(img.flags & 0x80); img.ilace = !!(img.flags & 0x40); img.lctsize = (img.flags & 0x07) + 1; if (img.lct) { img.lcolors = []; total = 1 << img.lctsize; for (i = 0; i < total; i++, p += 3) { img.lcolors.push([buf[p], buf[p + 1], buf[p + 2], 255]); } } img.codeSize = buf.readUInt8(p); p += 1; img.size = buf.readUInt8(p); p += 1; img.lzw = [buf.slice(p, p + img.size)]; p += img.size; while (buf[p] !== 0x00) { // Some gifs screw up their size. // XXX Same for all subblocks? if (buf[p] === 0x3b) { p--; break; } size = buf.readUInt8(p); p += 1; img.lzw.push(buf.slice(p, p + size)); p += size; } assert.equal(buf.readUInt8(p), 0x00); p += 1; this.images.push(img); } else if (desc === 0x21) { // Extensions: // http://www.w3.org/Graphics/GIF/spec-gif89a.txt ext = {}; label = buf.readUInt8(p); p += 1; ext.label = label; if (label === 0xf9) { size = buf.readUInt8(p); assert.equal(size, 0x04); p += 1; ext.fields = buf.readUInt8(p); ext.disposeMethod = (ext.fields >> 2) & 0x07; ext.useTransparent = !!(ext.fields & 0x01); p += 1; ext.delay = buf.readUInt16LE(p); p += 2; ext.transparentColor = buf.readUInt8(p); p += 1; while (buf[p] !== 0x00) { size = buf.readUInt8(p); p += 1; p += size; } assert.equal(buf.readUInt8(p), 0x00); p += 1; this.delay = ext.delay; this.transparentColor = ext.transparentColor; this.disposeMethod = ext.disposeMethod; this.useTransparent = ext.useTransparent; } else if (label === 0xff) { size = buf.readUInt8(p); p += 1; ext.id = buf.slice(p, p + 8).toString('ascii'); p += 8; ext.auth = buf.slice(p, p + 3).toString('ascii'); p += 3; ext.data = []; while (buf[p] !== 0x00) { size = buf.readUInt8(p); p += 1; ext.data.push(buf.slice(p, p + size)); p += size; } // http://graphcomp.com/info/specs/ani_gif.html if (ext.id === 'NETSCAPE' && ext.auth === '2.0') { assert.equal(ext.data[0].readUInt8(0), 0x01); ext.numPlays = ext.data[0].readUInt16LE(1); this.numPlays = ext.numPlays; } assert.equal(buf.readUInt8(p), 0x00); p += 1; } else { ext.data = []; while (buf[p] !== 0x00) { size = buf.readUInt8(p); p += 1; ext.data.push(buf.slice(p, p + size)); p += size; } assert.equal(buf.readUInt8(p), 0x00); p += 1; } this.extensions.push(ext); } else if (desc === 0x3b) { break; } else if (p === buf.length - 1) { // } else if (desc === 0x00 && p === buf.length - 1) { break; } else { throw new Error('unknown block'); } } } catch (e) { if (options.debug) { throw e; } } this.images = this.images.map(function(img) { img.lzw = new Buffer(img.lzw.reduce(function(out, data) { return out.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(data)); }, [])); try { img.data = this.decompress(img.lzw, img.codeSize); } catch (e) { if (options.debug) throw e; return; } var interlacing = [ [ 0, 8 ], [ 4, 8 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 1, 2 ], [ 0, 0 ] ]; var table = img.lcolors || this.colors , row = 0 , col = 0 , ilp = 0 , p = 0 , b , idx , i , y , x , line , pixel; img.samples = []; // Rewritten version of: // https://github.com/lbv/ka-cs-programs/blob/master/lib/gif-reader.js for (;;) { b = img.data[p++]; if (b == null) break; idx = (row * img.width + col) * 4; if (!table[b]) { if (options.debug) throw new Error('bad samples'); table[b] = [0, 0, 0, 0]; } img.samples[idx] = table[b][0]; img.samples[idx + 1] = table[b][1]; img.samples[idx + 2] = table[b][2]; img.samples[idx + 3] = table[b][3]; if (this.useTransparent && b === this.transparentColor) { img.samples[idx + 3] = 0; } if (++col >= img.width) { col = 0; if (img.ilace) { row += interlacing[ilp][1]; if (row >= img.height) { row = interlacing[++ilp][0]; } } else { row++; } } } img.pixels = []; for (i = 0; i < img.samples.length; i += 4) { img.pixels.push(img.samples.slice(i, i + 4)); } img.bmp = []; for (y = 0, p = 0; y < img.height; y++) { line = []; for (x = 0; x < img.width; x++) { pixel = img.pixels[p++]; if (!pixel) { if (options.debug) throw new Error('no pixel'); line.push({ r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0 }); continue; } line.push({ r: pixel[0], g: pixel[1], b: pixel[2], a: pixel[3] }); } img.bmp.push(line); } return img; }, this).filter(Boolean); if (!this.images.length) { throw new Error('no image data or bad decompress'); } } // Rewritten version of: // https://github.com/lbv/ka-cs-programs/blob/master/lib/gif-reader.js GIF.prototype.decompress = function(input, codeSize) { var bitDepth = codeSize + 1 , CC = 1 << codeSize , EOI = CC + 1 , stack = [] , table = [] , ntable = 0 , oldCode = null , buffer = 0 , nbuffer = 0 , p = 0 , buf = [] , bits , read , ans , n , code , i , K , b , maxElem; for (;;) { if (stack.length === 0) { bits = bitDepth; read = 0; ans = 0; while (read < bits) { if (nbuffer === 0) { if (p >= input.length) return buf; buffer = input[p++]; nbuffer = 8; } n = Math.min(bits - read, nbuffer); ans |= (buffer & ((1 << n) - 1)) << read; read += n; nbuffer -= n; buffer >>= n; } code = ans; if (code === EOI) { break; } if (code === CC) { table = []; for (i = 0; i < CC; ++i) { table[i] = [i, -1, i]; } bitDepth = codeSize + 1; maxElem = 1 << bitDepth; ntable = CC + 2; oldCode = null; continue; } if (oldCode === null) { oldCode = code; buf.push(table[code][0]); continue; } if (code < ntable) { for (i = code; i >= 0; i = table[i][1]) { stack.push(table[i][0]); } table[ntable++] = [ table[code][2], oldCode, table[oldCode][2] ]; } else { K = table[oldCode][2]; table[ntable++] = [K, oldCode, K]; for (i = code; i >= 0; i = table[i][1]) { stack.push(table[i][0]); } } oldCode = code; if (ntable === maxElem) { maxElem = 1 << (++bitDepth); if (bitDepth > 12) bitDepth = 12; } } b = stack.pop(); if (b == null) break; buf.push(b); } return buf; }; /** * Expose */ exports = PNG; exports.png = PNG; exports.gif = GIF; module.exports = exports;