2019-10-30 12:39:21 -05:00

73 lines
2.3 KiB

/*global contract, config, it, assert, web3*/
const SimpleStorage = require('Embark/contracts/SimpleStorage');
let accounts;
const {Utils} = require('Embark/EmbarkJS');
contracts: {
deploy: {
"SimpleStorage": {
args: [100],
onDeploy: (dependencies) => {
return dependencies.contracts.SimpleStorage.methods.setRegistar(dependencies.contracts.SimpleStorage.options.address).send();
}, (err, theAccounts) => {
accounts = theAccounts;
contract("SimpleStorage", function() {
it("should set constructor value", async function() {
let result = await SimpleStorage.methods.storedData().call();
assert.strictEqual(parseInt(result, 10), 100);
it("set storage value", function(done) {
Utils.secureSend(web3, SimpleStorage.methods.set(150), {}, false, async function(err) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
let result = await SimpleStorage.methods.get().call();
assert.strictEqual(parseInt(result, 10), 150);
it("should set to self address", async function() {
let result = await SimpleStorage.methods.registar().call();
assert.strictEqual(result, SimpleStorage.options.address);
it('should have the right defaultAccount', function() {
assert.strictEqual(accounts[0], web3.eth.defaultAccount);
it("should alias contract address", function() {
assert.strictEqual(SimpleStorage.options.address, SimpleStorage.address);
it('listens to events', function(done) {
SimpleStorage.once('EventOnSet2', async function(error, _result) {
assert.strictEqual(error, null);
let result = await SimpleStorage.methods.get().call();
assert.strictEqual(parseInt(result, 10), 150);
it('asserts event triggered', async function() {
const tx = await SimpleStorage.methods.set2(160).send();
assert.eventEmitted(tx, 'EventOnSet2', {passed: true, message: "hi"});
it("should revert with a value lower than 5", async function() {
await assert.reverts(SimpleStorage.methods.set3(2), {from: web3.eth.defaultAccount}, 'Returned error: VM Exception while processing transaction: revert Value needs to be higher than 5');