
2571 lines
68 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* element.js - base element for blessed
* Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Christopher Jeffrey and contributors (MIT License).
* Modules
var assert = require('assert');
var colors = require('../colors')
, unicode = require('../unicode');
var nextTick = global.setImmediate || process.nextTick.bind(process);
var helpers = require('../helpers');
var Node = require('./node');
* Element
function Element(options) {
var self = this;
if (!(this instanceof Node)) {
return new Element(options);
options = options || {};
// Workaround to get a `scrollable` option.
if (options.scrollable && !this._ignore && this.type !== 'scrollable-box') {
var ScrollableBox = require('./scrollablebox');
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(ScrollableBox.prototype).forEach(function(key) {
if (key === 'type') return;
Object.defineProperty(this, key,
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(ScrollableBox.prototype, key));
}, this);
this._ignore = true;, options);
delete this._ignore;
return this;
}, options); =;
options.position = options.position || {
left: options.left,
right: options.right,
bottom: options.bottom,
width: options.width,
height: options.height
if (options.position.width === 'shrink'
|| options.position.height === 'shrink') {
if (options.position.width === 'shrink') {
delete options.position.width;
if (options.position.height === 'shrink') {
delete options.position.height;
options.shrink = true;
this.position = options.position;
this.noOverflow = options.noOverflow;
this.dockBorders = options.dockBorders;
this.shadow = options.shadow; =;
if (! { = {}; = options.fg; =; = options.bold; = options.underline; = options.blink; = options.inverse; = options.invisible; = options.transparent;
this.hidden = options.hidden || false;
this.fixed = options.fixed || false;
this.align = options.align || 'left';
this.valign = options.valign || 'top';
this.wrap = options.wrap !== false;
this.shrink = options.shrink;
this.fixed = options.fixed; = || ' ';
if (typeof options.padding === 'number' || !options.padding) {
options.padding = {
left: options.padding,
top: options.padding,
right: options.padding,
bottom: options.padding
this.padding = {
left: options.padding.left || 0,
top: || 0,
right: options.padding.right || 0,
bottom: options.padding.bottom || 0
this.border = options.border;
if (this.border) {
if (typeof this.border === 'string') {
this.border = { type: this.border };
this.border.type = this.border.type || 'bg';
if (this.border.type === 'ascii') this.border.type = 'line'; = || ' '; = ||;
if (! { = {}; = this.border.fg; =;
// =;
if (this.border.left == null) this.border.left = true;
if ( == null) = true;
if (this.border.right == null) this.border.right = true;
if (this.border.bottom == null) this.border.bottom = true;
2015-07-20 04:02:43 -07:00
// if (options.mouse || options.clickable) {
if (options.clickable) {
if (options.input || options.keyable) {
this.parseTags = options.parseTags || options.tags;
this.setContent(options.content || '', true);
if (options.label) {
if (options.hoverText) {
// TODO: Possibly move this to Node for onScreenEvent('mouse', ...).
this.on('newListener', function fn(type) {
// type = type.split(' ').slice(1).join(' ');
if (type === 'mouse'
|| type === 'click'
|| type === 'mouseover'
|| type === 'mouseout'
|| type === 'mousedown'
|| type === 'mouseup'
|| type === 'mousewheel'
|| type === 'wheeldown'
|| type === 'wheelup'
|| type === 'mousemove') {
} else if (type === 'keypress' || type.indexOf('key ') === 0) {
this.on('resize', function() {
this.on('attach', function() {
this.on('detach', function() {
delete self.lpos;
if (options.hoverBg != null) {
options.hoverEffects = options.hoverEffects || {}; = options.hoverBg;
if ( {
options.hoverEffects =;
if ( {
options.focusEffects =;
if (options.effects) {
if (options.effects.hover) options.hoverEffects = options.effects.hover;
if (options.effects.focus) options.focusEffects = options.effects.focus;
[['hoverEffects', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', '_htemp'],
['focusEffects', 'focus', 'blur', '_ftemp']].forEach(function(props) {
var pname = props[0], over = props[1], out = props[2], temp = props[3];
self.screen.setEffects(self, self, over, out, self.options[pname], temp);
if (this.options.draggable) {
this.draggable = true;
if (options.focused) {
Element.prototype.__proto__ = Node.prototype;
Element.prototype.type = 'element';
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('focused', function() {
return this.screen.focused === this;
Element.prototype.sattr = function(style, fg, bg) {
var bold = style.bold
, underline = style.underline
, blink = style.blink
, inverse = style.inverse
, invisible = style.invisible;
// if (arguments.length === 1) {
if (fg == null && bg == null) {
fg = style.fg;
bg =;
// This used to be a loop, but I decided
// to unroll it for performance's sake.
if (typeof bold === 'function') bold = bold(this);
if (typeof underline === 'function') underline = underline(this);
if (typeof blink === 'function') blink = blink(this);
if (typeof inverse === 'function') inverse = inverse(this);
if (typeof invisible === 'function') invisible = invisible(this);
if (typeof fg === 'function') fg = fg(this);
if (typeof bg === 'function') bg = bg(this);
// return (this.uid << 24)
// | ((this.dockBorders ? 32 : 0) << 18)
return ((invisible ? 16 : 0) << 18)
| ((inverse ? 8 : 0) << 18)
| ((blink ? 4 : 0) << 18)
| ((underline ? 2 : 0) << 18)
| ((bold ? 1 : 0) << 18)
| (colors.convert(fg) << 9)
| colors.convert(bg);
Element.prototype.onScreenEvent = function(type, handler) {
var listeners = this._slisteners = this._slisteners || [];
listeners.push({ type: type, handler: handler });
this.screen.on(type, handler);
Element.prototype.onceScreenEvent = function(type, handler) {
var listeners = this._slisteners = this._slisteners || [];
var entry = { type: type, handler: handler };
this.screen.once(type, function() {
var i = listeners.indexOf(entry);
if (~i) listeners.splice(i, 1);
return handler.apply(this, arguments);
Element.prototype.removeScreenEvent = function(type, handler) {
var listeners = this._slisteners = this._slisteners || [];
for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
var listener = listeners[i];
if (listener.type === type && listener.handler === handler) {
listeners.splice(i, 1);
if (this._slisteners.length === 0) {
delete this._slisteners;
this.screen.removeListener(type, handler);
}; = function() {
var listeners = this._slisteners = this._slisteners || [];
for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
var listener = listeners[i];
this.screen.removeListener(listener.type, listener.handler);
delete this._slisteners;
Element.prototype.hide = function() {
if (this.hidden) return;
this.hidden = true;
if (this.screen.focused === this) {
}; = function() {
if (!this.hidden) return;
this.hidden = false;
Element.prototype.toggle = function() {
return this.hidden ? : this.hide();
Element.prototype.focus = function() {
return this.screen.focused = this;
Element.prototype.setContent = function(content, noClear, noTags) {
if (!noClear) this.clearPos();
this.content = content || '';
this.emit('set content');
Element.prototype.getContent = function() {
if (!this._clines) return '';
return this._clines.fake.join('\n');
Element.prototype.setText = function(content, noClear) {
content = content || '';
content = content.replace(/\x1b\[[\d;]*m/g, '');
return this.setContent(content, noClear, true);
Element.prototype.getText = function() {
return this.getContent().replace(/\x1b\[[\d;]*m/g, '');
Element.prototype.parseContent = function(noTags) {
if (this.detached) return false;
var width = this.width - this.iwidth;
if (this._clines == null
|| this._clines.width !== width
|| this._clines.content !== this.content) {
var content = this.content;
content = content
.replace(/[\x00-\x08\x0b-\x0c\x0e-\x1a\x1c-\x1f\x7f]/g, '')
.replace(/\x1b(?!\[[\d;]*m)/g, '')
.replace(/\r\n|\r/g, '\n')
.replace(/\t/g, this.screen.tabc);
if (this.screen.fullUnicode) {
// double-width chars will eat the next char after render. create a
// blank character after it so it doesn't eat the real next char.
content = content.replace(unicode.chars.all, '$1\x03');
// iTerm2 cannot render combining characters properly.
if (this.screen.program.isiTerm2) {
content = content.replace(unicode.chars.combining, '');
} else {
// no double-width: replace them with question-marks.
content = content.replace(unicode.chars.all, '??');
// delete combining characters since they're 0-width anyway.
// NOTE: We could drop this, the non-surrogates would get changed to ? by
// the unicode filter, and surrogates changed to ? by the surrogate
// regex. however, the user might expect them to be 0-width.
// NOTE: Might be better for performance to drop!
content = content.replace(unicode.chars.combining, '');
// no surrogate pairs: replace them with question-marks.
content = content.replace(unicode.chars.surrogate, '?');
// XXX Deduplicate code here:
// content = helpers.dropUnicode(content);
if (!noTags) {
content = this._parseTags(content);
this._clines = this._wrapContent(content, width);
this._clines.width = width;
this._clines.content = this.content;
this._clines.attr = this._parseAttr(this._clines); = [];
this._clines.reduce(function(total, line) {;
return total + line.length + 1;
}.bind(this), 0);
this._pcontent = this._clines.join('\n');
this.emit('parsed content');
return true;
// Need to calculate this every time because the default fg/bg may change.
this._clines.attr = this._parseAttr(this._clines) || this._clines.attr;
return false;
// Convert `{red-fg}foo{/red-fg}` to `\x1b[31mfoo\x1b[39m`.
Element.prototype._parseTags = function(text) {
if (!this.parseTags) return text;
if (!/{\/?[\w\-,;!#]*}/.test(text)) return text;
var program = this.screen.program
, out = ''
, state
, bg = []
, fg = []
, flag = []
, cap
, slash
, param
, attr
, esc;
for (;;) {
if (!esc && (cap = /^{escape}/.exec(text))) {
text = text.substring(cap[0].length);
esc = true;
if (esc && (cap = /^([\s\S]+?){\/escape}/.exec(text))) {
text = text.substring(cap[0].length);
out += cap[1];
esc = false;
if (esc) {
// throw new Error('Unterminated escape tag.');
out += text;
if (cap = /^{(\/?)([\w\-,;!#]*)}/.exec(text)) {
text = text.substring(cap[0].length);
slash = cap[1] === '/';
param = cap[2].replace(/-/g, ' ');
if (param === 'open') {
out += '{';
} else if (param === 'close') {
out += '}';
if (param.slice(-3) === ' bg') state = bg;
else if (param.slice(-3) === ' fg') state = fg;
else state = flag;
if (slash) {
if (!param) {
out += program._attr('normal');
bg.length = 0;
fg.length = 0;
flag.length = 0;
} else {
attr = program._attr(param, false);
if (attr == null) {
out += cap[0];
} else {
// if (param !== state[state.length - 1]) {
// throw new Error('Misnested tags.');
// }
if (state.length) {
out += program._attr(state[state.length - 1]);
} else {
out += attr;
} else {
if (!param) {
out += cap[0];
} else {
attr = program._attr(param);
if (attr == null) {
out += cap[0];
} else {
out += attr;
if (cap = /^[\s\S]+?(?={\/?[\w\-,;!#]*})/.exec(text)) {
text = text.substring(cap[0].length);
out += cap[0];
out += text;
return out;
Element.prototype._parseAttr = function(lines) {
var dattr = this.sattr(
, attr = dattr
, attrs = []
, line
, i
, j
, c;
if (lines[0].attr === attr) {
for (j = 0; j < lines.length; j++) {
line = lines[j];
attrs[j] = attr;
for (i = 0; i < line.length; i++) {
if (line[i] === '\x1b') {
if (c = /^\x1b\[[\d;]*m/.exec(line.substring(i))) {
attr = this.screen.attrCode(c[0], attr, dattr);
i += c[0].length - 1;
return attrs;
Element.prototype._align = function(line, width, align) {
if (!align) return line;
//if (!align && !~line.indexOf('{|}')) return line;
var cline = line.replace(/\x1b\[[\d;]*m/g, '')
, len = cline.length
, s = width - len;
2015-07-22 05:08:05 -07:00
if (this.shrink) {
s = 0;
if (len === 0) return line;
if (s < 0) return line;
if (align === 'center') {
s = Array(((s / 2) | 0) + 1).join(' ');
return s + line + s;
} else if (align === 'right') {
s = Array(s + 1).join(' ');
return s + line;
} else if (this.parseTags && ~line.indexOf('{|}')) {
var parts = line.split('{|}');
var cparts = cline.split('{|}');
s = Math.max(width - cparts[0].length - cparts[1].length, 0);
s = Array(s + 1).join(' ');
return parts[0] + s + parts[1];
return line;
Element.prototype._wrapContent = function(content, width) {
var tags = this.parseTags
, state = this.align
, wrap = this.wrap
, margin = 0
, rtof = []
, ftor = []
, out = []
, no = 0
, line
, align
, cap
, total
, i
, part
, j
, lines
, rest;
lines = content.split('\n');
if (!content) {
out.rtof = [0];
out.ftor = [[0]];
out.fake = lines;
out.real = out;
out.mwidth = 0;
return out;
if (this.scrollbar) margin++;
if (this.type === 'textarea') margin++;
if (width > margin) width -= margin;
for (; no < lines.length; no++) {
line = lines[no];
align = state;
// Handle alignment tags.
if (tags) {
if (cap = /^{(left|center|right)}/.exec(line)) {
line = line.substring(cap[0].length);
align = state = cap[1] !== 'left'
? cap[1]
: null;
if (cap = /{\/(left|center|right)}$/.exec(line)) {
line = line.slice(0, -cap[0].length);
//state = null;
state = this.align;
// If the string is apparently too long, wrap it.
while (line.length > width) {
// Measure the real width of the string.
for (i = 0, total = 0; i < line.length; i++) {
while (line[i] === '\x1b') {
while (line[i] && line[i++] !== 'm');
if (!line[i]) break;
if (++total === width) {
// If we're not wrapping the text, we have to finish up the rest of
// the control sequences before cutting off the line.
if (!wrap) {
rest = line.substring(i).match(/\x1b\[[^m]*m/g);
rest = rest ? rest.join('') : '';
out.push(this._align(line.substring(0, i) + rest, width, align));
ftor[no].push(out.length - 1);
continue main;
if (!this.screen.fullUnicode) {
// Try to find a space to break on.
if (i !== line.length) {
j = i;
while (j > i - 10 && j > 0 && line[--j] !== ' ');
if (line[j] === ' ') i = j + 1;
} else {
// Try to find a character to break on.
if (i !== line.length) {
// <XXX>
// Compensate for surrogate length
// counts on wrapping (experimental):
// NOTE: Could optimize this by putting
// it in the parent for loop.
if (unicode.isSurrogate(line, i)) i--;
for (var s = 0, n = 0; n < i; n++) {
if (unicode.isSurrogate(line, n)) s++, n++;
i += s;
// </XXX>
j = i;
// Break _past_ space.
// Break _past_ double-width chars.
// Break _past_ surrogate pairs.
// Break _past_ combining chars.
while (j > i - 10 && j > 0) {
if (line[j] === ' '
|| line[j] === '\x03'
|| (unicode.isSurrogate(line, j - 1) && line[j + 1] !== '\x03')
|| unicode.isCombining(line, j)) {
if (line[j] === ' '
|| line[j] === '\x03'
|| (unicode.isSurrogate(line, j - 1) && line[j + 1] !== '\x03')
|| unicode.isCombining(line, j)) {
i = j + 1;
part = line.substring(0, i);
line = line.substring(i);
out.push(this._align(part, width, align));
ftor[no].push(out.length - 1);
// Make sure we didn't wrap the line to the very end, otherwise
// we get a pointless empty line after a newline.
if (line === '') continue main;
// If only an escape code got cut off, at it to `part`.
if (/^(?:\x1b[\[\d;]*m)+$/.test(line)) {
out[out.length - 1] += line;
continue main;
out.push(this._align(line, width, align));
ftor[no].push(out.length - 1);
out.rtof = rtof;
out.ftor = ftor;
out.fake = lines;
out.real = out;
out.mwidth = out.reduce(function(current, line) {
line = line.replace(/\x1b\[[\d;]*m/g, '');
return line.length > current
? line.length
: current;
}, 0);
return out;
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('visible', function() {
var el = this;
do {
if (el.detached) return false;
if (el.hidden) return false;
// if (!el.lpos) return false;
// if (el.position.width === 0 || el.position.height === 0) return false;
} while (el = el.parent);
return true;
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('_detached', function() {
var el = this;
do {
if (el.type === 'screen') return false;
if (!el.parent) return true;
} while (el = el.parent);
return false;
Element.prototype.enableMouse = function() {
Element.prototype.enableKeys = function() {
Element.prototype.enableInput = function() {
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('draggable', function() {
return this._draggable === true;
Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('draggable', function(draggable) {
return draggable ? this.enableDrag(draggable) : this.disableDrag();
Element.prototype.enableDrag = function(verify) {
var self = this;
if (this._draggable) return true;
if (typeof verify !== 'function') {
verify = function() { return true; };
this.on('mousedown', this._dragMD = function(data) {
if (self.screen._dragging) return;
if (!verify(data)) return;
self.screen._dragging = self;
self._drag = {
x: data.x - self.aleft,
y: data.y - self.atop
this.onScreenEvent('mouse', this._dragM = function(data) {
if (self.screen._dragging !== self) return;
if (data.action !== 'mousedown' && data.action !== 'mousemove') {
delete self.screen._dragging;
delete self._drag;
// This can happen in edge cases where the user is
// already dragging and element when it is detached.
if (!self.parent) return;
var ox = self._drag.x
, oy = self._drag.y
, px = self.parent.aleft
, py = self.parent.atop
, x = data.x - px - ox
, y = data.y - py - oy;
if (self.position.right != null) {
if (self.position.left != null) {
self.width = '100%-' + (self.parent.width - self.width);
self.position.right = null;
if (self.position.bottom != null) {
if ( != null) {
self.height = '100%-' + (self.parent.height - self.height);
self.position.bottom = null;
self.rleft = x;
self.rtop = y;
return this._draggable = true;
Element.prototype.disableDrag = function() {
if (!this._draggable) return false;
delete this.screen._dragging;
delete this._drag;
this.removeListener('mousedown', this._dragMD);
this.removeScreenEvent('mouse', this._dragM);
return this._draggable = false;
2015-08-10 22:57:01 -07:00
Element.prototype.key = function() {
return this.screen.program.key.apply(this, arguments);
2015-08-10 22:57:01 -07:00
Element.prototype.onceKey = function() {
return this.screen.program.onceKey.apply(this, arguments);
Element.prototype.unkey =
2015-08-10 22:57:01 -07:00
Element.prototype.removeKey = function() {
return this.screen.program.unkey.apply(this, arguments);
Element.prototype.setIndex = function(index) {
if (!this.parent) return;
if (index < 0) {
index = this.parent.children.length + index;
index = Math.max(index, 0);
index = Math.min(index, this.parent.children.length - 1);
var i = this.parent.children.indexOf(this);
if (!~i) return;
2015-08-10 22:57:01 -07:00
var item = this.parent.children.splice(i, 1)[0];
this.parent.children.splice(index, 0, item);
Element.prototype.setFront = function() {
return this.setIndex(-1);
Element.prototype.setBack = function() {
return this.setIndex(0);
Element.prototype.clearPos = function(get, override) {
if (this.detached) return;
var lpos = this._getCoords(get);
if (!lpos) return;
lpos.xi, lpos.xl,
lpos.yi, lpos.yl,
Element.prototype.setLabel = function(options) {
var self = this;
var Box = require('./box');
if (typeof options === 'string') {
options = { text: options };
if (this._label) {
if (options.side !== 'right') {
this._label.rleft = 2 + (this.border ? -1 : 0);
this._label.position.right = undefined;
if (!this.screen.autoPadding) {
this._label.rleft = 2;
} else {
this._label.rright = 2 + (this.border ? -1 : 0);
this._label.position.left = undefined;
if (!this.screen.autoPadding) {
this._label.rright = 2;
this._label = new Box({
screen: this.screen,
parent: this,
content: options.text,
2015-07-22 04:38:27 -07:00
top: -this.itop,
tags: this.parseTags,
shrink: true,
if (options.side !== 'right') {
2015-07-22 04:38:27 -07:00
this._label.rleft = 2 - this.ileft;
} else {
2015-07-22 04:38:27 -07:00
this._label.rright = 2 - this.iright;
this._label._isLabel = true;
if (!this.screen.autoPadding) {
if (options.side !== 'right') {
this._label.rleft = 2;
} else {
this._label.rright = 2;
this._label.rtop = 0;
var reposition = function() {
2015-07-22 04:38:27 -07:00
self._label.rtop = (self.childBase || 0) - self.itop;
if (!self.screen.autoPadding) {
self._label.rtop = (self.childBase || 0);
2015-05-07 18:53:06 -07:00
this.on('scroll', this._labelScroll = function() {
2015-05-07 18:53:06 -07:00
this.on('resize', this._labelResize = function() {
nextTick(function() {
Element.prototype.removeLabel = function() {
if (!this._label) return;
2015-05-07 18:53:06 -07:00
this.removeListener('scroll', this._labelScroll);
this.removeListener('resize', this._labelResize);
2015-05-07 18:53:06 -07:00
delete this._labelScroll;
delete this._labelResize;
delete this._label;
Element.prototype.setHover = function(options) {
if (typeof options === 'string') {
options = { text: options };
this._hoverOptions = options;
Element.prototype.removeHover = function() {
delete this._hoverOptions;
if (!this.screen._hoverText || this.screen._hoverText.detached) return;
* Positioning
// The below methods are a bit confusing: basically
// whenever Box.render is called `lpos` gets set on
// the element, an object containing the rendered
// coordinates. Since these don't update if the
// element is moved somehow, they're unreliable in
// that situation. However, if we can guarantee that
// lpos is good and up to date, it can be more
// accurate than the calculated positions below.
// In this case, if the element is being rendered,
// it's guaranteed that the parent will have been
// rendered first, in which case we can use the
// parant's lpos instead of recalculating it's
// position (since that might be wrong because
// it doesn't handle content shrinkage).
Element.prototype._getPos = function() {
var pos = this.lpos;
if (pos.aleft != null) return pos;
pos.aleft = pos.xi;
pos.atop = pos.yi;
pos.aright = this.screen.cols - pos.xl;
pos.abottom = this.screen.rows - pos.yl;
pos.width = pos.xl - pos.xi;
pos.height = pos.yl - pos.yi;
return pos;
* Position Getters
Element.prototype._getWidth = function(get) {
var parent = get ? this.parent._getPos() : this.parent
, width = this.position.width
, left
, expr;
if (typeof width === 'string') {
if (width === 'half') width = '50%';
expr = width.split(/(?=\+|-)/);
width = expr[0];
width = +width.slice(0, -1) / 100;
width = parent.width * width | 0;
width += +(expr[1] || 0);
return width;
// This is for if the element is being streched or shrunken.
// Although the width for shrunken elements is calculated
// in the render function, it may be calculated based on
// the content width, and the content width is initially
// decided by the width the element, so it needs to be
// calculated here.
if (width == null) {
left = this.position.left || 0;
if (typeof left === 'string') {
if (left === 'center') left = '50%';
expr = left.split(/(?=\+|-)/);
left = expr[0];
left = +left.slice(0, -1) / 100;
left = parent.width * left | 0;
left += +(expr[1] || 0);
width = parent.width - (this.position.right || 0) - left;
if (this.screen.autoPadding) {
if ((this.position.left != null || this.position.right == null)
&& this.position.left !== 'center') {
width -= this.parent.ileft;
width -= this.parent.iright;
return width;
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('width', function() {
return this._getWidth(false);
Element.prototype._getHeight = function(get) {
var parent = get ? this.parent._getPos() : this.parent
, height = this.position.height
, top
, expr;
if (typeof height === 'string') {
if (height === 'half') height = '50%';
expr = height.split(/(?=\+|-)/);
height = expr[0];
height = +height.slice(0, -1) / 100;
height = parent.height * height | 0;
height += +(expr[1] || 0);
return height;
// This is for if the element is being streched or shrunken.
// Although the width for shrunken elements is calculated
// in the render function, it may be calculated based on
// the content width, and the content width is initially
// decided by the width the element, so it needs to be
// calculated here.
if (height == null) {
top = || 0;
if (typeof top === 'string') {
if (top === 'center') top = '50%';
expr = top.split(/(?=\+|-)/);
top = expr[0];
top = +top.slice(0, -1) / 100;
top = parent.height * top | 0;
top += +(expr[1] || 0);
height = parent.height - (this.position.bottom || 0) - top;
if (this.screen.autoPadding) {
if (( != null
|| this.position.bottom == null)
&& !== 'center') {
height -= this.parent.itop;
height -= this.parent.ibottom;
return height;
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('height', function() {
return this._getHeight(false);
Element.prototype._getLeft = function(get) {
var parent = get ? this.parent._getPos() : this.parent
, left = this.position.left || 0
, expr;
if (typeof left === 'string') {
if (left === 'center') left = '50%';
expr = left.split(/(?=\+|-)/);
left = expr[0];
left = +left.slice(0, -1) / 100;
left = parent.width * left | 0;
left += +(expr[1] || 0);
if (this.position.left === 'center') {
left -= this._getWidth(get) / 2 | 0;
if (this.position.left == null && this.position.right != null) {
return this.screen.cols - this._getWidth(get) - this._getRight(get);
if (this.screen.autoPadding) {
if ((this.position.left != null
|| this.position.right == null)
&& this.position.left !== 'center') {
left += this.parent.ileft;
return (parent.aleft || 0) + left;
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('aleft', function() {
return this._getLeft(false);
Element.prototype._getRight = function(get) {
var parent = get ? this.parent._getPos() : this.parent
, right;
if (this.position.right == null && this.position.left != null) {
right = this.screen.cols - (this._getLeft(get) + this._getWidth(get));
if (this.screen.autoPadding) {
right += this.parent.iright;
return right;
right = (parent.aright || 0) + (this.position.right || 0);
if (this.screen.autoPadding) {
right += this.parent.iright;
return right;
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('aright', function() {
return this._getRight(false);
Element.prototype._getTop = function(get) {
var parent = get ? this.parent._getPos() : this.parent
, top = || 0
, expr;
if (typeof top === 'string') {
if (top === 'center') top = '50%';
expr = top.split(/(?=\+|-)/);
top = expr[0];
top = +top.slice(0, -1) / 100;
top = parent.height * top | 0;
top += +(expr[1] || 0);
if ( === 'center') {
top -= this._getHeight(get) / 2 | 0;
if ( == null && this.position.bottom != null) {
return this.screen.rows - this._getHeight(get) - this._getBottom(get);
if (this.screen.autoPadding) {
if (( != null
|| this.position.bottom == null)
&& !== 'center') {
top += this.parent.itop;
return (parent.atop || 0) + top;
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('atop', function() {
return this._getTop(false);
Element.prototype._getBottom = function(get) {
var parent = get ? this.parent._getPos() : this.parent
, bottom;
if (this.position.bottom == null && != null) {
bottom = this.screen.rows - (this._getTop(get) + this._getHeight(get));
if (this.screen.autoPadding) {
bottom += this.parent.ibottom;
return bottom;
bottom = (parent.abottom || 0) + (this.position.bottom || 0);
if (this.screen.autoPadding) {
bottom += this.parent.ibottom;
return bottom;
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('abottom', function() {
return this._getBottom(false);
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('rleft', function() {
return this.aleft - this.parent.aleft;
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('rright', function() {
return this.aright - this.parent.aright;
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('rtop', function() {
return this.atop - this.parent.atop;
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('rbottom', function() {
return this.abottom - this.parent.abottom;
* Position Setters
// NOTE:
// For aright, abottom, right, and bottom:
// If position.bottom is null, we could simply set top instead.
// But it wouldn't replicate bottom behavior appropriately if
// the parent was resized, etc.
Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('width', function(val) {
if (this.position.width === val) return;
if (/^\d+$/.test(val)) val = +val;
return this.position.width = val;
Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('height', function(val) {
if (this.position.height === val) return;
if (/^\d+$/.test(val)) val = +val;
return this.position.height = val;
Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('aleft', function(val) {
var expr;
if (typeof val === 'string') {
if (val === 'center') {
val = this.screen.width / 2 | 0;
val -= this.width / 2 | 0;
} else {
expr = val.split(/(?=\+|-)/);
val = expr[0];
val = +val.slice(0, -1) / 100;
val = this.screen.width * val | 0;
val += +(expr[1] || 0);
val -= this.parent.aleft;
if (this.position.left === val) return;
return this.position.left = val;
Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('aright', function(val) {
val -= this.parent.aright;
if (this.position.right === val) return;
return this.position.right = val;
Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('atop', function(val) {
var expr;
if (typeof val === 'string') {
if (val === 'center') {
val = this.screen.height / 2 | 0;
val -= this.height / 2 | 0;
} else {
expr = val.split(/(?=\+|-)/);
val = expr[0];
val = +val.slice(0, -1) / 100;
val = this.screen.height * val | 0;
val += +(expr[1] || 0);
val -= this.parent.atop;
if ( === val) return;
return = val;
Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('abottom', function(val) {
val -= this.parent.abottom;
if (this.position.bottom === val) return;
return this.position.bottom = val;
Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('rleft', function(val) {
if (this.position.left === val) return;
if (/^\d+$/.test(val)) val = +val;
return this.position.left = val;
Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('rright', function(val) {
if (this.position.right === val) return;
return this.position.right = val;
Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('rtop', function(val) {
if ( === val) return;
if (/^\d+$/.test(val)) val = +val;
return = val;
Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('rbottom', function(val) {
if (this.position.bottom === val) return;
return this.position.bottom = val;
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('ileft', function() {
return (this.border ? 1 : 0) + this.padding.left;
// return (this.border && this.border.left ? 1 : 0) + this.padding.left;
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('itop', function() {
return (this.border ? 1 : 0) +;
// return (this.border && ? 1 : 0) +;
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('iright', function() {
return (this.border ? 1 : 0) + this.padding.right;
// return (this.border && this.border.right ? 1 : 0) + this.padding.right;
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('ibottom', function() {
return (this.border ? 1 : 0) + this.padding.bottom;
// return (this.border && this.border.bottom ? 1 : 0) + this.padding.bottom;
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('iwidth', function() {
// return (this.border
// ? ((this.border.left ? 1 : 0) + (this.border.right ? 1 : 0)) : 0)
// + this.padding.left + this.padding.right;
return (this.border ? 2 : 0) + this.padding.left + this.padding.right;
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('iheight', function() {
// return (this.border
// ? (( ? 1 : 0) + (this.border.bottom ? 1 : 0)) : 0)
// + + this.padding.bottom;
return (this.border ? 2 : 0) + + this.padding.bottom;
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('tpadding', function() {
return this.padding.left +
+ this.padding.right + this.padding.bottom;
* Relative coordinates as default properties
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('left', function() {
return this.rleft;
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('right', function() {
return this.rright;
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('top', function() {
return this.rtop;
Element.prototype.__defineGetter__('bottom', function() {
return this.rbottom;
Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('left', function(val) {
return this.rleft = val;
Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('right', function(val) {
return this.rright = val;
Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('top', function(val) {
return this.rtop = val;
Element.prototype.__defineSetter__('bottom', function(val) {
return this.rbottom = val;
* Rendering - here be dragons
Element.prototype._getShrinkBox = function(xi, xl, yi, yl, get) {
if (!this.children.length) {
return { xi: xi, xl: xi + 1, yi: yi, yl: yi + 1 };
var i, el, ret, mxi = xi, mxl = xi + 1, myi = yi, myl = yi + 1;
// This is a chicken and egg problem. We need to determine how the children
// will render in order to determine how this element renders, but it in
// order to figure out how the children will render, they need to know
// exactly how their parent renders, so, we can give them what we have so
// far.
var _lpos;
if (get) {
_lpos = this.lpos;
this.lpos = { xi: xi, xl: xl, yi: yi, yl: yl };
//this.shrink = false;
for (i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
el = this.children[i];
ret = el._getCoords(get);
// Or just (seemed to work, but probably not good):
// ret = el.lpos || this.lpos;
if (!ret) continue;
// Since the parent element is shrunk, and the child elements think it's
// going to take up as much space as possible, an element anchored to the
// right or bottom will inadvertantly make the parent's shrunken size as
// large as possible. So, we can just use the height and/or width the of
// element.
// if (get) {
if (el.position.left == null && el.position.right != null) {
ret.xl = xi + (ret.xl - ret.xi);
ret.xi = xi;
if (this.screen.autoPadding) {
// Maybe just do this no matter what.
ret.xl += this.ileft;
ret.xi += this.ileft;
if ( == null && el.position.bottom != null) {
ret.yl = yi + (ret.yl - ret.yi);
ret.yi = yi;
if (this.screen.autoPadding) {
// Maybe just do this no matter what.
ret.yl += this.itop;
ret.yi += this.itop;
if (ret.xi < mxi) mxi = ret.xi;
if (ret.xl > mxl) mxl = ret.xl;
if (ret.yi < myi) myi = ret.yi;
if (ret.yl > myl) myl = ret.yl;
if (get) {
this.lpos = _lpos;
//this.shrink = true;
if (this.position.width == null
&& (this.position.left == null
|| this.position.right == null)) {
if (this.position.left == null && this.position.right != null) {
xi = xl - (mxl - mxi);
if (!this.screen.autoPadding) {
xi -= this.padding.left + this.padding.right;
} else {
xi -= this.ileft;
} else {
xl = mxl;
if (!this.screen.autoPadding) {
xl += this.padding.left + this.padding.right;
// XXX Temporary workaround until we decide to make autoPadding default.
// See widget-listtable.js for an example of why this is necessary.
// XXX Maybe just to this for all this being that this would affect
// width shrunken normal shrunken lists as well.
// if (this._isList) {
if (this.type === 'list-table') {
xl -= this.padding.left + this.padding.right;
xl += this.iright;
} else {
//xl += this.padding.right;
xl += this.iright;
if (this.position.height == null
&& ( == null
|| this.position.bottom == null)
&& (!this.scrollable || this._isList)) {
// NOTE: Lists get special treatment if they are shrunken - assume they
// want all list items showing. This is one case we can calculate the
// height based on items/boxes.
if (this._isList) {
myi = 0 - this.itop;
myl = this.items.length + this.ibottom;
if ( == null && this.position.bottom != null) {
yi = yl - (myl - myi);
if (!this.screen.autoPadding) {
yi -= + this.padding.bottom;
} else {
yi -= this.itop;
} else {
yl = myl;
if (!this.screen.autoPadding) {
yl += + this.padding.bottom;
} else {
yl += this.ibottom;
return { xi: xi, xl: xl, yi: yi, yl: yl };
2015-08-10 22:57:01 -07:00
Element.prototype._getShrinkContent = function(xi, xl, yi, yl) {
var h = this._clines.length
, w = this._clines.mwidth || 1;
if (this.position.width == null
&& (this.position.left == null
|| this.position.right == null)) {
if (this.position.left == null && this.position.right != null) {
xi = xl - w - this.iwidth;
} else {
xl = xi + w + this.iwidth;
if (this.position.height == null
&& ( == null
|| this.position.bottom == null)
&& (!this.scrollable || this._isList)) {
if ( == null && this.position.bottom != null) {
yi = yl - h - this.iheight;
} else {
yl = yi + h + this.iheight;
return { xi: xi, xl: xl, yi: yi, yl: yl };
Element.prototype._getShrink = function(xi, xl, yi, yl, get) {
var shrinkBox = this._getShrinkBox(xi, xl, yi, yl, get)
, shrinkContent = this._getShrinkContent(xi, xl, yi, yl, get)
, xll = xl
, yll = yl;
// Figure out which one is bigger and use it.
if (shrinkBox.xl - shrinkBox.xi > shrinkContent.xl - shrinkContent.xi) {
xi = shrinkBox.xi;
xl = shrinkBox.xl;
} else {
xi = shrinkContent.xi;
xl = shrinkContent.xl;
if (shrinkBox.yl - shrinkBox.yi > shrinkContent.yl - shrinkContent.yi) {
yi = shrinkBox.yi;
yl = shrinkBox.yl;
} else {
yi = shrinkContent.yi;
yl = shrinkContent.yl;
// Recenter shrunken elements.
if (xl < xll && this.position.left === 'center') {
xll = (xll - xl) / 2 | 0;
xi += xll;
xl += xll;
if (yl < yll && === 'center') {
yll = (yll - yl) / 2 | 0;
yi += yll;
yl += yll;
return { xi: xi, xl: xl, yi: yi, yl: yl };
Element.prototype._getCoords = function(get, noscroll) {
if (this.hidden) return;
// if (this.parent._rendering) {
// get = true;
// }
var xi = this._getLeft(get)
, xl = xi + this._getWidth(get)
, yi = this._getTop(get)
, yl = yi + this._getHeight(get)
, base = this.childBase || 0
, el = this
, fixed = this.fixed
, coords
, v
, noleft
, noright
, notop
, nobot
, ppos
, b;
// Attempt to shrink the element base on the
// size of the content and child elements.
if (this.shrink) {
coords = this._getShrink(xi, xl, yi, yl, get);
xi = coords.xi, xl = coords.xl;
yi = coords.yi, yl = coords.yl;
// Find a scrollable ancestor if we have one.
while (el = el.parent) {
if (el.scrollable) {
if (fixed) {
fixed = false;
// Check to make sure we're visible and
// inside of the visible scroll area.
// NOTE: Lists have a property where only
// the list items are obfuscated.
// Old way of doing things, this would not render right if a shrunken element
// with lots of boxes in it was within a scrollable element.
// See: $ node test/widget-shrink-fail.js
// var thisparent = this.parent;
var thisparent = el;
if (el && !noscroll) {
ppos = thisparent.lpos;
// The shrink option can cause a stack overflow
// by calling _getCoords on the child again.
// if (!get && !thisparent.shrink) {
// ppos = thisparent._getCoords();
// }
if (!ppos) return;
// TODO: Figure out how to fix base (and cbase to only
// take into account the *parent's* padding.
yi -= ppos.base;
yl -= ppos.base;
b = thisparent.border ? 1 : 0;
// XXX
// Fixes non-`fixed` labels to work with scrolling (they're ON the border):
// if (this.position.left < 0
// || this.position.right < 0
// || < 0
// || this.position.bottom < 0) {
if (this._isLabel) {
b = 0;
if (yi < ppos.yi + b) {
if (yl - 1 < ppos.yi + b) {
// Is above.
} else {
// Is partially covered above.
notop = true;
v = ppos.yi - yi;
if (this.border) v--;
if (thisparent.border) v++;
base += v;
yi += v;
} else if (yl > ppos.yl - b) {
if (yi > ppos.yl - 1 - b) {
// Is below.
} else {
// Is partially covered below.
nobot = true;
v = yl - ppos.yl;
if (this.border) v--;
if (thisparent.border) v++;
yl -= v;
// Shouldn't be necessary.
// assert.ok(yi < yl);
if (yi >= yl) return;
// Could allow overlapping stuff in scrolling elements
// if we cleared the pending buffer before every draw.
if (xi < el.lpos.xi) {
xi = el.lpos.xi;
noleft = true;
if (this.border) xi--;
if (thisparent.border) xi++;
if (xl > el.lpos.xl) {
xl = el.lpos.xl;
noright = true;
if (this.border) xl++;
if (thisparent.border) xl--;
//if (xi > xl) return;
if (xi >= xl) return;
if (this.noOverflow && this.parent.lpos) {
if (xi < this.parent.lpos.xi + this.parent.ileft) {
xi = this.parent.lpos.xi + this.parent.ileft;
if (xl > this.parent.lpos.xl - this.parent.iright) {
xl = this.parent.lpos.xl - this.parent.iright;
if (yi < this.parent.lpos.yi + this.parent.itop) {
yi = this.parent.lpos.yi + this.parent.itop;
if (yl > this.parent.lpos.yl - this.parent.ibottom) {
yl = this.parent.lpos.yl - this.parent.ibottom;
// if (this.parent.lpos) {
// this.parent.lpos._scrollBottom = Math.max(
// this.parent.lpos._scrollBottom, yl);
// }
return {
xi: xi,
xl: xl,
yi: yi,
yl: yl,
base: base,
noleft: noleft,
noright: noright,
notop: notop,
nobot: nobot,
renders: this.screen.renders
Element.prototype.render = function() {
var coords = this._getCoords(true);
if (!coords) {
delete this.lpos;
if (coords.xl - coords.xi <= 0) {
coords.xl = Math.max(coords.xl, coords.xi);
if (coords.yl - coords.yi <= 0) {
coords.yl = Math.max(coords.yl, coords.yi);
var lines = this.screen.lines
, xi = coords.xi
, xl = coords.xl
, yi = coords.yi
, yl = coords.yl
, x
, y
, cell
, attr
, ch
, content = this._pcontent
, ci =[coords.base]
, battr
, dattr
, c
, visible
, i
, bch =;
// Clip content if it's off the edge of the screen
// if (xi + this.ileft < 0 || yi + this.itop < 0) {
// var clines = this._clines.slice();
// if (xi + this.ileft < 0) {
// for (var i = 0; i < clines.length; i++) {
// var t = 0;
// var csi = '';
// var csis = '';
// for (var j = 0; j < clines[i].length; j++) {
// while (clines[i][j] === '\x1b') {
// csi = '\x1b';
// while (clines[i][j++] !== 'm') csi += clines[i][j];
// csis += csi;
// }
// if (++t === -(xi + this.ileft) + 1) break;
// }
// clines[i] = csis + clines[i].substring(j);
// }
// }
// if (yi + this.itop < 0) {
// clines = clines.slice(-(yi + this.itop));
// }
// content = clines.join('\n');
// }
if (coords.base >= {
ci = this._pcontent.length;
this.lpos = coords;
if (this.border && this.border.type === 'line') {
this.screen._borderStops[coords.yi] = true;
this.screen._borderStops[coords.yl - 1] = true;
// if (!this.screen._borderStops[coords.yi]) {
// this.screen._borderStops[coords.yi] = { xi: coords.xi, xl: coords.xl };
// } else {
// if (this.screen._borderStops[coords.yi].xi > coords.xi) {
// this.screen._borderStops[coords.yi].xi = coords.xi;
// }
// if (this.screen._borderStops[coords.yi].xl < coords.xl) {
// this.screen._borderStops[coords.yi].xl = coords.xl;
// }
// }
// this.screen._borderStops[coords.yl - 1] = this.screen._borderStops[coords.yi];
dattr = this.sattr(;
attr = dattr;
// If we're in a scrollable text box, check to
// see which attributes this line starts with.
if (ci > 0) {
attr = this._clines.attr[Math.min(coords.base, this._clines.length - 1)];
if (this.border) xi++, xl--, yi++, yl--;
// If we have padding/valign, that means the
// content-drawing loop will skip a few cells/lines.
// To deal with this, we can just fill the whole thing
// ahead of time. This could be optimized.
if (this.tpadding || (this.valign && this.valign !== 'top')) {
if ( {
for (y = Math.max(yi, 0); y < yl; y++) {
if (!lines[y]) break;
for (x = Math.max(xi, 0); x < xl; x++) {
if (!lines[y][x]) break;
2015-06-27 17:39:04 -07:00
lines[y][x][0] = colors.blend(attr, lines[y][x][0]);
// lines[y][x][1] = bch;
lines[y].dirty = true;
} else {
this.screen.fillRegion(dattr, bch, xi, xl, yi, yl);
if (this.tpadding) {
xi += this.padding.left, xl -= this.padding.right;
yi +=, yl -= this.padding.bottom;
// Determine where to place the text if it's vertically aligned.
if (this.valign === 'middle' || this.valign === 'bottom') {
visible = yl - yi;
if (this._clines.length < visible) {
if (this.valign === 'middle') {
visible = visible / 2 | 0;
visible -= this._clines.length / 2 | 0;
} else if (this.valign === 'bottom') {
visible -= this._clines.length;
ci -= visible * (xl - xi);
// Draw the content and background.
for (y = yi; y < yl; y++) {
if (!lines[y]) {
if (y >= this.screen.height || yl < this.ibottom) {
} else {
for (x = xi; x < xl; x++) {
cell = lines[y][x];
if (!cell) {
if (x >= this.screen.width || xl < this.iright) {
} else {
ch = content[ci++] || bch;
// if (!content[ci] && !coords._contentEnd) {
// coords._contentEnd = { x: x - xi, y: y - yi };
// }
// Handle escape codes.
while (ch === '\x1b') {
if (c = /^\x1b\[[\d;]*m/.exec(content.substring(ci - 1))) {
ci += c[0].length - 1;
attr = this.screen.attrCode(c[0], attr, dattr);
// Ignore foreground changes for selected items.
if (this.parent._isList && this.parent.interactive
&& this.parent.items[this.parent.selected] === this
&& this.parent.options.invertSelected !== false) {
attr = (attr & ~(0x1ff << 9)) | (dattr & (0x1ff << 9));
ch = content[ci] || bch;
} else {
// Handle newlines.
if (ch === '\t') ch = bch;
if (ch === '\n') {
// If we're on the first cell and we find a newline and the last cell
// of the last line was not a newline, let's just treat this like the
// newline was already "counted".
if (x === xi && y !== yi && content[ci - 2] !== '\n') {
// We could use fillRegion here, name the
// outer loop, and continue to it instead.
ch = bch;
for (; x < xl; x++) {
cell = lines[y][x];
if (!cell) break;
if ( {
2015-06-27 17:39:04 -07:00
lines[y][x][0] = colors.blend(attr, lines[y][x][0]);
if (content[ci]) lines[y][x][1] = ch;
lines[y].dirty = true;
} else {
if (attr !== cell[0] || ch !== cell[1]) {
lines[y][x][0] = attr;
lines[y][x][1] = ch;
lines[y].dirty = true;
if (this.screen.fullUnicode && content[ci - 1]) {
var point = unicode.codePointAt(content, ci - 1);
// Handle combining chars:
// Make sure they get in the same cell and are counted as 0.
if (unicode.combining[point]) {
if (point > 0x00ffff) {
ch = content[ci - 1] + content[ci];
if (x - 1 >= xi) {
lines[y][x - 1][1] += ch;
} else if (y - 1 >= yi) {
lines[y - 1][xl - 1][1] += ch;
// Handle surrogate pairs:
// Make sure we put surrogate pair chars in one cell.
if (point > 0x00ffff) {
ch = content[ci - 1] + content[ci];
2015-06-27 17:39:04 -07:00
if (this._noFill) continue;
if ( {
2015-06-27 17:39:04 -07:00
lines[y][x][0] = colors.blend(attr, lines[y][x][0]);
if (content[ci]) lines[y][x][1] = ch;
lines[y].dirty = true;
} else {
if (attr !== cell[0] || ch !== cell[1]) {
lines[y][x][0] = attr;
lines[y][x][1] = ch;
lines[y].dirty = true;
// Draw the scrollbar.
// Could possibly draw this after all child elements.
if (this.scrollbar) {
// XXX
// i = this.getScrollHeight();
i = Math.max(this._clines.length, this._scrollBottom());
if (coords.notop || coords.nobot) i = -Infinity;
if (this.scrollbar && (yl - yi) < i) {
x = xl - 1;
if (this.scrollbar.ignoreBorder && this.border) x++;
if (this.alwaysScroll) {
y = this.childBase / (i - (yl - yi));
} else {
y = (this.childBase + this.childOffset) / (i - 1);
y = yi + ((yl - yi) * y | 0);
if (y >= yl) y = yl - 1;
cell = lines[y] && lines[y][x];
if (cell) {
if (this.track) {
ch = || ' ';
attr = this.sattr(, ||, ||;
this.screen.fillRegion(attr, ch, x, x + 1, yi, yl);
ch = || ' ';
attr = this.sattr(, ||, ||;
if (attr !== cell[0] || ch !== cell[1]) {
lines[y][x][0] = attr;
lines[y][x][1] = ch;
lines[y].dirty = true;
if (this.border) xi--, xl++, yi--, yl++;
if (this.tpadding) {
xi -= this.padding.left, xl += this.padding.right;
yi -=, yl += this.padding.bottom;
// Draw the border.
if (this.border) {
battr = this.sattr(;
y = yi;
if (coords.notop) y = -1;
for (x = xi; x < xl; x++) {
if (!lines[y]) break;
if (coords.noleft && x === xi) continue;
if (coords.noright && x === xl - 1) continue;
cell = lines[y][x];
if (!cell) continue;
if (this.border.type === 'line') {
if (x === xi) {
ch = '\u250c'; // '┌'
if (!this.border.left) {
if ( {
ch = '\u2500'; // '─'
} else {
} else {
if (! {
ch = '\u2502'; // '│'
} else if (x === xl - 1) {
ch = '\u2510'; // '┐'
if (!this.border.right) {
if ( {
ch = '\u2500'; // '─'
} else {
} else {
if (! {
ch = '\u2502'; // '│'
} else {
ch = '\u2500'; // '─'
} else if (this.border.type === 'bg') {
ch =;
if (! && x !== xi && x !== xl - 1) {
ch = ' ';
if (dattr !== cell[0] || ch !== cell[1]) {
lines[y][x][0] = dattr;
lines[y][x][1] = ch;
lines[y].dirty = true;
if (battr !== cell[0] || ch !== cell[1]) {
lines[y][x][0] = battr;
lines[y][x][1] = ch;
lines[y].dirty = true;
y = yi + 1;
for (; y < yl - 1; y++) {
if (!lines[y]) continue;
cell = lines[y][xi];
if (cell) {
if (this.border.left) {
if (this.border.type === 'line') {
ch = '\u2502'; // '│'
} else if (this.border.type === 'bg') {
ch =;
if (!coords.noleft)
if (battr !== cell[0] || ch !== cell[1]) {
lines[y][xi][0] = battr;
lines[y][xi][1] = ch;
lines[y].dirty = true;
} else {
ch = ' ';
if (dattr !== cell[0] || ch !== cell[1]) {
lines[y][xi][0] = dattr;
lines[y][xi][1] = ch;
lines[y].dirty = true;
cell = lines[y][xl - 1];
if (cell) {
if (this.border.right) {
if (this.border.type === 'line') {
ch = '\u2502'; // '│'
} else if (this.border.type === 'bg') {
ch =;
if (!coords.noright)
if (battr !== cell[0] || ch !== cell[1]) {
lines[y][xl - 1][0] = battr;
lines[y][xl - 1][1] = ch;
lines[y].dirty = true;
} else {
ch = ' ';
if (dattr !== cell[0] || ch !== cell[1]) {
lines[y][xl - 1][0] = dattr;
lines[y][xl - 1][1] = ch;
lines[y].dirty = true;
y = yl - 1;
if (coords.nobot) y = -1;
for (x = xi; x < xl; x++) {
if (!lines[y]) break;
if (coords.noleft && x === xi) continue;
if (coords.noright && x === xl - 1) continue;
cell = lines[y][x];
if (!cell) continue;
if (this.border.type === 'line') {
if (x === xi) {
ch = '\u2514'; // '└'
if (!this.border.left) {
if (this.border.bottom) {
ch = '\u2500'; // '─'
} else {
} else {
if (!this.border.bottom) {
ch = '\u2502'; // '│'
} else if (x === xl - 1) {
ch = '\u2518'; // '┘'
if (!this.border.right) {
if (this.border.bottom) {
ch = '\u2500'; // '─'
} else {
} else {
if (!this.border.bottom) {
ch = '\u2502'; // '│'
} else {
ch = '\u2500'; // '─'
} else if (this.border.type === 'bg') {
ch =;
if (!this.border.bottom && x !== xi && x !== xl - 1) {
ch = ' ';
if (dattr !== cell[0] || ch !== cell[1]) {
lines[y][x][0] = dattr;
lines[y][x][1] = ch;
lines[y].dirty = true;
if (battr !== cell[0] || ch !== cell[1]) {
lines[y][x][0] = battr;
lines[y][x][1] = ch;
lines[y].dirty = true;
if (this.shadow) {
// right
y = Math.max(yi + 1, 0);
for (; y < yl + 1; y++) {
if (!lines[y]) break;
x = xl;
for (; x < xl + 2; x++) {
if (!lines[y][x]) break;
2015-06-27 17:39:04 -07:00
// lines[y][x][0] = colors.blend(this.dattr, lines[y][x][0]);
lines[y][x][0] = colors.blend(lines[y][x][0]);
lines[y].dirty = true;
// bottom
y = yl;
for (; y < yl + 1; y++) {
if (!lines[y]) break;
for (x = Math.max(xi + 1, 0); x < xl; x++) {
if (!lines[y][x]) break;
2015-06-27 17:39:04 -07:00
// lines[y][x][0] = colors.blend(this.dattr, lines[y][x][0]);
lines[y][x][0] = colors.blend(lines[y][x][0]);
lines[y].dirty = true;
this.children.forEach(function(el) {
if (el.screen._ci !== -1) {
el.index = el.screen._ci++;
// if (el.screen._rendering) {
// el._rendering = true;
// }
// if (el.screen._rendering) {
// el._rendering = false;
// }
this._emit('render', [coords]);
return coords;
Element.prototype._render = Element.prototype.render;
* Content Methods
Element.prototype.insertLine = function(i, line) {
if (typeof line === 'string') line = line.split('\n');
if (i !== i || i == null) {
i = this._clines.ftor.length;
i = Math.max(i, 0);
while (this._clines.fake.length < i) {
this._clines.ftor.push([this._clines.push('') - 1]);
this._clines.rtof(this._clines.fake.length - 1);
// NOTE: Could possibly compare the first and last ftor line numbers to see
// if they're the same, or if they fit in the visible region entirely.
var start = this._clines.length
, diff
, real;
if (i >= this._clines.ftor.length) {
real = this._clines.ftor[this._clines.ftor.length - 1];
real = real[real.length - 1] + 1;
} else {
real = this._clines.ftor[i][0];
for (var j = 0; j < line.length; j++) {
this._clines.fake.splice(i + j, 0, line[j]);
this.setContent(this._clines.fake.join('\n'), true);
diff = this._clines.length - start;
if (diff > 0) {
var pos = this._getCoords();
if (!pos) return;
var height = pos.yl - pos.yi - this.iheight
, base = this.childBase || 0
, visible = real >= base && real - base < height;
if (pos && visible && this.screen.cleanSides(this)) {
pos.yi + this.itop + real - base,
pos.yl - this.ibottom - 1);
Element.prototype.deleteLine = function(i, n) {
n = n || 1;
if (i !== i || i == null) {
i = this._clines.ftor.length - 1;
i = Math.max(i, 0);
i = Math.min(i, this._clines.ftor.length - 1);
// NOTE: Could possibly compare the first and last ftor line numbers to see
// if they're the same, or if they fit in the visible region entirely.
var start = this._clines.length
, diff
, real = this._clines.ftor[i][0];
while (n--) {
this._clines.fake.splice(i, 1);
this.setContent(this._clines.fake.join('\n'), true);
diff = start - this._clines.length;
2015-08-10 22:57:01 -07:00
// XXX clearPos() without diff statement?
var height = 0;
if (diff > 0) {
var pos = this._getCoords();
if (!pos) return;
2015-08-10 22:57:01 -07:00
height = pos.yl - pos.yi - this.iheight;
var base = this.childBase || 0
, visible = real >= base && real - base < height;
if (pos && visible && this.screen.cleanSides(this)) {
pos.yi + this.itop + real - base,
pos.yl - this.ibottom - 1);
if (this._clines.length < height) {
Element.prototype.insertTop = function(line) {
var fake = this._clines.rtof[this.childBase || 0];
return this.insertLine(fake, line);
Element.prototype.insertBottom = function(line) {
var h = (this.childBase || 0) + this.height - this.iheight
, i = Math.min(h, this._clines.length)
, fake = this._clines.rtof[i - 1] + 1;
return this.insertLine(fake, line);
Element.prototype.deleteTop = function(n) {
var fake = this._clines.rtof[this.childBase || 0];
return this.deleteLine(fake, n);
Element.prototype.deleteBottom = function(n) {
var h = (this.childBase || 0) + this.height - 1 - this.iheight
, i = Math.min(h, this._clines.length - 1)
, fake = this._clines.rtof[i];
2015-08-10 22:57:01 -07:00
n = n || 1;
return this.deleteLine(fake - (n - 1), n);
Element.prototype.setLine = function(i, line) {
i = Math.max(i, 0);
while (this._clines.fake.length < i) {
this._clines.fake[i] = line;
return this.setContent(this._clines.fake.join('\n'), true);
Element.prototype.setBaseLine = function(i, line) {
var fake = this._clines.rtof[this.childBase || 0];
return this.setLine(fake + i, line);
Element.prototype.getLine = function(i) {
i = Math.max(i, 0);
i = Math.min(i, this._clines.fake.length - 1);
return this._clines.fake[i];
Element.prototype.getBaseLine = function(i) {
var fake = this._clines.rtof[this.childBase || 0];
return this.getLine(fake + i);
Element.prototype.clearLine = function(i) {
i = Math.min(i, this._clines.fake.length - 1);
return this.setLine(i, '');
Element.prototype.clearBaseLine = function(i) {
var fake = this._clines.rtof[this.childBase || 0];
return this.clearLine(fake + i);
Element.prototype.unshiftLine = function(line) {
return this.insertLine(0, line);
Element.prototype.shiftLine = function(n) {
return this.deleteLine(0, n);
Element.prototype.pushLine = function(line) {
if (!this.content) return this.setLine(0, line);
return this.insertLine(this._clines.fake.length, line);
Element.prototype.popLine = function(n) {
return this.deleteLine(this._clines.fake.length - 1, n);
Element.prototype.getLines = function() {
return this._clines.fake.slice();
Element.prototype.getScreenLines = function() {
return this._clines.slice();
Element.prototype.strWidth = function(text) {
text = this.parseTags
? helpers.stripTags(text)
: text;
return this.screen.fullUnicode
? unicode.strWidth(text)
: helpers.dropUnicode(text).length;
Element.prototype.screenshot = function(xi, xl, yi, yl) {
xi = this.lpos.xi + this.ileft + (xi || 0);
if (xl != null) {
xl = this.lpos.xi + this.ileft + (xl || 0);
} else {
xl = this.lpos.xl - this.iright;
yi = this.lpos.yi + this.itop + (yi || 0);
if (yl != null) {
yl = this.lpos.yi + this.itop + (yl || 0);
} else {
yl = this.lpos.yl - this.ibottom;
return this.screen.screenshot(xi, xl, yi, yl);
2015-05-05 23:10:18 -07:00
* Expose
module.exports = Element;