/** * widget.js - high-level interface for blessed * Copyright (c) 2013, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License) * https://github.com/chjj/blessed * Still under heavy development. */ /** * Modules */ var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter , assert = require('assert') , path = require('path') , fs = require('fs') , colors = require('./colors') , widget = exports; /** * Node */ function Node(options) { if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new Node(options); } EventEmitter.call(this); options = options || {}; this.options = options; this.screen = this.screen || Screen.global || (function(){throw new Error('No active screen.')})(); this.parent = options.parent || null; this.children = []; this.$ = this._ = this.data = {}; this.uid = Node.uid++; this.index = -1; if (this.parent) { this.parent.append(this); } if (!this.parent) { this._detached = true; } (options.children || []).forEach(this.append.bind(this)); // if (this.type === 'screen' && !this.focused) { // this.focused = this.children[0]; // } } Node.uid = 0; Node.prototype.__proto__ = EventEmitter.prototype; Node.prototype.type = 'node'; Node.prototype.insert = function(element, i) { var old = element.parent; element.detach(); element.parent = this; if (this.type === 'screen' && !this.focused) { this.focused = element; } if (!~this.children.indexOf(element)) { if (i === 0) { this.children.unshift(element); } else if (i === this.children.length) { this.children.push(element); } else { this.children.splice(i, 0, element); } } element.emit('reparent', this); this.emit('adopt', element); if (!old) { // element.emitDescendants('attach', function(el) { // el._detached = false; // }); (function emit(el) { el._detached = false; el.emit('attach'); if (el.children) el.children.forEach(emit); })(element); } }; Node.prototype.prepend = function(element) { this.insert(element, 0); }; Node.prototype.append = function(element) { this.insert(element, this.children.length); }; Node.prototype.insertBefore = function(element, other) { var i = this.children.indexOf(other); if (~i) this.insert(element, i); }; Node.prototype.insertAfter = function(element, other) { var i = this.children.indexOf(other); if (~i) this.insert(element, i + 1); }; Node.prototype.remove = function(element) { if (element.parent !== this) return; element.parent = null; var i = this.children.indexOf(element); if (~i) { this.children.splice(i, 1); } if (this.type !== 'screen') { i = this.screen.clickable.indexOf(element); if (~i) this.screen.clickable.splice(i, 1); i = this.screen.keyable.indexOf(element); if (~i) this.screen.keyable.splice(i, 1); } if (this.type === 'screen' && this.focused === element) { this.focused = this.children[0]; } element.emit('reparent', null); this.emit('remove', element); // element.emitDescendants('detach', function(el) { // el._detached = true; // }); (function emit(el) { el._detached = true; el.emit('detach'); if (el.children) el.children.forEach(emit); })(element); // this.clearPos(); }; Node.prototype.detach = function() { if (this.parent) this.parent.remove(this); }; Node.prototype.forDescendants = function(iter, s) { if (s) iter(this); this.children.forEach(function emit(el) { iter(el); el.children.forEach(emit); }); }; Node.prototype.forAncestors = function(iter, s) { var el = this; if (s) iter(this); while (el = el.parent) { iter(el); el.emit.apply(el, args); } }; Node.prototype.collectDescendants = function(s) { var out = []; this.forDescendants(function(el) { out.push(el); }, s); return out; }; Node.prototype.collectAncestors = function(s) { var out = []; this.forAncestors(function(el) { out.push(el); }, s); return out; }; Node.prototype.emitDescendants = function() { var args = Array.prototype.slice(arguments) , iter; if (typeof args[args.length-1] === 'function') { iter = args.pop(); } return this.forDescendants(function(el) { if (iter) iter(el); el.emit.apply(el, args); }, true); }; Node.prototype.emitAncestors = function() { var args = Array.prototype.slice(arguments) , iter; if (typeof args[args.length-1] === 'function') { iter = args.pop(); } return this.forAncestors(function(el) { if (iter) iter(el); el.emit.apply(el, args); }, true); }; Node.prototype.hasDescendant = function(target) { // return this.collectDescendants().indexOf(target) !== -1; return (function find(el) { for (var i = 0; i < el.children.length; i++) { if (el.children[i] === target) { return true; } if (find(el.children[i]) === true) { return true; } } return false; })(this); }; Node.prototype.hasAncestor = function(target) { // return this.collectAncestors().indexOf(target) !== -1; var el = this; while (el = el.parent) { if (el === target) return true; } return false; }; Node.prototype.gon = function(type, callback) { var self = this , events = this._events || {} , listeners = (events[type] || []).slice(); return this.on(type, function() { if (callback.apply(this, arguments) === true) { self._events[type] = listeners; } }); }; Node.prototype.get = function(name, value) { if (this.data.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return this.data[name]; } return value; }; Node.prototype.set = function(name, value) { return this.data[name] = value; }; /** * Screen */ function Screen(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new Screen(options); } options = options || {}; if (options.rsety && options.listen) { options = { program: options }; } options.program = options.program || require('./program').global || new (require('./program'))(options); if (!Screen.global) { Screen.global = this; } Node.call(this, options); this.program = options.program; this.program.zero = true; this.tput = this.program.tput; this.output = this.program.output; this.tabc = Array((options.tabSize || 4) + 1).join(' '); this.dattr = ((0 << 18) | (0x1ff << 9)) | 0x1ff; this.position = { left: this.left = this.rleft = 0, right: this.right = this.rright = 0, top: this.top = this.rtop = 0, bottom: this.bottom = this.rbottom = 0 }; this.hover = null; this.history = []; this.clickable = []; this.keyable = []; this.grabKeys = false; this.lockKeys = false; this.focused; this._buf = ''; this._ci = -1; function resize() { self.alloc(); self.render(); (function emit(el) { el.emit('resize'); if (el.children) { el.children.forEach(emit); } })(self); // self.emitDescendants('resize'); } this.program.on('resize', function() { if (!self.options.resizeTimeout) { return resize(); } if (self._resizeTimer) { clearTimeout(self._resizeTimer); delete self._resizeTimer; } var time = typeof self.options.resizeTimeout === 'number' ? self.options.resizeTimeout : 300; self._resizeTimer = setTimeout(resize, time); }); this.program.on('focus', function() { self.emit('focus'); }); this.program.on('blur', function() { self.emit('blur'); }); this.program.alternateBuffer(); this.program.hideCursor(); this.program.cup(0, 0); //this.program.csr(0, this.height - 1); this.alloc(); function reset() { if (reset.done) return; reset.done = true; if (self.program.scrollTop !== 0 || self.program.scrollBottom !== self.rows - 1) { self.program.csr(0, self.height - 1); } self.program.clear(); self.program.showCursor(); self.program.normalBuffer(); if (self._listenedMouse) { self.program.disableMouse(); } } this._maxListeners = Infinity; process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) { reset(); if (err) console.error(err.stack ? err.stack + '' : err + ''); return process.exit(1); }); process.on('exit', function() { reset(); }); this.on('newListener', function fn(type) { if (type === 'keypress' || type.indexOf('key ') === 0 || type === 'mouse') { if (type === 'keypress' || type.indexOf('key ') === 0) self._listenKeys(); if (type === 'mouse') self._listenMouse(); } if (type === 'mouse' || type === 'click' || type === 'mouseover' || type === 'mouseout' || type === 'mousedown' || type === 'mouseup' || type === 'mousewheel' || type === 'wheeldown' || type === 'wheelup' || type === 'mousemove') { self._listenMouse(); } }); } Screen.global = null; Screen.prototype.__proto__ = Node.prototype; Screen.prototype.type = 'screen'; // TODO: Bubble and capture events throughout the tree. Screen.prototype._listenMouse = function(el) { var self = this; if (el && !~this.clickable.indexOf(el)) { el.clickable = true; this.clickable.push(el); } if (this._listenedMouse) return; this._listenedMouse = true; this.program.enableMouse(); // this.on('element click', el.focus.bind(el)); this.program.on('mouse', function(data) { if (self.lockKeys) return; var clickable = hsort(self.clickable) , i = 0 , left , top , width , height , el , set , ret; for (; i < clickable.length; i++) { el = clickable[i]; if (!el.visible) continue; // Something like (doesn't work because textbox is usually focused): // if (self.grabKeys && self.focused !== el // && !el.hasAncestor(self.focused)) continue; // Need to use _getCoords() over lpos for when the // element is obfuscated by a scrollable parent. ret = el._getCoords(); if (!ret) continue; left = ret.xi; top = ret.yi; width = ret.xl - ret.xi; height = ret.yl - ret.yi; if (data.x >= left && data.x < left + width && data.y >= top && data.y < top + height) { el.emit('mouse', data); self.emit('element mouse', el, data); if (data.action === 'mouseup') { el.emit('click', data); self.emit('element click', el, data); } else if (data.action === 'mousemove') { if (self.hover && el.index > self.hover.index) { set = false; } if (self.hover !== el && !set) { if (self.hover) { self.hover.emit('mouseout', data); self.emit('element mouseout', self.hover, data); } el.emit('mouseover', data); self.emit('element mouseover', el, data); self.hover = el; } set = true; } el.emit(data.action, data); self.emit('element ' + data.action, el, data); // XXX Temporary workaround for List wheel events. // Make sure they get propogated to the list instead of the list item. if ((data.action === 'wheeldown' || data.action === 'wheelup') && el.listeners(data.action).length === 0 && el.parent.listeners(data.action).length > 0) { el.parent.emit(data.action, data); self.emit('element ' + data.action, el.parent, data); } // Seems to work better without this if statement: // if (data.action !== 'mousemove') break; } } // Just mouseover? if ((data.action === 'mousemove' || data.action === 'mousedown' || data.action === 'mouseup') && self.hover && !set) { self.hover.emit('mouseout', data); self.emit('element mouseout', self.hover, data); self.hover = null; } self.emit('mouse', data); }); }; // TODO: Bubble and capture events throughout the tree. Screen.prototype._listenKeys = function(el) { var self = this; if (el && !~this.keyable.indexOf(el)) { el.keyable = true; // Listen for click, but do not enable // mouse if it's not enabled yet. if (el.options.autoFocus !== false) { var lm = this._listenedMouse; this._listenedMouse = true; el.on('click', el.focus.bind(el)); this._listenedMouse = lm; } this.keyable.push(el); } if (this._listenedKeys) return; this._listenedKeys = true; // NOTE: The event emissions used to be reversed: // element + screen // They are now: // screen + element // After the first keypress emitted, the handler // checks to make sure grabKeys, lockKeys, and focused // weren't changed, and handles those situations appropriately. this.program.on('keypress', function(ch, key) { if (self.lockKeys) return; var focused = self.focused , grabKeys = self.grabKeys; if (!grabKeys) { self.emit('keypress', ch, key); self.emit('key ' + key.full, ch, key); } // If something changed from the screen key handler, stop. if (self.grabKeys !== grabKeys || self.lockKeys) { return; } if (~self.keyable.indexOf(focused)) { focused.emit('keypress', ch, key); focused.emit('key ' + key.full, ch, key); self.emit('element keypress', focused, ch, key); self.emit('element key ' + key.full, focused, ch, key); } }); }; Screen.prototype.__defineGetter__('cols', function() { return this.program.cols; }); Screen.prototype.__defineGetter__('rows', function() { return this.program.rows; }); Screen.prototype.__defineGetter__('width', function() { return this.program.cols; }); Screen.prototype.__defineGetter__('height', function() { return this.program.rows; }); Screen.prototype.alloc = function() { var x, y; this.lines = []; for (y = 0; y < this.rows; y++) { this.lines[y] = []; for (x = 0; x < this.cols; x++) { this.lines[y][x] = [this.dattr, ' ']; } this.lines[y].dirty = false; } this.olines = []; for (y = 0; y < this.rows; y++) { this.olines[y] = []; for (x = 0; x < this.cols; x++) { this.olines[y][x] = [this.dattr, ' ']; } } this.program.clear(); }; Screen.prototype.render = function() { var self = this; this.emit('prerender'); // TODO: Could possibly drop .dirty and just clear the `lines` buffer every // time before a screen.render. This way clearRegion doesn't have to be // called in arbitrary places for the sake of clearing a spot where an // element used to be (e.g. when an element moves or is hidden). There could // be some overhead though. // this.screen.clearRegion(0, this.cols, 0, this.rows); this._ci = 0; this.children.forEach(function(el) { el.index = self._ci++; el.render(); }); this._ci = -1; this.draw(0, this.rows - 1); this.emit('render'); }; Screen.prototype.blankLine = function(ch, dirty) { var out = []; for (var x = 0; x < this.cols; x++) { out[x] = [this.dattr, ch || ' ']; } out.dirty = dirty; return out; }; Screen.prototype.insertLine = function(n, y, top, bottom) { // if (y === top) return this.insertLineNC(n, y, top, bottom); if (!this.tput || !this.tput.strings.change_scroll_region || !this.tput.strings.delete_line || !this.tput.strings.insert_line) return; this._buf += this.tput.csr(top, bottom); this._buf += this.tput.cup(y, 0); this._buf += this.tput.il(n); this._buf += this.tput.csr(0, this.height - 1); var j = bottom + 1; while (n--) { this.lines.splice(y, 0, this.blankLine()); this.lines.splice(j, 1); this.olines.splice(y, 0, this.blankLine()); this.olines.splice(j, 1); } }; Screen.prototype.deleteLine = function(n, y, top, bottom) { // if (y === top) return this.deleteLineNC(n, y, top, bottom); if (!this.tput || !this.tput.strings.change_scroll_region || !this.tput.strings.delete_line || !this.tput.strings.insert_line) return; this._buf += this.tput.csr(top, bottom); this._buf += this.tput.cup(y, 0); this._buf += this.tput.dl(n); this._buf += this.tput.csr(0, this.height - 1); var j = bottom + 1; while (n--) { this.lines.splice(j, 0, this.blankLine()); this.lines.splice(y, 1); this.olines.splice(j, 0, this.blankLine()); this.olines.splice(y, 1); } }; // This is how ncurses does it. // Scroll down (up cursor-wise). // This will only work for top line deletion as opposed to arbitrary lines. Screen.prototype.insertLineNC = function(n, y, top, bottom) { if (!this.tput || !this.tput.strings.change_scroll_region || !this.tput.strings.delete_line || !this.tput.strings.insert_line) return; this._buf += this.tput.csr(top, bottom); this._buf += this.tput.cup(top, 0); this._buf += this.tput.dl(n); this._buf += this.tput.csr(0, this.height - 1); var j = bottom + 1; while (n--) { this.lines.splice(j, 0, this.blankLine()); this.lines.splice(y, 1); this.olines.splice(j, 0, this.blankLine()); this.olines.splice(y, 1); } }; // This is how ncurses does it. // Scroll up (down cursor-wise). // This will only work for bottom line deletion as opposed to arbitrary lines. Screen.prototype.deleteLineNC = function(n, y, top, bottom) { if (!this.tput || !this.tput.strings.change_scroll_region || !this.tput.strings.delete_line || !this.tput.strings.insert_line) return; this._buf += this.tput.csr(top, bottom); this._buf += this.tput.cup(bottom, 0); this._buf += Array(n + 1).join('\n'); this._buf += this.tput.csr(0, this.height - 1); var j = bottom + 1; while (n--) { this.lines.splice(j, 0, this.blankLine()); this.lines.splice(y, 1); this.olines.splice(j, 0, this.blankLine()); this.olines.splice(y, 1); } }; Screen.prototype.insertBottom = function(top, bottom) { return this.deleteLine(1, top, top, bottom); }; Screen.prototype.insertTop = function(top, bottom) { return this.insertLine(1, top, top, bottom); }; Screen.prototype.deleteBottom = function(top, bottom) { return this.clearRegion(0, this.width, bottom, bottom); }; Screen.prototype.deleteTop = function(top, bottom) { // Same as: return this.insertBottom(top, bottom); return this.deleteLine(1, top, top, bottom); }; // Parse the sides of an element to determine // whether an element has uniform cells on // both sides. If it does, we can use CSR to // optimize scrolling on a scrollable element. // Not exactly sure how worthwile this is. // This will cause a performance/cpu-usage hit, // but will it be less or greater than the // performance hit of slow-rendering scrollable // boxes with clean sides? Screen.prototype.cleanSides = function(el) { var pos = el.lpos; if (!pos) { return false; } if (pos._cleanSides != null) { return pos._cleanSides; } if (pos.xi === 0 && pos.xl === this.width) { return pos._cleanSides = true; } if (!this.options.smartCSR) { return false; } // The scrollbar can't update properly, and there's also a // chance that the scrollbar may get moved around senselessly. if (this.scrollbar) { return false; } var yi = pos.yi + el.itop , yl = pos.yl - el.ibottom , first , ch , x , y; for (x = pos.xi - 1; x >= 0; x--) { first = this.olines[yi][x]; for (y = yi; y < yl; y++) { ch = this.olines[y][x]; if (ch[0] !== first[0] || ch[1] !== first[1]) { return pos._cleanSides = false; } } } for (x = pos.xl; x < this.width; x++) { first = this.olines[yi][x]; for (y = yi; y < yl; y++) { ch = this.olines[y][x]; if (ch[0] !== first[0] || ch[1] !== first[1]) { return pos._cleanSides = false; } } } return pos._cleanSides = true; }; Screen.prototype.draw = function(start, end) { var x , y , line , out , ch , data , attr , fg , bg , flags; var main = ''; var clr , neq , xx; var lx = -1 , ly = -1 , o; var acs; if (this._buf) { main += this._buf; this._buf = ''; } for (y = start; y <= end; y++) { line = this.lines[y]; o = this.olines[y]; // TODO: Possibly get rid of .dirty altogether. if (!line.dirty) continue; line.dirty = false; out = ''; attr = this.dattr; for (x = 0; x < this.cols; x++) { data = line[x][0]; ch = line[x][1]; // Take advantage of xterm's back_color_erase feature by using a // lookahead. Stop spitting out so many damn spaces. NOTE: Is checking // the bg for non BCE terminals worth the overhead? if (this.options.useBCE && ch === ' ' && ((this.tput && this.tput.bools.back_color_erase) || (data & 0x1ff) === (this.dattr & 0x1ff)) && ((data >> 18) & 8) === ((this.dattr >> 18) & 8)) { clr = true; neq = false; for (xx = x; xx < this.cols; xx++) { if (line[xx][0] !== data || line[xx][1] !== ' ') { clr = false; break; } if (line[xx][0] !== o[xx][0] || line[xx][1] !== o[xx][1]) { neq = true; } } if (clr && neq) { lx = ly = -1; if (data !== attr) { out += this.codeAttr(data); attr = data; } out += this.tput ? this.tput.cup(y, x) : '\x1b[' + (y + 1) + ';' + (x + 1) + 'H'; out += this.tput ? this.tput.el(0) : '\x1b[K'; for (xx = x; xx < this.cols; xx++) { o[xx][0] = data; o[xx][1] = ' '; } break; } // If there's more than 10 spaces, use EL regardless // and start over drawing the rest of line. Might // not be worth it. // if (!clr && neq && (xx - x) > 10) { // lx = ly = -1; // if (data !== attr) { // out += this.codeAttr(data); // attr = data; // } // out += this.tput // ? this.tput.cup(y, x) // : '\x1b[' + (y + 1) + ';' + (x + 1) + 'H'; // out += this.tput // ? this.tput.el(0) // : '\x1b[K'; // out += this.tput // ? this.tput.cuf(xx - x) // : '\x1b[' + (xx - x) + 'C'; // clr = xx; // tmp // for (xx = x; xx < this.cols; xx++) { // o[xx][0] = data; // o[xx][1] = ' '; // } // x = clr - 1; // continue; // } // Skip to the next line if the // rest of the line is already drawn. // Comment the break in the first // xx loop above for this to work. // Which carries less overhead? // OR use another for loop: // for (xx = x; xx < this.cols; xx++) { // if (line[xx][0] !== o[xx][0] || line[xx][1] !== o[xx][1]) { // neq = true; // break; // } // } // if (!neq) { // attr = data; // break; // } } // Optimize by comparing the real output // buffer to the pending output buffer. if (data === o[x][0] && ch === o[x][1]) { if (lx === -1) { lx = x; ly = y; } continue; } else if (lx !== -1) { if (this.tput) { out += y === ly ? this.tput.cuf(x - lx) : this.tput.cup(y, x); } else { out += y === ly ? '\x1b[' + (x - lx) + 'C' : '\x1b[' + (y + 1) + ';' + (x + 1) + 'H'; } lx = -1, ly = -1; } o[x][0] = data; o[x][1] = ch; if (data !== attr) { if (attr !== this.dattr) { out += '\x1b[m'; } if (data !== this.dattr) { out += '\x1b['; bg = data & 0x1ff; fg = (data >> 9) & 0x1ff; flags = data >> 18; // bold if (flags & 1) { out += '1;'; } // underline if (flags & 2) { out += '4;'; } // blink if (flags & 4) { out += '5;'; } // inverse if (flags & 8) { out += '7;'; } // invisible if (flags & 16) { out += '8;'; } if (bg !== 0x1ff) { bg = this._reduceColor(bg); if (bg < 16) { if (bg < 8) { bg += 40; } else if (bg < 16) { bg -= 8; bg += 100; } out += bg + ';'; } else { out += '48;5;' + bg + ';'; } } if (fg !== 0x1ff) { fg = this._reduceColor(fg); if (fg < 16) { if (fg < 8) { fg += 30; } else if (fg < 16) { fg -= 8; fg += 90; } out += fg + ';'; } else { out += '38;5;' + fg + ';'; } } if (out[out.length-1] === ';') out = out.slice(0, -1); out += 'm'; } } // Attempt to use ACS for supported characters. // This is not ideal, but it's how ncurses works. // There are a lot of terminals that support ACS // *and UTF8, but do not declare U8. So ACS ends // up being used (slower than utf8). Terminals // that do not support ACS and do not explicitly // support UTF8 get ugly their unicode characters // replaced with really ugly ascii characters. // It is possible there is a terminal out there // somewhere that does not support ACS, but // supports UTF8, but I imagine it's unlikely. // Maybe remove !this.tput.unicode check, however, // this seems to be the way ncurses does it. if (this.tput) { if (this.tput.strings.enter_alt_charset_mode) { if (!this.tput.brokenACS || !this.tput.unicode) { if (this.tput.acscr[ch]) { if (acs) { ch = this.tput.acscr[ch]; } else { ch = this.tput.smacs() + this.tput.acscr[ch] acs = true; } } else if (acs) { ch = this.tput.rmacs() + ch; acs = false; } } } else { // U8 is not consistently correct. Some terminfo's // terminals that do not declare it may actually // support utf8 (e.g. urxvt), but if the terminal // does not declare support for ACS (and U8), chances // are it does not support UTF8. This is probably // the "safest" way to do this. Should fix things // like sun-color. // if (this.program.term('sun') && ch > '~') { // if (this.tput.numbers.U8 !== 1 && ch > '~') { if (this.tput.numbers.U8 !== 1 && this.tput.utoa[ch]) { ch = this.tput.utoa[ch] || '?'; } } } out += ch; attr = data; } if (attr !== this.dattr) { out += '\x1b[m'; } if (out) { main += this.tput ? this.tput.cup(y, 0) + out : '\x1b[' + (y + 1) + ';1H' + out; } } if (main) { var pre = '' , post = ''; pre += this.tput ? this.tput.sc() : '\x1b7'; post += this.tput ? this.tput.rc() : '\x1b8'; if (!this.program.cursorHidden) { pre += this.tput ? this.tput.civis() : '\x1b[?25l'; post += this.tput ? this.tput.cnorm() : '\x1b[?25h'; } this.output.write(pre + main + post); } }; Screen.prototype._reduceColor = function(col) { if (this.tput) { if (col >= 16 && this.tput.colors <= 16) { col = colors.ccolors[col]; } else if (col >= 8 && this.tput.colors <= 8) { col -= 8; } else if (col >= 2 && this.tput.colors <= 2) { col %= 2; } } return col; }; // Convert an SGR string to our own attribute format. Screen.prototype.attrCode = function(code, cur) { var flags = (cur >> 18) & 0x1ff , fg = (cur >> 9) & 0x1ff , bg = cur & 0x1ff , c , i; code = /^\x1b\[([\d;]*)m$/.exec(code); if (!code) return cur; code = code[1].split(';'); if (!code[0]) code[0] = '0'; for (i = 0; i < code.length; i++) { c = +code[i] || 0; switch (c) { case 0: // normal bg = 0x1ff; fg = 0x1ff; flags = 0; break; case 1: // bold flags |= 1; break; case 22: flags &= ~1; break; case 4: // underline flags |= 2; break; case 24: flags &= ~2; break; case 5: // blink flags |= 4; break; case 25: flags &= ~4; break; case 7: // inverse flags |= 8; break; case 27: flags &= ~8; break; case 8: // invisible flags |= 16; break; case 28: flags &= ~16; break; case 100: // default fg/bg bg = 0x1ff; fg = 0x1ff; break; default: // color if (c === 48 && +code[i+1] === 5) { i += 2; bg = +code[i]; break; } else if (c === 48 && +code[i+1] === 2) { i += 2; bg = colors.match(+code[i], +code[i+1], +code[i+2]); if (bg === -1) bg = 0x1ff; i += 2; break; } else if (c === 38 && +code[i+1] === 5) { i += 2; fg = +code[i]; break; } else if (c === 38 && +code[i+1] === 2) { i += 2; fg = colors.match(+code[i], +code[i+1], +code[i+2]); if (fg === -1) fg = 0x1ff; i += 2; break; } if (c >= 40 && c <= 47) { bg = c - 40; } else if (c >= 100 && c <= 107) { bg = c - 100; bg += 8; } else if (c === 49) { bg = 0x1ff; } else if (c >= 30 && c <= 37) { fg = c - 30; } else if (c >= 90 && c <= 97) { fg = c - 90; fg += 8; } else if (c === 39) { fg = 0x1ff; } break; } } return (flags << 18) | (fg << 9) | bg; }; // Convert our own attribute format to an SGR string. Screen.prototype.codeAttr = function(code) { var flags = (code >> 18) & 0x1ff , fg = (code >> 9) & 0x1ff , bg = code & 0x1ff , out = ''; // bold if (flags & 1) { out += '1;'; } // underline if (flags & 2) { out += '4;'; } // blink if (flags & 4) { out += '5;'; } // inverse if (flags & 8) { out += '7;'; } // invisible if (flags & 16) { out += '8;'; } if (bg !== 0x1ff) { bg = this._reduceColor(bg); if (bg < 16) { if (bg < 8) { bg += 40; } else if (bg < 16) { bg -= 8; bg += 100; } out += bg + ';'; } else { out += '48;5;' + bg + ';'; } } if (fg !== 0x1ff) { fg = this._reduceColor(fg); if (fg < 16) { if (fg < 8) { fg += 30; } else if (fg < 16) { fg -= 8; fg += 90; } out += fg + ';'; } else { out += '38;5;' + fg + ';'; } } if (out[out.length-1] === ';') out = out.slice(0, -1); return '\x1b[' + out + 'm'; }; Screen.prototype.focus = function(offset) { var shown = this.keyable.filter(function(el) { return el.visible; }); if (!shown.length || !offset) return; var i = this.keyable.indexOf(this.focused); if (!~i) return; if (offset > 0) { while (offset--) { if (++i > this.keyable.length - 1) i = 0; if (!this.keyable[i].visible) offset++; } } else { offset = -offset; while (offset--) { if (--i < 0) i = this.keyable.length - 1; if (!this.keyable[i].visible) offset++; } } return this.keyable[i].focus(); }; Screen.prototype.focusPrev = function() { return this.focus(-1); }; Screen.prototype.focusNext = function() { return this.focus(1); }; Screen.prototype.focusPush = function(el) { if (this.history.length === 10) { this.history.shift(); } this.history.push(el); el._focus(); }; Screen.prototype.focusLast = Screen.prototype.focusPop = function() { return this.history.pop(); }; Screen.prototype.saveFocus = function() { return this._savedFocus = this.focused; }; Screen.prototype.restoreFocus = function() { if (!this._savedFocus) return; this._savedFocus.focus(); delete this._savedFocus; return this.focused; }; Screen.prototype.__defineGetter__('focused', function() { return this.history[this.history.length-1]; }); Screen.prototype.__defineSetter__('focused', function(el) { return this.focusPush(el); }); Screen.prototype.clearRegion = function(xi, xl, yi, yl) { return this.fillRegion(this.dattr, ' ', xi, xl, yi, yl); }; Screen.prototype.fillRegion = function(attr, ch, xi, xl, yi, yl) { var lines = this.lines , cell , xx; for (; yi < yl; yi++) { if (!lines[yi]) break; for (xx = xi; xx < xl; xx++) { cell = lines[yi][xx]; if (!cell) break; if (attr !== cell[0] || ch !== cell[1]) { lines[yi][xx][0] = attr; lines[yi][xx][1] = ch; lines[yi].dirty = true; } } } }; Screen.prototype.key = function() { return this.program.key.apply(this, arguments); }; Screen.prototype.onceKey = function() { return this.program.onceKey.apply(this, arguments); }; Screen.prototype.unkey = Screen.prototype.removeKey = function() { return this.program.unkey.apply(this, arguments); }; Screen.prototype.spawn = function(file, args, options) { if (!Array.isArray(args)) { options = args; args = []; } var screen = this , program = screen.program , options = options || {} , spawn = require('child_process').spawn , mouse = program.mouseEnabled , ps; options.stdio = 'inherit'; program.lsaveCursor('spawn'); //program.csr(0, program.rows - 1); program.normalBuffer(); program.showCursor(); if (mouse) program.disableMouse(); var write = program.output.write; program.output.write = function() {}; program.input.pause(); program.input.setRawMode(false); var resume = function() { if (resume.done) return; resume.done = true; program.input.setRawMode(true); program.input.resume(); program.output.write = write; program.alternateBuffer(); //program.csr(0, program.rows - 1); if (mouse) program.enableMouse(); screen.alloc(); screen.render(); screen.program.lrestoreCursor('spawn', true); }; ps = spawn(file, args, options); ps.on('error', resume); ps.on('exit', resume); return ps; }; Screen.prototype.exec = function(file, args, options, callback) { var callback = arguments[arguments.length-1] , ps = this.spawn(file, args, options); ps.on('error', function(err) { return callback(err, false); }); ps.on('exit', function(code) { return callback(null, code === 0); }); return ps; }; Screen.prototype.readEditor = function(options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { editor: options }; } if (!callback) { callback = options; options = null; } options = options || {}; var self = this , fs = require('fs') , editor = options.editor || process.env.EDITOR || 'vi' , name = options.name || process.title || 'blessed' , rnd = Math.random().toString(36).split('.').pop() , file = '/tmp/' + name + '.' + rnd , args = [file] , opt; opt = { stdio: 'inherit', env: process.env, cwd: process.env.HOME }; function writeFile(callback) { if (!options.value) return callback(); return fs.writeFile(file, options.value, callback); } return writeFile(function() { return self.exec(editor, args, opt, function(err, success) { if (err) return callback(err); return fs.readFile(file, 'utf8', function(err, data) { return fs.unlink(file, function() { if (err) return callback(err); return callback(null, data); }); }); }); }); }; Screen.prototype.setEffects = function(el, fel, over, out, effects, temp) { if (!effects) return; var tmp = {}; if (temp) el[temp] = tmp; if (typeof el !== 'function') { var _el = el; el = function() { return _el; }; } fel.on(over, function() { Object.keys(effects).forEach(function(key) { var val = effects[key]; if (val !== null && typeof val === 'object') { tmp[key] = tmp[key] || {}; Object.keys(val).forEach(function(k) { var v = val[k]; tmp[key][k] = el()[key][k]; el().style[key][k] = v; }); return; } tmp[key] = el().style[key]; el().style[key] = val; }); el().screen.render(); }); fel.on(out, function() { Object.keys(effects).forEach(function(key) { var val = effects[key]; if (val !== null && typeof val === 'object') { tmp[key] = tmp[key] || {}; Object.keys(val).forEach(function(k) { if (tmp[key].hasOwnProperty(k)) { el().style[key][k] = tmp[key][k]; } }); return; } if (tmp.hasOwnProperty(key)) { el().style[key] = tmp[key]; } }); el().screen.render(); }); }; Screen.prototype.sigtstp = function(callback) { var self = this; this.program.sigtstp(function() { self.alloc(); self.render(); self.program.lrestoreCursor('pause', true); if (callback) callback(); }); }; /** * Element */ function Element(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new Element(options); } options = options || {}; // Workaround to get a `scrollable` option. if (options.scrollable && !this._ignore && this.type !== 'scrollable-box' && this.type !== 'scrollable-text') { Object.getOwnPropertyNames(ScrollableBox.prototype).forEach(function(key) { if (key === 'type') return; Object.defineProperty(this, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(ScrollableBox.prototype, key)); }, this); this._ignore = true; ScrollableBox.call(this, options); delete this._ignore; return this; } Node.call(this, options); this.name = options.name; options.position = options.position || { left: options.left, right: options.right, top: options.top, bottom: options.bottom, width: options.width, height: options.height }; if (options.position.width === 'shrink' || options.position.height === 'shrink') { if (options.position.width === 'shrink') { delete options.position.width; } if (options.position.height === 'shrink') { delete options.position.height; } options.shrink = true; } this.position = options.position; this.style = options.style; if (!this.style) { this.style = {}; this.style.fg = options.fg; this.style.bg = options.bg; this.style.bold = options.bold; this.style.underline = options.underline; this.style.blink = options.blink; this.style.inverse = options.inverse; this.style.invisible = options.invisible; } this.hidden = options.hidden || false; this.fixed = options.fixed || false; this.align = options.align || 'left'; this.valign = options.valign || 'top'; this.wrap = options.wrap !== false; this.shrink = options.shrink; if (typeof options.padding === 'number' || !options.padding) { options.padding = { left: options.padding, top: options.padding, right: options.padding, bottom: options.padding }; } this.padding = { left: options.padding.left || 0, top: options.padding.top || 0, right: options.padding.right || 0, bottom: options.padding.bottom || 0 }; this.border = options.border; if (this.border) { this.border.type = this.border.type || 'bg'; if (this.border.type === 'ascii') this.border.type = 'line'; this.border.ch = this.border.ch || ' '; if (!this.border.style) { this.border.style = this.style.border || {}; this.border.style.fg = this.border.fg; this.border.style.bg = this.border.bg; } this.style.border = this.border.style; } if (options.clickable) { this.screen._listenMouse(this); } if (options.input || options.keyable) { this.screen._listenKeys(this); } this.parseTags = options.parseTags || options.tags; this.setContent(options.content || '', true); if (options.label) { this.append(new Box({ screen: this.screen, content: options.label, left: 2, top: this.border ? 0 : -1, tags: this.parseTags, shrink: true, style: this.style.label })); } // TODO: Possibly move this to Node for screen.on('mouse', ...). this.on('newListener', function fn(type) { if (type === 'mouse' || type === 'click' || type === 'mouseover' || type === 'mouseout' || type === 'mousedown' || type === 'mouseup' || type === 'mousewheel' || type === 'wheeldown' || type === 'wheelup' || type === 'mousemove') { self.screen._listenMouse(self); } else if (type === 'keypress' || type.indexOf('key ') === 0) { self.screen._listenKeys(self); } }); this.on('resize', function() { self.parseContent(); }); this.on('attach', function() { self.parseContent(); }); if (options.hoverBg != null) { options.hoverEffects = options.hoverEffects || {}; options.hoverEffects.bg = options.hoverBg; } if (this.style.hover) { options.hoverEffects = this.style.hover; //delete this.style.hover; } if (this.style.focus) { options.focusEffects = this.style.focus; //delete this.style.focus; } // if (options.effects) { // if (options.effects.hover) options.hoverEffects = options.effects.hover; // if (options.effects.focus) options.focusEffects = options.effects.focus; // } [['hoverEffects', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', '_htemp'], ['focusEffects', 'focus', 'blur', '_ftemp']].forEach(function(props) { var pname = props[0], over = props[1], out = props[2], temp = props[3]; self.screen.setEffects(self, self, over, out, self.options[pname], temp); }); if (options.focused) { this.focus(); } } Element.prototype.__proto__ = Node.prototype; Element.prototype.type = 'element'; Element.prototype.sattr = function(obj, fg, bg) { var bold = obj.bold , underline = obj.underline , blink = obj.blink , inverse = obj.inverse , invisible = obj.invisible; // This used to be a loop, but I decided // to unroll it for performance's sake. if (typeof bold === 'function') bold = bold(this); if (typeof underline === 'function') underline = underline(this); if (typeof blink === 'function') blink = blink(this); if (typeof inverse === 'function') inverse = inverse(this); if (typeof invisible === 'function') invisible = invisible(this); if (typeof fg === 'function') fg = fg(this); if (typeof bg === 'function') bg = bg(this); return ((((invisible ? 16 : 0) << 18) | ((inverse ? 8 : 0) << 18) | ((blink ? 4 : 0) << 18) | ((underline ? 2 : 0) << 18)) | ((bold ? 1 : 0) << 18) | (colors.convert(fg) << 9)) | colors.convert(bg); }; Element.prototype.onScreenEvent = function(type, listener) { var self = this; if (this.parent) { this.screen.on(type, listener); } this.on('attach', function() { self.screen.on(type, listener); }); this.on('detach', function() { self.screen.removeListener(type, listener); }); }; Element.prototype.hide = function() { if (this.hidden) return; this.clearPos(); this.hidden = true; this.emit('hide'); var below = this.screen.history[this.screen.history.length-2]; if (below && this.screen.focused === this) below.focus(); }; Element.prototype.show = function() { if (!this.hidden) return; this.hidden = false; this.emit('show'); }; Element.prototype.toggle = function() { return this.hidden ? this.show() : this.hide(); }; Element.prototype.focus = function() { this.screen.focused = this; }; Element.prototype._focus = function() { var old = this.screen.history[this.screen.history.length-2]; // Find a scrollable ancestor if we have one. var el = this; while (el = el.parent) { if (el.scrollable) break; } // If we're in a scrollable element, // automatically scroll to the focused element. if (el) { var ryi = this.top - el.top - el.itop , ryl = this.top + this.height - el.top - el.ibottom , visible = el.height - el.iheight; if (ryi < el.childBase) { el.scrollTo(ryi); this.screen.render(); } else if (ryi >= el.childBase + visible) { el.scrollTo(ryi); this.screen.render(); } else if (ryl >= el.childBase + visible) { el.scrollTo(ryi); this.screen.render(); } } if (old) old.emit('blur', this); this.emit('focus', old); this.screen.emit('element blur', old, this); this.screen.emit('element focus', old, this); }; Element.prototype.setContent = function(content, noClear) { if (!noClear) this.clearPos(); this.content = content || ''; this.parseContent(); }; Element.prototype.getContent = function() { return this._clines.fake.join('\n'); }; Element.prototype.parseContent = function() { if (this.detached) return false; var width = this.width - this.iwidth; if (this._clines == null || this._clines.width !== width || this._clines.content !== this.content) { var content = this.content; // Possibly keep this for set/get/insert/etcLine // Although, it may not work since the lines handled // by those methods need to be wrapped. If the line // indexes were only within the context of the box // (e.g. line 0 is always the top of the box) like they // were before, this may be feasible. // this._oclines = content.split('\n'); // Could move these 2 lines back to setContent (?) content = content.replace(/\x1b(?!\[[\d;]*m)/g, ''); content = this._parseTags(content); content = content.replace(/\t/g, this.screen.tabc); this._clines = this._wrapContent(content, width); this._clines.width = width; this._clines.content = this.content; this._clines.attr = this._parseAttr(this._clines); this._pcontent = this._clines.join('\n'); this.emit('parsed content'); return true; } this._clines.attr = this._parseAttr(this._clines) || this._clines.attr; return false; }; // Convert `{red-fg}foo{/red-fg}` to `\x1b[31mfoo\x1b[39m`. Element.prototype._parseTags = function(text) { if (!this.parseTags) return text; var program = this.screen.program; return text.replace(/{(\/?)([\w\-,;!#]*)}/g, function(tag, slash, color) { if (!color) return slash ? '\x1b[m' : tag; color = color.replace(/-/g, ' '); var result = program._attr(color, !slash); // Parse error. Just return the original text. if (!/^\x1b\[[\d;]*m$/.test(result)) { return tag; } return result; }); }; Element.prototype._parseAttr = function(lines) { var attr = this.sattr(this.style, this.style.fg, this.style.bg) , attrs = [] , line , i , j , c; if (lines[0].attr === attr) { return; } if (!this.scrollable) { return; } for (j = 0; j < lines.length; j++) { line = lines[j]; attrs[j] = attr; for (i = 0; i < line.length; i++) { if (line[i] === '\x1b') { if (c = /^\x1b\[[\d;]*m/.exec(line.substring(i))) { attr = this.screen.attrCode(c[0], attr); i += c[0].length - 1; } } } } return attrs; }; Element.prototype._align = function(line, width, align) { if (!align) return line; var len = line.replace(/\x1b\[[\d;]*m/g, '').length , s = width - len; if (len === 0) return line; if (s < 0) return line; if (align === 'center') { s = Array(((s / 2) | 0) + 1).join(' '); return s + line + s; } else if (align === 'right') { s = Array(s + 1).join(' '); return s + line; } return line; }; Element.prototype._wrapContent = function(content, width) { var self = this , tags = this.parseTags , state = this.align , wrap = this.wrap , margin = 0 , rtof = [] , ftor = [] , fake = [] , out = [] , no = 0 , line , align , cap , total , i , part , esc , j , lines; lines = content.split('\n'); if (!content) { out.push(content); out.rtof = [0]; out.ftor = [[0]]; out.fake = lines; out.real = out; return out; } if (this.scrollbar) margin++; if (this.type === 'textarea') margin++; if (width > margin) width -= margin; for (; no < lines.length; no++) { line = lines[no]; align = state; //cap = null; //total = null; //i = null; //part = null; //esc = null; //j = null; ftor.push([]); if (tags) { //if (cap = /^(\x1b\[[\d;]*m)*^{(left|center|right)}/.exec(line)) { // line = (cap[1] || '') + line.substring(cap[0].length); // align = state = cap[2] !== 'left' // ? cap[2] // : null; //} //if (cap = /{\/(left|center|right)}(\x1b\[[\d;]*m)*$/.exec(line)) { // line = line.slice(0, -cap[0].length) + (cap[2] || ''); // state = null; //} if (cap = /^{(left|center|right)}/.exec(line)) { line = line.substring(cap[0].length); align = state = cap[1] !== 'left' ? cap[1] : null; } if (cap = /{\/(left|center|right)}$/.exec(line)) { line = line.slice(0, -cap[0].length); state = null; } } if (!wrap && line.length > width) { line = line.slice(0, width); } while (line.length > width) { for (i = 0, total = 0; i < line.length; i++) { while (line[i] === '\x1b') { while (line[i] && line[i++] !== 'm'); } if (!line[i]) break; if (++total === width) { // Try to find a space to break on: if (line[i] !== ' ') { j = i; while (j > i - 10 && j > 0 && line[j] !== ' ') j--; if (line[j] === ' ') i = j + 1; else i++; } else { i++; } break; } } // XXX This shouldn't be required, but is. i++; part = line.substring(0, i - 1); esc = /\x1b[\[\d;]*$/.exec(part); if (esc) { part = part.slice(0, -esc[0].length); line = line.substring(i - 1 - esc[0].length); out.push(self._align(part, width, align)); ftor[no].push(out.length - 1); rtof.push(no); } else { line = line.substring(i - 1); out.push(self._align(part, width, align)); ftor[no].push(out.length - 1); rtof.push(no); } // Make sure we didn't wrap the line to the very end, otherwise // we get a pointless empty line after a newline. if (line === '') continue; } // If only an escape code got cut off, at it to `part`. if (/^(?:\x1b[\[\d;]*m)+$/.test(line)) { out[out.length-1] += line; continue; } out.push(self._align(line, width, align)); ftor[no].push(out.length - 1); rtof.push(no); } out.rtof = rtof; out.ftor = ftor; out.fake = lines; out.real = out; return out; }; Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('visible', function() { var el = this; do { if (el.hidden) return false; } while (el = el.parent); return true; }); Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('detached', function() { var el = this; do { if (el.type === 'screen') return false; if (!el.parent) return true; } while (el = el.parent); return false; }); Element.prototype.key = function() { return this.screen.program.key.apply(this, arguments); }; Element.prototype.onceKey = function() { return this.screen.program.onceKey.apply(this, arguments); }; Element.prototype.unkey = Element.prototype.removeKey = function() { return this.screen.program.unkey.apply(this, arguments); }; Element.prototype.clearPos = function() { if (this.detached) return; // Need to use _getCoords() over lpos here to avoid clearing // elements which are obfuscated by a scrollable parent. // NOTE: COULD USE THIS MULTIPLE PLACES - explanation: // We could use this.lpos because we don't want // to clear coordinates that may have changed and may // not be what/where is actually rendered. // var lpos = this._getCoords() && this.lpos; var lpos = this._getCoords(); if (!lpos) return; this.screen.clearRegion( lpos.xi, lpos.xl, lpos.yi, lpos.yl); }; /** * Positioning */ // The below methods are a bit confusing: basically // whenever Box.render is called `lpos` gets set on // the element, an object containing the rendered // coordinates. Since these don't update if the // element is moved somehow, they're unreliable in // that situation. However, if we can guarantee that // lpos is good and up to date, it can be more // accurate than the calculated positions below. // In this case, if the element is being rendered, // it's guaranteed that the parent will have been // rendered first, in which case we can use the // parant's lpos instead of recalculating it's // position (since that might be wrong because // it doesn't handle content shrinkage). Screen.prototype._getPos = function() { return this; }; Element.prototype._getPos = function() { var pos = this.lpos; assert.ok(pos && !pos.changed); if (pos.left != null) return pos; pos.left = pos.xi; pos.top = pos.yi; pos.right = this.screen.cols - pos.xl; pos.bottom = this.screen.rows - pos.yl; pos.width = pos.xl - pos.xi; pos.height = pos.yl - pos.yi; return pos; }; Element.prototype._bindPosChanged = function() { function changed() { self.forDescendants(function(el) { if (el.lpos) el.lpos.changed = true; }, true); } this.on('move', changed); // Resize might be tricky because it's // emitted recursively for a screen resize. this.on('resize', changed); this.on('reparent', changed); }; /** * Position Getters */ Element.prototype._getWidth = function(get) { var parent = get ? this.parent._getPos() : this.parent; var width = this.position.width || 0; if (typeof width === 'string') { if (width === 'half') width = '50%'; width = +width.slice(0, -1) / 100; return parent.width * width | 0; } // This is for if the element is being streched or shrunken. // Although the width for shrunken elements is calculated // in the render function, it may be calculated based on // the content width, and the content width is initially // decided by the width the element, so it needs to be // calculated here. if (!width) { var left = this.position.left || 0; if (typeof left === 'string') { if (left === 'center') left = '50%'; left = +left.slice(0, -1) / 100; left = parent.width * left | 0; } width = parent.width - (this.position.right || 0) - left; } return width; }; Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('width', function() { return this._getWidth(false); }); Element.prototype._getHeight = function(get) { var parent = get ? this.parent._getPos() : this.parent; var height = this.position.height || 0; if (typeof height === 'string') { if (height === 'half') height = '50%'; height = +height.slice(0, -1) / 100; return parent.height * height | 0; } // This is for if the element is being streched or shrunken. // Although the width for shrunken elements is calculated // in the render function, it may be calculated based on // the content width, and the content width is initially // decided by the width the element, so it needs to be // calculated here. if (!height) { var top = this.position.top || 0; if (typeof top === 'string') { if (top === 'center') top = '50%'; top = +top.slice(0, -1) / 100; top = parent.height * top | 0; } height = parent.height - (this.position.bottom || 0) - top; } return height; }; Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('height', function() { return this._getHeight(false); }); Element.prototype._getLeft = function(get) { var parent = get ? this.parent._getPos() : this.parent; var left = this.position.left || 0; if (typeof left === 'string') { if (left === 'center') left = '50%'; left = +left.slice(0, -1) / 100; left = parent.width * left | 0; if (this.position.left === 'center') { left -= this._getWidth(get) / 2 | 0; } } if (this.position.left == null && this.position.right != null) { return this.screen.cols - this._getWidth(get) - this._getRight(get); } return (parent.left || 0) + left; }; Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('left', function() { return this._getLeft(false); }); Element.prototype._getRight = function(get) { var parent = get ? this.parent._getPos() : this.parent; if (this.position.right == null && this.position.left != null) { return this.screen.cols - (this._getLeft(get) + this._getWidth(get)); } return (parent.right || 0) + (this.position.right || 0); }; Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('right', function() { return this._getRight(false); }); Element.prototype._getTop = function(get) { var parent = get ? this.parent._getPos() : this.parent; var top = this.position.top || 0; if (typeof top === 'string') { if (top === 'center') top = '50%'; top = +top.slice(0, -1) / 100; top = parent.height * top | 0; if (this.position.top === 'center') { top -= this._getHeight(get) / 2 | 0; } } if (this.position.top == null && this.position.bottom != null) { return this.screen.rows - this._getHeight(get) - this._getBottom(get); } return (parent.top || 0) + top; }; Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('top', function() { return this._getTop(false); }); Element.prototype._getBottom = function(get) { var parent = get ? this.parent._getPos() : this.parent; if (this.position.bottom == null && this.position.top != null) { return this.screen.rows - (this._getTop(get) + this._getHeight(get)); } return (parent.bottom || 0) + (this.position.bottom || 0); }; Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('bottom', function() { return this._getBottom(false); }); Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('rleft', function() { return this.left - this.parent.left; }); Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('rright', function() { return this.right - this.parent.right; }); Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('rtop', function() { return this.top - this.parent.top; }); Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('rbottom', function() { return this.bottom - this.parent.bottom; }); /** * Position Setters */ // NOTE: // For right, bottom, rright, and rbottom: // If position.bottom is null, we could simply set top instead. // But it wouldn't replicate bottom behavior appropriately if // the parent was resized, etc. Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('width', function(val) { if (this.position.width === val) return; this.emit('resize'); this.clearPos(); return this.position.width = val; }); Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('height', function(val) { if (this.position.height === val) return; this.emit('resize'); this.clearPos(); return this.position.height = val; }); Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('left', function(val) { if (typeof val === 'string') { if (val === 'center') { val = this.screen.width / 2 | 0; val -= this.width / 2 | 0; } else { val = +val.slice(0, -1) / 100; val = this.screen.width * val | 0; } } val -= this.parent.left; if (this.position.left === val) return; this.emit('move'); this.clearPos(); return this.position.left = val; }); Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('right', function(val) { val -= this.parent.right; if (this.position.right === val) return; this.emit('move'); this.clearPos(); return this.position.right = val; }); Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('top', function(val) { if (typeof val === 'string') { if (val === 'center') { val = this.screen.height / 2 | 0; val -= this.height / 2 | 0; } else { val = +val.slice(0, -1) / 100; val = this.screen.height * val | 0; } } val -= this.parent.top; if (this.position.top === val) return; this.emit('move'); this.clearPos(); return this.position.top = val; }); Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('bottom', function(val) { val -= this.parent.bottom; if (this.position.bottom === val) return; this.emit('move'); this.clearPos(); return this.position.bottom = val; }); Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('rleft', function(val) { if (this.position.left === val) return; this.emit('move'); this.clearPos(); return this.position.left = val; }); Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('rright', function(val) { if (this.position.right === val) return; this.emit('move'); this.clearPos(); return this.position.right = val; }); Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('rtop', function(val) { if (this.position.top === val) return; this.emit('move'); this.clearPos(); return this.position.top = val; }); Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('rbottom', function(val) { if (this.position.bottom === val) return; this.emit('move'); this.clearPos(); return this.position.bottom = val; }); Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('ileft', function() { return (this.border ? 1 : 0) + this.padding.left; }); Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('itop', function() { return (this.border ? 1 : 0) + this.padding.top; }); Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('iright', function() { return (this.border ? 1 : 0) + this.padding.right; }); Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('ibottom', function() { return (this.border ? 1 : 0) + this.padding.bottom; }); Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('iwidth', function() { return (this.border ? 2 : 0) + this.padding.left + this.padding.right; }); Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('iheight', function() { return (this.border ? 2 : 0) + this.padding.top + this.padding.bottom; }); Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('tpadding', function() { return this.padding.left + this.padding.top + this.padding.right + this.padding.bottom; }); /** * Rendering */ Element.prototype._getShrinkSize = function() { // TODO: Possibly move this to parseContent. return { height: this._clines.length, width: this._clines.reduce(function(current, line) { line = line.replace(/\x1b\[[\d;]*m/g, ''); return line.length > current ? line.length : current; }, 0) }; }; Element.prototype._getShrinkBox = function(xi, xl, yi, yl) { if (!this.children.length) { return { xi: xi, xl: xi, yi: yi, yl: yi }; } var i, el, ret, mxi = 0, mxl = 0, myi = 0, myl = 0; for (i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { el = this.children[i]; ret = el._getCoords(); if (!ret) continue; if (ret.xi < mxi) mxi = ret.xi; if (ret.xl > mxl) mxl = ret.xl; if (ret.yi < myi) myi = ret.yi; if (ret.yl > myl) myl = ret.yl; } if (this.position.width == null && (this.position.left == null || this.position.right == null)) { if (this.position.left == null && this.position.right != null) { xi = xl - (mxl - mxi); xi -= this.padding.left + this.padding.right; } else { xl = mxl; xl += this.padding.left + this.padding.right; } } if (this.position.height == null && (this.position.top == null || this.position.bottom == null) && !this.scrollable) { if (this.position.top == null && this.position.bottom != null) { yi = yl - (myl - myi); yi -= this.padding.top + this.padding.bottom; } else { yl = myl; yl += this.padding.top + this.padding.bottom; } } return { xi: xi, xl: xl, yi: yi, yl: yl }; }; Element.prototype._getShrinkContent = function(xi, xl, yi, yl) { var hw = this._getShrinkSize() , h = hw.height , w = hw.width; if (this.position.width == null && (this.position.left == null || this.position.right == null)) { if (this.position.left == null && this.position.right != null) { xi = xl - w - this.iwidth; } else { xl = xi + w + this.iwidth; } } if (this.position.height == null && (this.position.top == null || this.position.bottom == null) && !this.scrollable) { if (this.position.top == null && this.position.bottom != null) { yi = yl - h - this.iheight; } else { yl = yi + h + this.iheight; } } return { xi: xi, xl: xl, yi: yi, yl: yl }; }; Element.prototype._getShrink = function(xi, xl, yi, yl) { var shrinkBox = this._getShrinkBox(xi, xl, yi, yl) , shrinkContent = this._getShrinkContent(xi, xl, yi, yl) , xll = xl , yll = yl; // Figure out which one is bigger and use it. if (shrinkBox.xl - shrinkBox.xi > shrinkContent.xl - shrinkContent.xi) { xi = shrinkBox.xi; xl = shrinkBox.xl; } else { xi = shrinkContent.xi; xl = shrinkContent.xl; } if (shrinkBox.yl - shrinkBox.yi > shrinkContent.yl - shrinkContent.yi) { yi = shrinkBox.yi; yl = shrinkBox.yl; } else { yi = shrinkContent.yi; yl = shrinkContent.yl; } // Recenter shrunken elements. if (xl < xll && this.position.left === 'center') { xll = (xll - xl) / 2 | 0; xi += xll; xl += xll; } if (yl < yll && this.position.top === 'center') { yll = (yll - yl) / 2 | 0; yi += yll; yl += yll; } return { xi: xi, xl: xl, yi: yi, yl: yl }; }; Element.prototype._getCoords = function(get) { if (this.hidden) return; var xi = this._getLeft(get) , xl = xi + this._getWidth(get) , yi = this._getTop(get) , yl = yi + this._getHeight(get) , ryi , ryl , visible , coords , v; // Find a scrollable ancestor if we have one. var el = this; while (el = el.parent) { if (el.scrollable) break; } // Check to make sure we're visible and // inside of the visible scroll area. // NOTE: Lists have a property where only // the list items are obfuscated. if (el && (!el.items || ~el.items.indexOf(this))) { // This is unfortunate because this._getTop(true) is based on its // this.parent.lpos.yi - which was saved after it's render() **with the // childBase subtracted!!!!*** This means nested elements within // a scrollable box are screwy unless we do this. // We only do this when `get` is true, because that gets this.parent.lpos. // If it's false, the parent's position is calculated on the spot. var cb = el.childBase; if (get) { yi += this.parent.lpos.cb; yl += this.parent.lpos.cb; } ryi = yi - el._getTop(get) - el.itop; ryl = yl - el._getTop(get) - el.ibottom; visible = el._getHeight(get) - el.iheight; if (ryi < el.childBase) { if (ryl > el.childBase) { // Is partially covered above. v = ryl - el.childBase; yi += (ryl - ryi) - v; return; } else { // Is above. return; } } else if (ryi >= el.childBase + visible) { // Is below. return; } else if (ryl > el.childBase + visible) { // Is partially covered below. v = el.childBase + visible + (yl - yi) - ryl; yl = yi + v; return; } yi -= el.childBase; yl -= el.childBase; } // Attempt to shrink the element base on the // size of the content and child elements. if (this.shrink) { coords = this._getShrink(xi, xl, yi, yl); xi = coords.xi, xl = coords.xl; yi = coords.yi, yl = coords.yl; } return { xi: xi, xl: xl, yi: yi, yl: yl, cb: cb || 0 }; }; // Here be dragons. Element.prototype.render = function() { this.emit('prerender'); this.parseContent(); var coords = this._getCoords(true); if (!coords) return; var lines = this.screen.lines , xi = coords.xi , xl = coords.xl , yi = coords.yi , yl = coords.yl , x , y , cell , attr , ch , content = this._pcontent , ci = this.contentIndex || 0 , battr , dattr , c , rtop , visible , i; this.lpos = coords; dattr = this.sattr(this.style, this.style.fg, this.style.bg); attr = dattr; // If we're in a scrollable text box, check to // see which attributes this line starts with. if (this.scrollable) { attr = this._clines.attr[Math.min(this.childBase, this._clines.length - 1)]; } if (this.border) xi++, xl--, yi++, yl--; // If we have padding/valign, that means the // content-drawing loop will skip a few cells/lines. // To deal with this, we can just fill the whole thing // ahead of time. This could be optimized. if (this.tpadding || (this.valign && this.valign !== 'top')) { this.screen.fillRegion(dattr, ' ', xi, xl, yi, yl); } if (this.tpadding) { xi += this.padding.left, xl -= this.padding.right; yi += this.padding.top, yl -= this.padding.bottom; } // Determine where to place the text if it's vertically aligned. if (this.valign === 'middle' || this.valign === 'bottom') { visible = yl - yi; if (this._clines.length < visible) { if (this.valign === 'middle') { visible = visible / 2 | 0; visible -= this._clines.length / 2 | 0; } else if (this.valign === 'bottom') { visible -= this._clines.length; } yi += visible; } } // Draw the content and background. for (y = yi; y < yl; y++) { if (!lines[y]) break; for (x = xi; x < xl; x++) { cell = lines[y][x]; if (!cell) break; ch = content[ci++] || ' '; // Handle escape codes. while (ch === '\x1b') { if (c = /^\x1b\[[\d;]*m/.exec(content.substring(ci - 1))) { ci += c[0].length - 1; attr = this.screen.attrCode(c[0], attr); ch = content[ci] || ' '; ci++; } else { break; } } // Handle newlines. if (ch === '\t') ch = ' '; if (ch === '\n' || ch === '\r') { // If we're on the first cell and we find a newline and the last cell // of the last line was not a newline, let's just treat this like the // newline was already "counted". if (x === xi && y !== yi && content[ci-2] !== '\n') { x--; continue; } // We could use fillRegion here, name the // outer loop, and continue to it instead. ch = ' '; for (; x < xl; x++) { cell = lines[y][x]; if (!cell) break; if (attr !== cell[0] || ch !== cell[1]) { lines[y][x][0] = attr; lines[y][x][1] = ch; lines[y].dirty = true; } } continue; } if (attr !== cell[0] || ch !== cell[1]) { lines[y][x][0] = attr; lines[y][x][1] = ch; lines[y].dirty = true; } } } // Draw the scrollbar. if (this.scrollbar) { i = Math.max(this._clines.length + 1, this._scrollBottom() + (yl - yi) + 1); } if (this.scrollbar && (yl - yi) < i) { i -= yl - yi; x = xl - 1; if (this.scrollbar.ignoreBorder && this.border) x++; y = this.childBase + this.childOffset; y = y / i; y = yi + ((yl - yi) * y | 0); cell = lines[y] && lines[y][x]; if (cell) { ch = this.scrollbar.ch || ' '; attr = this.sattr(this.style.scrollbar, this.style.scrollbar.fg || this.style.fg, this.style.scrollbar.bg || this.style.bg); if (attr !== cell[0] || ch !== cell[1]) { lines[y][x][0] = attr; lines[y][x][1] = ch; lines[y].dirty = true; } } } if (this.border) xi--, xl++, yi--, yl++; if (this.tpadding) { xi -= this.padding.left, xl += this.padding.right; yi -= this.padding.top, yl += this.padding.bottom; } // Draw the border. if (this.border) { battr = this.sattr(this.style.border, this.style.border.fg, this.style.border.bg); y = yi; for (x = xi; x < xl; x++) { if (!lines[y]) break; if (this.border.type === 'line') { if (x === xi) ch = '┌'; else if (x === xl - 1) ch = '┐'; else ch = '─'; } else if (this.border.type === 'bg') { ch = this.border.ch; } cell = lines[y][x]; if (!cell) break; if (battr !== cell[0] || ch !== cell[1]) { lines[y][x][0] = battr; lines[y][x][1] = ch; lines[y].dirty = true; } } y = yi + 1; for (; y < yl; y++) { if (!lines[y]) break; if (this.border.type === 'line') { ch = '│'; } else if (this.border.type === 'bg') { ch = this.border.ch; } cell = lines[y][xi]; if (!cell) break; if (battr !== cell[0] || ch !== cell[1]) { lines[y][xi][0] = battr; lines[y][xi][1] = ch; lines[y].dirty = true; } cell = lines[y][xl - 1]; if (!cell) break; if (battr !== cell[0] || ch !== cell[1]) { lines[y][xl - 1][0] = battr; lines[y][xl - 1][1] = ch; lines[y].dirty = true; } } y = yl - 1; for (x = xi; x < xl; x++) { if (!lines[y]) break; if (this.border.type === 'line') { if (x === xi) ch = '└'; else if (x === xl - 1) ch = '┘'; else ch = '─'; } else if (this.border.type === 'bg') { ch = this.border.ch; } cell = lines[y][x]; if (!cell) break; if (battr !== cell[0] || ch !== cell[1]) { lines[y][x][0] = battr; lines[y][x][1] = ch; lines[y].dirty = true; } } } this.children.forEach(function(el) { if (el.screen._ci !== -1) { el.index = el.screen._ci++; } el.render(); }); this.emit('render'); return coords; }; Element.prototype.insertLine = function(i, line) { if (typeof line === 'string') line = line.split('\n'); if (i !== i || i == null) { i = this._clines.ftor.length; } i = Math.max(i, 0); while (this._clines.fake.length < i) { this._clines.fake.push(''); this._clines.ftor.push([this._clines.push('') - 1]); this._clines.rtof(this._clines.fake.length - 1); } // NOTE: Could possibly compare the first and last ftor line numbers to see // if they're the same, or if they fit in the visible region entirely. var start = this._clines.length , diff , real; if (i >= this._clines.ftor.length) { real = this._clines.ftor[this._clines.ftor.length - 1]; real = real[real.length-1] + 1; } else { real = this._clines.ftor[i][0]; } for (var j = 0; j < line.length; j++) { this._clines.fake.splice(i + j, 0, line[j]); } this.setContent(this._clines.fake.join('\n'), true); diff = this._clines.length - start; if (diff > 0) { var pos = this._getCoords(); if (!pos) return; var height = pos.yl - pos.yi - this.iheight , base = this.childBase || 0 , visible = real >= base && real - base < height; if (pos && visible && this.screen.cleanSides(this)) { this.screen.insertLine(diff, pos.yi + this.itop + real - base, pos.yi, pos.yl - this.ibottom - 1); } } }; Element.prototype.deleteLine = function(i, n) { n = n || 1; if (i !== i || i == null) { i = this._clines.ftor.length - 1; } i = Math.max(i, 0); i = Math.min(i, this._clines.ftor.length - 1); // NOTE: Could possibly compare the first and last ftor line numbers to see // if they're the same, or if they fit in the visible region entirely. var start = this._clines.length , diff , real = this._clines.ftor[i][0]; while (n--) { this._clines.fake.splice(i, 1); } this.setContent(this._clines.fake.join('\n'), true); diff = start - this._clines.length; if (diff > 0) { var pos = this._getCoords(); if (!pos) return; var height = pos.yl - pos.yi - this.iheight , base = this.childBase || 0 , visible = real >= base && real - base < height; if (pos && visible && this.screen.cleanSides(this)) { this.screen.deleteLine(diff, pos.yi + this.itop + real - base, pos.yi, pos.yl - this.ibottom - 1); } } if (this._clines.length < height) { this.clearPos(); } }; Element.prototype.insertTop = function(line) { var fake = this._clines.rtof[this.childBase || 0]; return this.insertLine(fake, line); }; Element.prototype.insertBottom = function(line) { var h = (this.childBase || 0) + this.height - this.iheight , i = Math.min(h, this._clines.length) , fake = this._clines.rtof[i - 1] + 1; return this.insertLine(fake, line); }; Element.prototype.deleteTop = function(n) { var fake = this._clines.rtof[this.childBase || 0]; return this.deleteLine(fake, n); }; Element.prototype.deleteBottom = function(n) { var h = (this.childBase || 0) + this.height - 1 - this.iheight , i = Math.min(h, this._clines.length - 1) , n = n || 1 , fake = this._clines.rtof[i]; return this.deleteLine(fake - (n - 1), n); }; Element.prototype.setLine = function(i, line) { i = Math.max(i, 0); while (this._clines.fake.length < i) { this._clines.fake.push(''); } this._clines.fake[i] = line; return this.setContent(this._clines.fake.join('\n'), true); }; Element.prototype.setBaseLine = function(i, line) { var fake = this._clines.rtof[this.childBase || 0]; return this.setLine(fake + i, line); }; Element.prototype.getLine = function(i) { i = Math.max(i, 0); i = Math.min(i, this._clines.fake.length - 1); return this._clines.fake[i]; }; Element.prototype.getBaseLine = function(i) { var fake = this._clines.rtof[this.childBase || 0]; return this.getLine(fake + i); }; Element.prototype.clearLine = function(i) { i = Math.min(i, this._clines.fake.length - 1); return this.setLine(i, ''); }; Element.prototype.clearBaseLine = function(i) { var fake = this._clines.rtof[this.childBase || 0]; return this.clearLine(fake + i); }; Element.prototype.unshiftLine = function(line) { return this.insertLine(0, line); }; Element.prototype.shiftLine = function(n) { return this.deleteLine(0, n); }; Element.prototype.pushLine = function(line) { return this.insertLine(this._clines.fake.length, line); }; Element.prototype.popLine = function(n) { return this.deleteLine(this._clines.fake.length - 1, n); }; /** * Box */ function Box(options) { if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new Box(options); } options = options || {}; Element.call(this, options); } Box.prototype.__proto__ = Element.prototype; Box.prototype.type = 'box'; /** * Text */ function Text(options) { if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new Text(options); } options = options || {}; options.shrink = true; Element.call(this, options); } Text.prototype.__proto__ = Element.prototype; Text.prototype.type = 'text'; /** * Line */ function Line(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new Line(options); } options = options || {}; var orientation = options.orientation || 'vertical'; delete options.orientation; if (orientation === 'vertical') { options.width = 1; } else { options.height = 1; } this.ch = !options.type || options.type === 'line' ? orientation === 'horizontal' ? '─' : '│' : options.ch || ' '; options.border = { type: 'bg', get ch() { return self.ch; }, set ch(c) { self.ch = c; } }; options.style = { fg: this.style ? this.style.fg : this.fg, bg: this.style ? this.style.bg : this.bg, border: { get fg() { return self.style.fg; }, get bg() { return self.style.bg; }, set fg(c) { self.style.fg = c; }, set bg(c) { self.style.bg = c; } } }; delete options.ch; Box.call(this, options); } Line.prototype.__proto__ = Box.prototype; Line.prototype.type = 'line'; /** * ScrollableBox */ function ScrollableBox(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new ScrollableBox(options); } options = options || {}; Box.call(this, options); this.scrollable = true; this.childOffset = 0; this.childBase = 0; this.contentIndex = 0; this.baseLimit = options.baseLimit || Infinity; this.alwaysScroll = options.alwaysScroll; this.scrollbar = options.scrollbar; if (this.scrollbar) { this.scrollbar.ch = this.scrollbar.ch || ' '; this.style.scrollbar = this.style.scrollbar || this.scrollbar.style; if (!this.style.scrollbar) { this.style.scrollbar = {}; this.style.scrollbar.fg = this.scrollbar.fg; this.style.scrollbar.bg = this.scrollbar.bg; this.style.scrollbar.bold = this.scrollbar.bold; this.style.scrollbar.underline = this.scrollbar.underline; this.style.scrollbar.inverse = this.scrollbar.inverse; this.style.scrollbar.invisible = this.scrollbar.invisible; } this.scrollbar.style = this.style.scrollbar; } if (options.mouse) { this.on('wheeldown', function(data) { self.scroll(self.height / 2 | 0 || 1); self.screen.render(); }); this.on('wheelup', function(data) { self.scroll(-(self.height / 2 | 0) || -1); self.screen.render(); }); } if (options.keys && !options.ignoreKeys) { this.on('keypress', function(ch, key) { if (key.name === 'up' || (options.vi && key.name === 'k')) { self.scroll(-1); self.screen.render(); return; } if (key.name === 'down' || (options.vi && key.name === 'j')) { self.scroll(1); self.screen.render(); return; } if (options.vi && key.name === 'u' && key.ctrl) { self.scroll(-(self.height / 2 | 0) || -1); self.screen.render(); return; } if (options.vi && key.name === 'd' && key.ctrl) { self.scroll(self.height / 2 | 0 || 1); self.screen.render(); return; } if (options.vi && key.name === 'b' && key.ctrl) { self.scroll(-self.height || -1); self.screen.render(); return; } if (options.vi && key.name === 'f' && key.ctrl) { self.scroll(self.height || 1); self.screen.render(); return; } if (options.vi && key.name === 'g' && !key.shift) { self.scroll(-self._clines.length); self.screen.render(); return; } if (options.vi && key.name === 'g' && key.shift) { self.scroll(self._clines.length); self.screen.render(); return; } }); } this.on('parsed content', function() { self._recalculateIndex(); }); self._recalculateIndex(); } ScrollableBox.prototype.__proto__ = Box.prototype; ScrollableBox.prototype.type = 'scrollable-box'; ScrollableBox.prototype._scrollBottom = function() { if (!this.scrollable) return 0; // We could just calculate the children, but we can // optimize for lists by just returning the items.length. if (this.type === 'list') { return this.items ? this.items.length : 0; } if (this.lpos && this.lpos._scrollBottom) { return this.lpos._scrollBottom; } var bottom = this.children.reduce(function(current, el) { return Math.max(current, el.rtop + el.height); }, 0); //bottom -= this.height; if (this.lpos) this.lpos._scrollBottom = bottom; return bottom; }; ScrollableBox.prototype.scrollTo = function(offset) { return this.scroll(offset - (this.childBase + this.childOffset)); }; ScrollableBox.prototype.scroll = function(offset, always) { if (!this.scrollable) return; // Handle scrolling. var visible = this.height - this.iheight , base = this.childBase , d , p , t , b , i , max , emax , l; if (this.alwaysScroll || always) { // Semi-workaround this.childOffset = offset > 0 ? visible - 1 + offset : offset; } else { this.childOffset += offset; } if (this.childOffset > visible - 1) { d = this.childOffset - (visible - 1); this.childOffset -= d; this.childBase += d; } else if (this.childOffset < 0) { d = this.childOffset; this.childOffset += -d; this.childBase += d; } if (this.childBase < 0) { this.childBase = 0; } else if (this.childBase > this.baseLimit) { this.childBase = this.baseLimit; } // Find max "bottom" value for // content and descendant elements. // Scroll the content if necessary. if (this.childBase === base) { return this.emit('scroll'); } // When scrolling text, we want to be able to handle SGR codes as well as line // feeds. This allows us to take preformatted text output from other programs // and put it in a scrollable text box. this.parseContent(); max = this._clines.length - (this.height - this.iheight); if (max < 0) max = 0; emax = this._scrollBottom() - (this.height - this.iheight); if (emax < 0) emax = 0; this.childBase = Math.min(this.childBase, Math.max(emax, max)); if (this.childBase < 0) { this.childBase = 0; } else if (this.childBase > this.baseLimit) { this.childBase = this.baseLimit; } if (this.childBase > base) { l = Math.min(this.childBase, this._clines.length); for (i = base; i < l; i++) { this.contentIndex += this._clines[i].length + 1; } } else if (this.childBase < base) { b = Math.min(base, this._clines.length); l = Math.min(this.childBase, this._clines.length); for (i = b - 1; i >= l; i--) { this.contentIndex -= this._clines[i].length + 1; } } // Optimize scrolling with CSR + IL/DL. p = this.lpos; // Only really need _getCoords() if we want // to allow nestable scrolling elements... // or if we **really** want shrinkable // scrolling elements. // p = this._getCoords(); if (this.childBase !== base && this.screen.cleanSides(this)) { t = p.yi + this.itop; b = p.yl - this.ibottom - 1; d = this.childBase - base; if (d > 0 && d < visible) { // scrolled down this.screen.deleteLine(d, t, t, b); } else if (d < 0 && -d < visible) { // scrolled up d = -d; this.screen.insertLine(d, t, t, b); } } return this.emit('scroll'); }; ScrollableBox.prototype._recalculateIndex = function() { var max, emax, i, t, l; if (this.detached || !this.scrollable) { this.contentIndex = 0; return 0; } max = this._clines.length - (this.height - this.iheight); if (max < 0) max = 0; emax = this._scrollBottom() - (this.height - this.iheight); if (emax < 0) emax = 0; this.childBase = Math.min(this.childBase, Math.max(emax, max)); if (this.childBase < 0) { this.childBase = 0; } else if (this.childBase > this.baseLimit) { this.childBase = this.baseLimit; } l = Math.min(this.childBase, this._clines.length); for (i = 0, t = 0; i < l; i++) { t += this._clines[i].length + 1; } this.contentIndex = t; return t; }; ScrollableBox.prototype.resetScroll = function() { this.contentIndex = 0; this.childOffset = 0; this.childBase = 0; return this.emit('scroll'); }; /** * List */ function List(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new List(options); } options = options || {}; options.ignoreKeys = true; // Possibly put this here: this.items = []; ScrollableBox.call(this, options); this.value = ''; this.items = []; this.ritems = []; this.selected = 0; if (!this.style.selected) { this.style.selected = {}; this.style.selected.bg = options.selectedBg; this.style.selected.fg = options.selectedFg; this.style.selected.bold = options.selectedBold; this.style.selected.underline = options.selectedUnderline; this.style.selected.blink = options.selectedBlink; this.style.selected.inverse = options.selectedInverse; this.style.selected.invisible = options.selectedInvisible; } if (!this.style.item) { this.style.item = {}; this.style.item.bg = options.itemBg; this.style.item.fg = options.itemFg; this.style.item.bold = options.itemBold; this.style.item.underline = options.itemUnderline; this.style.item.blink = options.itemBlink; this.style.item.inverse = options.itemInverse; this.style.item.invisible = options.itemInvisible; } // Legacy: for apps written before the addition of item attributes. ['bg', 'fg', 'bold', 'underline', 'blink', 'inverse', 'invisible'].forEach(function(name) { if (self.style[name] != null && self.style.item[name] == null) { self.style.item[name] = self.style[name]; } }); if (this.options.itemHoverBg) { this.options.itemHoverEffects = { bg: this.options.itemHoverBg }; } if (this.options.itemHoverEffects) { this.style.item.hover = this.options.itemHoverEffects; } if (this.options.itemFocusEffects) { this.style.item.focus = this.options.itemFocusEffects; } this.mouse = options.mouse || false; if (options.items) { this.ritems = options.items; options.items.forEach(this.add.bind(this)); } if (this.children.length) { // Will throw if this.parent is not set! // Probably not good to have in a constructor. // this.select(0); } if (options.mouse) { this.on('wheeldown', function(data) { self.select(self.selected + 2); self.screen.render(); }); this.on('wheelup', function(data) { self.select(self.selected - 2); self.screen.render(); }); } if (options.keys) { this.on('keypress', function(ch, key) { if (key.name === 'up' || (options.vi && key.name === 'k')) { self.up(); self.screen.render(); return; } if (key.name === 'down' || (options.vi && key.name === 'j')) { self.down(); self.screen.render(); return; } if (key.name === 'enter' || (options.vi && key.name === 'l' && !key.shift)) { self.emit('action', self.items[self.selected], self.selected); self.emit('select', self.items[self.selected], self.selected); return; } if (key.name === 'escape' || (options.vi && key.name === 'q')) { self.emit('action'); self.emit('cancel'); return; } if (options.vi && key.name === 'u' && key.ctrl) { self.move(-((self.height - self.iheight) / 2) | 0); self.screen.render(); return; } if (options.vi && key.name === 'd' && key.ctrl) { self.move((self.height - self.iheight) / 2 | 0); self.screen.render(); return; } if (options.vi && key.name === 'b' && key.ctrl) { self.move(-(self.height - self.iheight)); self.screen.render(); return; } if (options.vi && key.name === 'f' && key.ctrl) { self.move(self.height - self.iheight); self.screen.render(); return; } if (options.vi && key.name === 'h' && key.shift) { self.move(self.childBase - self.selected); self.screen.render(); return; } if (options.vi && key.name === 'm' && key.shift) { // TODO: Maybe use Math.min(this.items.length, // ... for calculating visible items elsewhere. var visible = Math.min( self.height - self.iheight, self.items.length) / 2 | 0; self.move(self.childBase + visible - self.selected); self.screen.render(); return; } if (options.vi && key.name === 'l' && key.shift) { // XXX This goes one too far on lists with an odd number of items. self.down(self.childBase + Math.min(self.height - self.iheight, self.items.length) - self.selected); self.screen.render(); return; } if (options.vi && key.name === 'g' && !key.shift) { self.select(0); self.screen.render(); return; } if (options.vi && key.name === 'g' && key.shift) { self.select(self.items.length - 1); self.screen.render(); return; } }); } this.on('resize', function() { var visible = self.height - self.iheight; if (visible >= self.selected + 1) { //if (self.selected < visible - 1) { self.childBase = 0; self.childOffset = self.selected; } else { // Is this supposed to be: self.childBase = visible - self.selected + 1; ? self.childBase = self.selected - visible + 1; self.childOffset = visible - 1; } }); } List.prototype.__proto__ = ScrollableBox.prototype; List.prototype.type = 'list'; List.prototype.add = function(item) { var self = this; var options = { screen: this.screen, content: item, align: this.align || 'left', top: this.itop + this.items.length, left: this.ileft + 1, right: this.iright + 1, tags: this.parseTags, height: 1, hoverEffects: this.mouse ? this.style.item.hover : null, focusEffects: this.mouse ? this.style.item.focus : null }; ['bg', 'fg', 'bold', 'underline', 'blink', 'inverse', 'invisible'].forEach(function(name) { options[name] = function() { var attr = self.items[self.selected] === item ? self.style.selected[name] : self.style.item[name]; if (typeof attr === 'function') attr = attr(item); return attr; }; }); var item = new Box(options); this.append(item); this.items.push(item); if (this.mouse) { item.on('click', function(data) { if (self.items[self.selected] === item) { self.emit('action', item, self.selected); self.emit('select', item, self.selected); return; } self.select(item); self.screen.render(); }); } }; List.prototype._remove = List.prototype.remove; List.prototype.remove = function(child) { if (typeof child === 'number') { child = this.children[child]; } var i = this.items.indexOf(child); if (~i) this.items.splice(i, 1); this._remove(child); }; List.prototype.addItem = List.prototype.add; List.prototype.appendItem = List.prototype.add; List.prototype.removeItem = List.prototype.remove; List.prototype.setItems = function(items) { var i = 0 , original = this.items.slice() //, selected = this.selected , sel = this.ritems[this.selected]; this.ritems = items; this.select(0); for (; i < items.length; i++) { if (this.items[i]) { this.items[i].setContent(items[i]); } else { this.add(items[i]); } } for (; i < original.length; i++) { this.remove(original[i]); } // Try to find our old item if it still exists. sel = items.indexOf(sel); if (~sel) this.select(sel); //this.select(~sel ? sel : selected); }; List.prototype.select = function(index) { if (!this.items.length) return; if (typeof index === 'object') { index = this.items.indexOf(index); } if (index < 0) index = 0; else if (index >= this.items.length) index = this.items.length - 1; if (this.selected === index && this._listInitialized) return; this._listInitialized = true; this.selected = index; this.value = this.ritems[this.selected]; this.scrollTo(this.selected); }; List.prototype.move = function(offset) { this.select(this.selected + offset); }; List.prototype.up = function(offset) { this.move(-(offset || 1)); }; List.prototype.down = function(offset) { this.move(offset || 1); }; /** * ScrollableText */ function ScrollableText(options) { if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new ScrollableText(options); } options = options || {}; options.alwaysScroll = true; ScrollableBox.call(this, options); } ScrollableText.prototype.__proto__ = ScrollableBox.prototype; ScrollableText.prototype.type = 'scrollable-text'; /** * Form */ function Form(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new Form(options); } options = options || {}; options.ignoreKeys = true; Box.call(this, options); if (options.keys) { this.screen._listenKeys(this); this.screen.on('element keypress', function(el, ch, key) { // Make sure we're not entering input into a textbox. // if (self.screen.grabKeys || self.screen.lockKeys) { // return; // } // Make sure we're a form or input element. if (el !== self && !el.hasAncestor(self)) { return; } if ((key.name === 'tab' && !key.shift) || key.name === 'down' || (options.vi && key.name === 'j')) { if (el.type === 'textbox' || el.type === 'textarea') { if (key.name === 'j') return; if (key.name === 'tab') { // Workaround, since we can't stop the tab from being added. el.emit('keypress', null, { name: 'backspace' }); } el.emit('keypress', '\x1b', { name: 'escape' }); } self.focusNext(); return; } if ((key.name === 'tab' && key.shift) || key.name === 'up' || (options.vi && key.name === 'k')) { if (el.type === 'textbox' || el.type === 'textarea') { if (key.name === 'k') return; el.emit('keypress', '\x1b', { name: 'escape' }); } self.focusPrevious(); return; } if (key.name === 'escape') { self.focus(); return; } }); } } Form.prototype.__proto__ = ScrollableBox.prototype; Form.prototype.type = 'form'; Form.prototype._refresh = function() { if (!this._children) { var out = []; this.children.forEach(function fn(el) { if (el.keyable) out.push(el); el.children.forEach(fn); }); this._children = out; } }; Form.prototype.next = function() { this._refresh(); if (!this._selected) { return this._selected = this._children[0]; } var i = this._children.indexOf(this._selected); if (!~i || !this._children[i + 1]) { return this._selected = this._children[0]; } return this._selected = this._children[i + 1]; }; Form.prototype.previous = function() { this._refresh(); if (!this._selected) { return this._selected = this._children[this._children.length - 1]; } var i = this._children.indexOf(this._selected); if (!~i || !this._children[i - 1]) { return this._selected = this._children[this._children.length - 1]; } return this._selected = this._children[i - 1]; }; Form.prototype.focusNext = function() { this.next().focus(); }; Form.prototype.focusPrevious = function() { this.previous().focus(); }; Form.prototype.submit = function() { var self = this , out = {}; this.children.forEach(function fn(el) { if (el.value != null) { var name = el.name || el.type; if (Array.isArray(out[name])) { out[name].push(el.value); } else if (out[name]) { out[name] = [out[name], el.value]; } else { out[name] = el.value; } } el.children.forEach(fn); }); this.emit('submit', out); return this.submission = out; }; Form.prototype.cancel = function() { this.emit('cancel'); }; Form.prototype.reset = function() { this.children.forEach(function fn(el) { switch (el.type) { case 'screen': break; case 'box': break; case 'text': break; case 'line': break; case 'scrollable-box': break; case 'list': el.select(0); return; case 'form': break; case 'input': break; case 'textbox': el.clearInput(); return; case 'textarea': el.clearInput(); return; case 'button': break; case 'progress-bar': el.setProgress(0); break; case 'file-manager': el.refresh(el.options.cwd); return; case 'checkbox': el.uncheck(); return; case 'radio-set': break; case 'radio-button': el.uncheck(); return; case 'prompt': break; case 'question': break; case 'message': break; case 'info': break; case 'loading': break; case 'pick-list': el.select(0); break; case 'list-bar': //el.select(0); break; case 'dir-manager': el.refresh(el.options.cwd); return; case 'passbox': el.clearInput(); return; } el.children.forEach(fn); }); this.emit('reset'); }; /** * Input */ function Input(options) { if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new Input(options); } options = options || {}; Box.call(this, options); } Input.prototype.__proto__ = Box.prototype; Input.prototype.type = 'input'; /** * Textbox */ function Textbox(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new Textbox(options); } options = options || {}; Input.call(this, options); this.screen._listenKeys(this); this.value = options.value || ''; this.secret = options.secret; this.censor = options.censor; this.__updateCursor = this.updateCursor.bind(this); this.on('resize', this.__updateCursor); this.on('move', this.__updateCursor); //this.on('prerender', this._render.bind(this)); //this.on('focus', self.readInput.bind(this)); } Textbox.prototype.__proto__ = Input.prototype; Textbox.prototype.type = 'textbox'; Textbox.prototype.input = Textbox.prototype.readInput = Textbox.prototype.setInput = function(callback) { var self = this , focused = this.screen.focused === this; if (this._callback) return; // We could just return here, but: // If we enable focus-read, this is necessary for // legacy programs which manually bind to focus. //if (this._callback) return this._callbacks.push(callback); //this._callbacks = callback ? [callback] : []; if (!focused) { this.screen.saveFocus(); this.focus(); } this.screen.grabKeys = true; this.updateCursor(); this.screen.program.showCursor(); this.screen.program.sgr('normal'); this._callback = function fn(err, value) { if (fn.done) return; fn.done = true; self.removeListener('keypress', self.__listener); self.removeListener('blur', self._callback); delete self.__listener; delete self._callback; self.screen.program.hideCursor(); self.screen.grabKeys = false; if (!focused) { self.screen.restoreFocus(); } if (err) { self.emit('error', err); } else if (value != null) { self.emit('submit', value); } else { self.emit('cancel', value); } self.emit('action', value); // We could just execute the callback here, but: // If we enable focus-read, this is necessary for // legacy programs which manually bind to focus. //self._callbacks.forEach(function(callback) { // return err // ? callback(err) // : callback(null, value); //}); //delete self._callbacks; if (!callback) return; return err ? callback(err) : callback(null, value); }; this.__listener = this._listener.bind(this); this.on('keypress', this.__listener); this.on('blur', this._callback); }; Textbox.prototype._listener = function(ch, key) { var callback = this._callback , value = this.value , width = this.width - this.iwidth; if (key.name === 'escape' || key.name === 'enter') { callback(null, key.name === 'enter' ? value : null); } else if (key.name === 'backspace') { if (this.value.length) { this.value = this.value.slice(0, -1); if (this.secret) return; } } else if (ch) { // if (ch === '\t') ch = ' '; this.value += ch; if (this.secret) return; } if (this.value !== value) { //this.setValue(); this.screen.render(); } }; Textbox.prototype.setValue = function(value) { var visible, val; if (value == null) { value = this.value; } if (this._value !== value) { this.value = value; this._value = value; if (this.secret) { this.setContent(''); } else if (this.censor) { this.setContent(Array(this.value.length + 1).join('*')); } else { visible = -(this.width - this.iwidth - 1); val = this.value.replace(/\t/g, this.screen.tabc); this.setContent(val.slice(visible)); } this.updateCursor(); } }; Textbox.prototype.clearValue = Textbox.prototype.clearInput = function() { return this.setValue(''); }; Textbox.prototype.submit = function() { return this._listener(null, { name: 'enter' }); }; Textbox.prototype.cancel = function() { return this._listener('\x1b', { name: 'escape' }); }; Textbox.prototype._render = Input.prototype.render; Textbox.prototype.render = function() { this.setValue(); return this._render(); }; Textbox.prototype.editor = Textbox.prototype.readEditor = Textbox.prototype.setEditor = function(callback) { var self = this; return this.screen.readEditor({ value: this.value }, function(err, value) { if (err) return callback && callback(err); value = value.replace(/[\r\n]/g, ''); self.value = value; return self.readInput(callback); }); }; /** * Textarea */ function Textarea(options) { if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new Textarea(options); } options = options || {}; ScrollableText.call(this, options); this.screen._listenKeys(this); this.value = options.value || ''; this.__updateCursor = this.updateCursor.bind(this); this.on('resize', this.__updateCursor); this.on('move', this.__updateCursor); //this.on('prerender', this._render.bind(this)); //this.on('focus', self.readInput.bind(this)); } Textarea.prototype.__proto__ = ScrollableText.prototype; Textarea.prototype.type = 'textarea'; Textbox.prototype.updateCursor = Textarea.prototype.updateCursor = function() { if (this.screen.focused !== this) { return; } var lpos = this._getCoords(); if (!lpos) return; var last = this._clines[this._clines.length-1] , program = this.screen.program , line , cx , cy; // Stop a situation where the textarea begins scrolling // and the last cline appears to always be empty from the // _typeScroll `+ '\n'` thing. // Maybe not necessary anymore? if (last === '' && this.value[this.value.length-1] !== '\n') { last = this._clines[this._clines.length-2] || ''; } line = Math.min( this._clines.length - 1 - (this.childBase || 0), (lpos.yl - lpos.yi) - this.iheight - 1); cy = lpos.yi + this.itop + line; cx = lpos.xi + this.ileft + last.length; if (cy === program.y && cx === program.x) { return; } if (cy === program.y) { if (cx > program.x) { program.cuf(cx - program.x); } else if (cx < program.x) { program.cub(program.x - cx); } } else if (cx === program.x) { if (cy > program.y) { program.cud(cy - program.y); } else if (cy < program.y) { program.cuu(program.y - cy); } } else { program.cup(cy, cx); } }; Textarea.prototype.input = Textarea.prototype.readInput = Textarea.prototype.setInput = Textbox.prototype.setInput; Textarea.prototype._listener = function(ch, key) { var callback = this._callback , value = this.value; if (key.name === 'enter') { ch = '\n'; } // TODO: Handle directional keys. if (key.name === 'left' || key.name === 'right' || key.name === 'up' || key.name === 'down') { ; } if (key.name === 'escape') { callback(null, key.name === 'enter' ? value : null); } else if (key.name === 'backspace') { if (this.value.length) { this.value = this.value.slice(0, -1); } } else if (ch) { this.value += ch; } if (this.value !== value) { //this.setValue(); this.screen.render(); } }; Textarea.prototype._typeScroll = function() { // XXX Workaround var height = this.height - this.iheight; if (this._clines.length - this.childBase > height) { //this.setContent(this.value + '\n'); this.scroll(this._clines.length); } }; Textarea.prototype.setValue = function(value) { if (value == null) { value = this.value; } if (this._value !== value) { this.value = value; this._value = value; this.setContent(this.value); this._typeScroll(); this.updateCursor(); } }; Textarea.prototype.clearValue = Textarea.prototype.clearInput = function() { return this.setValue(''); }; Textarea.prototype.submit = function() { return this._listener('\x1b', { name: 'escape' }); }; Textarea.prototype.cancel = function() { return this._listener('\x1b', { name: 'escape' }); }; Textarea.prototype._render = ScrollableBox.prototype.render; Textarea.prototype.render = function() { this.setValue(); return this._render(); }; Textarea.prototype.editor = Textarea.prototype.readEditor = Textarea.prototype.setEditor = function(callback) { var self = this; return this.screen.readEditor({ value: this.value }, function(err, value) { if (err) return callback && callback(err); self.value = value; self.setContent(self.value); self._typeScroll(); self.updateCursor(); self.screen.render(); return self.readInput(callback); }); }; /** * Button */ function Button(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new Button(options); } options = options || {}; if (options.autoFocus == null) { options.autoFocus = false; } Input.call(this, options); this.on('keypress', function(ch, key) { if (key.name === 'enter' || key.name === 'space') { self.press(); } }); if (this.options.mouse) { this.on('click', function() { self.press(); }); } } Button.prototype.__proto__ = Input.prototype; Button.prototype.type = 'button'; Button.prototype.press = function() { var self = this; this.emit('press'); }; /** * ProgressBar */ function ProgressBar(options) { if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new ProgressBar(options); } options = options || {}; Input.call(this, options); this.filled = options.filled || 0; if (typeof this.filled === 'string') { this.filled = +this.filled.slice(0, -1); } this.value = this.filled; this.ch = options.ch || ' '; if (!this.style.bar) { this.style.bar = {}; this.style.bar.fg = options.barFg; this.style.bar.bg = options.barBg; } this.orientation = options.orientation || 'horizontal'; if (options.keys) { this.on('keypress', function(ch, key) { var back, forward; if (self.orientation === 'horizontal') { back = ['left', 'h']; forward = ['right', 'l']; } else if (self.orientation === 'vertical') { back = ['down', 'j']; forward = ['up', 'k']; } if (key.name === back[0] || (options.vi && key.name === back[1])) { self.progress(-5); self.screen.render(); return; } if (key.name === forward[0] || (options.vi && key.name === forward[1])) { self.progress(5); self.screen.render(); return; } }); } if (options.mouse) { this.on('click', function(data) { var x, y, m, p; if (self.orientation === 'horizontal') { x = data.x - self.left; m = self.width - self.iwidth; p = x / m * 100 | 0; } else if (self.orientation === 'vertical') { y = data.y - self.top; m = self.height - self.iheight; p = y / m * 100 | 0; } self.setProgress(p); }); } } ProgressBar.prototype.__proto__ = Input.prototype; ProgressBar.prototype.type = 'progress-bar'; ProgressBar.prototype._render = ProgressBar.prototype.render; ProgressBar.prototype.render = function() { var ret = this._render(); if (!ret) return; var xi = ret.xi , xl = ret.xl , yi = ret.yi , yl = ret.yl , dattr; if (this.border) xi++, yi++, xl--, yl--; if (this.orientation === 'horizontal') { xl = xi + ((xl - xi) * (this.filled / 100)) | 0; } else if (this.orientation === 'vertical') { yi = yi + ((yl - yi) - (((yl - yi) * (this.filled / 100)) | 0)); } dattr = this.sattr(this, this.style.bar.fg, this.style.bar.bg); this.screen.fillRegion(dattr, this.ch, xi, xl, yi, yl); return ret; }; ProgressBar.prototype.progress = function(filled) { this.filled += filled; if (this.filled < 0) this.filled = 0; else if (this.filled > 100) this.filled = 100; if (this.filled === 100) { this.emit('complete'); } this.value = this.filled; }; ProgressBar.prototype.setProgress = function(filled) { this.filled = 0; this.progress(filled); }; ProgressBar.prototype.reset = function() { this.emit('reset'); this.filled = 0; this.value = this.filled; }; /** * FileManager */ function FileManager(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new FileManager(options); } options = options || {}; options.parseTags = true; List.call(this, options); this.cwd = options.cwd || process.cwd(); this.file = this.cwd; this.value = this.cwd; this.on('select', function(item) { var value = item.content.replace(/\{[^{}]+\}/g, '').replace(/@$/, '') , file = path.resolve(self.cwd, value); return fs.stat(file, function(err, stat) { if (err) { return self.emit('error', err, file); } self.file = file; self.value = file; if (stat.isDirectory()) { self.emit('cd', file, self.cwd); self.cwd = file; self.refresh(); } else { self.emit('file', file); } }); }); } FileManager.prototype.__proto__ = List.prototype; FileManager.prototype.type = 'file-manager'; FileManager.prototype.refresh = function(cwd, callback) { if (!callback) { callback = cwd; cwd = null; } var self = this; if (cwd) this.cwd = cwd; else cwd = this.cwd; return fs.readdir(cwd, function(err, list) { if (err && err.code === 'ENOENT') { self.cwd = cwd !== process.env.HOME ? process.env.HOME : '/'; return self.refresh(callback); } if (err) { if (callback) return callback(err); return self.emit('error', err, cwd); } var dirs = [] , files = []; list.unshift('..'); list.forEach(function(name) { var f = path.resolve(cwd, name) , stat; try { stat = fs.lstatSync(f); } catch (e) { ; } if ((stat && stat.isDirectory()) || name === '..') { dirs.push({ name: name, text: '{light-blue-fg}' + name + '{/light-blue-fg}/', dir: true }); } else if (stat && stat.isSymbolicLink()) { files.push({ name: name, text: '{light-cyan-fg}' + name + '{/light-cyan-fg}@', dir: false }); } else { files.push({ name: name, text: name, dir: false }); } }); dirs = asort(dirs); files = asort(files); list = dirs.concat(files).map(function(data) { return data.text; }); self.setItems(list); self.select(0); self.screen.render(); if (callback) callback(); }); }; FileManager.prototype.pick = function(cwd, callback) { if (!callback) { callback = cwd; cwd = null; } var self = this , focused = this.screen.focused === this , hidden = this.hidden , onfile , oncancel; function resume() { self.removeListener('file', onfile); self.removeListener('cancel', oncancel); if (hidden) { self.hide(); } if (!focused) { self.screen.restoreFocus(); } self.screen.render(); } this.on('file', onfile = function(file) { resume(); return callback(null, file); }); this.on('cancel', oncancel = function() { resume(); return callback(); }); this.refresh(cwd, function(err) { if (err) return callback(err); if (hidden) { self.show(); } if (!focused) { self.screen.saveFocus(); self.focus(); } self.screen.render(); }); }; FileManager.prototype.reset = function(cwd, callback) { if (!callback) { callback = cwd; cwd = null; } this.cwd = cwd || this.options.cwd; this.refresh(callback); }; /** * Checkbox */ function Checkbox(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new Checkbox(options); } options = options || {}; Input.call(this, options); this.text = options.content || options.text || ''; this.checked = this.value = options.checked || false; this.on('keypress', function(ch, key) { if (key.name === 'enter' || key.name === 'space') { self.toggle(); self.screen.render(); } }); if (options.mouse) { this.on('click', function() { self.toggle(); self.screen.render(); }); } this.on('focus', function(old) { var lpos = self._getCoords(); if (!lpos) return; self.screen.program.saveCursor(); self.screen.program.cup(lpos.yi, lpos.xi + 1); self.screen.program.showCursor(); }); this.on('blur', function() { self.screen.program.hideCursor(); self.screen.program.restoreCursor(); }); } Checkbox.prototype.__proto__ = Input.prototype; Checkbox.prototype.type = 'checkbox'; Checkbox.prototype._render = Checkbox.prototype.render; Checkbox.prototype.render = function() { if (this.type === 'radio-button') { this.setContent('(' + (this.checked ? '*' : ' ') + ') ' + this.text); } else { this.setContent('[' + (this.checked ? 'x' : ' ') + '] ' + this.text); } return this._render(); }; Checkbox.prototype.check = function() { if (this.checked) return; this.checked = this.value = true; this.emit('check'); }; Checkbox.prototype.uncheck = function() { if (!this.checked) return; this.checked = this.value = false; this.emit('uncheck'); }; Checkbox.prototype.toggle = function() { return this.checked ? this.uncheck() : this.check(); }; /** * RadioSet */ function RadioSet(options) { if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new RadioSet(options); } options = options || {}; // Possibly inherit parent's style. // options.style = this.parent.style; Box.call(this, options); } RadioSet.prototype.__proto__ = Box.prototype; RadioSet.prototype.type = 'radio-set'; /** * RadioButton */ function RadioButton(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new RadioButton(options); } options = options || {}; Checkbox.call(this, options); this.on('check', function() { var el = self; while (el = el.parent) { if (el.type === 'radio-set' || el.type === 'form') break; } el = el || self.parent; el.forDescendants(function(el) { if (el.type !== 'radio-button' || el === self) { return; } el.uncheck(); }); }); } RadioButton.prototype.__proto__ = Checkbox.prototype; RadioButton.prototype.type = 'radio-button'; RadioButton.prototype.toggle = RadioButton.prototype.check; /** * Prompt */ function Prompt(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new Prompt(options); } options = options || {}; Box.call(this, options); this._.input = new Textbox({ parent: this, top: 3, height: 1, left: 2, right: 2, bg: 'black' }); this._.okay = new Button({ parent: this, top: 5, height: 1, left: 2, width: 6, content: 'Okay', align: 'center', bg: 'black', hoverBg: 'blue', autoFocus: false, mouse: true }); this._.cancel = new Button({ parent: this, top: 5, height: 1, shrink: true, left: 10, width: 8, content: 'Cancel', align: 'center', bg: 'black', hoverBg: 'blue', autoFocus: false, mouse: true }); } Prompt.prototype.__proto__ = Box.prototype; Prompt.prototype.type = 'prompt'; Prompt.prototype.type = function(text, value, callback) { var self = this; var okay, cancel; if (!callback) { callback = value; value = ''; } this.show(); this.setContent(' ' + text); if (value) this._.input.value = value; this.screen.saveFocus(); this._.okay.on('press', okay = function() { self._.input.submit(); }); this._.cancel.on('press', cancel = function() { self._.input.cancel(); }); this._.input.readInput(function(err, data) { self.hide(); self.screen.restoreFocus(); self._.okay.removeListener('press', okay); self._.cancel.removeListener('press', cancel); return callback(err, data); }); this.screen.render(); }; /** * Question */ function Question(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new Question(options); } options = options || {}; Box.call(this, options); this._.okay = new Button({ parent: this, top: 3, height: 1, left: 2, width: 6, content: 'Okay', align: 'center', bg: 'black', hoverBg: 'blue', autoFocus: false, mouse: true }); this._.cancel = new Button({ parent: this, top: 3, height: 1, shrink: true, left: 10, width: 8, content: 'Cancel', align: 'center', bg: 'black', hoverBg: 'blue', autoFocus: false, mouse: true }); } Question.prototype.__proto__ = Box.prototype; Question.prototype.type = 'question'; Question.prototype.ask = function(text, callback) { var self = this; var press, okay, cancel; this.show(); this.setContent(' ' + text); this.screen.on('keypress', press = function(ch, key) { if (key.name === 'mouse') return; if (key.name !== 'enter' && key.name !== 'escape' && key.name !== 'q' && key.name !== 'y' && key.name !== 'n') { return; } done(null, key.name === 'enter' || key.name === 'y'); }); this._.okay.on('press', okay = function() { done(null, true); }); this._.cancel.on('press', cancel = function() { done(null, false); }); this.screen.saveFocus(); this.focus(); function done(err, data) { self.hide(); self.screen.restoreFocus(); self.screen.removeListener('keypress', press); self._.okay.removeListener('press', okay); self._.cancel.removeListener('press', cancel); return callback(err, data); } this.screen.render(); }; /** * Message / Error */ function Message(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new Message(options); } options = options || {}; options.tags = true; Box.call(this, options); } Message.prototype.__proto__ = Box.prototype; Message.prototype.type = 'message'; Message.prototype.log = Message.prototype.display = function(text, time, callback) { var self = this; if (typeof time === 'function') { callback = time; time = null; } time = time || 3; this.show(); this.setContent(text); this.screen.render(); setTimeout(function() { self.hide(); self.screen.render(); if (callback) callback(); }, time * 1000); }; Message.prototype.error = function(text, callback) { return this.display('{red-fg}Error: ' + text + '{/red-fg}', callback); }; /** * Info - TODO: Merge display method into Message? */ function Info(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new Info(options); } options = options || {}; Box.call(this, options); } Info.prototype.__proto__ = Box.prototype; Info.prototype.type = 'info'; Info.prototype.display = function(text, callback) { this.show(); this.setContent(text); this.screen.render(); function end() { if (end.done) return; end.done = true; self.hide(); self.screen.render(); if (callback) callback(); } return setTimeout(function() { self.screen.on('keypress', function fn(ch, key) { if (key.name === 'mouse') return; self.screen.removeListener('keypress', fn); end(); }); if (!self.options.mouse) return; self.screen.on('mouse', function fn(data) { if (data.action === 'mousemove') return; self.screen.removeListener('mouse', fn); end(); }); }, 10); }; /** * Loading */ function Loading(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new Loading(options); } options = options || {}; Box.call(this, options); this._.icon = new Text({ parent: this, align: 'center', top: 2, left: 1, right: 1, height: 1, content: '|' }); } Loading.prototype.__proto__ = Box.prototype; Loading.prototype.type = 'loading'; Loading.prototype.load = function(text) { var self = this; this.show(); this.setContent(text); if (this._.timer) { this._.stop(); } this.screen.lockKeys = true; this._.timer = setInterval(function() { if (self._.icon.content === '|') { self._.icon.setContent('/'); } else if (self._.icon.content === '/') { self._.icon.setContent('-'); } else if (self._.icon.content === '-') { self._.icon.setContent('\\'); } else if (self._.icon.content === '\\') { self._.icon.setContent('|'); } self.screen.render(); }, 200); }; Loading.prototype.stop = function() { this.screen.lockKeys = false; this.hide(); if (this._.timer) { clearInterval(this._.timer); delete this._.timer; } this.screen.render(); }; /** * PickList - TODO Merge into List */ function PickList(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new PickList(options); } options = options || {}; List.call(this, options); } PickList.prototype.__proto__ = List.prototype; PickList.prototype.type = 'pick-list'; PickList.prototype.pick = function(callback) { this.screen.saveFocus(); this.focus(); this.show(); this.screen.render(); this.once('action', function(el, selected) { self.screen.restoreFocus(); self.hide(); self.screen.render(); if (!el) return callback(); return callback(null, selected); }); }; /** * Listbar / HorizontalList */ function Listbar(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new Listbar(options); } options = options || {}; this.items = []; this.commands = options.commands; this.leftBase = 0; this.leftOffset = 0; Box.call(this, options); if (options.commands || options.items) { this.setItems(options.commands || options.items); } if (options.keys) { this.on('keypress', function(ch, key) { if (key.name === 'left') { self.sel(-1); self.screen.render(); return; } if (key.name === 'right') { self.sel(1); self.screen.render(); return; } }); } this.on('focus', function() { if (self.items[self.leftBase + self.leftOffset]) { self.items[self.leftBase + self.leftOffset].focus(); } }); } Listbar.prototype.__proto__ = Box.prototype; Listbar.prototype.type = 'listbar'; Listbar.prototype.setOptions = Listbar.prototype.setCommands = Listbar.prototype.setItems = function(commands) { if (Array.isArray(commands)) { var obj = {}; commands.forEach(function(text, i) { obj[text] = { prefix: i }; }); commands = obj; } this.items.forEach(function(el) { el.detach(); }); this.items = []; var self = this , drawn = 0; this.commands = commands; Object.keys(commands).forEach(function(name) { var cmd = commands[name] , title , len , button; title = (cmd.prefix ? '{light-black-fg}' + cmd.prefix + '{/light-black-fg}' + ':' : '') + name; len = ((cmd.prefix ? cmd.prefix + ':' : '') + name).length; button = new Button({ parent: self, top: 0, left: drawn + 1, height: 1, content: title, width: len + 2, align: 'center', tags: true, mouse: true, style: self.style.item }); self._[name] = button; cmd.element = button; self.items.push(button); if (cmd.callback) { button.on('press', cmd.callback); if (cmd.keys) { screen.key(cmd.keys, cmd.callback); } } drawn += len + 3; }); this.select(0); }; Listbar.prototype._render = Listbar.prototype.render; Listbar.prototype.render = function() { var self = this , drawn = 0; this.items.forEach(function(el, i) { if (i < self.leftBase) { el.hide(); } else { el.left = drawn + 1; drawn += el.width + 3; el.show(); } }); return this._render(); }; Listbar.prototype.select = function(offset) { var lpos = this._getCoords(); if (!lpos) return; var self = this , width = lpos.xl - lpos.xi , drawn = 0 , visible = 0 , el; width = width - this.iwidth; if (offset < 0) offset = 0; else if (offset >= this.items.length) offset = this.items.length - 1; el = this.items[offset]; if (!el) return; this.items.forEach(function(el, i) { if (i < self.leftBase) return; var lpos = el._getCoords(); if (!lpos) return; drawn += (lpos.xl - lpos.xi) + 3; if (drawn <= width) visible++; }); this.leftOffset = offset; if (this.leftOffset > visible - 1) { d = this.leftOffset - (visible - 1); this.leftOffset -= d; this.leftBase += d; } else if (this.leftOffset < 0) { d = this.leftOffset; this.leftOffset += -d; this.leftBase += d; } el.focus(); }; Listbar.prototype.sel = function(i) { this.select(this.leftBase + this.leftOffset + i); }; /** * DirManager - Merge into FileManager? */ function DirManager(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new DirManager(options); } options = options || {}; FileManager.call(this, options); this.on('cd', function(dir) { if (dir === self.cwd) return; self.emit('file', dir); }); } DirManager.prototype.__proto__ = FileManager.prototype; DirManager.prototype.type = 'dir-manager'; /** * Passbox - Useless */ function Passbox(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Node)) { return new Passbox(options); } options = options || {}; options.censor = true; Textbox.call(this, options); } Passbox.prototype.__proto__ = Textbox.prototype; Passbox.prototype.type = 'passbox'; /** * Helpers */ function asort(obj) { return obj.sort(function(a, b) { a = a.name.toLowerCase(); b = b.name.toLowerCase(); if (a[0] === '.' && b[0] === '.') { a = a[1]; b = b[1]; } else { a = a[0]; b = b[0]; } return a > b ? 1 : (a < b ? -1 : 0); }); } function hsort(obj) { return obj.sort(function(a, b) { return b.index - a.index; }); } /** * Expose */ exports.Screen = exports.screen = Screen; exports.Box = exports.box = Box; exports.Text = exports.text = Text; exports.Line = exports.line = Line; exports.ScrollableBox = exports.scrollablebox = ScrollableBox; exports.List = exports.list = List; exports.ScrollableText = exports.scrollabletext = ScrollableText; exports.Form = exports.form = Form; exports.Input = exports.input = Input; exports.Textbox = exports.textbox = Textbox; exports.Textarea = exports.textarea = Textarea; exports.Button = exports.button = Button; exports.ProgressBar = exports.progressbar = ProgressBar; exports.FileManager = exports.filemanager = FileManager; exports.Checkbox = exports.checkbox = Checkbox; exports.RadioSet = exports.radioset = RadioSet; exports.RadioButton = exports.radiobutton = RadioButton; exports.Prompt = exports.prompt = Prompt; exports.Question = exports.question = Question; exports.Message = exports.message = Message; exports.Info = exports.info = Info; exports.Loading = exports.loading = Loading; exports.PickList = exports.picklist = PickList; exports.Listbar = exports.listbar = Listbar; exports.DirManager = exports.dirmanager = DirManager; exports.Passbox = exports.passbox = Passbox;