/** * program.js - basic curses-like functionality for blessed. * Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License). * https://github.com/chjj/blessed */ /** * Modules */ var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter , StringDecoder = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder , util = require('util') , fs = require('fs'); var Tput = require('./tput') , colors = require('./colors') , slice = Array.prototype.slice; /** * Program */ function Program(options) { var self = this; if (!(this instanceof Program)) { return new Program(options); } EventEmitter.call(this); if (!options || options.__proto__ !== Object.prototype) { options = { input: arguments[0], output: arguments[1] }; } this.options = options; this.input = options.input || process.stdin; this.output = options.output || process.stdout; options.log = options.log || options.dump; if (options.log) { this._logger = fs.createWriteStream(options.log); if (options.dump) this.setupDump(); } this.zero = options.zero !== false; this.useBuffer = options.buffer; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.savedX = 0; this.savedY = 0; this.cols = this.output.columns || 1; this.rows = this.output.rows || 1; this.scrollTop = 0; this.scrollBottom = this.rows - 1; this.terminal = options.term || options.terminal || process.env.TERM || (process.platform === 'win32' ? 'windows-ansi' : 'xterm'); this._buf = ''; this._flush = this.flush.bind(this); unshiftEvent(process, 'exit', function() { // Ensure the buffer is flushed (it should // always be at this point, but who knows). self.flush(); // Ensure _exiting is set (could technically // use process._exiting). self._exiting = true; }); if (!Program.global) { Program.global = this; } if (options.tput !== false) { this.setupTput(); } this.listen(); } Program.prototype.__proto__ = EventEmitter.prototype; Program.prototype.log = function() { return this._log('LOG', util.format.apply(util, arguments)); }; Program.prototype.debug = function() { if (!this.options.debug) return; return this._log('DEBUG', util.format.apply(util, arguments)); }; Program.prototype._log = function(pre, msg) { if (!this._logger) return; return this._logger.write(pre + ': ' + msg + '\n-\n'); }; Program.prototype.setupDump = function() { var self = this , write = this.output.write , decoder = new StringDecoder('utf8'); function stringify(data) { return caret(data .replace(/\r/g, '\\r') .replace(/\n/g, '\\n') .replace(/\t/g, '\\t')) .replace(/[^ -~]/g, function(ch) { if (ch.charCodeAt(0) > 0xff) return ch; ch = ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16); if (ch.length > 2) { if (ch.length < 4) ch = '0' + ch; return '\\u' + ch; } if (ch.length < 2) ch = '0' + ch; return '\\x' + ch; }); } function caret(data) { return data.replace(/[\0\x80\x1b-\x1f\x7f\x01-\x1a]/g, function(ch) { switch (ch) { case '\0': case '\200': ch = '@'; break; case '\x1b': ch = '['; break; case '\x1c': ch = '\\'; break; case '\x1d': ch = ']'; break; case '\x1e': ch = '^'; break; case '\x1f': ch = '_'; break; case '\x7f': ch = '?'; break; default: ch = ch.charCodeAt(0); // From ('A' - 64) to ('Z' - 64). if (ch >= 1 && ch <= 26) { ch = String.fromCharCode(ch + 64); } else { return String.fromCharCode(ch); } break; } return '^' + ch; }); } this.input.on('data', function(data) { self._log('IN', stringify(decoder.write(data))); }); this.output.write = function(data) { self._log('OUT', stringify(data)); return write.apply(this, arguments); }; }; Program.prototype.setupTput = function() { if (this._tputSetup) return; this._tputSetup = true; var self = this , options = this.options , write = this.write.bind(this); var tput = this.tput = new Tput({ term: this.terminal, padding: options.padding, extended: options.extended, printf: options.printf, termcap: options.termcap }); this.put = function() { var args = slice.call(arguments) , cap = args.shift(); if (tput[cap]) { return this._write(tput[cap].apply(tput, args)); } }; Object.keys(tput).forEach(function(key) { if (self[key] == null) { self[key] = tput[key]; } if (typeof tput[key] !== 'function') { self.put[key] = tput[key]; return; } if (options.padding) { self.put[key] = function() { return tput._print(tput[key].apply(tput, arguments), write); }; } else { self.put[key] = function() { return self._write(tput[key].apply(tput, arguments)); }; } }); }; Program.prototype.has = function(name) { return this.tput ? this.tput.has(name) : false; }; Program.prototype.term = function(is) { return this.terminal.indexOf(is) === 0; }; Program.prototype.listen = function() { var keys = require('./keys') , self = this; if (!this.input.isTTY || !this.output.isTTY) { throw new Error('Not a terminal.'); } // Input this.input.on('keypress', function(ch, key) { key = key || { ch: ch }; if (key.name === 'undefined' && (key.code === '[M' || key.code === '[I' || key.code === '[O')) { // A mouse sequence. The `keys` module doesn't understand these. return; } if (key.name === 'undefined') { // Not sure what this is, but we should probably ignore it. return; } if (key.name === 'enter' && key.sequence === '\n') { key.name = 'linefeed'; } if (key.name === 'return' && key.sequence === '\r') { self.input.emit('keypress', ch, merge({}, key, { name: 'enter' })); } var name = (key.ctrl ? 'C-' : '') + (key.meta ? 'M-' : '') + (key.shift && key.name ? 'S-' : '') + (key.name || ch); key.full = name; self.emit('keypress', ch, key); self.emit('key ' + name, ch, key); }); this.input.on('data', function(data) { self.emit('data', data); }); keys.emitKeypressEvents(this.input); this.on('newListener', function fn(type) { if (type === 'keypress' || type === 'mouse') { self.removeListener('newListener', fn); if (!self.input.isRaw) { self.input.setRawMode(true); self.input.resume(); } } }); this.on('newListener', function fn(type) { if (type === 'mouse') { self.removeListener('newListener', fn); self.bindMouse(); } }); // Output this.output.on('resize', function() { self.cols = self.output.columns; self.rows = self.output.rows; self.emit('resize'); }); }; Program.prototype.key = function(key, listener) { if (typeof key === 'string') key = key.split(/\s*,\s*/); key.forEach(function(key) { return this.on('key ' + key, listener); }, this); }; Program.prototype.onceKey = function(key, listener) { if (typeof key === 'string') key = key.split(/\s*,\s*/); key.forEach(function(key) { return this.once('key ' + key, listener); }, this); }; Program.prototype.unkey = Program.prototype.removeKey = function(key, listener) { if (typeof key === 'string') key = key.split(/\s*,\s*/); key.forEach(function(key) { return this.removeListener('key ' + key, listener); }, this); }; // XTerm mouse events // http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#Mouse%20Tracking // To better understand these // the xterm code is very helpful: // Relevant files: // button.c, charproc.c, misc.c // Relevant functions in xterm/button.c: // BtnCode, EmitButtonCode, EditorButton, SendMousePosition // send a mouse event: // regular/utf8: ^[[M Cb Cx Cy // urxvt: ^[[ Cb ; Cx ; Cy M // sgr: ^[[ Cb ; Cx ; Cy M/m // vt300: ^[[ 24(1/3/5)~ [ Cx , Cy ] \r // locator: CSI P e ; P b ; P r ; P c ; P p & w // motion example of a left click: // ^[[M 3<^[[M@4<^[[M@5<^[[M@6<^[[M@7<^[[M#7< // mouseup, mousedown, mousewheel // left click: ^[[M 3<^[[M#3< // mousewheel up: ^[[M`3> Program.prototype.bindMouse = function() { if (this._boundMouse) return; this._boundMouse = true; var decoder = new StringDecoder('utf8') , self = this; this.on('data', function(data) { data = decoder.write(data); if (!data) return; self._bindMouse(data); }); }; Program.prototype._bindMouse = function(s) { var self = this , key , parts; key = { name: undefined, ctrl: false, meta: false, shift: false }; if (Buffer.isBuffer(s)) { if (s[0] > 127 && s[1] === undefined) { s[0] -= 128; s = '\x1b' + s.toString('utf-8'); } else { s = s.toString('utf-8'); } } // XTerm / X10 if (parts = /^\x1b\[M([\x00\u0020-\uffff]{3})/.exec(s)) { var b = parts[1].charCodeAt(0) , x = parts[1].charCodeAt(1) , y = parts[1].charCodeAt(2) , mod; key.name = 'mouse'; key.type = 'X10'; key.raw = [b, x, y, parts[0]]; key.x = x - 32; key.y = y - 32; if (key.x === -32) key.x = 255; if (key.y === -32) key.y = 255; if (this.zero) key.x--, key.y--; mod = b >> 2; key.shift = !!(mod & 1); key.meta = !!((mod >> 1) & 1); key.ctrl = !!((mod >> 2) & 1); b -= 32; if ((b >> 6) & 1) { key.action = b & 1 ? 'wheeldown' : 'wheelup'; key.button = 'middle'; } else if (b === 3) { // Could also be a movement. key.action = 'mouseup'; key.button = 'unknown'; } else { key.action = 'mousedown'; key.button = b === 0 ? 'left' : b === 1 ? 'middle' : b === 2 ? 'right' : 'unknown'; } // It's a movement // Wrong //if (b > 32 && b < 64) { // delete key.button; // key.action = 'mousemove'; //} // Probably a movement. if (key.action === 'mousedown' && key.button === 'unknown') { delete key.button; key.action = 'mousemove'; } self.emit('keypress', null, key); self.emit('mouse', key); return; } // URxvt if (parts = /^\x1b\[(\d+;\d+;\d+)M/.exec(s)) { var parts = parts[1].split(';') , b = +parts[0] , x = +parts[1] , y = +parts[2]; key.name = 'mouse'; key.type = 'urxvt'; key.x = x; key.y = y; if (this.zero) key.x--, key.y--; // NOTE: Duplicate of the above. mod = b >> 3; key.shift = mod & 4; key.meta = mod & 8; key.ctrl = mod & 16; b -= 32; if (b === 64) { key.action = 'wheelup'; key.button = 'middle'; } else if (b === 65) { key.action = 'wheeldown'; key.button = 'middle'; } else if (b === 3) { // Could also be a movement. key.action = 'mouseup'; key.button = 'unknown'; } else { key.action = 'mousedown'; key.button = b === 0 ? 'left' : b === 1 ? 'middle' : b === 2 ? 'right' : 'unknown'; } // It's a movement // Wrong //if (b > 32 && b < 64) { // delete key.button; // key.action = 'movement'; //} // Probably a movement. if (key.action === 'mousedown' && key.button === 'unknown') { delete key.button; key.action = 'mousemove'; } self.emit('keypress', null, key); self.emit('mouse', key); return; } // SGR if (parts = /^\x1b\[<(\d+;\d+;\d+)([mM])/.exec(s)) { var down = parts[2] === 'm' , parts = parts[1].split(';') , b = +parts[0] , x = +parts[1] , y = +parts[2]; key.name = 'mouse'; key.type = 'sgr'; key.x = x; key.y = y; if (this.zero) key.x--, key.y--; b &= 3; // NOTE: Get mod. And wheel. key.action = down ? 'mousedown' : 'mouseup'; key.button = b === 0 ? 'left' : b === 1 ? 'middle' : b === 2 ? 'right' : 'unknown'; self.emit('keypress', null, key); self.emit('mouse', key); return; } // DEC // The xterm mouse documentation says there is a // `<` prefix, the DECRQLP says there is no prefix. if (parts = /^\x1b\[<(\d+;\d+;\d+;\d+)&w/.exec(s)) { var parts = parts[1].split(';') , b = +parts[0] , x = +parts[1] , y = +parts[2] , page = +parts[3]; key.name = 'mouse'; key.type = 'dec'; key.button = b; key.x = x; key.y = y; if (this.zero) key.x--, key.y--; key.action = b === 3 ? 'mouseup' : 'mousedown'; key.button = b === 2 ? 'left' : b === 4 ? 'middle' : b === 6 ? 'right' : 'unknown'; self.emit('keypress', null, key); self.emit('mouse', key); return; } // vt300 if (parts = /^\x1b\[24([0135])~\[(\d+),(\d+)\]\r/.exec(s)) { var b = +parts[1] , x = +parts[2] , y = +parts[3]; key.name = 'mouse'; key.type = 'vt300'; key.x = x; key.y = y; if (this.zero) key.x--, key.y--; key.action = 'mousedown'; key.button = b === 1 ? 'left' : b === 2 ? 'middle' : b === 5 ? 'right' : 'unknown'; self.emit('keypress', null, key); self.emit('mouse', key); return; } if (parts = /^\x1b\[(O|I)/.exec(s)) { key.action = parts[1] === 'I' ? 'focus' : 'blur'; self.emit('mouse', key); self.emit(key.action); return; } }; // All possible responses from the terminal Program.prototype.bindResponse = function() { if (this._boundResponse) return; this._boundResponse = true; var decoder = new StringDecoder('utf8') , self = this; this.on('data', function(data) { data = decoder.write(data); if (!data) return; self._bindResponse(data); }); }; Program.prototype._bindResponse = function(s) { var self = this , out = {} , parts; if (Buffer.isBuffer(s)) { if (s[0] > 127 && s[1] === undefined) { s[0] -= 128; s = '\x1b' + s.toString('utf-8'); } else { s = s.toString('utf-8'); } } // CSI P s c // Send Device Attributes (Primary DA). // CSI > P s c // Send Device Attributes (Secondary DA). if (parts = /^\x1b\[(\?|>)(\d*(?:;\d*)*)c/.exec(s)) { parts = parts[2].split(';').map(function(ch) { return +ch || 0; }); out.event = 'device-attributes'; out.code = 'DA'; if (parts[1] === '?') { out.type = 'primary-attribute'; // VT100-style params: if (parts[0] === 1 && parts[2] === 2) { out.term = 'vt100'; out.advancedVideo = true; } else if (parts[0] === 1 && parts[2] === 0) { out.term = 'vt101'; } else if (parts[0] === 6) { out.term = 'vt102'; } else if (parts[0] === 60 && parts[1] === 1 && parts[2] === 2 && parts[3] === 6 && parts[4] === 8 && parts[5] === 9 && parts[6] === 15) { out.term = 'vt220'; } else { // VT200-style params: parts.forEach(function(attr) { switch (attr) { case 1: out.cols132 = true; break; case 2: out.printer = true; break; case 6: out.selectiveErase = true; break; case 8: out.userDefinedKeys = true; break; case 9: out.nationalReplacementCharsets = true; break; case 15: out.technicalCharacters = true; break; case 18: out.userWindows = true; break; case 21: out.horizontalScrolling = true; break; case 22: out.ansiColor = true; break; case 29: out.ansiTextLocator = true; break; } }); } } else { out.type = 'secondary-attribute'; switch (parts[0]) { case 0: out.term = 'vt100'; break; case 1: out.term = 'vt220'; break; case 2: out.term = 'vt240'; break; case 18: out.term = 'vt330'; break; case 19: out.term = 'vt340'; break; case 24: out.term = 'vt320'; break; case 41: out.term = 'vt420'; break; case 61: out.term = 'vt510'; break; case 64: out.term = 'vt520'; break; case 65: out.term = 'vt525'; break; } out.firmwareVersion = parts[1]; out.romCartridgeRegistrationNumber = parts[2]; } // LEGACY out.deviceAttributes = out; this.emit('response', out); this.emit('response ' + out.event, out); return; } // CSI Ps n Device Status Report (DSR). // Ps = 5 -> Status Report. Result (``OK'') is // CSI 0 n // CSI ? Ps n // Device Status Report (DSR, DEC-specific). // Ps = 1 5 -> Report Printer status as CSI ? 1 0 n (ready). // or CSI ? 1 1 n (not ready). // Ps = 2 5 -> Report UDK status as CSI ? 2 0 n (unlocked) // or CSI ? 2 1 n (locked). // Ps = 2 6 -> Report Keyboard status as // CSI ? 2 7 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 n (North American). // The last two parameters apply to VT400 & up, and denote key- // board ready and LK01 respectively. // Ps = 5 3 -> Report Locator status as // CSI ? 5 3 n Locator available, if compiled-in, or // CSI ? 5 0 n No Locator, if not. if (parts = /^\x1b\[(\?)?(\d+)(?:;(\d+);(\d+);(\d+))?n/.exec(s)) { out.event = 'device-status'; out.code = 'DSR'; if (!parts[1] && parts[2] === '0' && !parts[3]) { out.type = 'device-status'; out.status = 'OK'; // LEGACY out.deviceStatus = out.status; this.emit('response', out); this.emit('response ' + out.event, out); return; } if (parts[1] && (parts[2] === '10' || parts[2] === '11') && !parts[3]) { out.type = 'printer-status'; out.status = parts[2] === '10' ? 'ready' : 'not ready'; // LEGACY out.printerStatus = out.status; this.emit('response', out); this.emit('response ' + out.event, out); return; } if (parts[1] && (parts[2] === '20' || parts[2] === '21') && !parts[3]) { out.type = 'udk-status'; out.status = parts[2] === '20' ? 'unlocked' : 'locked'; // LEGACY out.UDKStatus = out.status; this.emit('response', out); this.emit('response ' + out.event, out); return; } if (parts[1] && parts[2] === '27' && parts[3] === '1' && parts[4] === '0' && parts[5] === '0') { out.type = 'keyboard-status'; out.status = 'OK'; // LEGACY out.keyboardStatus = out.status; this.emit('response', out); this.emit('response ' + out.event, out); return; } if (parts[1] && (parts[2] === '53' || parts[2] === '50') && !parts[3]) { out.type = 'locator-status'; out.status = parts[2] === '53' ? 'available' : 'unavailable'; // LEGACY out.locator = out.status; this.emit('response', out); this.emit('response ' + out.event, out); return; } out.type = 'error'; out.text = 'Unhandled: ' + JSON.stringify(parts); // LEGACY out.error = out.text; this.emit('response', out); this.emit('response ' + out.event, out); return; } // CSI Ps n Device Status Report (DSR). // Ps = 6 -> Report Cursor Position (CPR) [row;column]. // Result is // CSI r ; c R // CSI ? Ps n // Device Status Report (DSR, DEC-specific). // Ps = 6 -> Report Cursor Position (CPR) [row;column] as CSI // ? r ; c R (assumes page is zero). if (parts = /^\x1b\[(\?)?(\d+);(\d+)R/.exec(s)) { out.event = 'device-status-report'; out.code = 'DSR'; out.type = 'cursor-status'; out.status = { x: +parts[3], y: +parts[2], page: !parts[1] ? undefined : 0 }; out.x = out.status.x; out.y = out.status.y; out.page = out.status.page; // LEGACY out.cursor = out.status; this.emit('response', out); this.emit('response ' + out.event, out); return; } // CSI Ps ; Ps ; Ps t // Window manipulation (from dtterm, as well as extensions). // These controls may be disabled using the allowWindowOps // resource. Valid values for the first (and any additional // parameters) are: // Ps = 1 1 -> Report xterm window state. If the xterm window // is open (non-iconified), it returns CSI 1 t . If the xterm // window is iconified, it returns CSI 2 t . // Ps = 1 3 -> Report xterm window position. Result is CSI 3 // ; x ; y t // Ps = 1 4 -> Report xterm window in pixels. Result is CSI // 4 ; height ; width t // Ps = 1 8 -> Report the size of the text area in characters. // Result is CSI 8 ; height ; width t // Ps = 1 9 -> Report the size of the screen in characters. // Result is CSI 9 ; height ; width t if (parts = /^\x1b\[(\d+)(?:;(\d+);(\d+))?t/.exec(s)) { out.event = 'window-manipulation'; out.code = ''; if ((parts[1] === '1' || parts[1] === '2') && !parts[2]) { out.type = 'window-state'; out.state = parts[1] === '1' ? 'non-iconified' : 'iconified' // LEGACY out.windowState = out.state; this.emit('response', out); this.emit('response ' + out.event, out); return; } if (parts[1] === '3' && parts[2]) { out.type = 'window-position'; out.position = { x: +parts[2], y: +parts[3] }; out.x = out.position.x; out.y = out.position.y; // LEGACY out.windowPosition = out.position; this.emit('response', out); this.emit('response ' + out.event, out); return; } if (parts[1] === '4' && parts[2]) { out.type = 'window-size-pixels'; out.size = { height: +parts[2], width: +parts[3] }; out.height = out.size.height; out.width = out.size.width; // LEGACY out.windowSizePixels = out.size; this.emit('response', out); this.emit('response ' + out.event, out); return; } if (parts[1] === '8' && parts[2]) { out.type = 'textarea-size'; out.size = { height: +parts[2], width: +parts[3] }; out.height = out.size.height; out.width = out.size.width; // LEGACY out.textAreaSizeCharacters = out.size; this.emit('response', out); this.emit('response ' + out.event, out); return; } if (parts[1] === '9' && parts[2]) { out.type = 'screen-size'; out.size = { height: +parts[2], width: +parts[3] }; out.height = out.size.height; out.width = out.size.width; // LEGACY out.screenSizeCharacters = out.size; this.emit('response', out); this.emit('response ' + out.event, out); return; } out.type = 'error'; out.text = 'Unhandled: ' + JSON.stringify(parts); // LEGACY out.error = out.text; this.emit('response', out); this.emit('response ' + out.event, out); return; } // CSI Ps ; Ps ; Ps t // Window manipulation (from dtterm, as well as extensions). // These controls may be disabled using the allowWindowOps // resource. Valid values for the first (and any additional // parameters) are: // Ps = 2 0 -> Report xterm window's icon label. Result is // OSC L label ST // Ps = 2 1 -> Report xterm window's title. Result is OSC l // label ST if (parts = /^\x1b\](l|L)([^\x07\x1b]*)(?:\x07|\x1b\\)/.exec(s)) { out.type = 'window-manipulation'; out.code = ''; if (parts[1] === 'L') { out.type = 'window-icon-label'; out.text = parts[2]; // LEGACY out.windowIconLabel = out.text; this.emit('response', out); this.emit('response ' + out.event, out); return; } if (parts[1] === 'l') { out.type = 'window-title'; out.text = parts[2]; // LEGACY out.windowTitle = out.text; this.emit('response', out); this.emit('response ' + out.event, out); return; } out.type = 'error'; out.text = 'Unhandled: ' + JSON.stringify(parts); // LEGACY out.error = out.text; this.emit('response', out); this.emit('response ' + out.event, out); return; } // CSI Ps ' | // Request Locator Position (DECRQLP). // -> CSI Pe ; Pb ; Pr ; Pc ; Pp & w // Parameters are [event;button;row;column;page]. // Valid values for the event: // Pe = 0 -> locator unavailable - no other parameters sent. // Pe = 1 -> request - xterm received a DECRQLP. // Pe = 2 -> left button down. // Pe = 3 -> left button up. // Pe = 4 -> middle button down. // Pe = 5 -> middle button up. // Pe = 6 -> right button down. // Pe = 7 -> right button up. // Pe = 8 -> M4 button down. // Pe = 9 -> M4 button up. // Pe = 1 0 -> locator outside filter rectangle. // ``button'' parameter is a bitmask indicating which buttons are // pressed: // Pb = 0 <- no buttons down. // Pb & 1 <- right button down. // Pb & 2 <- middle button down. // Pb & 4 <- left button down. // Pb & 8 <- M4 button down. // ``row'' and ``column'' parameters are the coordinates of the // locator position in the xterm window, encoded as ASCII deci- // mal. // The ``page'' parameter is not used by xterm, and will be omit- // ted. // NOTE: // This is already implemented in the _bindMouse // method, but it might make more sense here. // The xterm mouse documentation says there is a // `<` prefix, the DECRQLP says there is no prefix. if (parts = /^\x1b\[(\d+(?:;\d+){4})&w/.exec(s)) { parts = parts[1].split(';').map(function(ch) { return +ch; }); out.event = 'locator-position'; out.code = 'DECRQLP'; switch (parts[0]) { case 0: out.status = 'locator-unavailable'; break; case 1: out.status = 'request'; break; case 2: out.status = 'left-button-down'; break; case 3: out.status = 'left-button-up'; break; case 4: out.status = 'middle-button-down'; break; case 5: out.status = 'middle-button-up'; break; case 6: out.status = 'right-button-down'; break; case 7: out.status = 'right-button-up'; break; case 8: out.status = 'm4-button-down'; break; case 9: out.status = 'm4-button-up'; break; case 10: out.status = 'locator-outside'; break; } out.mask = parts[1]; out.row = parts[2]; out.col = parts[3]; out.page = parts[4]; // LEGACY out.locatorPosition = out; this.emit('response', out); this.emit('response ' + out.event, out); return; } }; Program.prototype.receive = function(text, callback) { var listeners = (this._events && this._events['keypress']) || [] , bak = listeners.slice() , self = this; if (!this.input.isRaw) { throw new Error('Input must be raw.'); } listeners.length = 0; if (!callback) { callback = text; text = null; } this.input.once('data', function(data) { listeners.push.apply(listeners, bak); if (typeof data !== 'string') { data = data.toString('utf8'); } return callback(null, data); }); if (text != null) { return this._write(text); } }; Program.prototype.response = function(name, text, callback) { if (arguments.length === 2) { callback = text; text = name; name = null; } if (!callback) { callback = function() {}; } this.bindResponse(); name = name ? 'response ' + name : 'response'; this.once(name, function(event) { if (event.type === 'error') { return callback(new Error(event.event + ': ' + event.text)); } return callback(null, event); }); return this._write(text); }; Program.prototype._wrapCursor = function(nl) { if (this.tput) { //if (this.tput.bools.eat_newline_glitch) { // return; //} if (this.tput.bools.auto_right_margin) { this.x = 0; this.y++; return; } this.x--; return; } this.x = 0; this.y++; }; // TODO: Make a private write for all of the methods here // which does not call _parseChar. Make public write call // _parseChar. Program.prototype._parseChar = function(text, attr) { for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { var cs = false; while (text[i] === '\x1b') { i++; if (text[i] === '[' || text === ']') { cs = true; continue; } if (cs && (text[i] === ';' || (text[i] >= '0' && text[i] <= '9'))) { continue; } if (text[i] === '\\' && text[i + 1] === '\x1b') i++; i++; cs = false; break; } if (text[i] === '\n') { if (this.tput && this.tput.bools.eat_newline_glitch && this.x >= this.cols) { ; } else { this.x = 0; this.y++; } } else if (text[i] === '\r') { this.x = 0; } else { this.x++; if (this.x >= this.cols) { this._wrapCursor(); } } } }; Program.prototype._buffer = function(text) { if (this._exiting) { this.flush(); this.output.write(text); return; } if (this._buf) { this._buf += text; return; } this._buf = text; process.nextTick(this._flush); }; Program.prototype.flush = function(text) { if (!this._buf) return; this.output.write(this._buf); this._buf = ''; }; Program.prototype._write = function(text) { if (this.ret) return text; if (this.useBuffer) { return this._buffer(text); } return this.output.write(text); }; Program.prototype.echo = Program.prototype.write = function(text, attr) { return attr ? this._write(this.text(text, attr)) : this._write(text); }; Program.prototype._ncoords = function() { if (this.x < 0) this.x = 0; else if (this.x >= this.cols) this.x = this.cols - 1; if (this.y < 0) this.y = 0; else if (this.y >= this.rows) this.y = this.rows - 1; }; Program.prototype.setx = function(x) { return this.cursorCharAbsolute(x); // return this.charPosAbsolute(x); }; Program.prototype.sety = function(y) { return this.linePosAbsolute(y); }; Program.prototype.move = function(x, y) { return this.cursorPos(y, x); }; // TODO: Fix cud and cuu calls. Program.prototype.omove = function(x, y) { if (!this.zero) { x = (x || 1) - 1; y = (y || 1) - 1; } else { x = x || 0; y = y || 0; } if (y === this.y && x === this.x) { return; } if (y === this.y) { if (x > this.x) { this.cuf(x - this.x); } else if (x < this.x) { this.cub(this.x - x); } } else if (x === this.x) { if (y > this.y) { this.cud(y - this.y); } else if (y < this.y) { this.cuu(this.y - y); } } else { if (!this.zero) x++, y++; this.cup(y, x); } }; Program.prototype.rsetx = function(x) { // return this.HPositionRelative(x); if (!x) return; return x > 0 ? this.forward(x) : this.back(-x); }; Program.prototype.rsety = function(y) { // return this.VPositionRelative(y); if (!y) return; return y > 0 ? this.up(y) : this.down(-y); }; Program.prototype.rmove = function(x, y) { this.rsetx(x); this.rsety(y); }; Program.prototype.simpleInsert = function(ch, i, attr) { return this._write(this.repeat(ch, i), attr); }; Program.prototype.repeat = function(ch, i) { if (!(i >= 0)) i = 0; return Array(i + 1).join(ch); }; /** * Normal */ //Program.prototype.pad = Program.prototype.nul = function() { //if (this.has('pad')) return this.put.pad(); return this._write('\200'); }; Program.prototype.bel = Program.prototype.bell = function() { if (this.has('bel')) return this.put.bel(); return this._write('\x07'); }; Program.prototype.vtab = function() { this.y++; this._ncoords(); return this._write('\x0b'); }; Program.prototype.ff = Program.prototype.form = function() { if (this.has('ff')) return this.put.ff(); return this._write('\x0c'); }; Program.prototype.kbs = Program.prototype.backspace = function() { this.x--; this._ncoords(); if (this.has('kbs')) return this.put.kbs(); return this._write('\x08'); }; Program.prototype.ht = Program.prototype.tab = function() { this.x += 8; this._ncoords(); if (this.has('ht')) return this.put.ht(); return this._write('\t'); }; Program.prototype.shiftOut = function() { // if (this.has('S2')) return this.put.S2(); return this._write('\x0e'); }; Program.prototype.shiftIn = function() { // if (this.has('S3')) return this.put.S3(); return this._write('\x0f'); }; Program.prototype.cr = Program.prototype.return = function() { this.x = 0; if (this.has('cr')) return this.put.cr(); return this._write('\r'); }; Program.prototype.nel = Program.prototype.newline = Program.prototype.feed = function() { if (this.tput && this.tput.bools.eat_newline_glitch && this.x >= this.cols) { return; } this.x = 0; this.y++; this._ncoords(); if (this.has('nel')) return this.put.nel(); return this._write('\n'); }; /** * Esc */ // ESC D Index (IND is 0x84). Program.prototype.ind = Program.prototype.index = function() { this.y++; this._ncoords(); if (this.tput) return this.put.ind(); return this._write('\x1bD'); }; // ESC M Reverse Index (RI is 0x8d). Program.prototype.ri = Program.prototype.reverse = Program.prototype.reverseIndex = function() { this.y--; this._ncoords(); if (this.tput) return this.put.ri(); return this._write('\x1bM'); }; // ESC E Next Line (NEL is 0x85). Program.prototype.nextLine = function() { this.y++; this.x = 0; this._ncoords(); if (this.has('nel')) return this.put.nel(); return this._write('\x1bE'); }; // ESC c Full Reset (RIS). Program.prototype.reset = function() { this.x = this.y = 0; if (this.has('rs1') || this.has('ris')) { return this.has('rs1') ? this.put.rs1() : this.put.ris(); } return this._write('\x1bc'); }; // ESC H Tab Set (HTS is 0x88). Program.prototype.tabSet = function() { if (this.tput) return this.put.hts(); return this._write('\x1bH'); }; // ESC 7 Save Cursor (DECSC). Program.prototype.sc = Program.prototype.saveCursor = function(key) { if (key) return this.lsaveCursor(key); this.savedX = this.x || 0; this.savedY = this.y || 0; if (this.tput) return this.put.sc(); return this._write('\x1b7'); }; // ESC 8 Restore Cursor (DECRC). Program.prototype.rc = Program.prototype.restoreCursor = function(key, hide) { if (key) return this.lrestoreCursor(key, hide); this.x = this.savedX || 0; this.y = this.savedY || 0; if (this.tput) return this.put.rc(); return this._write('\x1b8'); }; // Save Cursor Locally Program.prototype.lsaveCursor = function(key) { var key = key || 'local'; this._saved = this._saved || {}; this._saved[key] = this._saved[key] || {}; this._saved[key].x = this.x; this._saved[key].y = this.y; this._saved[key].hidden = this.cursorHidden; }; // Restore Cursor Locally Program.prototype.lrestoreCursor = function(key, hide) { var key = key || 'local', pos; if (!this._saved || !this._saved[key]) return; pos = this._saved[key]; //delete this._saved[key]; this.cup(pos.y, pos.x); if (hide && pos.hidden !== this.cursorHidden) { if (pos.hidden) { this.hideCursor(); } else { this.showCursor(); } } }; // ESC # 3 DEC line height/width Program.prototype.lineHeight = function() { return this._write('\x1b#'); }; // ESC (,),*,+,-,. Designate G0-G2 Character Set. Program.prototype.charset = function(val, level) { level = level || 0; // See also: // acs_chars / acsc / ac // enter_alt_charset_mode / smacs / as // exit_alt_charset_mode / rmacs / ae // enter_pc_charset_mode / smpch / S2 // exit_pc_charset_mode / rmpch / S3 switch (level) { case 0: level = '('; break; case 1: level = ')'; break; case 2: level = '*'; break; case 3: level = '+'; break; } var name = typeof val === 'string' ? val.toLowerCase() : val; switch (name) { case 'acs': case 'scld': // DEC Special Character and Line Drawing Set. if (this.tput) return this.put.smacs(); val = '0'; break; case 'uk': // UK val = 'A'; break; case 'us': // United States (USASCII). case 'usascii': case 'ascii': if (this.tput) return this.put.rmacs(); val = 'B'; break; case 'dutch': // Dutch val = '4'; break; case 'finnish': // Finnish val = 'C'; val = '5'; break; case 'french': // French val = 'R'; break; case 'frenchcanadian': // FrenchCanadian val = 'Q'; break; case 'german': // German val = 'K'; break; case 'italian': // Italian val = 'Y'; break; case 'norwegiandanish': // NorwegianDanish val = 'E'; val = '6'; break; case 'spanish': // Spanish val = 'Z'; break; case 'swedish': // Swedish val = 'H'; val = '7'; break; case 'swiss': // Swiss val = '='; break; case 'isolatin': // ISOLatin (actually /A) val = '/A'; break; default: // Default if (this.tput) return this.put.rmacs(); val = 'B'; break; } return this._write('\x1b(' + val); }; Program.prototype.enter_alt_charset_mode = Program.prototype.as = Program.prototype.smacs = function() { return this.charset('acs'); }; Program.prototype.exit_alt_charset_mode = Program.prototype.ae = Program.prototype.rmacs = function() { return this.charset('ascii'); }; // ESC N // Single Shift Select of G2 Character Set // ( SS2 is 0x8e). This affects next character only. // ESC O // Single Shift Select of G3 Character Set // ( SS3 is 0x8f). This affects next character only. // ESC n // Invoke the G2 Character Set as GL (LS2). // ESC o // Invoke the G3 Character Set as GL (LS3). // ESC | // Invoke the G3 Character Set as GR (LS3R). // ESC } // Invoke the G2 Character Set as GR (LS2R). // ESC ~ // Invoke the G1 Character Set as GR (LS1R). Program.prototype.setG = function(val) { // if (this.tput) return this.put.S2(); // if (this.tput) return this.put.S3(); switch (val) { case 1: val = '~'; // GR break; case 2: val = 'n'; // GL val = '}'; // GR val = 'N'; // Next Char Only break; case 3: val = 'o'; // GL val = '|'; // GR val = 'O'; // Next Char Only break; } return this._write('\x1b' + val); }; /** * OSC */ // OSC Ps ; Pt ST // OSC Ps ; Pt BEL // Set Text Parameters. Program.prototype.setTitle = function(title) { if (this.term('screen')) { // Tmux pane // if (process.env.TMUX) { // return this._write('\x1b]2;' + title + '\x1b\\'); // } return this._write('\x1bk' + title + '\x1b\\'); } return this._write('\x1b]0;' + title + '\x07'); }; // OSC Ps ; Pt ST // OSC Ps ; Pt BEL // Reset colors Program.prototype.resetColors = function(param) { if (this.has('Cr')) { return this.put.Cr(param); } return this._write('\x1b]112\x07'); //return this._write('\x1b]112;' + param + '\x07'); }; // OSC Ps ; Pt ST // OSC Ps ; Pt BEL // Change dynamic colors Program.prototype.dynamicColors = function(param) { if (this.has('Cs')) { return this.put.Cs(param); } return this._write('\x1b]12;' + param + '\x07'); }; // OSC Ps ; Pt ST // OSC Ps ; Pt BEL // Sel data Program.prototype.selData = function(a, b) { if (this.has('Ms')) { return this.put.Ms(a, b); } return this._write('\x1b]52;' + a + ';' + b + '\x07'); }; /** * CSI */ // CSI Ps A // Cursor Up Ps Times (default = 1) (CUU). Program.prototype.cuu = Program.prototype.up = Program.prototype.cursorUp = function(param) { this.y -= param || 1; this._ncoords(); if (this.tput) return this.put.cuu(param); return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || '') + 'A'); }; // CSI Ps B // Cursor Down Ps Times (default = 1) (CUD). Program.prototype.cud = Program.prototype.down = Program.prototype.cursorDown = function(param) { this.y += param || 1; this._ncoords(); if (this.tput) return this.put.cud(param); return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || '') + 'B'); }; // CSI Ps C // Cursor Forward Ps Times (default = 1) (CUF). Program.prototype.cuf = Program.prototype.right = Program.prototype.forward = Program.prototype.cursorForward = function(param) { this.x += param || 1; this._ncoords(); if (this.tput) return this.put.cuf(param); return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || '') + 'C'); }; // CSI Ps D // Cursor Backward Ps Times (default = 1) (CUB). Program.prototype.cub = Program.prototype.left = Program.prototype.back = Program.prototype.cursorBackward = function(param) { this.x -= param || 1; this._ncoords(); if (this.tput) return this.put.cub(param); return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || '') + 'D'); }; // CSI Ps ; Ps H // Cursor Position [row;column] (default = [1,1]) (CUP). Program.prototype.cup = Program.prototype.pos = Program.prototype.cursorPos = function(row, col) { if (!this.zero) { row = (row || 1) - 1; col = (col || 1) - 1; } else { row = row || 0; col = col || 0; } this.x = col; this.y = row; this._ncoords(); if (this.tput) return this.put.cup(row, col); return this._write('\x1b[' + (row + 1) + ';' + (col + 1) + 'H'); }; // CSI Ps J Erase in Display (ED). // Ps = 0 -> Erase Below (default). // Ps = 1 -> Erase Above. // Ps = 2 -> Erase All. // Ps = 3 -> Erase Saved Lines (xterm). // CSI ? Ps J // Erase in Display (DECSED). // Ps = 0 -> Selective Erase Below (default). // Ps = 1 -> Selective Erase Above. // Ps = 2 -> Selective Erase All. Program.prototype.ed = Program.prototype.eraseInDisplay = function(param) { if (this.tput) { switch (param) { case 'above': param = 1; break; case 'all': param = 2; break; case 'saved': param = 3; break; case 'below': default: param = 0; break; } // extended tput.E3 = ^[[3;J return this.put.ed(param); } switch (param) { case 'above': return this._write('\X1b[1J'); case 'all': return this._write('\x1b[2J'); case 'saved': return this._write('\x1b[3J'); case 'below': default: return this._write('\x1b[J'); } }; Program.prototype.clear = function() { this.x = 0; this.y = 0; if (this.tput) return this.put.clear(); return this._write('\x1b[H\x1b[J'); }; // CSI Ps K Erase in Line (EL). // Ps = 0 -> Erase to Right (default). // Ps = 1 -> Erase to Left. // Ps = 2 -> Erase All. // CSI ? Ps K // Erase in Line (DECSEL). // Ps = 0 -> Selective Erase to Right (default). // Ps = 1 -> Selective Erase to Left. // Ps = 2 -> Selective Erase All. Program.prototype.el = Program.prototype.eraseInLine = function(param) { if (this.tput) { //if (this.tput.back_color_erase) ... switch (param) { case 'left': param = 1; break; case 'all': param = 2; break; case 'right': default: param = 0; break; } return this.put.el(param); } switch (param) { case 'left': return this._write('\x1b[1K'); case 'all': return this._write('\x1b[2K'); case 'right': default: return this._write('\x1b[K'); } }; // CSI Pm m Character Attributes (SGR). // Ps = 0 -> Normal (default). // Ps = 1 -> Bold. // Ps = 4 -> Underlined. // Ps = 5 -> Blink (appears as Bold). // Ps = 7 -> Inverse. // Ps = 8 -> Invisible, i.e., hidden (VT300). // Ps = 2 2 -> Normal (neither bold nor faint). // Ps = 2 4 -> Not underlined. // Ps = 2 5 -> Steady (not blinking). // Ps = 2 7 -> Positive (not inverse). // Ps = 2 8 -> Visible, i.e., not hidden (VT300). // Ps = 3 0 -> Set foreground color to Black. // Ps = 3 1 -> Set foreground color to Red. // Ps = 3 2 -> Set foreground color to Green. // Ps = 3 3 -> Set foreground color to Yellow. // Ps = 3 4 -> Set foreground color to Blue. // Ps = 3 5 -> Set foreground color to Magenta. // Ps = 3 6 -> Set foreground color to Cyan. // Ps = 3 7 -> Set foreground color to White. // Ps = 3 9 -> Set foreground color to default (original). // Ps = 4 0 -> Set background color to Black. // Ps = 4 1 -> Set background color to Red. // Ps = 4 2 -> Set background color to Green. // Ps = 4 3 -> Set background color to Yellow. // Ps = 4 4 -> Set background color to Blue. // Ps = 4 5 -> Set background color to Magenta. // Ps = 4 6 -> Set background color to Cyan. // Ps = 4 7 -> Set background color to White. // Ps = 4 9 -> Set background color to default (original). // If 16-color support is compiled, the following apply. Assume // that xterm's resources are set so that the ISO color codes are // the first 8 of a set of 16. Then the aixterm colors are the // bright versions of the ISO colors: // Ps = 9 0 -> Set foreground color to Black. // Ps = 9 1 -> Set foreground color to Red. // Ps = 9 2 -> Set foreground color to Green. // Ps = 9 3 -> Set foreground color to Yellow. // Ps = 9 4 -> Set foreground color to Blue. // Ps = 9 5 -> Set foreground color to Magenta. // Ps = 9 6 -> Set foreground color to Cyan. // Ps = 9 7 -> Set foreground color to White. // Ps = 1 0 0 -> Set background color to Black. // Ps = 1 0 1 -> Set background color to Red. // Ps = 1 0 2 -> Set background color to Green. // Ps = 1 0 3 -> Set background color to Yellow. // Ps = 1 0 4 -> Set background color to Blue. // Ps = 1 0 5 -> Set background color to Magenta. // Ps = 1 0 6 -> Set background color to Cyan. // Ps = 1 0 7 -> Set background color to White. // If xterm is compiled with the 16-color support disabled, it // supports the following, from rxvt: // Ps = 1 0 0 -> Set foreground and background color to // default. // If 88- or 256-color support is compiled, the following apply. // Ps = 3 8 ; 5 ; Ps -> Set foreground color to the second // Ps. // Ps = 4 8 ; 5 ; Ps -> Set background color to the second // Ps. Program.prototype.sgr = Program.prototype.attr = Program.prototype.charAttributes = function(param, val) { return this._write(this._attr(param, val)); }; Program.prototype.text = function(text, attr) { return this._attr(attr, true) + text + this._attr(attr, false); }; // NOTE: sun-color may not allow multiple params for SGR. Program.prototype._attr = function(param, val) { var self = this , param , parts , color , m; if (Array.isArray(param)) { parts = param; param = parts[0] || 'normal'; } else { param = param || 'normal'; parts = param.split(/\s*[,;]\s*/); } if (parts.length > 1) { var used = {} , out = []; parts.forEach(function(part) { part = self._attr(part, val).slice(2, -1); if (part === '') return; if (used[part]) return; used[part] = true; out.push(part); }); return '\x1b[' + out.join(';') + 'm'; } if (param.indexOf('no ') === 0) { param = param.substring(3); val = false; } else if (param.indexOf('!') === 0) { param = param.substring(1); val = false; } switch (param) { // attributes case 'normal': case 'default': if (val === false) return ''; return '\x1b[m'; case 'bold': return val === false ? '\x1b[22m' : '\x1b[1m'; case 'ul': case 'underline': case 'underlined': return val === false ? '\x1b[24m' : '\x1b[4m'; case 'blink': return val === false ? '\x1b[25m' : '\x1b[5m'; case 'inverse': return val === false ? '\x1b[27m' : '\x1b[7m'; break; case 'invisible': return val === false ? '\x1b[28m' : '\x1b[8m'; // 8-color foreground case 'black fg': return val === false ? '\x1b[39m' : '\x1b[30m'; case 'red fg': return val === false ? '\x1b[39m' : '\x1b[31m'; case 'green fg': return val === false ? '\x1b[39m' : '\x1b[32m'; case 'yellow fg': return val === false ? '\x1b[39m' : '\x1b[33m'; case 'blue fg': return val === false ? '\x1b[39m' : '\x1b[34m'; case 'magenta fg': return val === false ? '\x1b[39m' : '\x1b[35m'; case 'cyan fg': return val === false ? '\x1b[39m' : '\x1b[36m'; case 'white fg': return val === false ? '\x1b[39m' : '\x1b[37m'; case 'default fg': if (val === false) return ''; return '\x1b[39m'; // 8-color background case 'black bg': return val === false ? '\x1b[49m' : '\x1b[40m'; case 'red bg': return val === false ? '\x1b[49m' : '\x1b[41m'; case 'green bg': return val === false ? '\x1b[49m' : '\x1b[42m'; case 'yellow bg': return val === false ? '\x1b[49m' : '\x1b[43m'; case 'blue bg': return val === false ? '\x1b[49m' : '\x1b[44m'; case 'magenta bg': return val === false ? '\x1b[49m' : '\x1b[45m'; case 'cyan bg': return val === false ? '\x1b[49m' : '\x1b[46m'; case 'white bg': return val === false ? '\x1b[49m' : '\x1b[47m'; case 'default bg': if (val === false) return ''; return '\x1b[49m'; // 16-color foreground case 'light black fg': return val === false ? '\x1b[39m' : '\x1b[90m'; case 'light red fg': return val === false ? '\x1b[39m' : '\x1b[91m'; case 'light green fg': return val === false ? '\x1b[39m' : '\x1b[92m'; case 'light yellow fg': return val === false ? '\x1b[39m' : '\x1b[93m'; case 'light blue fg': return val === false ? '\x1b[39m' : '\x1b[94m'; case 'light magenta fg': return val === false ? '\x1b[39m' : '\x1b[95m'; case 'light cyan fg': return val === false ? '\x1b[39m' : '\x1b[96m'; case 'light white fg': return val === false ? '\x1b[39m' : '\x1b[97m'; // 16-color background case 'light black bg': return val === false ? '\x1b[49m' : '\x1b[100m'; case 'light red bg': return val === false ? '\x1b[49m' : '\x1b[101m'; case 'light green bg': return val === false ? '\x1b[49m' : '\x1b[102m'; case 'light yellow bg': return val === false ? '\x1b[49m' : '\x1b[103m'; case 'light blue bg': return val === false ? '\x1b[49m' : '\x1b[104m'; case 'light magenta bg': return val === false ? '\x1b[49m' : '\x1b[105m'; case 'light cyan bg': return val === false ? '\x1b[49m' : '\x1b[106m'; case 'light white bg': return val === false ? '\x1b[49m' : '\x1b[107m'; // non-16-color rxvt default fg and bg case 'default fg bg': if (val === false) return ''; return this.term('rxvt') ? '\x1b[100m' : '\x1b[39;49m'; default: // 256-color fg and bg if (param[0] === '#') { param = param.replace(/#(?:[0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}/i, colors.match); } m = /^(-?\d+) (fg|bg)$/.exec(param); if (m) { color = +m[1]; if (val === false || color === -1) { return this._attr('default ' + m[2]); } if (color < 16 || (this.tput && this.tput.colors <= 16)) { if (m[2] === 'fg') { if (color < 8) { color += 30; } else if (color < 16) { color += 90; } } else if (m[2] === 'bg') { if (color < 8) { color += 40; } else if (color < 16) { color += 100; } } return '\x1b[' + color + 'm'; } if (m[2] === 'fg') { return '\x1b[38;5;' + color + 'm'; } if (m[2] === 'bg') { return '\x1b[48;5;' + color + 'm'; } } if (/^[\d;]*$/.test(param)) { return '\x1b[' + param + 'm'; } return null; } }; Program.prototype.fg = Program.prototype.setForeground = function(color, val) { color = color.split(/\s*[,;]\s*/).join(' fg, ') + ' fg'; return this.attr(color, val); }; Program.prototype.bg = Program.prototype.setBackground = function(color, val) { color = color.split(/\s*[,;]\s*/).join(' bg, ') + ' bg'; return this.attr(color, val); }; // CSI Ps n Device Status Report (DSR). // Ps = 5 -> Status Report. Result (``OK'') is // CSI 0 n // Ps = 6 -> Report Cursor Position (CPR) [row;column]. // Result is // CSI r ; c R // CSI ? Ps n // Device Status Report (DSR, DEC-specific). // Ps = 6 -> Report Cursor Position (CPR) [row;column] as CSI // ? r ; c R (assumes page is zero). // Ps = 1 5 -> Report Printer status as CSI ? 1 0 n (ready). // or CSI ? 1 1 n (not ready). // Ps = 2 5 -> Report UDK status as CSI ? 2 0 n (unlocked) // or CSI ? 2 1 n (locked). // Ps = 2 6 -> Report Keyboard status as // CSI ? 2 7 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 n (North American). // The last two parameters apply to VT400 & up, and denote key- // board ready and LK01 respectively. // Ps = 5 3 -> Report Locator status as // CSI ? 5 3 n Locator available, if compiled-in, or // CSI ? 5 0 n No Locator, if not. Program.prototype.dsr = Program.prototype.deviceStatus = function(param, callback, dec) { if (dec) { return this.response('device-status', '\x1b[?' + (param || '0') + 'n', callback); } return this.response('device-status', '\x1b[' + (param || '0') + 'n', callback); }; Program.prototype.getCursor = function(callback) { return this.deviceStatus('6', callback); }; /** * Additions */ // CSI Ps @ // Insert Ps (Blank) Character(s) (default = 1) (ICH). Program.prototype.ich = Program.prototype.insertChars = function(param) { this.x += param || 1; this._ncoords(); if (this.tput) return this.put.ich(param); return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || 1) + '@'); }; // CSI Ps E // Cursor Next Line Ps Times (default = 1) (CNL). // same as CSI Ps B ? Program.prototype.cnl = Program.prototype.cursorNextLine = function(param) { this.y += param || 1; this._ncoords(); return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || '') + 'E'); }; // CSI Ps F // Cursor Preceding Line Ps Times (default = 1) (CNL). // reuse CSI Ps A ? Program.prototype.cpl = Program.prototype.cursorPrecedingLine = function(param) { this.y -= param || 1; this._ncoords(); return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || '') + 'F'); }; // CSI Ps G // Cursor Character Absolute [column] (default = [row,1]) (CHA). Program.prototype.cha = Program.prototype.cursorCharAbsolute = function(param) { if (!this.zero) { param = (param || 1) - 1; } else { param = param || 0; } this.x = param; this.y = 0; this._ncoords(); if (this.tput) return this.put.hpa(param); return this._write('\x1b[' + (param + 1) + 'G'); }; // CSI Ps L // Insert Ps Line(s) (default = 1) (IL). Program.prototype.il = Program.prototype.insertLines = function(param) { if (this.tput) return this.put.il(param); return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || '') + 'L'); }; // CSI Ps M // Delete Ps Line(s) (default = 1) (DL). Program.prototype.dl = Program.prototype.deleteLines = function(param) { if (this.tput) return this.put.dl(param); return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || '') + 'M'); }; // CSI Ps P // Delete Ps Character(s) (default = 1) (DCH). Program.prototype.dch = Program.prototype.deleteChars = function(param) { if (this.tput) return this.put.dch(param); return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || '') + 'P'); }; // CSI Ps X // Erase Ps Character(s) (default = 1) (ECH). Program.prototype.ech = Program.prototype.eraseChars = function(param) { if (this.tput) return this.put.ech(param); return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || '') + 'X'); }; // CSI Pm ` Character Position Absolute // [column] (default = [row,1]) (HPA). Program.prototype.hpa = Program.prototype.charPosAbsolute = function(param) { this.x = param || 0; this._ncoords(); if (this.tput) { return this.put.hpa.apply(this.put, arguments); } var param = slice.call(arguments).join(';'); return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || '') + '`'); }; // 141 61 a * HPR - // Horizontal Position Relative // reuse CSI Ps C ? Program.prototype.hpr = Program.prototype.HPositionRelative = function(param) { this.x += param || 1; this._ncoords(); // Does not exist: // if (this.tput) return this.put.hpr(param); if (this.tput) return this.put.cuf(param); return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || '') + 'a'); }; // CSI Ps c Send Device Attributes (Primary DA). // Ps = 0 or omitted -> request attributes from terminal. The // response depends on the decTerminalID resource setting. // -> CSI ? 1 ; 2 c (``VT100 with Advanced Video Option'') // -> CSI ? 1 ; 0 c (``VT101 with No Options'') // -> CSI ? 6 c (``VT102'') // -> CSI ? 6 0 ; 1 ; 2 ; 6 ; 8 ; 9 ; 1 5 ; c (``VT220'') // The VT100-style response parameters do not mean anything by // themselves. VT220 parameters do, telling the host what fea- // tures the terminal supports: // Ps = 1 -> 132-columns. // Ps = 2 -> Printer. // Ps = 6 -> Selective erase. // Ps = 8 -> User-defined keys. // Ps = 9 -> National replacement character sets. // Ps = 1 5 -> Technical characters. // Ps = 2 2 -> ANSI color, e.g., VT525. // Ps = 2 9 -> ANSI text locator (i.e., DEC Locator mode). // CSI > Ps c // Send Device Attributes (Secondary DA). // Ps = 0 or omitted -> request the terminal's identification // code. The response depends on the decTerminalID resource set- // ting. It should apply only to VT220 and up, but xterm extends // this to VT100. // -> CSI > Pp ; Pv ; Pc c // where Pp denotes the terminal type // Pp = 0 -> ``VT100''. // Pp = 1 -> ``VT220''. // and Pv is the firmware version (for xterm, this was originally // the XFree86 patch number, starting with 95). In a DEC termi- // nal, Pc indicates the ROM cartridge registration number and is // always zero. // More information: // xterm/charproc.c - line 2012, for more information. // vim responds with ^[[?0c or ^[[?1c after the terminal's response (?) Program.prototype.da = Program.prototype.sendDeviceAttributes = function(param, callback) { return this.response('device-attributes', '\x1b[' + (param || '') + 'c', callback); }; // CSI Pm d // Line Position Absolute [row] (default = [1,column]) (VPA). // NOTE: Can't find in terminfo, no idea why it has multiple params. Program.prototype.vpa = Program.prototype.linePosAbsolute = function(param) { this.y = param || 1; this._ncoords(); if (this.tput) { return this.put.vpa.apply(this.put, arguments); } var param = slice.call(arguments).join(';'); return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || '') + 'd'); }; // 145 65 e * VPR - Vertical Position Relative // reuse CSI Ps B ? Program.prototype.vpr = Program.prototype.VPositionRelative = function(param) { this.y += param || 1; this._ncoords(); // Does not exist: // if (this.tput) return this.put.vpr(param); if (this.tput) return this.put.cud(param); return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || '') + 'e'); }; // CSI Ps ; Ps f // Horizontal and Vertical Position [row;column] (default = // [1,1]) (HVP). Program.prototype.hvp = Program.prototype.HVPosition = function(row, col) { if (!this.zero) { row = (row || 1) - 1; col = (col || 1) - 1; } else { row = row || 0; col = col || 0; } this.y = row; this.x = col; this._ncoords(); // Does not exist (?): // if (this.tput) return this.put.hvp(row, col); if (this.tput) return this.put.cup(row, col); return this._write('\x1b[' + (row + 1) + ';' + (col + 1) + 'f'); }; // CSI Pm h Set Mode (SM). // Ps = 2 -> Keyboard Action Mode (AM). // Ps = 4 -> Insert Mode (IRM). // Ps = 1 2 -> Send/receive (SRM). // Ps = 2 0 -> Automatic Newline (LNM). // CSI ? Pm h // DEC Private Mode Set (DECSET). // Ps = 1 -> Application Cursor Keys (DECCKM). // Ps = 2 -> Designate USASCII for character sets G0-G3 // (DECANM), and set VT100 mode. // Ps = 3 -> 132 Column Mode (DECCOLM). // Ps = 4 -> Smooth (Slow) Scroll (DECSCLM). // Ps = 5 -> Reverse Video (DECSCNM). // Ps = 6 -> Origin Mode (DECOM). // Ps = 7 -> Wraparound Mode (DECAWM). // Ps = 8 -> Auto-repeat Keys (DECARM). // Ps = 9 -> Send Mouse X & Y on button press. See the sec- // tion Mouse Tracking. // Ps = 1 0 -> Show toolbar (rxvt). // Ps = 1 2 -> Start Blinking Cursor (att610). // Ps = 1 8 -> Print form feed (DECPFF). // Ps = 1 9 -> Set print extent to full screen (DECPEX). // Ps = 2 5 -> Show Cursor (DECTCEM). // Ps = 3 0 -> Show scrollbar (rxvt). // Ps = 3 5 -> Enable font-shifting functions (rxvt). // Ps = 3 8 -> Enter Tektronix Mode (DECTEK). // Ps = 4 0 -> Allow 80 -> 132 Mode. // Ps = 4 1 -> more(1) fix (see curses resource). // Ps = 4 2 -> Enable Nation Replacement Character sets (DECN- // RCM). // Ps = 4 4 -> Turn On Margin Bell. // Ps = 4 5 -> Reverse-wraparound Mode. // Ps = 4 6 -> Start Logging. This is normally disabled by a // compile-time option. // Ps = 4 7 -> Use Alternate Screen Buffer. (This may be dis- // abled by the titeInhibit resource). // Ps = 6 6 -> Application keypad (DECNKM). // Ps = 6 7 -> Backarrow key sends backspace (DECBKM). // Ps = 1 0 0 0 -> Send Mouse X & Y on button press and // release. See the section Mouse Tracking. // Ps = 1 0 0 1 -> Use Hilite Mouse Tracking. // Ps = 1 0 0 2 -> Use Cell Motion Mouse Tracking. // Ps = 1 0 0 3 -> Use All Motion Mouse Tracking. // Ps = 1 0 0 4 -> Send FocusIn/FocusOut events. // Ps = 1 0 0 5 -> Enable Extended Mouse Mode. // Ps = 1 0 1 0 -> Scroll to bottom on tty output (rxvt). // Ps = 1 0 1 1 -> Scroll to bottom on key press (rxvt). // Ps = 1 0 3 4 -> Interpret "meta" key, sets eighth bit. // (enables the eightBitInput resource). // Ps = 1 0 3 5 -> Enable special modifiers for Alt and Num- // Lock keys. (This enables the numLock resource). // Ps = 1 0 3 6 -> Send ESC when Meta modifies a key. (This // enables the metaSendsEscape resource). // Ps = 1 0 3 7 -> Send DEL from the editing-keypad Delete // key. // Ps = 1 0 3 9 -> Send ESC when Alt modifies a key. (This // enables the altSendsEscape resource). // Ps = 1 0 4 0 -> Keep selection even if not highlighted. // (This enables the keepSelection resource). // Ps = 1 0 4 1 -> Use the CLIPBOARD selection. (This enables // the selectToClipboard resource). // Ps = 1 0 4 2 -> Enable Urgency window manager hint when // Control-G is received. (This enables the bellIsUrgent // resource). // Ps = 1 0 4 3 -> Enable raising of the window when Control-G // is received. (enables the popOnBell resource). // Ps = 1 0 4 7 -> Use Alternate Screen Buffer. (This may be // disabled by the titeInhibit resource). // Ps = 1 0 4 8 -> Save cursor as in DECSC. (This may be dis- // abled by the titeInhibit resource). // Ps = 1 0 4 9 -> Save cursor as in DECSC and use Alternate // Screen Buffer, clearing it first. (This may be disabled by // the titeInhibit resource). This combines the effects of the 1 // 0 4 7 and 1 0 4 8 modes. Use this with terminfo-based // applications rather than the 4 7 mode. // Ps = 1 0 5 0 -> Set terminfo/termcap function-key mode. // Ps = 1 0 5 1 -> Set Sun function-key mode. // Ps = 1 0 5 2 -> Set HP function-key mode. // Ps = 1 0 5 3 -> Set SCO function-key mode. // Ps = 1 0 6 0 -> Set legacy keyboard emulation (X11R6). // Ps = 1 0 6 1 -> Set VT220 keyboard emulation. // Ps = 2 0 0 4 -> Set bracketed paste mode. // Modes: // http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/chapter4.html Program.prototype.sm = Program.prototype.setMode = function() { var param = slice.call(arguments).join(';'); return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || '') + 'h'); }; Program.prototype.decset = function() { var param = slice.call(arguments).join(';'); return this.setMode('?' + param); }; Program.prototype.dectcem = Program.prototype.cnorm = Program.prototype.cvvis = Program.prototype.showCursor = function() { this.cursorHidden = false; // NOTE: In xterm terminfo: // cnorm stops blinking cursor // cvvis starts blinking cursor if (this.tput) return this.put.cnorm(); //if (this.tput) return this.put.cvvis(); // return this._write('\x1b[?12l\x1b[?25h'); // cursor_normal // return this._write('\x1b[?12;25h'); // cursor_visible return this.setMode('?25'); }; Program.prototype.alternate = Program.prototype.smcup = Program.prototype.alternateBuffer = function() { this.isAlt = true; if (this.tput) return this.put.smcup(); if (this.term('vt') || this.term('linux')) return; return this.setMode('?1049'); }; // CSI Pm l Reset Mode (RM). // Ps = 2 -> Keyboard Action Mode (AM). // Ps = 4 -> Replace Mode (IRM). // Ps = 1 2 -> Send/receive (SRM). // Ps = 2 0 -> Normal Linefeed (LNM). // CSI ? Pm l // DEC Private Mode Reset (DECRST). // Ps = 1 -> Normal Cursor Keys (DECCKM). // Ps = 2 -> Designate VT52 mode (DECANM). // Ps = 3 -> 80 Column Mode (DECCOLM). // Ps = 4 -> Jump (Fast) Scroll (DECSCLM). // Ps = 5 -> Normal Video (DECSCNM). // Ps = 6 -> Normal Cursor Mode (DECOM). // Ps = 7 -> No Wraparound Mode (DECAWM). // Ps = 8 -> No Auto-repeat Keys (DECARM). // Ps = 9 -> Don't send Mouse X & Y on button press. // Ps = 1 0 -> Hide toolbar (rxvt). // Ps = 1 2 -> Stop Blinking Cursor (att610). // Ps = 1 8 -> Don't print form feed (DECPFF). // Ps = 1 9 -> Limit print to scrolling region (DECPEX). // Ps = 2 5 -> Hide Cursor (DECTCEM). // Ps = 3 0 -> Don't show scrollbar (rxvt). // Ps = 3 5 -> Disable font-shifting functions (rxvt). // Ps = 4 0 -> Disallow 80 -> 132 Mode. // Ps = 4 1 -> No more(1) fix (see curses resource). // Ps = 4 2 -> Disable Nation Replacement Character sets (DEC- // NRCM). // Ps = 4 4 -> Turn Off Margin Bell. // Ps = 4 5 -> No Reverse-wraparound Mode. // Ps = 4 6 -> Stop Logging. (This is normally disabled by a // compile-time option). // Ps = 4 7 -> Use Normal Screen Buffer. // Ps = 6 6 -> Numeric keypad (DECNKM). // Ps = 6 7 -> Backarrow key sends delete (DECBKM). // Ps = 1 0 0 0 -> Don't send Mouse X & Y on button press and // release. See the section Mouse Tracking. // Ps = 1 0 0 1 -> Don't use Hilite Mouse Tracking. // Ps = 1 0 0 2 -> Don't use Cell Motion Mouse Tracking. // Ps = 1 0 0 3 -> Don't use All Motion Mouse Tracking. // Ps = 1 0 0 4 -> Don't send FocusIn/FocusOut events. // Ps = 1 0 0 5 -> Disable Extended Mouse Mode. // Ps = 1 0 1 0 -> Don't scroll to bottom on tty output // (rxvt). // Ps = 1 0 1 1 -> Don't scroll to bottom on key press (rxvt). // Ps = 1 0 3 4 -> Don't interpret "meta" key. (This disables // the eightBitInput resource). // Ps = 1 0 3 5 -> Disable special modifiers for Alt and Num- // Lock keys. (This disables the numLock resource). // Ps = 1 0 3 6 -> Don't send ESC when Meta modifies a key. // (This disables the metaSendsEscape resource). // Ps = 1 0 3 7 -> Send VT220 Remove from the editing-keypad // Delete key. // Ps = 1 0 3 9 -> Don't send ESC when Alt modifies a key. // (This disables the altSendsEscape resource). // Ps = 1 0 4 0 -> Do not keep selection when not highlighted. // (This disables the keepSelection resource). // Ps = 1 0 4 1 -> Use the PRIMARY selection. (This disables // the selectToClipboard resource). // Ps = 1 0 4 2 -> Disable Urgency window manager hint when // Control-G is received. (This disables the bellIsUrgent // resource). // Ps = 1 0 4 3 -> Disable raising of the window when Control- // G is received. (This disables the popOnBell resource). // Ps = 1 0 4 7 -> Use Normal Screen Buffer, clearing screen // first if in the Alternate Screen. (This may be disabled by // the titeInhibit resource). // Ps = 1 0 4 8 -> Restore cursor as in DECRC. (This may be // disabled by the titeInhibit resource). // Ps = 1 0 4 9 -> Use Normal Screen Buffer and restore cursor // as in DECRC. (This may be disabled by the titeInhibit // resource). This combines the effects of the 1 0 4 7 and 1 0 // 4 8 modes. Use this with terminfo-based applications rather // than the 4 7 mode. // Ps = 1 0 5 0 -> Reset terminfo/termcap function-key mode. // Ps = 1 0 5 1 -> Reset Sun function-key mode. // Ps = 1 0 5 2 -> Reset HP function-key mode. // Ps = 1 0 5 3 -> Reset SCO function-key mode. // Ps = 1 0 6 0 -> Reset legacy keyboard emulation (X11R6). // Ps = 1 0 6 1 -> Reset keyboard emulation to Sun/PC style. // Ps = 2 0 0 4 -> Reset bracketed paste mode. Program.prototype.rm = Program.prototype.resetMode = function() { var param = slice.call(arguments).join(';'); return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || '') + 'l'); }; Program.prototype.decrst = function() { var param = slice.call(arguments).join(';'); return this.resetMode('?' + param); }; Program.prototype.dectcemh = Program.prototype.cursor_invisible = Program.prototype.vi = Program.prototype.civis = Program.prototype.hideCursor = function() { this.cursorHidden = true; if (this.tput) return this.put.civis(); return this.resetMode('?25'); }; Program.prototype.rmcup = Program.prototype.normalBuffer = function() { this.isAlt = false; if (this.tput) return this.put.rmcup(); return this.resetMode('?1049'); }; Program.prototype.enableMouse = function() { if (this.term('rxvt-unicode')) { return this.setMouse({ urxvtMouse: true, allMotion: true }, true); } if (this.term('linux')) { return this.setMouse({ vt200Mouse: true }, true); } if (this.term('xterm') || this.term('screen') || (this.tput && this.tput.strings.key_mouse)) { return this.setMouse({ vt200Mouse: true, utfMouse: true, allMotion: true }, true); } }; Program.prototype.disableMouse = function() { if (!this._currentMouse) return; var obj = {}; Object.keys(this._currentMouse).forEach(function(key) { obj[key] = false; }); return this.setMouse(obj, false); }; // Set Mouse Program.prototype.setMouse = function(opt, enable) { if (opt.normalMouse != null) { opt.vt200Mouse = opt.normalMouse; opt.allMotion = opt.normalMouse; } if (opt.hiliteTracking != null) { opt.vt200Hilite = opt.hiliteTracking; } if (enable) { this._currentMouse = opt; this.mouseEnabled = true; } else { delete this._currentMouse; this.mouseEnabled = false; } // Make sure we're not a vtNNN if (this.term('vt')) return; // Ps = 9 -> Send Mouse X & Y on button press. See the sec- // tion Mouse Tracking. // Ps = 9 -> Don't send Mouse X & Y on button press. // x10 mouse if (opt.x10Mouse != null) { if (opt.x10Mouse) this.setMode('?9'); else this.resetMode('?9'); } // Ps = 1 0 0 0 -> Send Mouse X & Y on button press and // release. See the section Mouse Tracking. // Ps = 1 0 0 0 -> Don't send Mouse X & Y on button press and // release. See the section Mouse Tracking. // vt200 mouse if (opt.vt200Mouse != null) { if (opt.vt200Mouse) this.setMode('?1000'); else this.resetMode('?1000'); } // Linux Console actually *does* support mouse reporting. // See: `$ man console_codes`. if (this.term('linux')) return; // Ps = 1 0 0 1 -> Use Hilite Mouse Tracking. // Ps = 1 0 0 1 -> Don't use Hilite Mouse Tracking. if (opt.vt200Hilite != null) { if (opt.vt200Hilite) this.setMode('?1001'); else this.resetMode('?1001'); } // Ps = 1 0 0 2 -> Use Cell Motion Mouse Tracking. // Ps = 1 0 0 2 -> Don't use Cell Motion Mouse Tracking. // button event mouse if (opt.cellMotion != null) { if (opt.cellMotion) this.setMode('?1002'); else this.resetMode('?1002'); } // Ps = 1 0 0 3 -> Use All Motion Mouse Tracking. // Ps = 1 0 0 3 -> Don't use All Motion Mouse Tracking. // any event mouse if (opt.allMotion != null) { if (opt.allMotion) this.setMode('?1003'); else this.resetMode('?1003'); } // Ps = 1 0 0 4 -> Send FocusIn/FocusOut events. // Ps = 1 0 0 4 -> Don't send FocusIn/FocusOut events. if (opt.sendFocus != null) { if (opt.sendFocus) this.setMode('?1004'); else this.resetMode('?1004'); } // Ps = 1 0 0 5 -> Enable Extended Mouse Mode. // Ps = 1 0 0 5 -> Disable Extended Mouse Mode. if (opt.utfMouse != null) { if (opt.utfMouse) this.setMode('?1005'); else this.resetMode('?1005'); } // sgr mouse if (opt.sgrMouse != null) { if (opt.sgrMouse) this.setMode('?1006'); else this.resetMode('?1006'); } // urxvt mouse if (opt.urxvtMouse != null) { if (opt.urxvtMouse) this.setMode('?1015'); else this.resetMode('?1015'); } }; // CSI Ps ; Ps r // Set Scrolling Region [top;bottom] (default = full size of win- // dow) (DECSTBM). // CSI ? Pm r Program.prototype.decstbm = Program.prototype.csr = Program.prototype.setScrollRegion = function(top, bottom) { if (!this.zero) { top = (top || 1) - 1; bottom = (bottom || this.rows) - 1; } else { top = top || 0; bottom = bottom || (this.rows - 1); } this.scrollTop = top; this.scrollBottom = bottom; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this._ncoords(); if (this.tput) return this.put.csr(top, bottom); return this._write('\x1b[' + (top + 1) + ';' + (bottom + 1) + 'r'); }; // CSI s // Save cursor (ANSI.SYS). Program.prototype.scA = Program.prototype.saveCursorA = function() { this.savedX = this.x; this.savedY = this.y; if (this.tput) return this.put.sc(); return this._write('\x1b[s'); }; // CSI u // Restore cursor (ANSI.SYS). Program.prototype.rcA = Program.prototype.restoreCursorA = function() { this.x = this.savedX || 0; this.y = this.savedY || 0; if (this.tput) return this.put.rc(); return this._write('\x1b[u'); }; /** * Lesser Used */ // CSI Ps I // Cursor Forward Tabulation Ps tab stops (default = 1) (CHT). Program.prototype.cht = Program.prototype.cursorForwardTab = function(param) { this.x += 8; this._ncoords(); if (this.tput) return this.put.tab(param); return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || 1) + 'I'); }; // CSI Ps S Scroll up Ps lines (default = 1) (SU). Program.prototype.su = Program.prototype.scrollUp = function(param) { this.y -= param || 1; this._ncoords(); if (this.tput) return this.put.parm_index(param); return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || 1) + 'S'); }; // CSI Ps T Scroll down Ps lines (default = 1) (SD). Program.prototype.sd = Program.prototype.scrollDown = function(param) { this.y += param || 1; this._ncoords(); if (this.tput) return this.put.parm_rindex(param); return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || 1) + 'T'); }; // CSI Ps ; Ps ; Ps ; Ps ; Ps T // Initiate highlight mouse tracking. Parameters are // [func;startx;starty;firstrow;lastrow]. See the section Mouse // Tracking. Program.prototype.initMouseTracking = function() { return this._write('\x1b[' + slice.call(arguments).join(';') + 'T'); }; // CSI > Ps; Ps T // Reset one or more features of the title modes to the default // value. Normally, "reset" disables the feature. It is possi- // ble to disable the ability to reset features by compiling a // different default for the title modes into xterm. // Ps = 0 -> Do not set window/icon labels using hexadecimal. // Ps = 1 -> Do not query window/icon labels using hexadeci- // mal. // Ps = 2 -> Do not set window/icon labels using UTF-8. // Ps = 3 -> Do not query window/icon labels using UTF-8. // (See discussion of "Title Modes"). Program.prototype.resetTitleModes = function() { return this._write('\x1b[>' + slice.call(arguments).join(';') + 'T'); }; // CSI Ps Z Cursor Backward Tabulation Ps tab stops (default = 1) (CBT). Program.prototype.cbt = Program.prototype.cursorBackwardTab = function(param) { this.x -= 8; this._ncoords(); if (this.tput) return this.put.cbt(param); return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || 1) + 'Z'); }; // CSI Ps b Repeat the preceding graphic character Ps times (REP). Program.prototype.rep = Program.prototype.repeatPrecedingCharacter = function(param) { this.x += param || 1; this._ncoords(); if (this.tput) return this.put.rep(param); return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || 1) + 'b'); }; // CSI Ps g Tab Clear (TBC). // Ps = 0 -> Clear Current Column (default). // Ps = 3 -> Clear All. // Potentially: // Ps = 2 -> Clear Stops on Line. // http://vt100.net/annarbor/aaa-ug/section6.html Program.prototype.tbc = Program.prototype.tabClear = function(param) { if (this.tput) return this.put.tbc(param); return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || 0) + 'g'); }; // CSI Pm i Media Copy (MC). // Ps = 0 -> Print screen (default). // Ps = 4 -> Turn off printer controller mode. // Ps = 5 -> Turn on printer controller mode. // CSI ? Pm i // Media Copy (MC, DEC-specific). // Ps = 1 -> Print line containing cursor. // Ps = 4 -> Turn off autoprint mode. // Ps = 5 -> Turn on autoprint mode. // Ps = 1 0 -> Print composed display, ignores DECPEX. // Ps = 1 1 -> Print all pages. Program.prototype.mc = Program.prototype.mediaCopy = function() { return this._write('\x1b[' + slice.call(arguments).join(';') + 'i'); }; Program.prototype.print_screen = Program.prototype.ps = Program.prototype.mc0 = function() { if (this.tput) return this.put.mc0(); return this.mc('0'); }; Program.prototype.prtr_on = Program.prototype.po = Program.prototype.mc5 = function() { if (this.tput) return this.put.mc5(); return this.mc('5'); }; Program.prototype.prtr_off = Program.prototype.pf = Program.prototype.mc4 = function() { if (this.tput) return this.put.mc4(); return this.mc('4'); }; Program.prototype.prtr_non = Program.prototype.pO = Program.prototype.mc5p = function() { if (this.tput) return this.put.mc5p(); return this.mc('?5'); }; // CSI > Ps; Ps m // Set or reset resource-values used by xterm to decide whether // to construct escape sequences holding information about the // modifiers pressed with a given key. The first parameter iden- // tifies the resource to set/reset. The second parameter is the // value to assign to the resource. If the second parameter is // omitted, the resource is reset to its initial value. // Ps = 1 -> modifyCursorKeys. // Ps = 2 -> modifyFunctionKeys. // Ps = 4 -> modifyOtherKeys. // If no parameters are given, all resources are reset to their // initial values. Program.prototype.setResources = function() { return this._write('\x1b[>' + slice.call(arguments).join(';') + 'm'); }; // CSI > Ps n // Disable modifiers which may be enabled via the CSI > Ps; Ps m // sequence. This corresponds to a resource value of "-1", which // cannot be set with the other sequence. The parameter identi- // fies the resource to be disabled: // Ps = 1 -> modifyCursorKeys. // Ps = 2 -> modifyFunctionKeys. // Ps = 4 -> modifyOtherKeys. // If the parameter is omitted, modifyFunctionKeys is disabled. // When modifyFunctionKeys is disabled, xterm uses the modifier // keys to make an extended sequence of functions rather than // adding a parameter to each function key to denote the modi- // fiers. Program.prototype.disableModifiers = function(param) { return this._write('\x1b[>' + (param || '') + 'n'); }; // CSI > Ps p // Set resource value pointerMode. This is used by xterm to // decide whether to hide the pointer cursor as the user types. // Valid values for the parameter: // Ps = 0 -> never hide the pointer. // Ps = 1 -> hide if the mouse tracking mode is not enabled. // Ps = 2 -> always hide the pointer. If no parameter is // given, xterm uses the default, which is 1 . Program.prototype.setPointerMode = function(param) { return this._write('\x1b[>' + (param || '') + 'p'); }; // CSI ! p Soft terminal reset (DECSTR). // http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/table4-10.html Program.prototype.decstr = Program.prototype.rs2 = Program.prototype.softReset = function() { //if (this.tput) return this.put.init_2string(); //if (this.tput) return this.put.reset_2string(); if (this.tput) return this.put.rs2(); //return this._write('\x1b[!p'); //return this._write('\x1b[!p\x1b[?3;4l\x1b[4l\x1b>'); // init return this._write('\x1b[!p\x1b[?3;4l\x1b[4l\x1b>'); // reset }; // CSI Ps$ p // Request ANSI mode (DECRQM). For VT300 and up, reply is // CSI Ps; Pm$ y // where Ps is the mode number as in RM, and Pm is the mode // value: // 0 - not recognized // 1 - set // 2 - reset // 3 - permanently set // 4 - permanently reset Program.prototype.decrqm = Program.prototype.requestAnsiMode = function(param) { return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || '') + '$p'); }; // CSI ? Ps$ p // Request DEC private mode (DECRQM). For VT300 and up, reply is // CSI ? Ps; Pm$ p // where Ps is the mode number as in DECSET, Pm is the mode value // as in the ANSI DECRQM. Program.prototype.decrqmp = Program.prototype.requestPrivateMode = function(param) { return this._write('\x1b[?' + (param || '') + '$p'); }; // CSI Ps ; Ps " p // Set conformance level (DECSCL). Valid values for the first // parameter: // Ps = 6 1 -> VT100. // Ps = 6 2 -> VT200. // Ps = 6 3 -> VT300. // Valid values for the second parameter: // Ps = 0 -> 8-bit controls. // Ps = 1 -> 7-bit controls (always set for VT100). // Ps = 2 -> 8-bit controls. Program.prototype.decscl = Program.prototype.setConformanceLevel = function() { return this._write('\x1b[' + slice.call(arguments).join(';') + '"p'); }; // CSI Ps q Load LEDs (DECLL). // Ps = 0 -> Clear all LEDS (default). // Ps = 1 -> Light Num Lock. // Ps = 2 -> Light Caps Lock. // Ps = 3 -> Light Scroll Lock. // Ps = 2 1 -> Extinguish Num Lock. // Ps = 2 2 -> Extinguish Caps Lock. // Ps = 2 3 -> Extinguish Scroll Lock. Program.prototype.decll = Program.prototype.loadLEDs = function(param) { return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || '') + 'q'); }; // CSI Ps SP q // Set cursor style (DECSCUSR, VT520). // Ps = 0 -> blinking block. // Ps = 1 -> blinking block (default). // Ps = 2 -> steady block. // Ps = 3 -> blinking underline. // Ps = 4 -> steady underline. Program.prototype.decscusr = Program.prototype.setCursorStyle = function(param) { switch (param) { case 'blinking block': param = 1; break; case 'block': case 'steady block': param = 2; break; case 'blinking underline': param = 3; break; case 'underline': case 'steady underline': param = 4; break; case 'blinking bar': param = 5; break; case 'bar': case 'steady bar': param = 6; break; } if (param === 2 && this.has('Se')) { return this.put.Se(); } if (this.has('Ss')) { return this.put.Ss(param); } return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || 1) + ' q'); }; // CSI Ps " q // Select character protection attribute (DECSCA). Valid values // for the parameter: // Ps = 0 -> DECSED and DECSEL can erase (default). // Ps = 1 -> DECSED and DECSEL cannot erase. // Ps = 2 -> DECSED and DECSEL can erase. Program.prototype.decsca = Program.prototype.setCharProtectionAttr = function(param) { return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || 0) + '"q'); }; // CSI ? Pm r // Restore DEC Private Mode Values. The value of Ps previously // saved is restored. Ps values are the same as for DECSET. Program.prototype.restorePrivateValues = function() { return this._write('\x1b[?' + slice.call(arguments).join(';') + 'r'); }; // CSI Pt; Pl; Pb; Pr; Ps$ r // Change Attributes in Rectangular Area (DECCARA), VT400 and up. // Pt; Pl; Pb; Pr denotes the rectangle. // Ps denotes the SGR attributes to change: 0, 1, 4, 5, 7. // NOTE: xterm doesn't enable this code by default. Program.prototype.deccara = Program.prototype.setAttrInRectangle = function() { return this._write('\x1b[' + slice.call(arguments).join(';') + '$r'); }; // CSI ? Pm s // Save DEC Private Mode Values. Ps values are the same as for // DECSET. Program.prototype.savePrivateValues = function(params) { return this._write('\x1b[?' + slice.call(arguments).join(';') + 's'); }; // CSI Ps ; Ps ; Ps t // Window manipulation (from dtterm, as well as extensions). // These controls may be disabled using the allowWindowOps // resource. Valid values for the first (and any additional // parameters) are: // Ps = 1 -> De-iconify window. // Ps = 2 -> Iconify window. // Ps = 3 ; x ; y -> Move window to [x, y]. // Ps = 4 ; height ; width -> Resize the xterm window to // height and width in pixels. // Ps = 5 -> Raise the xterm window to the front of the stack- // ing order. // Ps = 6 -> Lower the xterm window to the bottom of the // stacking order. // Ps = 7 -> Refresh the xterm window. // Ps = 8 ; height ; width -> Resize the text area to // [height;width] in characters. // Ps = 9 ; 0 -> Restore maximized window. // Ps = 9 ; 1 -> Maximize window (i.e., resize to screen // size). // Ps = 1 0 ; 0 -> Undo full-screen mode. // Ps = 1 0 ; 1 -> Change to full-screen. // Ps = 1 1 -> Report xterm window state. If the xterm window // is open (non-iconified), it returns CSI 1 t . If the xterm // window is iconified, it returns CSI 2 t . // Ps = 1 3 -> Report xterm window position. Result is CSI 3 // ; x ; y t // Ps = 1 4 -> Report xterm window in pixels. Result is CSI // 4 ; height ; width t // Ps = 1 8 -> Report the size of the text area in characters. // Result is CSI 8 ; height ; width t // Ps = 1 9 -> Report the size of the screen in characters. // Result is CSI 9 ; height ; width t // Ps = 2 0 -> Report xterm window's icon label. Result is // OSC L label ST // Ps = 2 1 -> Report xterm window's title. Result is OSC l // label ST // Ps = 2 2 ; 0 -> Save xterm icon and window title on // stack. // Ps = 2 2 ; 1 -> Save xterm icon title on stack. // Ps = 2 2 ; 2 -> Save xterm window title on stack. // Ps = 2 3 ; 0 -> Restore xterm icon and window title from // stack. // Ps = 2 3 ; 1 -> Restore xterm icon title from stack. // Ps = 2 3 ; 2 -> Restore xterm window title from stack. // Ps >= 2 4 -> Resize to Ps lines (DECSLPP). Program.prototype.manipulateWindow = function() { var args = slice.call(arguments); var callback = typeof args[args.length-1] === 'function' ? args.pop() : function() {}; return this.response('window-manipulation', '\x1b[' + args.join(';') + 't', callback); }; Program.prototype.getWindowSize = function(callback) { return this.manipulateWindow('18', callback); }; // CSI Pt; Pl; Pb; Pr; Ps$ t // Reverse Attributes in Rectangular Area (DECRARA), VT400 and // up. // Pt; Pl; Pb; Pr denotes the rectangle. // Ps denotes the attributes to reverse, i.e., 1, 4, 5, 7. // NOTE: xterm doesn't enable this code by default. Program.prototype.decrara = Program.prototype.reverseAttrInRectangle = function(params) { return this._write('\x1b[' + slice.call(arguments).join(';') + '$t'); }; // CSI > Ps; Ps t // Set one or more features of the title modes. Each parameter // enables a single feature. // Ps = 0 -> Set window/icon labels using hexadecimal. // Ps = 1 -> Query window/icon labels using hexadecimal. // Ps = 2 -> Set window/icon labels using UTF-8. // Ps = 3 -> Query window/icon labels using UTF-8. (See dis- // cussion of "Title Modes") Program.prototype.setTitleModeFeature = function(params) { return this._write('\x1b[>' + slice.call(arguments).join(';') + 't'); }; // CSI Ps SP t // Set warning-bell volume (DECSWBV, VT520). // Ps = 0 or 1 -> off. // Ps = 2 , 3 or 4 -> low. // Ps = 5 , 6 , 7 , or 8 -> high. Program.prototype.decswbv = Program.prototype.setWarningBellVolume = function(params) { return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || '') + ' t'); }; // CSI Ps SP u // Set margin-bell volume (DECSMBV, VT520). // Ps = 1 -> off. // Ps = 2 , 3 or 4 -> low. // Ps = 0 , 5 , 6 , 7 , or 8 -> high. Program.prototype.decsmbv = Program.prototype.setMarginBellVolume = function(params) { return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || '') + ' u'); }; // CSI Pt; Pl; Pb; Pr; Pp; Pt; Pl; Pp$ v // Copy Rectangular Area (DECCRA, VT400 and up). // Pt; Pl; Pb; Pr denotes the rectangle. // Pp denotes the source page. // Pt; Pl denotes the target location. // Pp denotes the target page. // NOTE: xterm doesn't enable this code by default. Program.prototype.deccra = Program.prototype.copyRectangle = function(params) { return this._write('\x1b[' + slice.call(arguments).join(';') + '$v'); }; // CSI Pt ; Pl ; Pb ; Pr ' w // Enable Filter Rectangle (DECEFR), VT420 and up. // Parameters are [top;left;bottom;right]. // Defines the coordinates of a filter rectangle and activates // it. Anytime the locator is detected outside of the filter // rectangle, an outside rectangle event is generated and the // rectangle is disabled. Filter rectangles are always treated // as "one-shot" events. Any parameters that are omitted default // to the current locator position. If all parameters are omit- // ted, any locator motion will be reported. DECELR always can- // cels any prevous rectangle definition. Program.prototype.decefr = Program.prototype.enableFilterRectangle = function(params) { return this._write('\x1b[' + slice.call(arguments).join(';') + '\'w'); }; // CSI Ps x Request Terminal Parameters (DECREQTPARM). // if Ps is a "0" (default) or "1", and xterm is emulating VT100, // the control sequence elicits a response of the same form whose // parameters describe the terminal: // Ps -> the given Ps incremented by 2. // Pn = 1 <- no parity. // Pn = 1 <- eight bits. // Pn = 1 <- 2 8 transmit 38.4k baud. // Pn = 1 <- 2 8 receive 38.4k baud. // Pn = 1 <- clock multiplier. // Pn = 0 <- STP flags. Program.prototype.decreqtparm = Program.prototype.requestParameters = function(params) { return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || 0) + 'x'); }; // CSI Ps x Select Attribute Change Extent (DECSACE). // Ps = 0 -> from start to end position, wrapped. // Ps = 1 -> from start to end position, wrapped. // Ps = 2 -> rectangle (exact). Program.prototype.decsace = Program.prototype.selectChangeExtent = function(params) { return this._write('\x1b[' + (param || 0) + 'x'); }; // CSI Pc; Pt; Pl; Pb; Pr$ x // Fill Rectangular Area (DECFRA), VT420 and up. // Pc is the character to use. // Pt; Pl; Pb; Pr denotes the rectangle. // NOTE: xterm doesn't enable this code by default. Program.prototype.decfra = Program.prototype.fillRectangle = function(params) { return this._write('\x1b[' + slice.call(arguments).join(';') + '$x'); }; // CSI Ps ; Pu ' z // Enable Locator Reporting (DECELR). // Valid values for the first parameter: // Ps = 0 -> Locator disabled (default). // Ps = 1 -> Locator enabled. // Ps = 2 -> Locator enabled for one report, then disabled. // The second parameter specifies the coordinate unit for locator // reports. // Valid values for the second parameter: // Pu = 0 <- or omitted -> default to character cells. // Pu = 1 <- device physical pixels. // Pu = 2 <- character cells. Program.prototype.decelr = Program.prototype.enableLocatorReporting = function(params) { return this._write('\x1b[' + slice.call(arguments).join(';') + '\'z'); }; // CSI Pt; Pl; Pb; Pr$ z // Erase Rectangular Area (DECERA), VT400 and up. // Pt; Pl; Pb; Pr denotes the rectangle. // NOTE: xterm doesn't enable this code by default. Program.prototype.decera = Program.prototype.eraseRectangle = function(params) { return this._write('\x1b[' + slice.call(arguments).join(';') + '$z'); }; // CSI Pm ' { // Select Locator Events (DECSLE). // Valid values for the first (and any additional parameters) // are: // Ps = 0 -> only respond to explicit host requests (DECRQLP). // (This is default). It also cancels any filter // rectangle. // Ps = 1 -> report button down transitions. // Ps = 2 -> do not report button down transitions. // Ps = 3 -> report button up transitions. // Ps = 4 -> do not report button up transitions. Program.prototype.decsle = Program.prototype.setLocatorEvents = function(params) { return this._write('\x1b[' + slice.call(arguments).join(';') + '\'{'); }; // CSI Pt; Pl; Pb; Pr$ { // Selective Erase Rectangular Area (DECSERA), VT400 and up. // Pt; Pl; Pb; Pr denotes the rectangle. Program.prototype.decsera = Program.prototype.selectiveEraseRectangle = function(params) { return this._write('\x1b[' + slice.call(arguments).join(';') + '${'); }; // CSI Ps ' | // Request Locator Position (DECRQLP). // Valid values for the parameter are: // Ps = 0 , 1 or omitted -> transmit a single DECLRP locator // report. // If Locator Reporting has been enabled by a DECELR, xterm will // respond with a DECLRP Locator Report. This report is also // generated on button up and down events if they have been // enabled with a DECSLE, or when the locator is detected outside // of a filter rectangle, if filter rectangles have been enabled // with a DECEFR. // -> CSI Pe ; Pb ; Pr ; Pc ; Pp & w // Parameters are [event;button;row;column;page]. // Valid values for the event: // Pe = 0 -> locator unavailable - no other parameters sent. // Pe = 1 -> request - xterm received a DECRQLP. // Pe = 2 -> left button down. // Pe = 3 -> left button up. // Pe = 4 -> middle button down. // Pe = 5 -> middle button up. // Pe = 6 -> right button down. // Pe = 7 -> right button up. // Pe = 8 -> M4 button down. // Pe = 9 -> M4 button up. // Pe = 1 0 -> locator outside filter rectangle. // ``button'' parameter is a bitmask indicating which buttons are // pressed: // Pb = 0 <- no buttons down. // Pb & 1 <- right button down. // Pb & 2 <- middle button down. // Pb & 4 <- left button down. // Pb & 8 <- M4 button down. // ``row'' and ``column'' parameters are the coordinates of the // locator position in the xterm window, encoded as ASCII deci- // mal. // The ``page'' parameter is not used by xterm, and will be omit- // ted. Program.prototype.decrqlp = Program.prototype.req_mouse_pos = Program.prototype.reqmp = Program.prototype.requestLocatorPosition = function(params, callback) { // See also: // get_mouse / getm / Gm // mouse_info / minfo / Mi // Correct for tput? if (this.has('req_mouse_pos')) { var code = this.tput.req_mouse_pos.apply(this.tput, params); return this.response('locator-position', code, callback); } return this.response('locator-position', '\x1b[' + (param || '') + '\'|', callback); }; // CSI P m SP } // Insert P s Column(s) (default = 1) (DECIC), VT420 and up. // NOTE: xterm doesn't enable this code by default. Program.prototype.decic = Program.prototype.insertColumns = function() { return this._write('\x1b[' + slice.call(arguments).join(';') + ' }'); }; // CSI P m SP ~ // Delete P s Column(s) (default = 1) (DECDC), VT420 and up // NOTE: xterm doesn't enable this code by default. Program.prototype.decdc = Program.prototype.deleteColumns = function() { return this._write('\x1b[' + slice.call(arguments).join(';') + ' ~'); }; Program.prototype.out = function(name) { this.ret = true; var out = this[name].apply(this, args); this.ret = false; return out; }; Program.prototype.sigtstp = function(callback) { var resume = this.pause(); process.once('SIGCONT', function() { resume(); if (callback) callback(); }); process.kill(process.pid, 'SIGTSTP'); }; Program.prototype.pause = function(callback) { var self = this , isAlt = this.isAlt , mouseEnabled = this.mouseEnabled; this.lsaveCursor('pause'); //this.csr(0, screen.height - 1); if (isAlt) this.normalBuffer(); this.showCursor(); if (mouseEnabled) this.disableMouse(); var write = this.output.write; this.output.write = function() {}; this.input.setRawMode(false); this.input.pause(); return this._resume = function() { delete self._resume; self.input.setRawMode(true); self.input.resume(); self.output.write = write; if (isAlt) self.alternateBuffer(); //self.csr(0, screen.height - 1); if (mouseEnabled) self.enableMouse(); self.lrestoreCursor('pause', true); if (callback) callback(); }; }; Program.prototype.resume = function(callback) { if (this._resume) return this._resume(); }; /** * Helpers */ // We could do this easier by just manipulating the _events object, or for // older versions of node, manipulating the array returned by listeners(), but // neither of these methods are guaranteed to work in future versions of node. function unshiftEvent(obj, event, listener) { var listeners = obj.listeners(event); obj.removeAllListeners(event); obj.on(event, listener); listeners.forEach(function(listener) { obj.on(event, listener); }); }; function merge(out) { slice.call(arguments, 1).forEach(function(obj) { Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) { out[key] = obj[key]; }); }); return out; } /** * Expose */ module.exports = Program;