var ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') var crypto = require('crypto') var scryptsy = require('scrypt.js') var uuid = require('uuid') var secp256k1 = require('secp256k1') var bs58check = require('bs58check') function assert (val, msg) { if (!val) { throw new Error(msg || 'Assertion failed') } } function decipherBuffer (decipher, data) { return Buffer.concat([ decipher.update(data), ]) } var Wallet = function (priv, pub) { if (priv && pub) { throw new Error('Cannot supply both a private and a public key to the constructor') } if (priv && !ethUtil.isValidPrivate(priv)) { throw new Error('Private key does not satisfy the curve requirements (ie. it is invalid)') } if (pub && pub.length !== 64) { throw new Error('Invalid public key') } this._privKey = priv this._pubKey = pub } Object.defineProperty(Wallet.prototype, 'privKey', { get: function () { assert(this._privKey, 'This is a public key only wallet') return this._privKey } }) Object.defineProperty(Wallet.prototype, 'pubKey', { get: function () { if (!this._pubKey) { this._pubKey = ethUtil.privateToPublic(this.privKey) } return this._pubKey } }) Wallet.generate = function (icapDirect) { if (icapDirect) { while (true) { var privKey = crypto.randomBytes(32) if (ethUtil.privateToAddress(privKey)[0] === 0) { return new Wallet(privKey) } } } else { return new Wallet(crypto.randomBytes(32)) } } Wallet.prototype.getPrivateKey = function () { return this.privKey } Wallet.prototype.getPrivateKeyString = function () { return ethUtil.bufferToHex(this.getPrivateKey()) } Wallet.prototype.getPublicKey = function () { return this.pubKey } Wallet.prototype.getPublicKeyString = function () { return ethUtil.bufferToHex(this.getPublicKey()) } Wallet.prototype.getAddress = function () { return ethUtil.publicToAddress(this.pubKey) } Wallet.prototype.getAddressString = function () { return ethUtil.bufferToHex(this.getAddress()) } Wallet.prototype.getChecksumAddressString = function () { return ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(this.getAddressString()) } // Wallet.prototype.toV3 = function (password, opts) { assert(this._privKey, 'This is a public key only wallet') opts = opts || {} var salt = opts.salt || crypto.randomBytes(32) var iv = opts.iv || crypto.randomBytes(16) var derivedKey var kdf = opts.kdf || 'scrypt' var kdfparams = { dklen: opts.dklen || 32, salt: salt.toString('hex') } if (kdf === 'pbkdf2') { kdfparams.c = opts.c || 262144 kdfparams.prf = 'hmac-sha256' derivedKey = crypto.pbkdf2Sync(new Buffer(password), salt, kdfparams.c, kdfparams.dklen, 'sha256') } else if (kdf === 'scrypt') { // FIXME: support progress reporting callback kdfparams.n = opts.n || 262144 kdfparams.r = opts.r || 8 kdfparams.p = opts.p || 1 derivedKey = scryptsy(new Buffer(password), salt, kdfparams.n, kdfparams.r, kdfparams.p, kdfparams.dklen) } else { throw new Error('Unsupported kdf') } var cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(opts.cipher || 'aes-128-ctr', derivedKey.slice(0, 16), iv) if (!cipher) { throw new Error('Unsupported cipher') } var ciphertext = Buffer.concat([ cipher.update(this.privKey), ]) var mac = ethUtil.sha3(Buffer.concat([ derivedKey.slice(16, 32), new Buffer(ciphertext, 'hex') ])) return { version: 3, id: uuid.v4({ random: opts.uuid || crypto.randomBytes(16) }), address: this.getAddress().toString('hex'), crypto: { ciphertext: ciphertext.toString('hex'), cipherparams: { iv: iv.toString('hex') }, cipher: opts.cipher || 'aes-128-ctr', kdf: kdf, kdfparams: kdfparams, mac: mac.toString('hex') } } } Wallet.prototype.getV3Filename = function (timestamp) { /* * We want a timestamp like 2016-03-15T17-11-33.007598288Z. Date formatting * is a pain in Javascript, everbody knows that. We could use moment.js, * but decide to do it manually in order to save space. * * toJSON() returns a pretty close version, so let's use it. It is not UTC though, * but does it really matter? * * Alternative manual way with padding and Date fields: * */ var ts = timestamp ? new Date(timestamp) : new Date() return [ 'UTC--', ts.toJSON().replace(/:/g, '-'), '--', this.getAddress().toString('hex') ].join('') } Wallet.prototype.toV3String = function (password, opts) { return JSON.stringify(this.toV3(password, opts)) } Wallet.fromPublicKey = function (pub, nonStrict) { // FIXME: duplicate from ethUtil.publicToAddress(), maybe it could be factored out? if ((pub.length !== 64) && nonStrict) { pub = secp256k1.publicKeyConvert(pub, false).slice(1) } assert(pub.length === 64, 'Invalid public key') return new Wallet(null, pub) } Wallet.fromExtendedPublicKey = function (pub) { assert(pub.slice(0, 4) === 'xpub', 'Not an extended public key') pub = bs58check.decode(pub).slice(45) // Convert to an Ethereum public key return Wallet.fromPublicKey(pub, true) } Wallet.fromPrivateKey = function (priv) { return new Wallet(priv) } Wallet.fromExtendedPrivateKey = function (priv) { assert(priv.slice(0, 4) === 'xprv', 'Not an extended private key') var tmp = bs58check.decode(priv) assert(tmp[45] === 0, 'Invalid extended private key') return Wallet.fromPrivateKey(tmp.slice(46)) } // Wallet.fromV1 = function (input, password) { assert(typeof password === 'string') var json = (typeof input === 'object') ? input : JSON.parse(input) if (json.Version !== '1') { throw new Error('Not a V1 wallet') } if (json.Crypto.KeyHeader.Kdf !== 'scrypt') { throw new Error('Unsupported key derivation scheme') } var kdfparams = json.Crypto.KeyHeader.KdfParams var derivedKey = scryptsy(new Buffer(password), new Buffer(json.Crypto.Salt, 'hex'), kdfparams.N, kdfparams.R, kdfparams.P, kdfparams.DkLen) var ciphertext = new Buffer(json.Crypto.CipherText, 'hex') var mac = ethUtil.sha3(Buffer.concat([ derivedKey.slice(16, 32), ciphertext ])) if (mac.toString('hex') !== json.Crypto.MAC) { throw new Error('Key derivation failed - possibly wrong passphrase') } var decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-128-cbc', ethUtil.sha3(derivedKey.slice(0, 16)).slice(0, 16), new Buffer(json.Crypto.IV, 'hex')) var seed = decipherBuffer(decipher, ciphertext) // FIXME: Remove PKCS#7 padding here? return new Wallet(seed) } Wallet.fromV3 = function (input, password, nonStrict) { assert(typeof password === 'string') var json = (typeof input === 'object') ? input : JSON.parse(nonStrict ? input.toLowerCase() : input) if (json.version !== 3) { throw new Error('Not a V3 wallet') } var derivedKey var kdfparams if (json.crypto.kdf === 'scrypt') { kdfparams = json.crypto.kdfparams // FIXME: support progress reporting callback derivedKey = scryptsy(new Buffer(password), new Buffer(kdfparams.salt, 'hex'), kdfparams.n, kdfparams.r, kdfparams.p, kdfparams.dklen) } else if (json.crypto.kdf === 'pbkdf2') { kdfparams = json.crypto.kdfparams if (kdfparams.prf !== 'hmac-sha256') { throw new Error('Unsupported parameters to PBKDF2') } derivedKey = crypto.pbkdf2Sync(new Buffer(password), new Buffer(kdfparams.salt, 'hex'), kdfparams.c, kdfparams.dklen, 'sha256') } else { throw new Error('Unsupported key derivation scheme') } var ciphertext = new Buffer(json.crypto.ciphertext, 'hex') var mac = ethUtil.sha3(Buffer.concat([ derivedKey.slice(16, 32), ciphertext ])) if (mac.toString('hex') !== json.crypto.mac) { throw new Error('Key derivation failed - possibly wrong passphrase') } var decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(json.crypto.cipher, derivedKey.slice(0, 16), new Buffer(json.crypto.cipherparams.iv, 'hex')) var seed = decipherBuffer(decipher, ciphertext, 'hex') // FIXME: Remove PKCS#7 padding here? return new Wallet(seed) } /* * Based on * JSON fields: encseed, ethaddr, btcaddr, email */ Wallet.fromEthSale = function (input, password) { assert(typeof password === 'string') var json = (typeof input === 'object') ? input : JSON.parse(input) var encseed = new Buffer(json.encseed, 'hex') // key derivation var derivedKey = crypto.pbkdf2Sync(password, password, 2000, 32, 'sha256').slice(0, 16) // seed decoding (IV is first 16 bytes) var decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-128-cbc', derivedKey, encseed.slice(0, 16)) var seed = decipherBuffer(decipher, encseed.slice(16)) // FIXME: Remove PKCS#7 padding here? var wallet = new Wallet(ethUtil.sha3(seed)) if (wallet.getAddress().toString('hex') !== json.ethaddr) { throw new Error('Decoded key mismatch - possibly wrong passphrase') } return wallet } module.exports = Wallet